(EDITING) Letter from Prince Charming (왕자님으로부터온 편지)

Mi Hyun's POV
I woke up to the pouring rain outside the car. The car stopped outsidea 2-storey house. Finally, after what seemed like forever. 

"We've reached," Hee Sun imo said to me as she parked her car in the garage and stopped the engine.

'So this is how her house looks like... wait, this is huge for just two people...' I thought. 

I opened the door and immediately went to the back of the car to get my luggage. I remained silent until I entered the house. I was welcomed by Jungshin, imo's son. 

"Annyeong Mi Hyun ah! Yah! It's been long! I've missed you so much!" he said to me excitedly when he saw me walking into the main door of the house. 

"A-a-a ny-e-ong" I replied awkwardly. It's been years since we both met. The last time we played with each other was back then during my childhood, which I probably can't remember any of it now. Anyway, he was like a complete stranger to me. 

"Mi Hyun-ah. Sit down in the living room first. Imo will come back in a while with drinks." She said to me. Jungshin oppa directed me to the living room of the house. I sat down on the sofa, while looking at the photo frames that were hung on the wall. It was just pictures of Hee Sun imo and himself. I swear, anyone would have believed that both of them are siblings. That's how young Hee Sun imo look to even pass-off as a 40 year-old ahjumma.

She came back with a glass of water, placing it on the table. She took a sit on the couch. Jungshin oppa was sitting right by my side. 

What is this? What is it with them staring at me like that..... I wondered for that few minutes. Curious thoughts filled my mind about why I was being sent here if oppa isn't going overseas. It stopped when my aunt finally spoke up. 

"The reason why you're here...... is because.... your mother called me the other time. She said she needed help. I wondered why she was crying."

Eomma crying? When did that even happened? 

"Unnie told me she just couldn't take how her daughter managed to put on a smile even when she gets bullied all the time in school. It breaks her heart seeing you like you're pretending you're alright, when you're not. So she sent you here."

Is that all? Wait.... what!?! How did she know that I was pretending. Did she..... did she read my diary?!?! Aish and the contents about Kim Jongdae too?! Eotokkhe.....

My eyes was close to tears. She knew it all along and only kept quiet about it. But she sent me here just because of that?! That's a little ridiculous. There must be something that she and Eomma have planned. 

"Geulaeseo?" I asked imo, trying to dig out more.

"Geulaeseo.... as a nutritionist for the past 10 years and having a personal gym trainer myself, I'm going to help you.............." she stopped there, keeping me in suspense. 

"Ah what is it?! Ppali!" The more I waited, the more frustrated I become.

"To lose weight."

"Mwoh?! Eomma wants you to do that?!" I said it out loud in disbelief.

I was disappointed. How could my own mother do that? It's like as though she wanted me to go under a knife, just by sending me very far away. 

"It'll be tough. But I'll guide you. You'll get used to it. And trust me, you'll be more confident." she reminded me, at the same time convincing me. 

"Ani. If this was what she wanted you to do. No, I'm not going to do it. Why do I have to go through so much pain just to make myself pretty? Let me talk to her, let me borrow your phone." 

She dialled the number before passing the phone to me. I went to the balcony while waiting for eomma to answer the call. Still, it feels different being under one roof with the two people I have never seen for the last 10 years of my life. It's uncomfortable. I needed privacy. 

"Yeobeosaeyeo?" The line finally got through. 

"Eomma... why did you do that?"

"Mianhae Mi Hyun. Good things will come to you if you stay there, I promise you." 

"What?! By sending me away just because of that? Are you kidding me? And eomma, why did you read my diary? Why were you even invading my privacy?" I was mad. But I don't know why did I say all that to her when I knew very well that it would hurt her. 

"Yah, what is there to hide when you're my daughter?!" She raised her voice. 

"Andwae. Whatever you asked your sister to do. I'm not going to do it." I insist.

"Mi Hyun.... my Mi Hyun. Listen to me. Just this once."

I never said a word. I gave her the chance to speak. 

"Mi Hyun, do you want to continue getting bullied? Do you want to look back, reading through your sad and heartbreaking diary entries in the future? And regret and ask yourself, "Why didn't I do anything about it?" Have you ever wanted to be beautiful? Because I know, deep down, you hate yourself for who you are physically. Don't ever deny it to me. I know you well. Because if you wouldn't, those painful diary entries wouldn't even have existed. And I am sorry for reading your diary and invading your privacy, I know it's wrong. Because it was the book that I got you, I was curious about its contents. So I just happened to read those entries."

"Mi Hyun, do it for yourself. Let yourself be really happy for once. You're not going to regret it, I promise you. To me, you're always beautiful, my daughter. But this isn't for me. It's for you. I send you away for a year because I know you needed a break, from everything. You need it sweetheart. You're going to comeback feeling so much better than where you're at now, I can only say that....." 

I can hear the sound of sadness in my mom's voice. It made me sad as well. She's like the fairy godmother in the fairytale Cinderella, always wanting the best for me. She's always trying to find solutions just for the sake of my happiness, except that she's my very own mother. And for a moment, I felt blessed. And touched. Suddenly, tears were streaming down my face. 

"Eomma.... jungmal, mianhae. I will do it. I am going to do it. I'll see you in a year, and you'll probably won't even know if I'm your daughter." I wiped away the tears with the back of my hands. 

"Now that's my daughter. Don't give up. Always believe in yourself, arachi?" she cheered me on. 

"Of course. Kumawo, eomma" the line got cut suddenly because of the connection. But it thankfully, it only got cut after I thanked her for everything. 

I went into the living room. Both oppa and imo was looking at me, my eyes were swollen. 

"Imo...... Oppa...." I looked at both of them, they both returned the exact same look at me when I kept them in suspense.

"I am going to do this!


I nod my head, pursing my lips. "Neh! Jinja!

She came to me and hugged me. 

"Yah Mi Hyun you want to know something? I always told eomma how pretty you would be if you're skinny. Really! Maybe the guys that you ever liked before that have made your heart broken would come back to you, regretting evrerything later!" Jungshin oppa said to me. That was the first thing a guy has ever said to me. Pretty. And I'm ever so flattered to hear that comment from a guy.  

His last sentence suddenly reminded me of that particular someone. 

Kim Jongdae. 

After yesterday, will we ever meet again?

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wonwooeu #1
Chapter 8: Lol my name is Jieun...and my last name is Kim... OML BLESS MY BROTHER KIM JONGDAE ♡♡♡♡♡. I get is a sin but omfg its chen -_- kille me now ♡
SaeMii #2
Chapter 43: take ur time and update soon...
im waiting
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 43: Still here for you!!!!
Chapter 43: im still here. oh
Chapter 43: Please update soon!! :D i'm still here hehehhee thank you ^^ yup jongdae got more and more muscles nowaday D:
Banging_bangtan #6
Chapter 25: Pwahahhahahahahaha
Laughing at tao txt lol!!!!!bath mr jaebal pwahahahahahhahahahaha.
Chapter 22: interesting! feels like I'm watching a drama! :)
frhtissa #8
Chapter 42: A great story aaa it kinda hard to find chen story here thank God i found you authornim lol
Hello new reader here! The description and foreword itself is already interesting! :)