(EDITING) Letter from Prince Charming (왕자님으로부터온 편지)

"Where did you get my number?" she asked in the reply text, clicking the 'send' button without much thoughts.

"Are you curious now?ㅋㅋㅋ" a text message came in shortly.

"Yah! I'm not going to tolerate it if you're going to joke around with me! Or did you... stalked me all these while!?"

'Stalk?! Why would she even think of that?! *scoffs* Am I that obsessed to even stalk her!?'

"Think about it! Who else have your number besides me? Goodnight, jagiya♡ ~"

"Eomma?!" she said it loudly the minute she reached her apartment door. No one else that have her new number, besides her very own mother.

She pressed the doorbell and within a few seconds it was opened, greeted by the two people who stayed with her in the house.

"Congratulations Oh Mi Hyun!!!" they even waited for her despite it being late and already the bed time.

Mi Hyun reacted with a frown, which made them wondered why.

"Eomma, why are you always keeping things behind my back. I don't like it."

"At least you're happy now, aren't you!" she said to her daughter.

"What do you think? I can't believe you even planned things with Jongdae-oppa behind my back!"

Her brother nudged his mother who was standing right beside him. "So have you guys kissed?!" she asked excitedly, with her hands clasped together.

"Eomma!" she screamed at the top of her lungs at her mother before immediately going into her room, slamming the door.

The brother and her mother hi-fived each other the minute she closed the door on them. They felt happy for Mi Hyun, for her happiness. It turned out that her brother had secretly followed her to check how Chen had carried out the date. He had doubts, because he was the same guy who had broke the heart of his little sister before. But he was impressed when he saw how everything went. He thought that Chen was a genius to prepare such things that he himself had never even thought of doing before.

Meanwhile, Mi Hyun laid on her bed immediately when she closed the door. She replayed back the moments that happened at the restaurant in her head and smiled thinking of the little surprises Chen had prepared. It came to her senses that he's already her special someone when she took a look at the messages he sent her. How playful and cheesy he was, she couldn't take it.


"Jagiya?! Isn't it too soon to be calling me that already?!" she asked herself as she read his last text message again. "Ahh!" She blushed, smiling as she tossed and her bed, unable to believe the reality.


"I shall save it as this then! Ja..... Gi.... Ya.... oooh! let's not forget the heart too~ hehe" she said out loud while saving his number into her phone.


The weekend passed by with the two communicating with each other through instant messages. But just a day of not seeing each other felt like a year to him. The members noticed how Chen never ever let go of his phone, like it suddenly became one of his precious belongings. And everytime he received a text reply from Mi Hyun, a wide smile plastered on her face. 


"Aish Kim Jongdae! Stop it! That face is annoying!" Baekhyun said to him.


"You're really jealous aren't you? That you don't have a girlfriend!*laughs*" Chen asked the question right back at him.


"Mwoh?! So you're showing off now?!"




"Chenchen, Baekhyun... can you both please stop arguing?! Maybe you should consider making him your girlfriend instead Chen, since you both are always fighting." Kris joined in the conversation.


 Baekhyun quickly denied the idea. "Ani! Hyung! How can you say that? Never in my life will I have a relationship with a guy!" he pouted.


"Relax, I was just joking!" Kris said.


"Aish shut up! I'm trying to concentrate here!" Chen ordered.


Baekhyun and Kris looked at each other.


"What's there to concentrate when you talk to your girlfriend, pabo!" Baekhyun said to Chen as he hit his head with a pillow.


"Ouch!" he carefully rubbed that part of his head that got hit.

"This? Or this?!" Mi Hyun was fickle about choosing her outfit of the day. She wanted to look good for her boyfriend. "Perfect!" she settled for a skirt and a blouse. Monday blues was no longer monday blues for her. She was looking forward to school. She took a last look at herself in the mirror before getting ready to leave. It was the first time she made effort to look good for school, with her make-up and hair properly done.


As she was about to walk out of her house, her mom stopped her. "I made kimbap for you to bring to school today. Remember to share it with Jongdae, oh?" She hand out the lunch box to her daughter. "And oh! Remember to invite him over for dinner one day! Eomma would really love to see my son-in-law~"


"Eomma! Why are you behaving like this! It's only been two days!"


"Annyong~" her mom waved at her goodbye, before going back to the kitchen.


She left the house, making her way down the lobby and exiting the apartment block. She was greeted with a honk of a white car, followed by a man going out of the vehicle. It was Jongdae, waving at her from afar as he stood outside of the car. She had never expected him to come all the way and fetch her. She smiled as she walked towards the vehicle and made her way inside.


Chen as usual, reached his hands to fasten the seatbelt for her.


"Why are you always treating me like a baby!" she asked as she noticed how Chen is doing everything for her.


"You are a baby, aren't you? You are my baby~" he said as he rubbed the palm of his left hand against her chin. She blushed. "Look who's face is turning red now!"


"Hajima!" she said to him.


"Anyway, how come you look exceptionally different today?" he noticed her outfit. "You look like you put effort on what to wear today. Look at the hair... must've been that you dressed up for me, am I right? he he" he asked while driving his car.


She didn't know he was that observant. She became embarrased. 'Was it that obvious?' she asked herself.


"Aish! If I know you're like this, being so full of yourself, I would have think twice about being your girlfriend! Yes, I dressed up for you. What's wrong with that?" 


Chen felt flattered hearing that. "Ani. Of course there's nothing wrong with that. You look beautiful." he complimented her.


She became speechless at his compliment. Though she felt really happy inside, it became an akward situation for her whenever that happens.


"Well, you've always looked beautiful to me." Chen tried to break the silence, at the same time, waiting for her reply.


"Ku.... ma.... wo," she replied awkwardly.


'Funny how she can talk so comfortably behind the phone screen when we sent messages to each other but she can't even talk to me properly in real life, not even looking at me in the eye....'  he thought.


"Anyway, why did you ask my mom for my number instead of asking me?" It was the question that she's been curious about.


'... how do I answer this?' he asked himself as he parked his car.


"We've reached! It's time to go out now!" he quickly changed the subject as he stopped the engine of the car, unbuckling his seatbelt and going out of it.


'Aish! jinja!'


"Yah! You haven't answered my question yet! Aren't you going to tell me why!?" She asked, loud enough for him to hear.


He stopped walking. Chen took a deep breath. "Ara, ara. Firstly, I was shy to ask. Secondly, I wouldn't think you would give me your number. Are you happy now since you've got the answer?" he said to her.


'Shy?! My boyfriend is shy to ask for my number? *laughs*  that has never come across my mind. That's the last thing I could ever thought of! What am I? A monster?!' she thought. But she couldn't help smiling at how cute he was.


"Well of course I would give you my number! Why wouldn't I? Ah, you're so cute, really." she looked away while she took his hands, intertwining her fingers with his, holding it tightly. He got a shock as he felt the warmth of her soft hands. He had already planned to hold her hands as soon as he got out of the car, even coming up with many scenarios in his head on how he should do it. But it was her who made the first move instead.


"You didn't think it's too early to be holding hands?" he asked.


"Sweetheart, there's never too early or too late to be holding hands. We're going to do it anyway," she replied him. His face turned red at her reply, grinning from ear to ear.


"Waeyeo? You don't like it?" she .


"Moya.... " he playfully glared at her. "My hands have been itching to hold your hands, ever since that day we got together."


Mi Hyun blushed at how incredibly sweet her boyfriend was. The two walked happily towards the entrance of the school, and into the classroom. Everybody started whispering to each other as they made their grand entrance in class, noticing them holding hands.


"People look! We have a couple in class! The two of you! Ppali tell us what happened before you sit down!" Jiwon asked loudly.


"Long story!" Mi Hyun replied.


"It's a secret." Chen replied with a wink.



YAY ANOTHER CHAPTER! I'd die literally if I have Jongdae as my boyfriend..... such a sweetheart ;-; Anyway, hope you guys like the chapter today :3 he he. And if you're curious about what Mi Hyun wore to school to impress her boyfriend. Here it is~ 


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wonwooeu #1
Chapter 8: Lol my name is Jieun...and my last name is Kim... OML BLESS MY BROTHER KIM JONGDAE ♡♡♡♡♡. I get is a sin but omfg its chen -_- kille me now ♡
SaeMii #2
Chapter 43: take ur time and update soon...
im waiting
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 43: Still here for you!!!!
Chapter 43: im still here. oh
Chapter 43: Please update soon!! :D i'm still here hehehhee thank you ^^ yup jongdae got more and more muscles nowaday D:
Banging_bangtan #6
Chapter 25: Pwahahhahahahahaha
Laughing at tao txt lol!!!!!bath mr jaebal pwahahahahahhahahahaha.
Chapter 22: interesting! feels like I'm watching a drama! :)
frhtissa #8
Chapter 42: A great story aaa it kinda hard to find chen story here thank God i found you authornim lol
Hello new reader here! The description and foreword itself is already interesting! :)