Welcome Joseph

I Got Yours, Mine, and Ours

It was a normal Sunday brunch for the Im-Park family. Jackson was missing as he was more often than not nowadays with Shinyoung being so pregnant. Everyone was eating the waffles that BamBam had made and it was peaceful and quiet. OK, maybe not so normal but we all know that there is a calm before the storm.


Jaebum's cell phone rang and he picked it up seeing it was Jackson. “Hello?”

Jackson's voice was shaky. “It's time, Shinyoung-noona is in labor, I'll text you the address of the hospital.”


Jackson hanged up and Jaebum looked around the brunch table. “Jackson is going to be a dad.”


“He's been going to be a dad for a while now.” Yugyeom said.

“No, like he is literally going to be a dad. Shinyoung is in labor, they're on their way to the hospital.” Jaebum's cell phone buzzed with an incoming text message.


“Oh my God.” Youngjae said in perfect English.

The Im-Park family literally stormed the maternity ward of the hospital and raced their way around the waiting room where they found Jackson on his phone.

“Shouldn't you be with Shinyoung?”Jinyoung asked.

“She told me to leave because she didn't think I would be able to handle it.” Jackson rolled his eyes.


“She does have a point.” Mark said.

“How does she know I wouldn't be able to handle it if we never went through it before! Either way, she's not technically giving birth now. The nurse said we still have a half-hour before she starts pushing. Apparently she started having feeling contractions at one in the morning but decided only to tell me when she woke up. If she told me as soon as the contractions started we could have gotten here much earlier.” Jackson said.


“And then you would have been like me when Yugyeom was being born. Minrin was dead set on going to the hospital as soon as she felt what could have even been a contraction. We were stuck seven hours in the hospital room. We played Monopoly three times in a row and one and a half round of Pictionary.” Jaebum said.


“I'm sorry.” Yugyeom said.


“Are you nervous?” BamBam asked.


“Nah, I was talking to Taemin-hyung and he gave me some great advice.” Jackson said.


“Why would you take advice from Taemin-hyung?” Youngjae asked.

“Taemin isn't exactly the type of person you would want to go for parenting advice. Taemin has only known about the existence of his daughter for a year.” Jinyoung added.


“But he loves her so much. And he loves his wife too. He almost seems more mature, he said if he had the chance to travel back in time, he wouldn't even think about trying to change and not go to Switzerland. He says that every time he feels like picking on Minho-hyung or Jonghyun-hyung, he's reminded that he's a dad now and can't do that as much.”


“The key word being as much. But I guess Taemin is the only one out of the sons of our friends that you can go for that.” Jaebum sighed. “I just can't believe I'm going to be a grandfather.”


A nurse came out into the waiting room. “Mr. Wang? Oh.” she paused when she saw the crowd that was there. “I see that you brought your entire family along. Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that Shinyoung is going to begin pushing now.”


Jackson leaped up from his chair and re-adjusted the WANG snapback on his head.


The nurse continued speaking. “And she doesn't want you in the room.” The nurse left and went back to presumably help Shinyoung. Jackson sat back down.


“Well, it's a fantastic time to hand these out.” Jinyoung reached into his coat and pulled out four strips of condoms. He handed one strip to Youngjae. “Be safe.” Next, he handed a strip to BamBam.


“It's not possible for a baby to be born!” BamBam whined.


“Then protect yourself from other things.” Jinyoung said. Jinyoung looked at Mark with a doubtful expression and handed the strip half-way before pulling it closer to himself. “Um,” Jinyoung made another false attempt. “Do you-”

Mark took the strip condoms from Jinyoung. “Thank you. You can never be too prepared.”


“I raised you well.” Jinyoung put the last strip back inside his coat pocket.


“Aren't you going to give me one?” Yugyeom asked with a smile. Jaebum looked like he was ready to have a heart attack. “I'm eighteen now.”


“Barely eighteen. And doesn't the Kingdom require you to be a when you get married? Now, if you already chosen which of the girls you're going to marry then I can give you the last strip.”


“I don't think any kingdom in the world still does that. I haven't even graduated high school yet. How are you expecting me to choose which one I'm going to marry.”


“You don't have to choose one.” Jackson said. “You can be with all five of them and have a polyamourous relationship.”


“Jackson!” Jinyoung scolded. “You are literally becoming a father as we speak!”

“You've been a psychologist for how long? I thought psychologists were supposed to be welcoming. Imagine the scandal that it would be if Professor Park Jinyoung wasn't accepting of everyone's romantic and ual choices.” Jackson tsked.


Jinyoung turned to Yugyeom. “You can have a polyamorous relationship if you want. I don't know how your kingdom would feel about it much less the kingdoms of the girls but if that's your choice then we'll have to accept it.”


Yugyeom was bright red. “Nevermind. I don't even need the strip. I'm still a high schooler.”


“Neither you or BamBam should need the strip but BamBam decided to get involved with an older man.” Jaebum said.


“He was born in 1995! Practically 1996! Why do you guys treat my boyfriend like this! You don't treat Mark's girlfriend or Youngjae's girlfriend or Shinyoung-noona like this!” BamBam whined.


“Shinyoung is a grown woman who is pushing out a baby right now! Just like Mark's girlfriend is a grown woman with a restaurant and a pet. Youngjae's girlfriend is someone that looks like she knows what she's doing.” Jaebum said not wanting to admit that he was more than a little terrified of the girl Youngjae was so madly in love with.


“Also what kind of name is Jongmin? That sounds like a name that would be better suited for someone born in 1985 than 1995. Are you sure about his age?” Jinyoung asked.


“Shouldn't we be focusing on Shinyoung-noona and Jackson-hyung right now?” BamBam asked.


“It's alright. We're probably going to be here a while. Labor can take a long time.” Jackson said.


“Speaking of her, where is her family? Are they in the room with her?” Jaebum asked.


Jackson shook his head. “No. They're in Daegu. She didn't want them to make them come all the way up here. They'll probably be coming up soon after the baby is officially born or Shinyoung-noona will take Joseph to go see them after he's a month old.”


“So she's giving birth all alone?” Jinyoung asked.


Jackson smiled. “Well, not completely alone. There were a good number of nurses and doctors there. Plus, she's strong you know. A fighter. She's probably having a better time alone than if she had me and her mom there.”


Jaebum's face softened. “You really love her don't you?”


“I love her so much that sometimes I don't know it's possible. I'm so excited to see what she'll be like as a mom and to see how much Joseph looks like her. I hope he looks like her or at least has her cute smile.”


“Don't all babies look the same when they're born anyways?” Youngjae whispered to himself.


“Did you just whisper?” Mark asked.


“About all babies looking the same?” Youngjae said.


“No, I must be going crazy. I thought for sure I heard Uncle JYP.” Mark said.


“I heard it too. But I didn't tell him that Shinyoung-noona was in labor. I was going to wait for Joseph to be born.” Jackson said.

“But you forgot that I can sense these things.” The whole family turned their heads to see JYP there carrying a fruit basket.


“Aren't there more than a million hospitals in South Korea? How did you even get here?” BamBam asked.

“A true uncle always knows where his family is. Plus Shinyoung had a fast and easy labor. Or you seven spent more time chatting than you realized. Either way, the baby is born.”


The same nurse from earlier appeared. “Mr. Wang? You can go see your fianceé and your baby now.” Jackson stood up and followed her into the room where Shinyoung was.


The nurse led Jackson into the room and stepped out closing the door behind her. Shinyoung was sitting up in her bed, looking better than Jackson was expecting, and in her arms was Joseph.


“It's good to see you Jackson-ah. Come closer, he isn't going to bite you.” Shinyoung said with a smile.


Jackson came closer. “How are you feeling?” He didn't look down at Joseph just yet.


“Better than I was giving birth and immediately afterwords. I already fed Joseph and that made me feel a lot better. Aren't you going to look at him?”


Jackson looked down and he didn't understand how anyone could think babies all looked the same. Joseph already a few strands of black hair on his head and his nose already looked more like Shinyoung's than his. He was beautiful. “He's so beautiful. We made a good-looking kid.”


Shinyoung laughed. “Jackson, he was born ten minutes ago. He looks like any other baby.”


“Yeah but he's our baby.” Jackson gave Shinyoung a quick kiss. “You did so good. I'm so proud of you.”


“You're not going to start crying are you? And I didn't do it alone, it takes two to tango.”


“But you gave birth to him all on your own.”


“And that's the last time.”


Jackson got personally offended. “What do you mean the last time? We need to have a mini Wang army! Plus Candy, considering how we are it would make sense for us to have more than one baby.”


Shinyoung rolled her eyes. “Oh my gosh, Jackson, what am I going to do with you?”


Jackson smiled. “Be the mother of my child. Be my wife. Be my Candy.”

Shinyoung placed Joseph in Jackson's arms. “Well then, if that's your plan, cuddle him for a little while before you have to go back outside and tell your family the news. I'm taking a power nap.”

Shinyoung readjusted herself in the bed and closed her eyes.


Jackson paced around the room while looking down at Joseph. Like his mother, his eyes were getting droopy and ready to fall asleep. “You're so cute. I'm going to be a good dad. I'm not going to be strict or hit you but don't go running around supermarkets or I'm going to have to yell at you. Your mom is a really nice lady. She's going to make you laugh all the time and your grandads both of them are going to spoil you so much. You're going to have five uncles here in Seoul and one great-great-great uncle that's going to mold you into an idol if you want. I love you so much.”


Jackson laid Joseph in the crib and blew a kiss to Shinyoung's sleeping form before stepping outside. The rest of the family had moved to right outside the room.


“How is she? How's Joseph?” Jaebum asked.

Jackson said nothing but instead wrapped his arms around Jaebum. “You are the world's greatest dad and now I know you're going to be the world's greatest grandfather. Thank you so much for everything Dad.”Jackson let the tears he was holding in, in front of Shinyoung fall out.

Jaebum had his own tears welling up and rubbed Jackson's back. “I wasn't the world's greatest but I know you're going to be. I didn't do anything special except love you.”


Jackson finally pulled away and wiped at his tears. “But just that was enough.” Jackson faced Jinyoung. “What about Doctor Park Jinyoung? In two years you went from a dad of two to a dad of five to a dad of five and a grandfather.”


Jinyoung gave a light punch to Jackson's arm. He had light tears coming down in his eyes. “And I look better for my age than you do. How does Joseph look like?”


Jackson's tears started up again. “He's the most beautiful person I've ever seen in my life. You should see him, he's so small even if his weight is apparently just right for a baby. He already has some black hair and I know he has Shinyoung's nose. I hope he looks even more like her as he gets older. I don't care if he looks nothing like me, he's perfect.”


“What happened to the Jackson that would marathon TV-dramas with me with beer and chicken?” Mark teased.

“I don't know why you're saying that, that's a bad thing. You're going to need to change as well. I don't want my son's godfather to be stuck in front of the TV all day.”


“Wait man for real?” Mark spoke in English.


“Of course.” Jackson answered back in English. “There's no one else.”


“You know Jackson-hyung. I didn't think you would actually pull off having a baby but now I see how much more matured you've become. I was thinking Shinyoung-noona was going to send you back after a day of you living with her but now I can see that you can handle it.” Yugyeom said.


“I'm confused. What do you mean? Just because Shinyoung-noona gave birth doesn't mean we're going to be living together. I was just there for her because I didn't want to leave her alone so close to the pregnancy. We never said anything about living together. Living together before marriage is a sin. I'm going to be living at home.”


Jaebum could feel the incoming migraine. “Jackson! Shinyoung literally just gave birth to a child that you have and made before marriage! How are you going to say that living together before marriage is a sin? Were you not thinking about sinning when you got her pregnant!”


“Are you saying that you want to get rid of me!”


I honestly can't believe that Joseph is born??? Like I got emotional writing this and I think all newborn babies look alike. But I feel like we've been working towards Joseph's birth forever.  26 chapters actually.

I almost made this chapter angsty like a tragedy occuring but then I was like no, don't do that because what if you regret it? So instead we have a happy and nice chapter with all the love of ' Confession Song'

<3 Smooches <3

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katwangx #1
Chapter 45: Just reread, still in love. One of my fav fics.
katwangx #2
Chapter 45: Omg where is the next chapter
linlin506 #3
TBH I was kinda hoping mark n Hyunsik would be a couple Hahas XD
linlin506 #4
Chapter 41: Erm just curious, but y doesn't mark's girlfriend have a name?
Chapter 45: I'll miss it So much!! btw I'm seeing GOT7 next week in Busan! ^^
Chapter 45: I like this chapter :)
katwangx #7
Chapter 45: awwww, really enjoyed it, I hope you feel better!
Chapter 15: Yow!! *whispers* jeywaypee
Chapter 7: Fudge it's Shinyoung!! I WASNT EXPECTING THAT LMAO.
Before reading this chap, I thought the mom was Lay, then reading the description "too attractive... the best looking guy" so it's Luhan? But yeah it's Minseok.
I will not guess anything about this story coz yeah, it will always just surprise me haha. Keep surprising me tho~[