My heart is only for Minho not for you Jonghyun! NEVER!



(On the school)

It was a ordinary on school. Proably, 1 week before the all. Haha, yeah I know I'm advance at buying some clothes for that ball. Who cares? Also Jonghyun does the same thing too. keke. I was quitly walking on the very usual long hallway. Jonghyun didn't bother at me at all although I know he's present. Oh, is this really happening? keke.


I continue my walk in the hallway. When then I saw huge number of boys screaming loud their lungs out just like they were crazy fanboys. keke. It was really an award moment for me to walk with some guys there. But somehow, I realize that they were oncentrating about someone there. So, I continue walking. I heard some boys gossiping about something.


"Oh, she's so hot!" A boy shout as he blush redingly.

"I heard she was Jonghyun's ex-girlfriend, right?" A boy asked. Actually that mkes me more curious about that girl and make me shock that she was Jjong's ex-girlfriend.

"Wonder why Jonghyun broke up with such a pretty girl!" Another boy said.

"I wish I'm her boyfriend!" Another boy said.

"I heard she just recently came from England. She's a famous athlete there. But she's pure Korean." A boy said. 


It made me doubt more about the girl. Is she really Jonghyun's ex-girlfriend? So, I try to look at that girl. AND SHE WAS SOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL! I can't help to look at her pretty face. She's in a nice curly long hair with a very clear face. While her shoes are a pair of high heels. She even look like a barbie doll. She was really pretty. 


Until a girl who's satnding right beside her pointed me. 


"That girl! She's Jonghyun's current girlfriend!" The girl yelled while pointing at me.


She look at me straightly while raising her right eyebrow. I got shocked. Until, she walk while looking at me. Oh! She's coming! And because of nervousness, I close my eyes immediately. 


And she slowly comes forward to me. I can hear her footsteps while closing my eyes. I can smell her nice perfume. Until finally, I open my eyes. She tap my shoulders. She give me a very sweet smile. I got surprised. I thought she will do something bad to me but instead she offer me a nice handshake. 


And because of surpriseness, I blankly looked at her hands. Finally, I gave my hands to her and we start shaking hands. Her hands were really soft. 


"Oh..Ah.. Anyeong!" I said shyly.

"Oh hi! Nice to meet you! I'm Han Chae-Hee!" Is what she said.

"Hi! Nice to meet you Ms. Han Chae-Hee!" I bow after saying it.

"Oh please don't be so formal to me. You can call me Chae-Hee Unnnie!" She said in a friendly way. Oh my, she's so friendly! 

"Oh alright Chae-Hee Unnie! By the way, I'm Park Min Ae!" I said cheerfully.

"Nice name huh. And I heard you are Jonghyun's current girlfiend, right?" She asked.

"Uhhm.. Ah.. Ye.. Yes!" I said shyly.

"Oh, I see. Jonghyun really do have good taste in choosing up girls huh cause you're really pretty!" She complimented.

"Oh, haha. Actually you're prettier than me!" I said.


Until, s a lady from our back yelled.


'Ms Chae-Hee, why you're treating her in a friendly way? I mean, she's Jonghyun's current girlfriend! You should have hate her!" The girl yelled.

"Uh excuse me. Who are you to tell her those thing to her? She's such a nice girl and there's no reason for me to treat her badly." She defend me. The girl walk away. 


"Thank you Unnie! Kamsahamnida!" I said while bowing. 

"You're welcome!" She said.

"You want me to tour you here in school? .. While the teacher haven't arrive yet." I invited her.

"Ah, are you sure? Uhmm, actually I'm here to find Jonghyun. But I think it's also nice idea to be tour here! So, let's go!" She said cheerfully.

"Let's go!" I said.






I search for Min Ae. I can't see her. So, I go at the Hallway. I see many people there at the Hallway. I just don't mind the people there. So, I continue for searching Min Ae.


After few walks, I finally see her. She's with someone. Offcourse it's a girl. But I don't think it's Jang Eun. I'm on their back. Until, I grab her waist and hug it. I immediately kiss her cheeks.


"Hey babe! Miss me? Hahahaha.." I hug her even tighter.


She immediately jumped off upon hearing my voice. I laugh at her.


"Whatever! -.-" She said in an annoying face.


The girl look at me. AND CRAP. She's my ex-girlfriend. I got shocked. Suddenly, it became an akward moment. And then, I grab Min Ae.


"Babe, why is she here?" I whisper in Min Ae's ears.

"Oh Chae-Hee Unnie? She's my friend from now on.. Is there something wrong?" She said. 

"Ah.. Nothing." I said.


Then finally we face Chae-Hee. I can't believe she's here. She became more beautiful.


"Oh Annyeong!" I bow after greeting her.

"Annyeong Oppa!" Chae-Hee said.






I look at Jonghyun and I think he got shocked. It became an akward moment. Suddenly, Jonghyun grab Min Ae. He whisper something to Min Ae.


I can see that he really do love Min Ae. The way Jonghyun hug and kiss Min Ae is a sign of having a deep love for Min Ae. Actually before, when we still have a realtionship, Jonghyun didn't express his love for me like he does in Min Ae. Now, I feel regrettibg broking up with him. Actually, I still do have feelings for him.


Then, finally they face me.



"Oh Annyeong!" Jonghyun bow after greeting me.

"Annyeong Oppa!" I greet back.


Jonghyun hug Min Ae even tighter in her waist. Actually, right now, I feel jealous. I just can't take to look at them. I can recall back my relationship before upon looking at them.


"Oh babe, do you think it's time to go to classroom?" Jonghyun asked Min Ae.

"How about Chae-Hee Unnie?" Min Ae asked.

"No, it's ok. I can tour your school by myself." I said.

"Are you sure?" Min Ae said.

"Yes, it's fine." I said.


Then we walk goin through the classroom. The whole time we were walking, Jonghyun holds Min Ae hands tightly like he will never let Min Ae go. I really envy Min Ae for how Jonghyun treat her. I think Jonghyun treat Min Ae specially. Finally, we reached their classroom. I wave goodbye to them and turn around.


They two stay in the Hallway. They didn't know I was looking at them secretly.


Jonghyun look at Min Ae and hold her hand. He was facing the front face of Min Ae. He immediately kiss Min Ae's forehead and smile at her.


"You leave first!" Jonghyun said.

"No, you first!" Min Ae said.

"No, I want you to leave first!" Jonghyun command.

"What's the sense of leaving first? It's just the same!" Min Ae said while sticking her tongue out.

"Cause I want to see you leaving! Who knows? Maybe there will happen something bad to you so I hvae to look at you! Is it wrong to assure that you're safe, huh!" Jonghyun explained.

"Aish! Whatever!" I can see Min Ae's face is blushing. Jonghyun pinch Min Ae 's blushing cheeks.

"Argh! Jonghyun! stop!" Min Ae said.

"No, I won't stop!" Jonghyun said while sticking his tongue out.

"Whatever!-.-" She  said then turn around. Jongyun really look at Min Ae while she's leaving. I guess he really wants to assure that Min Ae is safe. I really envy Min Ae. Immediately, Jonghyun goes back to his classroom.


Actually I came here because I receive an invitation from their principal to their Grand Ball as their guest. And it's right timing cause I recently came back from England. I'm an athlete there. Their principal said that she's a big fan of me. And the reason why I go here is because I want to talk to Jonghyun. But I didn't expect that I will see the girl who replaces my place in Jonghyun's heart. I want Jonghyun to go back with me but it's seems too late already.






I'm terribly sorry guys for not updating to early and for making you wait so very much long. I know this Chappie is not too good but please keep on supporting me. Well, I really want to start another Fanfic but I think I should end this before doing another one. I don't want to rush things. By the way, Belated Happy birthday to my Father! I wish many more b-days to come! Well, I think I should end up here since I'm talking too much random stuffs. Awoo! Thanks to all and God Bless! ^-^




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Chapter 79: This is a great story! I mean it's light and easy to understand. Woah I cant believe you made this years ago and I just read it today on 2015!
Anyway, I think there are some parts that could be extended likee when Jonghyun was accused to make a girl pregnant, I think it could be longer than that lol
But dont worry, you made a great story!♡♡♡ thank you for making it♥
Qwerty123asdf #2
Gooooooood one
ur title tho
@lightblueyay: thank you ^^ hehe, though its already finished, thanks for commenting :))
Awe..some! Fanfic!!!
@BlingerJjong: thanks ^^ yeah at first it was a fake one but later on it's gonna be true ^__^ oh, you're werejen's sister? oh thanks for both of you for supporting my fic, enjoy! ^____^
BlingerJjong #7
I'm Werejen sister.<br />
<br />
BlingerJjong #8
Oh it's fake relationship. Super sweet LOLz XD<br />