Cousin Wonpil

I Got Yours, Mine, and Ours

Jinyoung went downstairs to the kitchen at three in the morning to find Yugyeom at the kitchen table writing what looked like to be a letter.


“What are you doing?” Jinyoung asked sitting down next to him.


“I have to write a letter to my mom because one of my possible future wives, the one from the Spanish royal family has decided that she wants to marry for love and not power. She sounded really sorry but it was fine. We became friends and she said that she already let her family know and that they'll tell my mom. But I also wanted to send a letter to my mom just for formalities.”


Jinyoung placed his hand on top of Yugyeom's. “I'm sorry. This choosing a wife thing isn't really all that fun.”


Yugyeom shrugged. “I still have three options left and none of the girls were terrible. It's just that things happen. Plus, if the girl for some reason during marriage turns out to be horrible, Mom, well Step-mom said that all we had to do was produce an heir and then both me and my wife can be free of each other.”


“That is something your step-mother would say.”


“What are you doing down here so early?”

“My cousins have decided to visit. They said since it was me and Caramel Macchiato's anniversary, they wanted to give us their present in person.” Jinyoung got up and opened the fridge. “I figured I could get a head start on preparing. Normally Caramel Macchiato would be the one cleaning but he got in so late from filming.”


Jinyoung grabbed soy milk and granola and headed over towards the cabinets to grab a bowl.




Jinyoung poured some granola into the bowl. “Yes?”


“I hope that whoever I marry we have a marriage just as good as you and Dad have.”





“What cousins of yours are coming over? I didn't even know you had cousins.” Jackson said. The entire family was eating granola and soy milk because the fancy breakfast foods had been put in the freezer for when Jinyoung's cousins arrived. They were also all eating on top of napkins because Jinyoung had cleaned the kitchen and he did not want to have to clean it again.


“Technically, it's only one cousin. My only cousin. His name is Wonpil. I'm sure Caramel Macchiato remembers him well.” Jinyoung was washing all of the dishes he had dirtied.


Jaebum groaned.

“Story, story, story!” BamBam chanted.


Jaebum sighed. “There's no story. The very first time I saw Wonpil, I didn't know he was Mine's cousin. I thought they were boyfriends because of how close they were.”


“Caramel Macchiato had gotten jealous because he didn't want anyone to take his friend away. Although now I can see that friendship was just a cover up of what he really wanted to be with me.”


Yugyeom who gone to collect the mail came up. He only had one letter with him and he was opening it as he went back to his seat. He read the letter stone-faced and serious before setting it down and pouring himself a glass of orange juice.


“Is everything OK?” Youngjae asked.


“Yeah, it's just that another one of the girls that was an option for my marriage wrote me a letter saying that she can't be a candidate to marrying me.” Yugyeom explained.


“Why? Did she say something mean about you? You let me know and I'll go straight to Europe to beat her up.” Jackson said.


“No, it's nothing like that. She's a lesbian. I can not marry a Belgian princess because she can't marry me at all.” Yugyeom said.


“I'm really sorry, dude. At least you still have Sweden and Saudi Arabia.” Mark said placing a hand on Yugyeom's shoulder.


“I'm fine. She was a really nice girl through her letters. She always gave me book recommendations and the perfume that she sprayed the letters with is the best smelling perfume ever.” Yugyeom passed the letter around as everyone took a whiff.


“That really is a nice perfume.” Jaebum said. “Do all of the letters come scented?”

Yugyeom nodded. “Hers was the best ones though. But what can I do? We're royalty we have to get our happy endings. If we don't then people stop believing in them.”


“That's deep bro.” BamBam said, already pulling his phone out to post it on social media.




“Wonpil!” Jinyoung yelled opening the door and hugging Wonpil. He had been looking out the curtains waiting for his cousin to arrive.


Wonpil pulled away from the hug. “It's nice to see you too.”


“Where's Sungjin and the kids? They're leaving the car. We had to park a bit far from the house.”


“It's those neighbours, I swear. Sometimes I feel like they take up more parking space than should be allowed by law. Come in.” Jinyoung pulled Wonpil into the house. “Everyone come meet my cousin and his family that came up from Busan.”


Jackson, BamBam, and Yugyeom looked at Wonpil curiously. He was good-looking, had a thin face, and dark brown eyes. There didn't seem to be anything that would suggest he wouldn't be anything but a kind uncle.


“Hello, it's nice to meet you all. I'm sorry for not stopping by sooner.” Wonpil bowed. He had a melodic voice, in fact there was something strangely familiar about his voice.


“It hasn't been that long.” Jinyoung said.


“It's been two years since you decided to elope with a man that as a boy almost tried to kill me.” Wonpil said.

“Two years? And Caramel Macchiato didn't try to kill you, don't be silly.”


Wonpil made a face that clearly suggested that Jaebum really did try to kill him but he kept quiet.


“Isn't there a singer that's named Wonpil? Or a songwriter?” BamBam asked. Mark and Youngjae didn't respond, they had been quiet this whole time.


“I think it's a songwriter. They're married to that singer, Sungjin. The one with the guitar, he does a bunch of OST's.” Jackson said.


“I'm sorry! Dad couldn't find a parking spot to save his life.” A boy that looked to be around Jackson's age with floppy blonde hair and big glasses entered. “Uncle Jinyoung! Cousin Mark! Cousin Youngjae!” he was speaking in English now.


“Jaehyung! You still haven't returned to university yet?” Jinyoung pulled Jaehyung into a hug.


“Nah, I have a month left before I need to go back to America.” he responded casually in Korean. “Are these the new step-cousins?” He was back to English now. “What are you waiting for? Let's do a group hug.” Before Jackson, BamBam, or Yugyeom could speak they were already pulled into a hug. “And I can't forget about my old cousins.” Youngjae and Mark were much more at ease with the hug.


“Did Jaehyung run off again?” A sighing voice said. “I thought I told him not to do that anymore.” The voice belonged to no other than Sungjin. As in singer Sungjin with the guitar that does a lot of OST's.


“Jinyoung, please do not take this the wrong way but is there anyone famous that you aren't related to?” Jackson asked.


“There are plenty of famous people that I'm not related to. It's just that if they're under JYP, you might need to double check.” Jinyoung said.


Sungjin looked confused. “Did I do something wrong?”


“No, you're fine Honey.” Wonpil said. “I don't think they were expecting you to be the Sungjin. I'm not really one for the limelight so I can't blame them for not knowing.”


“You could have. How many songs have you played the keyboard for and didn't want to credit yourself?” Jinyoung asked.


“I'm fine not having any attention put on me. I never wanted to be famous, it's just with an uncle like JYP it's nearly impossible to escape the limelight.” Wonpil said.


They sat around the table to eat, Wonpil and Sunjin had three more children other than Jaehyung; Brian, Junhyeok, and Dowoon. Everything went fine, even if Dowoon mainly kept to himself.


“You know I'm still mad at Jinyoung for not telling us about you guys but you guys are cool.” Jackson said.


“Well, to be fair I don't really mention Jinyoung either. Sungjin and all of the boys know who he is and so there's no reason to be constantly bringing him up unless something happens.” Wonpil said.


“Jaehyung, where in America do you go to school?” Jaebum asked.


“Long Beach. California State University, Long Beach.” Jaehyung said.


“Is that where you were born? You have really good English.” Yugyeom said.


“Oh no, I just go to school there. I was born in Argentina.” Jaehyung said.


Jaebum, Jackson, BamBam, and Yugyeom all turned to look at Mark. “What is up with your side of the family?” Jackson asked.


Hey guys,

I know it's been a very long while. I am very sorry for what happened and there are a lot of reasons. One of them being that I think this story is reaching it's end. And I do not want this story to end because it means so much to me. I was also sick and busy with work but those are minor reasons, but I am back and so is this story even if the end is very much in sight. Thank you for not giving up on this story. It means so much and to me and I truly love you all.

<3 Smooches <3

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katwangx #1
Chapter 45: Just reread, still in love. One of my fav fics.
katwangx #2
Chapter 45: Omg where is the next chapter
linlin506 #3
TBH I was kinda hoping mark n Hyunsik would be a couple Hahas XD
linlin506 #4
Chapter 41: Erm just curious, but y doesn't mark's girlfriend have a name?
Chapter 45: I'll miss it So much!! btw I'm seeing GOT7 next week in Busan! ^^
Chapter 45: I like this chapter :)
katwangx #7
Chapter 45: awwww, really enjoyed it, I hope you feel better!
Chapter 15: Yow!! *whispers* jeywaypee
Chapter 7: Fudge it's Shinyoung!! I WASNT EXPECTING THAT LMAO.
Before reading this chap, I thought the mom was Lay, then reading the description "too attractive... the best looking guy" so it's Luhan? But yeah it's Minseok.
I will not guess anything about this story coz yeah, it will always just surprise me haha. Keep surprising me tho~[