(EDITING) Letter from Prince Charming (왕자님으로부터온 편지)

The EXO members stopped whatever they were doing and quickly went over to Chen who looks troubled. The 12 of them are like brothers who cares and stand by each other through the good and the bad. 

"Kim Jongdae, what happened? Gwaenchanha?" Xiumin asked 

"Yes. I have to make my way to the airport right now." Chen looked at his watch to check the time. 

"For what? Who's going off that you have to go there now?" Kris asked him, curious.

"Mi Hyun. She's going off to America. There's something that I have to tell her, before it's too late." Chen said as he took his wallet, backpack and phone which was not far from him, getting ready to leave. 

"What? Are you kidding me Kim Jongdae? So you actually really like her??!?! Why didn't you tell us that you have feelings for this fatty? You're embarrassed right? Just because she's 3 times bigger than all of usㅋㅋㅋ" Baekhyun joked around. The other members couldn't control their laughter and burst out laughing too. 

Chen stopped himself from walking any further. He turned and faced Baekhyun, his expression changed within a split second. 

"Mwoh? What did you just say?" he asked Baekhyun. 

"What? You're angry at me for saying that?" Baekhyun challenged him. 

Everyone turned quiet as they watched the two about to get into an arguement.

"Ani." Chen sarcastically replied and then threw a punch at him. Baekhyun fell on the floor, the side of his lips were bruised. The atmostphere of the room suddenly became tense. 

"Il-eona. Ppali Il-eona." he demand Baekhyun to get up. Baekhyun slowly tried to get up while carressing the part of his lips that was bruised. His face was red. The other members were speechless, they don't know how to help seeing Chen this mad for the first time. Besides just being surprised after finding out about Chen's feelings towards Mi Hyun, they were more shocked to see Chen getting this angry. This was the first time he showed this side of him. They never knew he had such a temper. 

As Baekhyun was about to stand on both feets, Chen threw another punch at him. "You may be blessed with good looks, but I feel really sorry for your parents for having a son like you. Ask yourself what did you do to deserve this from me... if it's not for that filthy mouth of yours. You don't...."

"Stop. I said stop it Kim Jongdae!" Suho barged in and shouted at Chen before he could even finish his sentence. Luhan, Kyungsoo, Tao, Chanyeol and Kai immediately went to Baekhyun's rescue, who appeared to be already weak on the floor.

"What? You want me to stop? Yeah I probably should before I have him dead, right?" He took a glance at Baekhyun and glared at him. 

"I'm really, really disappointed in you guys. I may not even be bothered if it was somebody else who call her such names. But coming from one of you guys and laughing as if it was a joke is really disappointing, do you know that?  She may not be beautiful, but she is the most beautiful person to me. She risked her life to save me. I could be dead by now. Paralysed and cannot even participate in matches with you guys anymore. And she, she could lost her life within that few minutes of trying to save me too. But you guys just chose to be the ing shallow bastards who only judge her on her outer appearance."

He paused before continuing himself.

"And you may ask me now why I never told you guys about this before. About me almost getting myself into an accident. That's because I thought since I'm fine and not injured, I should just keep it from you guys because I don't want you guys to worry about me. About me liking her and why nobody knew, I chose to keep it to myself, because I know this is the type of reaction you guys are going to give me. And also that's because I have suffered what she has been suffering. I know the pain of getting hurt from people around me and I know how she feels. I don't want her to receive anymore unnecessary hate than she's already been getting from the other students that's why I never told her. Can you imagine how much hurt she'd be getting if those crazy girls find out about it, that one guy from this team have feelings for her? Those girls would probably hunt her down and I absolutely don't want to see her in such a pathetic state."

"Lastly, to clear up your misunderstanding, Byun Baekhyun..... I'm not embarrassed to be with her. I was never. I'm not even bothered by how horrible she looks to you, that's because I'm not ing superficial, unlike you. It's because I know I can never protect her and be there for her that's why I choose to avoid her." he said to Baekhyun. 

He took a glance at his watch again to see the time. 

"I better get going now. Thanks for the celebration which have resulted to all of these. I really appreciate it." Chen sarcastically said to the members before he went off. 

He hurried out of the school with his backpack. His chauffeur was already waiting for him at the school's gate. This was one of the rare days where the chauffeur came to pick him up. He usually would take the public transport to school or anywhere, because he doesn't want anyone to know about the status of his family. 

Chen is born to a wealthy family. His Dad's family owns a business that sells traditional herbal medicine. The successful business has been going on for years since Chen's great grandparents'. Despite being rich, his family does not live in a mansion but just in a 3,000 square feet single-family detached house, big enough for a small family of 4.

Meanwhile in EXO's hangout place, everybody just stared blankly into space, trying to reflect about what just happened. 

"You shouldn't have done that, Baekhyun." Suho opened up a conversion, to prevent things from turning awkward. 

"Me? *scoffs* So now I'm the only one to be blamed when you guys were laughing about it too?" Baekhyun was in disbelief. He was angry. He knew he was just joking, but he never expected Chen to react that way. He needed time, to cool himself down. 

"Guys shut up... it's all our fault. Just admit it. Give him time to cool down and we shall...... wait where's Sehun???" Kris noticed the one member who was missing. 

"Yah where's that Oh Sehun?!" Kyungsoo asked around. 

"Wait let me give him a call" Kai said. 

After three rings, Sehun answered. Heavy breaths could be heard over the phone. He was panting heavily. 

"YAH eodiya?!" he asked.

"Oh. I went home for a while. I'll be coming back." 

"Wae-yeo? Why are you panting?" 

"To take Mi Hyun's letter to Jongdae hyung. Ja-kkam-man, is he still there?!?!"

"No he has already left for the airport."

"Ah jinja?! Ok kumawo, bye." Kai was about to reply but the line has already been cut. 

"Mihyun?! Ah Mihyun's letter?!?!?!?! you Oh Sehun, you totally forgot about it!" he realised that the favour from Mihyun  was long forgotten when he evesdrop the conversation between Chen and Kris.

He immediately left the place quietly before the arguement started between Baekhyun and Chen. 

'Oh my God, if Mi Hyun finds about this..... Oh Mi Hyun mianhae, jeongmal mianhae.' Sehun said to himself on his way home. Instead of taking public transport, he ran at full speed to his house that was 30 minutes away from school. 


"Eomma, can I use my phone for a while?" Mi Hyun asked her mother who was sitting right by her side. She was 30 minutes earlier than the time she was supposed to reach. 

"Of course, it's your phone. Why are you asking this question..." her mother hand her daughter her phone. 

She her phone. As expected, the ridiculous number of messages and phone calls. 80 text messages 130 phone calls, ever since she had that device turned off. She couldn't be bothered reading through the text messages. Instead, she looked through the recent phone calls she had received for the past few days. Besides just Yura who called her, another unknown number appeared, calling her a few times. She wondered who, but she thought it was already too late to find out. 

"Kumawo eomma. You can have it now." she returned back the phone to her mother, without turning it off. 

"You don't need it?" her mother asked. She shook her head and smiled. "Geurae..... Eomma, eomma will be going to the toilet. You stay here before I come back, ok?" Her daughter just nod her head. 

A phone rang as she was washing her hands in the toilet. She looked through her handbag. It was Mi Hyun's phone. She answered the call.  


"Mi Hyun?"

"Ani, it's Mi Hyun eomma. Ah Young-ah what is it?"

"Mi Hyun hasn't been answering my calls auntie. I'm worried. Is she with you now?"

"Yes she is. She's going to America."

"She's mwoh?! Going to America? For how long?"

"Yes. She's not coming back for awhile. She never told you about this?!"

"Ani! She never told me about this before! Auntie, mianhae. But please tell her I'm really sorry. And I can't be there to send her off too, mianhae."

"Ahhhh! why are you sorry? It's ok. Alright, I will hang up now eh?"

The conversation between the two ended like that. Her mom supposed that Yura could possibly one of those that has made her daughter changed her mindand agreed to go to America. And since her daughter has been doing fine for the past few days, she didn't want to stress her. She thought it was best if she just keep it from her daughter about Yura's call. 

"Eomma what took you so long?" Mi Hyun noticed her mom who took a longer time than she usually does in the toilet. 

"Ah mianhae mianhae, I had a tummy ache." she smiled at her daughter. 

"Eomma could I use my phone again?" She asked her mother who gave it to her without hesitation. She remembered forgetting to turn off her phone. She had it turned off the minute it was in her hands and gave it back to her mom. 

"Just 1 hour 30 minutes left and I'm going in eomma. Will you miss me?" 

"Silly girl, of course I will. You're asking the obvious! But I won't be able to see you off because your brother forgot to bring the house keys." her mother smiled. Her heart filled with sadness when she realised that separation was coming too soon between she and her daughter. But she hid it well. 

"This is for her own good" She thought. 

Mihyun only pouted when she heard the last sentence from her mother. Although sad, she was fine with it. Just having her mother's company before she leaves was good enough. 


Chen arrived at the airport, quickly closing the car door and ran towards the entrance of the departure hall. It was 8pm. If it was not for his Chauffeur who drove the car at full speed, he wouldn't be able to make it. Luckily though, they were not caught for speeding. The next flight to America was at 9pm, he was very well assured that this was the flight that Mi Hyun would be taking. 

"Juhgiyo, where's the departure gate for this flight?" Chen asked the lady sitting inside the check-in counter. 

The lady told him the directions, telling him how to get there. 

"Ah kamsahamnida, kamsahamnida!" He bowed at her, showing his respect. And quickly ran in a hurry to find the gate, to make sure that he gets to see Mi Hyun just in time and tell her everything. 

There, he saw her just a few distance from him, qeueing to wait for the lady to check her passport before entering the gates. 

He panted heavily as he came to a halt from running. 

"Mi Hyun ah! Oh Mi Hyun!!" He called out for her. 

She turned, a familiar looking guy standing just a few metres away.

"Kim.... Jongdae?"

What will happen next? ;-)

Ending the chapter with this fancam!!! Jongdae you're so freaking cute asdgfhgjkl "Oppa you're 22?!" he's like a small kid here i just can't. 

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wonwooeu #1
Chapter 8: Lol my name is Jieun...and my last name is Kim... OML BLESS MY BROTHER KIM JONGDAE ♡♡♡♡♡. I get is a sin but omfg its chen -_- kille me now ♡
SaeMii #2
Chapter 43: take ur time and update soon...
im waiting
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 43: Still here for you!!!!
Chapter 43: im still here. oh
Chapter 43: Please update soon!! :D i'm still here hehehhee thank you ^^ yup jongdae got more and more muscles nowaday D:
Banging_bangtan #6
Chapter 25: Pwahahhahahahahaha
Laughing at tao txt lol!!!!!bath mr jaebal pwahahahahahhahahahaha.
Chapter 22: interesting! feels like I'm watching a drama! :)
frhtissa #8
Chapter 42: A great story aaa it kinda hard to find chen story here thank God i found you authornim lol
Hello new reader here! The description and foreword itself is already interesting! :)