Butler's Lesson 101


He is smart. She is dumb.

He is calm. She tends to over-react over little things.

He is poor. She is rich.

He has this thing for money. She doesn't care about money no matter how rich she is.

He knows everything in life and can teach her. She doesn't know much about life but she can learn from him.

But what if it ends up that he actually will be the one that will learn something from her? 


Kris being the most famous butler in town was hired by the most elite family in town. When I say elite family, I meant the family who held the most power on the government... which happens to be the presidential family. That being said, he had a mission he has to accomplish and this is seriously no joke

Aeyoung living in a princess-like life and knows nothing much about life has to learn from the said most famous butler in town hired by her father since she was on her last year in highschool and has to go to a university a year after. She doesn't get why her father must get a butler inorder for her just to learn about life. She isn't one of those es that possibly swim over their loads of shopping bags either but she admits, she's just dumb and well... stupid.

Will Aeyoung finally gets her lesson about life? Or will Kris actually ends up being the student?


*Kris and Aeyoung were out on a city inorder for Kris to teach her about city life.*

"Well, this how the city goes like. Cars honking, people passing by, fast life and any sort of fast scenes that actually--" 

"Blah blah blah blah. Uggghhhh, Kris why are you so formal? Why can't we have fun? I mean you know, were out in a city, we suppose to have fun!" 

"Milady, city doesn't always function like that. City isn't always fun. You have to learn that."

"Alright. Fine. I'm leaving you. If you don't want then fine. I'm going to have fun with my ownself."


"And please, when did I got the name 'milady'? Kris, just stop on these stupid lesson games. Were out of the mansion already!"

"Milady, you don't know what are you talking. You have that courage to say that since you are not on my place."

"Uh-oh. I hit the wrong words.. Sorry? I'll treat you, don't worry!"

Aeyoung dragged Kris along with her. Kris sighed. Aeyoung always views life as simple and stress-free as that and it had worried Kris more. If she just know, life isn't always all about candies and bubbles, there is undiscovered side she still doesn't see.



Author's note

I just hope this turns out good!~~

Please support my story ^^~



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KrisLuforever #1
Chapter 3: Update Soon~