(EDITING) Letter from Prince Charming (왕자님으로부터온 편지)

6:00pm, they arrived at Hongdae's noraebang. 

"Can we have the biggest room?" one guy amongst the 12 asked the women at the counter. 

"Ye, we have the room that's located upstairs. That's the biggest room. And may I know for how long are you going to book that room for?" the lady asked. 

"For the entire night! Okay no, I'm just joking! Probably until 11pm?" he suggested. 

The lady then brought them to the level above. It was a huge room, big enough to fit 12 of them.

"I'm going to go get some snacks. You guys need anything? Street food? Dukbeokki?" Chen asked. 

"Yah! HOW CAN YOU FORGOT ABOUT SOJU!? Aren't we all already legal?! We need that! Let's party tonight!" Daeho, the one who planned the outing, said loudly to Chen. 

"Ara. I'll get that. See you guys later." 

As he was about to leave the room, the girls who were whispering to each other stopped him.

"Yah Jongdae-ssi, don't you need any help?" they asked.

"Gwaenchanha, I think I will be fine on my own" 

"I don't think so." 

One of the girls pushed Mi Hyun who hasn't sat down on the couch. "Mi Hyun will follow you!" 

"Yah! You guys!" Mi Hyun yelled at the girls. 

"See you both later! Annyong!" The girls ignored. 


Did the girls in class have some private talk or something together with her? Which is why they made her follow me? Well, maybe that dream could be true afterall. It could be that she told them that she has some feelings for me, she's just refused to admit it to me now. Aish jinja.... what a cutie. 

"Don't assume things." Mi Hyun suddenly said to me as we walked on the pavement along the shops. 

"Huh? What do you mean?" I became clueless to her statement. 

"You're probably thinking that they do that because I have feelings for you, didn't you?Well, what I'm going to tell you is that, it's nothing like that." Mi Hyun explained. 

. How did she know that that was exactly what I'm thinking about right now? 

"What are you talking about? I didn't even have that thought in my mind..." I emphasized and lied. 

Things turned really awkward after that when we both stopped talking. As she's walking right by my side, I swear my hands are really itching to hold her hands that are swinging happily. But I don't even have the courage to do that. Kim Jongdae, what kind of a coward man are you. 

"Do you want anything else, besides all these?" I asked her while my eyes pointed directly at the bags of food that I'm carrying. 

"Ani. Let's just go back now." She calmly replied 

That frustrates me. How can she be all calm when she talks to me after all of those things that happened between the two of us?

"Pass me that, let me carry some." She offered to help. But I refused. The things are heavy, but I don't want her hands to suffer carrying these bags.

"Geurae. I offered my help. Don't say that I didn't." She said to me as she walked away. Her empty and pretty hands still happily swinging back and forth. "What's the point of me following anyway..." She said softly to herself. I heard that, what she had just said. 

"Nobody asked you to follow anyway..." I retaliate

"Yah!" She looked at me and then glared, probably annoyed. I was controlling myself from laughing at how cute her reaction was. 

As we entered the room few minutes later, I felt like my eardrums were about to burst. The music was at its maximum volume, along with the noise coming from the mic, it almost felt like the entire room was shaking. I honestly wondered who was the one that increased the volume to full blast.

Without even asking, I took the remote and lower down the volume a little. I placed the everything that I bought on the table and then took a sit on the couch. I was secretly hoping that Mi Hyun would sit right beside me. But she didn't, she sat at the seat right across instead. 

"You're back? Wah that's a lot food! And you didn't forget about soju too! Come guys lets party!" Daeho said as he started to open the bottles of soju. 

"Let's listen to my favourite girl group! Girls' Day!! I'm a fan~ Oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh gi dae hae~" another guy said excitedly while doing the moves for Girls' Day's Expectation. 

"Ey we've got a fanboy! Wait, let's listen to that later! I love that song too but there's one song that I really liked from last year! It's not Oh My God! but what is it..... Ah yes, Don't Forget Me!"  a girl said as she took the remote, changing the song. 

I rested my body on the couch, unsure about what was going to happen next. From where I was, I could clearly see Mi Hyun, who looked really clueless too. 

The song began and Jiwon who suggested to play the song got hold of the mic and began singing. I've never heard of this song before. Only Expectiation.


How is this song..... she thought. Almost three-quarter of the lyrics of the song best describes her feelings that she had for Chen all these while. From back to high school where she was bigger and now. She tried stealing a glance at Chen during the rap part of the song.

'I remember when you said I'll forget you when the time passes, but I am still remembering you now.'

It reminded her of him. S
he was caught sooner and their eyes met, making eye contact. She looked away quickly. It turned out that the exact same part of the song reminded him of Mi Hyun too. It's a song that conveyed a thousand words. 

When the song ends, Chen observed Mi Hyun as she took a bottle of soju in her hands and started drinking. 2 bottles all by herself and it was already enough to make her a little tipsy. Because the rest were too busy having fun, nobody came to stop her. Chen however, didn't even lay his hands on a single bottle despite his high tolerance for alcohol.

Out of nowehere, she suddenly stood up from her seat. She snatched the mic from one of her classmate and began singing to the song that was playing - SISTAR's Alone. He couldn't help but to laugh at himself when he saw her dancing to the song. Especially during the part of the chorus. This was the first time that he saw this side of Mi Hyun. She was adorable, he thought.

The song stopped and she went back to the couch. She was about to take the next bottle but Chen took it away. 

"Give me back!" she said, obviously not aware about what's happening or who she was talking to. He ignored her and went on putting the bottle away from her. She eventually gave up and laid back on the couch. 

"I'm going to sing a song." Chen said to everyone's surprise. He has never spoke a single word throughout the entire session at noraebang but only rested on the couch and watched everyone else having fun. 

"Really?! Ara. Jongdae-ssi will sing the last song before we leave this place! What song are you going to sing Kim Jongdae-ssi?" one guy asked. 

"Kim Bum Soo's song, I Miss You."

Everyone clapped their hands. They all became curious at how Chen would sing it. Because afterall, it's not just anyone who can deliver that difficult song well. 

'I will dedicate this song to you, who is sleeping comfortably right now....' he said silently to himself. 

Loud claps were heard the moment he finished the song with his last note. At that time, there was one thing that nobody noticed when they were in the dark room. He had tears that streamed down his face while he was singing the song. 

"Yah Kim Jongdae! Why were you just sitting at the corner and not sing since just now?! I didn't know you could sing so well! I had goosebumps!" Daeho said loudly to Chen across the room. 

"Hmm,  there's this saying. Save the best for the last? Haha." he joked. 

"Eyyyyy....." everyone said to him, except for Mi Hyun who was sleeping soundly on the couch.

"Okay guys! It's time for us to leave now. Make sure everything's clean before we go." Daeho said to everyone. 

"Wait. Oh Mi Hyun, what do we do with her? It must be all that alcohol just now." a girl asked the rest. They stopped to take a look. For a minute, they thought about what they should do.

"Ah!"Jiwon had an idea. "Kim Jongdae-ssi! You send her back home!" 

"Are you crazy? I don't know her home address!" Chen came up with an excuse. 

"I have it! I know where she stays! It's just a 20 minutes walk from here"

"Then why don't you send her home instead?"

"Because it's not a girl's job to take care of a girl when she's drunk! Here you go! Her address. Good luck sending her home~" 

Everybody left the place, with only the two left in the room. 

'What do I do with you, Oh Mi Hyun....' he carried her on his back and make his way out. Of all days, this was the day that he did not drive to school. He wanted to flag for a cab, but gave up and decided to just walk her home instead. 

"Kim Jongdae." he heard her call his name as she rested her head comfortably on his shoulders. 


"Bogoshipda...." his heart felt happy somehow as he heard that came out from . 

"Nado.... " he replied her.

Her apartment building wasn't hard to find at all. And on top of that, it wasn't a burden carrying her around. He enjoyed it despite the left side of his shoulder being wet from her drool. 

As he came out of the lift, he saw a man standing out of the house. He wondered who it was. 

"What is Oh Mi Hyun doing with you?" he asked in a cold tone. 

"The entire class went to noraebang and she got drunk, which explains why I'm here. And you are....?" he asked in curiosity. 

Could this be..... that guy? he thought. 

"I'm her brother. Anyway thanks for taking care of her and sending her home. I know my little sister is a little out of her mind when she's drunk. What's your name?" 

*Oh God Kim Jongdae so all these while you've been fooled. Damn it Oh Mi Hyun.*

"Jwohyo?" He asked as he put Mi Hyun down on the ground. "Kim... Jongdae." 

The door flung opened out of a sudden, causing the two to be shocked. It was none other than her mother. She took noticed of Chen. She remembered vividly of the picture that Mi Hyun kept inside her diary. It was him, she recognised this face.

"You're Kim Jongdae, right?" she asked to clarify. 

"Ye auntie." he bowed at her. 

"What are you doing with my daughter again? Aren't you ashamed of yourself for bringing down a girl's confidence like that? Minkyu get in now. I'm going to close the door." her mother ordered her brother. 

"Sorry not sorry. So you're the guy who broke the heart of my precious little sister..... nice knowing you." he went in, bringing Mi Hyun along. 

"Eommoni!" he called out her mother as she was about to close the door on him. 

Her mother stopped, "What?! Eommoni?! Are you crazy!? "

"Set us up! On a blind date! Jaebal! I'll make everything work for sure!" he begged her. 

"Mwoh? No, that will never happened. You being my future son-in-law is the last thing that I want." she slammed the door on him. 

"Then, I'm just going to wait her until you agree" he shouted loudly through the door so she could hear. 

An hour passed by and Chen was still outside sitting on the floor. As he was about to sleep, the door opened again. Mi Hyun's mother pitied him. She realised how serious he was about his feelings for her daughter and that made her see him in a different light. She decided to give him a chance. 

"Okay, I will set her up on a blind date with you. But in just one condition, you have to win her heart. It's your one and only last chance. Or else there's no way I'm allowing the two of you to be together." she said to Chen who suddenly stood up.

"Kamsahamnida eommoni!" He bowed many times at her. "About that! Don't worry! I already have an idea what to do!" 

"Eommoni, eommoni... you can only call me that when you're her boyfriend, oh? Now go home. I don't want my neighbours to be complaining. Goodnight." she closed the door. 

"YES!" He threw his fist to the air, things are finally going right for him. 

He took out his phone from his pocket, looking through the messages on his Kakaotalk. 

"Jongdae-ya eodiya?"
Suho hyung

"Hurry come to Suho's house now!"
Babyface Xiumin hyung

"Yah Mr Kim where have you been?! Friday night is for EXO"

"Jongdae Jongdae Jongdae Jongdae Jongdae"

"Jongdae Jongdae Jongdae Jongdae Jongdae Jongdae Jongdae"
no. 2 Chanyeol 

"Hyung eodiya?"
Cutie Sehun~ ; Kyungsoo mom

"Kim Jongdae, are you coming to Suho's place soon? Quick you're missing out the fun."
Lay hyung 

"Dude, where are you? All of us are here except you"
Kris hyung

"Jongdae-ssi we called you so many times but can't get through. We're sleeping over at Suho's today. Come back here."
Luhan Hyung

"Hyung, eodiya?! Ppali come home. And bathe with me jaebal!"
Tao babo~

Those were the messages that the other members have left for him on the group chat, with the latest message sent at 11pm. 

He replied to their messages at midnight.

"Hi guys. Sorry I didn't check my phone. And everyone, I need your help!^o^

Yay! Aren't you guys excited at how things are going to turn out? I know there are silent readers around. It'd be really nice if you leave your comments after reading! Thank you~ 

P.s/ Won't be updating as much this week because of school. Hope you understand ;;

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wonwooeu #1
Chapter 8: Lol my name is Jieun...and my last name is Kim... OML BLESS MY BROTHER KIM JONGDAE ♡♡♡♡♡. I get is a sin but omfg its chen -_- kille me now ♡
SaeMii #2
Chapter 43: take ur time and update soon...
im waiting
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 43: Still here for you!!!!
Chapter 43: im still here. oh
Chapter 43: Please update soon!! :D i'm still here hehehhee thank you ^^ yup jongdae got more and more muscles nowaday D:
Banging_bangtan #6
Chapter 25: Pwahahhahahahahaha
Laughing at tao txt lol!!!!!bath mr jaebal pwahahahahahhahahahaha.
Chapter 22: interesting! feels like I'm watching a drama! :)
frhtissa #8
Chapter 42: A great story aaa it kinda hard to find chen story here thank God i found you authornim lol
Hello new reader here! The description and foreword itself is already interesting! :)