(EDITING) Letter from Prince Charming (왕자님으로부터온 편지)

Chen went in his room the minute he reached home. He rested himself on the bed and stared at the plain white ceiling. 

"Oh the letter....," he remembered the letter that he had kept in between his white top and blazer. He took it out. He wasn't expecting anything at all but his both hands were shaking as he held onto the red envelope. Regret. But without a second thought, he opened the envelope, hoping to read the contents of the letter that was written by him again. 

Instead, a light pink paper appeared inside the envelope. From what he could recall, the paper that had used to write his letter was just a white foolscap paper. 

"Eh? Pink letter?" The curious Chen took it out and read it.

Chen smiled and quietly mumbled to himself as he read the first few sentences of the letter. He was beyond surprised that Mi Hyun actually wrote back to him.


".... I hope that girl whom I supposed is not feeling well is alright. And one more thing, oppa, did you really not hear me when I call out your name when I walked passed you? I only wanted to be friendly...."

The last few sentences of the letter has made him realise that in one way or another, he had hurt her. 

*knocks x3*

"Jongdae-yah" his mother called out. 

His room door suddenly turn slightly opened.

"Eh..... eh ya eomma what do you want???"

"Ppali wash up yourself and get changed, we're gonna visit your sister in the hospital!" 

"Just me and you? How about appa? Isn't he going to visit Jieun-nie as well?"

"Yes. He's coming after he is done with his assignments at work."

"Ah.... okay if that's the case i'll be ready in an hour's time"

He closes the door and locked it. His mind went back to where it used to be. Mi Hyun. He was relieved that she was not feeling a complete fool. But, he wondered how things are going to move on from here. He knows clearly how he ignores her completely whenever she walked passed in school. He did it purposely but he had his reasons why. He knew if he was going to continue behaving like this around her, he is going to hurt her evern more. But if he started to exchange conversations with her, it could cause a huge drama in the entire school. And he absolutely didn't want either one of that to happen. 

"Ah...... jinja..... what do i do??? I can't reply to this letter..." Chen massaged his temples while closing his eyes. He felt troubled. He opened his eyes and puts back the letter inside the red envelope. Before placing it in the drawer, he scoffed at the sight of it.

"Seriously Mi Hyun... what were you thinking when you put this letter inside this envelope? Are you trying to fool me? *laughs*"

"Ah! envelope envelope. Do I have a new envelope???" Mi Hyun searched everywhere. She had written the letter the night before, but she only placed it on her desk and went to sleep right after.

"6.35am? Ah Oh Mi Hyun ppali!!! Or everybody in school will know about this!" 

Mi Hyun tried to avoid getting noticed for making her way to his locker. Even Yura doesn't know about her plans of writing him a letter. That's how secretive she was about herself. 

As she was going through her textbooks to check if she had stuck any envelope in between, she came across the red envelope that came along with the letter he had given her. 

"Let me just use this then..," she took out the letter from inside the envelope and put the folded light pink paper inside. 

"Gwaenchanha! There's no need to explain why I reused this! He's going to know that I am the one who wrote the letter! Since my name's right in front of this envelope he he!" Mi Hyun thought as she looked again at the red envelope. 

The next few days turned out to be hell for her.  She had never expected things to turn out this way. She only hoped that things would change for the better, but it didn't. Chen not replying back to her letter made her feel like a complete fool. 

Yura noticed how exactly Mi Hyun had been acting strange lately. She pleaded Mi Hyun to tell her what exactly happened to know what's wrong. 

"Nothing." Mi Hyun quietly replied. The cheerful Mi Hyun has dissapeared. And her bestfriend clearly knows the person who caused all these. It was none other than that one guy, Kim Jongdae. 

"Until when are you going to lie to me again? Am I not your bestfriend? Do you not trust me? Yah tell me, is it because of Kim Jongdae?!" 

Mi Hyun nods her head slowly. Unlike how it used to be all the time, she would nod her head excitedly whenever questions regarding Jongdae were asked. But this time, sadness was written all over her face.

"I wrote him a letter. I was just hoping he would write back to me.... But it's been days and he didn't. I feel like a complete fool right now.... eotokkhe" Mi Hyun said to Yura. 

"Mianhae Mi Hyun, but don't you think you should have considered just letting go of the feelings? What's the point of holding on to it when all that you're getting is nothing but false hopes? If he's not replying to your letter, and could coolly walked passed you without even acknowledging your existence, what does that make him then?  I'm sorry to break this to you but what happens if it was all fake? All the things he said in the letter... what happens if he's going to be the guy that really turned you into a fool??? The people around you, they have already made you suffer. I don't want to see you suffer anymore.... So Mi Hyun-ah, I really think you should just let go. If you don't see the point of staying, then all the more you should not hold on to the feelings you have for him."

"But it's always easier said than done, Ah Young," Mi hyun turned to look at Yura, "Kumawo. He's not somebody who I have liked for just awhile. Let me..... let me think about it first."



The past few days has been hell for me. But I went to INFINITE's One Great Step yesterday! AND its rlly rlly true that Myungsoo looks extremely good looking in real life. His features is rlly daebak. And Sungyeol.... Sungyeol looked totally different on TV and live. He's 10x more good looking irl I swear. The rest of the members are so good looking as well! I wasn't feeling well ytd so I woke up today feeling a lot worse. My head's throbbing ever since I woke up and I'm currently suffering from PCD T T Lost my voice too sigh. 

Anyway, today's update! You're thinking that Jongdae's an ***hole for doing that to MiHyun, I thought so too heh. BUT you will know soon why he did that to Mi Hyun and why he didn't reply to her letter. And Yura's such a kind friend right? ^__^. So you guys finally know now who Jieun is ya? Jieun is Jongdae's sister!

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wonwooeu #1
Chapter 8: Lol my name is Jieun...and my last name is Kim... OML BLESS MY BROTHER KIM JONGDAE ♡♡♡♡♡. I get is a sin but omfg its chen -_- kille me now ♡
SaeMii #2
Chapter 43: take ur time and update soon...
im waiting
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 43: Still here for you!!!!
Chapter 43: im still here. oh
Chapter 43: Please update soon!! :D i'm still here hehehhee thank you ^^ yup jongdae got more and more muscles nowaday D:
Banging_bangtan #6
Chapter 25: Pwahahhahahahahaha
Laughing at tao txt lol!!!!!bath mr jaebal pwahahahahahhahahahaha.
Chapter 22: interesting! feels like I'm watching a drama! :)
frhtissa #8
Chapter 42: A great story aaa it kinda hard to find chen story here thank God i found you authornim lol
Hello new reader here! The description and foreword itself is already interesting! :)