Meet The Queen

I Got Yours, Mine, and Ours

Yugyeom was in his room listening to music and looking at a magazine when Jaebum knocked on his door even though it was already opened.


“Just wanted you to know that your mom is coming over in two days.”


Yugyeom set his magazine aside. “Can't she start telling us more in advance when she's coming over?”

“You know how your mom is. Apparently, it's very important news regarding your status in the kingdom.”


“She always says that.”


Jaebum shrugged his shoulders. “And every time we think it's going to be something actually important. The Korean government is giving her some type of award. She's only going to be visiting for a couple of hours.”


Yugyeom rolled over to the other side of his bed and stared at the frame on his nightstand. It was a photo taken of him when he was fourteen and the last time he visited the kingdom. There he was dressed in the prince's official outfit and sitting on a throne next to his mother. He gave a small smile to the picture. It was pretty cool going somewhere and having the whole country throw a giant party just because you happen to be there. People even posted his picture on the walls of restaurants and hotels. It was just that his mom could be a little, well, a lot, loud and talkative and was always flipping her hair back.


The day had finally arrived for Yugyeom's mother to make her appearance. Jinyoung was nervously looking out the window from the living room. “What is she like?” he asked Jaebum who was next to him.


“Nothing to be worried about. You met her at the castle when we got married.”


“That's different. People obviously treat their children different than they treat other adults. She could be a very serious type of mom.”


“She's a cool mom. Yugyeom loves her. They're like friends. Mainly because as much as she loved being pregnant, there isn't a maternal bone in her body.” Jaebum said.


“I think that's her!” Jinyoung said shaking Jaebum's arm. A black limousine that two had black cars in front of it and two black cars behind it was driving along the street. The limousine stopped and a man from each car stepped out, both highly muscular and wearing black suits. One of them opened the door of the limousine while another held his hand out. Out of the car came Yugyeom's mom.


“I should go open the door.” Jaebum said getting up. He opened the door and waited for Yugyeom's mother. “Minrin!” he said.

“Jaebum! It's so great to see you.” Jinyoung heard Yugyeom's mother say. He walked over to the door.


“Minrin, this is my husband as you know.”


Jinyoung shook hands with Minrin. “It's great to see you again.”


“I know! We barely had the chance to speak when you boys were in the kingdom. Too busy running off and getting married.” Minrin winked before smiling and laughing. Jinyoung was struck once again by how Minrin and Yugyeom had the exact same smile and laugh. Minrin when she smiled was Yugyeom's older, female and black haired carbon copy.


“Yugyeom is in his room.” Jaebum said.


“Great,” Minrin said before she turned around and yelled out the door in a foreign language Jinyoung assumed to be that of the kingdom's.


One of the muscular men came in carrying a large bag and another came in carrying two flower crowns. He placed the bigger and fancier one on Minrin's head before handing the less intricate but still overwhelming one to her. The muscular man carrying the large bag also handed it over to Minrin. Both of them bowed before going back out the door. Minrin went up the stairs in search of Yugyeom.


“I still can't get over how she and Yugyeom look alike when they smile.” Jinyoung said once Minrin was gone.


“I know, it's like I had nothing at all to do with the process.” Jaebum sighed.


“Don't say that. I can see the similarities between you and Yugyeom.”



“Yeah, your eye smiles, both of your eyes crinkle up when you smile too hard.”


“Jinyoung, almost everyone's does that.”



Minrin knocked out the door once and waited for Yugyeom to open it.


“Hello-, Mom! It's so great to see you. I've missed you so much.” Yugyeom said throwing his arms around Minrin.


“It's great to see you too! Now let me into your room.” Yugyeom opened the door wider and let his mom pass through first. Minrin flopped herself on the bed and Yugyeom sat down on a bean bag chair he had in his room. “It's not as messy as I was expecting it to be.”


“You know how Dad is about making sure everything is clean.” Yugyeom said.


“Tell me about it,” Minrin said rolling her eyes. “He's even like that at work. I remember when we were working together on the drama, he would go around, sometimes in the middle of filming, and check to see if everything was in order and cleaned. The lead actress would get so annoyed. Then again she did get annoyed at everything. There's a reason why she seems to have disappeared from the industry.”


“How's step-mom?” Yugyeom knew very early on in life that if he didn't cut his mother off there would be no guarantee of when or even if she would stop talking.


Minrin flipped her hair back and the smell of peaches filled the air. “She's doing great. She's been busy with getting ready for a national sport competition so she couldn't come. She did tell me to tell you that she's sending all her love and a big kiss and this.” Minrin reached into the large bag and rummaged around before finding two thin and long black boxes. She handed one to Yugyeom. “Go on, open it.”


Yugyeom opened it and inside was a pen. It looked to be ball-point and made of solid gold. He uncapped it to get a feel for it. On the side of the pen there was 'Prince Yugyeom' inscribed on it. “Wow Mom. Tell her I like it, I really do.” Yugyeom smiled.


“She'll be glad to hear that. The ink in the pen is also pure liquid gold.”


“Wait, pen ink from gold?”


“Of course. She loves you like your her own son. And technically with inheritance rights, you are. Everyone in the Royal Family uses gold ink. With that pen I bet none of your teachers will think about failing you.” She handed the other box to Yugyeom. “Open this one too.”


Yugyeom opened the other box and pulled out a bracelet made from gold chains, the chains themselves were medium-sized compared to the large one he saw his step-mother wear and the large chain with a large diamond in between each empty space that his mother was actually wearing but compare it to anything most of his classmates would be wearing it would stick out like a sore thumb. “Is she really giving me a gold chain bracelet?”

Minrin tickled the sides of Yugyeom's stomach lightly and quickly before retracting her hand. “Of course, silly. Did you just miss me saying that she thinks of you as her own son? Plus, I have quite the fashion sense in the kingdom.”


Yugyeom remembered the time his dad once said that his mom had impeccable taste in makeup obviously and to this day people still talk about her makeup skills as a work of art but her taste in clothing was average at best and left to her own devices could only do one hairstyle: having her hair down and brushed. “I'm sure you do, Mom. Isn't the Duchess of Cambridg-”


“Kate. Call her Kate, Yugyeom. You're royalty, it's fine.”


“Isn't the Duchess of Cambr-I mean, Kate, considered a fashion icon in England?”


Minrin gave a wistful smile. “And I'm right there standing next to her on the fashion scale.”


Yugyeom wondered if he should say anything to break the mood. Or if anything existed that could be said.


“Oh, I almost forgot to put this flower crown on you.” Minrin pulled the flower crown out of her bag and Yugyeom bowed his head while Minrin put it on him. It was the flower crown Yugyeom had come to identify as his own;large flowers all done in pastel shades of purple.


“Thank you.” As Yugyeom got older he learned to love the flower crown a lot more. It was a symbol of the country he would one day lead and a symbol that he was, in despite of everything, a prince.


“The reason I put you in that flower crown is because I have something to tell you about the kingdom.”


Yugyeom re-adjusted himself and braced himself for his mom to say something about how he needed to choose what colour flower he wanted for his section of the Royal Garden or if he thought that the Royal Church should get new stained-glass windows.


“You need to choose a bride.”


Yugyeom nearly fell of his bed. “I need to choose a what?”


“A bride. Yugyeom, I know how important love is nowadays but we need to choose you a bride. We're not forcing you to choose one right, we made up a list of the potential candidates and you can pick whoever you want. You can date them all to see which one you like best. And if by the end, you really can't imagine spending your life with any of them, not even in the friendship but also produce an heir type of way, you can marry whoever you want. Do you not like girls?”


“No, I like girls and I know you always said that my marriage was going to be arranged, which doesn't even make sense because your marriage to step-mom wasn't arranged.”


“That was a different time and a different case.” Minrin said bluntly.


Yugyeom chose not to fight her. “But why does it have to be now?”


“You're graduating from high school soon and we all desperately want you to receive higher education in the kingdom. Or if you don't want higher education go straight to princely training.”


Yugyeom sighed. “Do you have pictures of the girls?”


Minrin smiled. “Of course, let's go downstairs. Knowing your dad and the rest of your family, they'll want a say.”


Downstairs in the living room, everyone crowded around Minrin and Yugyeom as Minrin placed five photographs on the table. The photographs were all relatively large, the kind used in picture frames that commemorate special events, of five girls all around Yugyeom's age. Some seeming to be older and some seeming to be younger, and some the same age.


“The redhead is pretty cute.” Mark said pointing to the one on the very left. “Her hair is a lighter shade of the auburn that I used to dye my hair.”

“Hers is all natural.” Minrin said. “She's a countess from Belgium. She's a year older than Yugyeom and she studies economics at a university. She's a very intelligent girl.”


“They all seem nice. “ Yugyeom said. And they all did, he didn't know if it was because of the fact that these photos were clearly going to be shown to him but they all had a smile on their face and the photos were taken from the best angle possible.


“My least favorite is the British one.” Minrin said.


“Why do you hate the British royal family so much?” Jaebum asked.


“I don't hate them!” Minrin said. “I just find their meetings to be boring and that Kate needs to learn that there are other royal females that have better fashion sense.” Minrin pointed to British royal girl that she had placed dead center in the middle. “Her left eye is blue and her right one is green. She also once showed up to the only British royal event that I ever attended with a wristband still on from a concert she attended and a belly button ring.”


“I think she looks pretty cool.” Yugyeom peered at the girl's picture, you could clearly see her mismatched eyes.


“What about our girl from the Middle East? She's the closest to being in line for the throne out of all the girls here but it won't really matter because they'll give it up once they marry you.” Minrin said. The girl from the Middle East as she had said was on the very left.


“Isn't that a bit unfair? Why do they have to give up their thrones to marry Yugyeom?” Jackson asked.


“Because none of them are within the top two spots from the throne. If they were also next in line for the throne like Yugyeom was, presumably we wouldn't be having this. They would need to marry someone that wouldn't cost them the crown. If Yugyeom wasn't next in line for the throne we would be sending out pictures of him to every royal family there was.”


“People always did say you would make an excellent idol.” Jaebum told Yugyeom.


“What about this girl here?” Jinyoung pointed to the girl next to the Middle Eastern. “I think she has a very pretty smile.”


“She does have a nice smile. I can't tell if her nose is contoured or just that nice.” Minrin picked up the girl's picture and brought it closer to her face for further examination before setting it down again. “She's from Spain's monarchy, she's some type of noble.”


“I think the last one is the best. I like the tattoo she has.” Mark said. The girl in question had a small tattoo of what looked like to be a butterfly in the center of her hand.


“That's our Swedish royal. The tattoo isn't real. It's one of those fake ones that you pat down wet on your skin. If you look closer you can see it's fading and that there is glitter to it.” Minrin said.


“I don't know, Mom they all seem like very nice people.” Yugyeom said.


“You're too nice Yugyeom. You have some time left to decide.”


“Remind me why he can't get married for love?” Jaebum asked Minrin.


“Because as the heir to the throne we need to ensure that he has a suitable wife.” Minrin said. “We're one of the last countries that still work on an arranged marriage basis.”


“Minrin, you do realize that you are part of a love marriage right?” Jaebum said.


Minrin cleared . “I know and I was special case. I want Yugyeom to continue the tradition, do you have any breadsticks in your house?”


“Caramel Macchiato said you liked them so there's some in the kitchen.” Jinyoung said.


Minrin smirked. “Caramel Macchiato?”


“Don't you call your wife, Sparkle Queen? Or did Instagram accidentally add that tag in?” Jaebum teased.


“I'm going to get my breadsticks.” Minrin walked into the kitchen. Everyone stared at the photos while she was gone.


“Are you really going to marry one of them?” BamBam asked.


“I have to. I'm sure they're all nice. I've always wanted a puppy.” Yugyeom sighed.


“You want a dog?” Mark said getting excited. “Really? We should get one for the house! I'll make sure it doesn't go near Nora. Noona knows the names of a bunch of great shelters.”


Yugyeom laughed. “No hyung. Puppy is the nickname I want to call my girlfriend.” Yugyeom's face turned red.


“Oh Yugyeom, honey don't do that.” Minrin said coming back into the living room. She was holding three breadsticks in one hand and you could see a few peeking out from her bag. “I know that this has to be your dad's fault. Jaebum always seemed like the type to give weird nicknames.”

“Mine is not a weird nickname! Especially coming from someone who uses the nickname Sparkle Queen!” Jaebum said.


Jaebum and Minrin then proceeded to argue, not in a serious way or in any way that suggested that their relationship would be affected, just the type of argument that you knew they always had.


Jinyoung brought Youngjae and Mark closer to him. “Have I ever told you two that I am so thankful that all of you are so in control about your relationships? Neither of you need a woman to make you happy. And Mark, I'm so glad that the noona you met at the park with the cute dog doesn't care about nicknames.”


“S-s-sometimes I call her Baby.” Mark stuttered out.


“Yeah but Baby is normal isn't it?” Jinyoung said. “It's not like you're calling her Puppy or anything.”


Jackson leaned over Yugyeom's shoulder to get a better look at the potential brides. “You know what this means little brother don't you? I'm going to have to give you the talk.”


“Jackson-hyung, I don't think you really need to do that.” Yugyeom said.


“What? Of course I do.” Jackson said in English before switching back to Korean. “I need to teach you everything I know about being a man.”

“I'm pretty sure Uncle JYP offers classes on it. I'm sure he'll let me in.” Yugyeom said.


Jackson was persistent. “No, no little brother of mine is going to get the talk from some stranger when the best option is right there in front of them.”


Hello Everyone!

I asked for what you wanted to see and a lot fo you were asking for the maknaes. always wanted to better flesh out Yugyeom and his kingdom so here it is! the next chapter will be dealing with BamBam and I wil be of course having something with the comeback and real Got7 episodes and Jackson's baby and the first anniversary of this fanfic!  

Speaking of the comeback did you all like it? I really like the song and I love love the music video!

<3 Smooches <3

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katwangx #1
Chapter 45: Just reread, still in love. One of my fav fics.
katwangx #2
Chapter 45: Omg where is the next chapter
linlin506 #3
TBH I was kinda hoping mark n Hyunsik would be a couple Hahas XD
linlin506 #4
Chapter 41: Erm just curious, but y doesn't mark's girlfriend have a name?
Chapter 45: I'll miss it So much!! btw I'm seeing GOT7 next week in Busan! ^^
Chapter 45: I like this chapter :)
katwangx #7
Chapter 45: awwww, really enjoyed it, I hope you feel better!
Chapter 15: Yow!! *whispers* jeywaypee
Chapter 7: Fudge it's Shinyoung!! I WASNT EXPECTING THAT LMAO.
Before reading this chap, I thought the mom was Lay, then reading the description "too attractive... the best looking guy" so it's Luhan? But yeah it's Minseok.
I will not guess anything about this story coz yeah, it will always just surprise me haha. Keep surprising me tho~[