(EDITING) Letter from Prince Charming (왕자님으로부터온 편지)

EXO  formed a staright line, holding each other's hands, bowing 90 degrees to their fans before leaving the field. Fried chicken and Pizza were waiting for them at the back of the field to celebrate their victory. A simple message was left on one of the pizza boxes. 

'To the kids who never disappoints! Celebrate kids. You guys have played well and you deserve this. Chukkhae! I'm sorry I can't be there to celebrate with you I have to be somewhere else now. Eat well! - Coach Lee'

Without even exchanging conversations, they each carried the foods to their usual hangout place. They needed privacy as well as to avoid the attention from people. Especially their hardcore fans. It was a quiet journey throughout. They were all too exhausted, even Baekhyun.

They arranged the foods neatly on the table the minute they reached, gulped down as much water as they could and sat down before starting to eat.

"Guys..... do you know what happened today at the field????" Baekhyun asked everyone once he regained all the energy. 

"What? We won against M2M" Tao was quick to reply. 

"WRONG. Pabo. You were not even observing! Ugh," 

Suddenly, Chanyeol clapped his hands. 


Loud claps filled the entire room as they applaud for Chen. Tao nodded his head and his expression turned into a smile from a confused look it was, upon realising what Baekhyun was actually talking about. 

"Aishhh.... this friend. You should pay more attention starting from now on you idiot" Baekhyun glared at Tao who was right beside him and smacked his head. 


"Whatever" Tao playfully stuck out his tongue at him while rubbed that part of his head that got hit.

" And you guys are the dumbs who accused me for not putting the letter inside her locker. It's ok I forgive you guys, let this be another reason to celebrate today's victory too" Chen said to everyone.

"Mianhae hyung. You know I always love you he he. *made a heart over his head using his hands*" Kai showed his aegyo to Chen.

"*scoffs* Disgusting," Chen shot him a disgusted look.

Chen felt good when he thought about what happened earlier. He was touched with her cute messages written on the board, constantly supporting him while seating in the crowd. Sure, Chen may have many fans but it's incomparable to the other members who has more. But despite being happy, he was also worried. His constant worry was how is he going to face Mi Hyun when he sees her around in school. How should have to react in front of her? Will she approach him and asked things regarding the letter? He kept asking himself. 

"Jongdae, why are you staring into space. Ppali eat the food before it's gone!" Xiumin snapped at Chen, demanded him to come back to reality. Chen put those thoughts at the back of his mind and enjoyed the feast. 

Ever since the confession, Mi Hyun has been looking forward to going to school everyday. Supporting Jongdae for his matches has become more like a routine for her. She also admitted to Yura that she's a fan of EXO.  Jongdae's matches though, was something she always looked forward to. This was because she figured out that it's the only way that they can communicate with each other. It doesn't matter if it's from afar, so long as Jongdae noticed her messages and responds to it was already enough to make her on cloud nine. 

However, she still finds it unusual how he pretends like he didn't see her whenever they were nearby each other in school. It was obvious that she was completely hurt by the fact that each time she tried starting a conversation with him, he completely ignores and just walked with the rest of s. He pretended like he never see her. And it made her wonder how he could comfortably communicate with her from afar during his matches but not during normal school hours where they would constantly bumped into each other. His actions made her confused. 

One day during break time in school, Chen together with EXO was making their way towards the school's cafeteria while Mi Hyun and Yura was making their way to the teacher's office to pass their assignments. 

As they walked passed by each other, Mi Hyun tried calling out for Chen, at the same time hoping she would get noticed. 


Mi Hyun: Jong-dae op-----pp-----a *raised up her right hand and waved at Chen*
Chen: HAHAHAHAHA DON'T MAKE UP SUCH STORIES THAT NEVER HAPPENED *talks loudly with the rest of the members*
Mi Hyun: *looks down in disappointment and sadness after getting ignored* 
Yura: Moya? He just walked pass you like that? He clearly did saw you. I saw him cornering his eyes at you. How can he just ignore you after making a confession? 
Mi Hyun: It's ok Ah Young- ah. I'm fine. Don't worry about it. 
Yura: You're everytime lying when it comes to things like this. ugh. 
Mi Hyun: *smiles*


Countless of times this has happened to her. Although she gets sad, her expression never shows. Whenever Yura talked about how ridiculous he was behaving in front of her and not having pride as a man after he confessed, Mi Hyun reasoned out that he was just being shy and tried to remain positive and optimistc. Or she would just brushed it off by saying that she's fine. 

And to the rest of the EXO members, they have totally gotten over the game. To them, it's just a dare that Chen had succesfully done and Mi Hyun was just one of the victim. And whether she fell for it or not, that's not their problem anymore. Mi Hyun was just a complete fool. 


WOW what is Jongdae doing to Mi Hyun?! You're probably thinking that he's such a jerk right now. But keep reading guys! I don't know if today's chapter is short but yeah, here's an update!

By the way, I have a feeling there are people who are confused why I used Jongdae then switched back to Chen for the past chapters. Well thats because, Mi Hyun specifically knows Jongdae by the name Jongdae and does not know that Chen is his nickname. And the entire EXO knows that Chen is a nickname for Jongdae but prefers to call him by his real name Jongdae instead. I hope you guys understand! Goodnight guys! 

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wonwooeu #1
Chapter 8: Lol my name is Jieun...and my last name is Kim... OML BLESS MY BROTHER KIM JONGDAE ♡♡♡♡♡. I get is a sin but omfg its chen -_- kille me now ♡
SaeMii #2
Chapter 43: take ur time and update soon...
im waiting
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 43: Still here for you!!!!
Chapter 43: im still here. oh
Chapter 43: Please update soon!! :D i'm still here hehehhee thank you ^^ yup jongdae got more and more muscles nowaday D:
Banging_bangtan #6
Chapter 25: Pwahahhahahahahaha
Laughing at tao txt lol!!!!!bath mr jaebal pwahahahahahhahahahaha.
Chapter 22: interesting! feels like I'm watching a drama! :)
frhtissa #8
Chapter 42: A great story aaa it kinda hard to find chen story here thank God i found you authornim lol
Hello new reader here! The description and foreword itself is already interesting! :)