(EDITING) Letter from Prince Charming (왕자님으로부터온 편지)

'Mi Hyun, are you doing well? I've been well but I missed you. It's been 4 months. 4 months I kept myself occupied with the members so that I don't have to think so much about how ugly things became for me. 4 months and I'm only replying to your letter now.  I'm a bad guy, aren't i? I regret so many things. You've probably moved on now. I guess it's true afterall that you only take things for granted and only cherish it once it's gone. My regret was not allowing myself to give at least a chance to tell you how I truly felt... And also to tell you to forget about the letter I had sent to you. I was such a pathetic coward.

Tomorrow is the day that I've been waiting for if you haven't left for America. Telling you about the true feelings that I have for you all these while, that both Ah young and I had planned. But everything's gone and I'm the one hurting now. I was a bad guy for stopping everything just because I thought it was the best way to protect you. But it got worse didn't it? Until you decided to move on with life somewhere far. I don't know if that was the real reason why you chose to go there but my heart tells me that it is. And now, I don't even know if you're going to come back, I don't even know if I still have that chance to tell you whatever I wanted. I don't know what's best for me to do right now, should I continue or should I let go? Please give me an answer, Oh Mi Hyun...'


"Eomma, Appa and Jieun will be coming later, do you need me to bring some fanboard? Or anything like pom-poms?!" her mother teased.

"Ah Eomma stop it! Aish just bring yourself. No fanboards, not even pom-poms. I swear, if you're going to do that, I will pretend that I don't know you, eomma!" he said to his mom, frustrated. 

"This child!" her mom knocked her son's head with her knuckles. He reacted by continuously rubbing that area that got hit.

Like a routine, the family have their morning breakfast at the dining table before each of them went separate ways. Almost every morning without fail, the two would bicker over the littlest things and would be stopped by the man of the house. It often started by his very own mother, who thinks her son is still the cutest even at the age of 19. It's not like as though the two can't get along, but his mother enjoys teasing him. He's a mommy's boy that's been doted on since young. And just when everybody thought that he's such a troll, there's his mother, who is a bigger troll in the house. 

"I shall go first! The rest are waiting for me, annyeong~" he got up from his seat as he walks toward the exit of the house, with a piece of bread in his mouth.

Exactly 45 minutes later until he reached school. The exterior has been decorated with balloons. Student usherers were everywhere in sight, welcoming the parents and showing the directions to the venue of the graduation. The EXO members was at the entrance, waiting for each and every member to arrive.

"Yah Jongdae! You finally came~ Wait, do you notice anything different here amongst us?" Luhan asked. 

"Different?" he observed each and everyone, "Moya? What is it tell me!"

"Oh! Sehun! You grew taller! Yah you're even taller than me now! What did you eat? I haven't seen you for awhile, that's because you're in Europe to see your relatives for close to 2 months! Now tell us, did they feed you some weird stuff?" Chen asked.

"Ani, I just grew taller. Taller than you at least! Anybody would believe if I tell them I'm older." he answered jokingly, which Chen later glared at him.

"Kaja! Let's go in. It's about to start soon!" Suho said.

Suddenly, a loud high-pitched voice calling for Chen could be heard from afar.

"Yah Kim Jongdae!" They stopped, and turned. Yura was running towards his direction.

"Yah oppa!" she yelled, loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Isn't this that crazy maniac that wanted to talk to Jongdae outside school that time?" Tao asked.

"She's still the same ha ha ha," Luhan teased.

She glared at both of them, then turned her attention back at Chen, who pulled her aside. The rest of the members went first. There were stares from the other girls in school everywhere, all looking at Yura with jealousy because EXO talked to her. But she pretended as if it didn't happened. It was the last day officially and all these girls don't matter to her anymore.

"Yah! Don't you think you were too loud just now?"

"So what if I am?! You idiot! Why didn't you reply my messages and answer my calls?! So much for helping you! Ppali tell me now what happened! Did you see her?"

"Mianhae. I lost my phone." He lied. For a matter of fact, he had seen all the messages and calls from her. He just refused to pick up or reply because he just wanted a break from all those questions regarding Mi Hyun at that point of time. "I saw her..... And yah! Don't you think you're already too comfortable now? Calling me idiot..."

"Jungmalyeo?! And what happened after that? Did you managed to-" she ignored him

....." He paused. "Did you keep in contact with her and find out if she would come back?" he asked.

"Ani. I don't even have her home number. She didn't bring her phone with her either. So I can't even find out anything."

"Really? Well then, let's just wait. It's not like we both can do anything right now..."

The two made their way to the graduation hall and parted ways. It was half an hour left until the graduation started. Chen has already seated, looking around to see if there was a familiar face that he'd hope to see. But she was nowhere in sight. He observed everywhere again, just in case. But it was another familar face he saw instead. His mother, carrying a board and looking directly at him with a wide smile. 'My son, the most handsome! HWAITING!'.

She had a DSLR carried around her neck as well. Chen looked away immediately, embarrassed. The words were writted big enough for the rest to notice. The other 11 couldn't help but just laugh at him.

"Your mother's so cute!" Kai said to Chen while laughing so hard at him. 

"Stop it!" Chen yelled.

The graduation started, and it went on smoothly with each and every of the graduating students going up the stage to receive their certificates.

"Oh Mi Hyun," the teacher called out the name on the mic.

The hall turned to awkward silence. Everyone looked around to see if she was present. But no one stood up and the teacher went on with the next name.

"That fatty thinks the graduation isn't important." Chen heard a guy behind him whispered to his friends'. He turned, gave a death stare at him and looked back to the front.

"Mi Hyun isn't here..." Suho whispered to Chen. Chen didn't respond.


"Kaja! Let's go and have some food!!" Baekhyun said to the members once they were out of the graduation hall. 

"I'm going home. I'm tired." Chen said.

Baekhyun was about to say something until Suho stopped him. He knew it was just an excuse. 

"Let him. He needs it. We can go next time"

On his way home in the family car, everybody was quiet, except for his mother.

"How was it? Did you like your graduation? You must have liked it right? Because I prepared so much for you, my handsome son!" She clasped her hands together, saying those words excitedly.

"Neh, Neh, kumawo oh Eomma!" Chen replied sarcastically. But deep down, he was thankful. 

*beep* his phone vibrated. He checked to see who it was.

"Yah jongdae! How was your graduation! And how the hell did you even missed your university application? Jungmal babo!!! Here's me and my cousin's congratulatory picture for your graduation! Sorry no presents ㅋㅋㅋ"

It was Jungshin. They were close childhood friends that would always play together until he had to move to America. They lost contact over a period of a few years, until recently they found out about each other through Facebook. It turned out that Jungshin was friends with a friend of Chen who had moved overseas a few months ago too.

He opens the picture he sent and smiled.

"ㅠㅠ please don't bring that up and remind me about it, hyung! Ah kumawoㅋㅋㅋ Thats your cousin? Jungmalyeo?! Wah! She's really pretty!"


3 updates within a week! Yay~ Sorry I wanted to update yesterday but i was so freaking drained when I came back from school! It's an hour journey to and fro so pls understand my readers! Anyway, hope you like this chapter he he :3

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wonwooeu #1
Chapter 8: Lol my name is Jieun...and my last name is Kim... OML BLESS MY BROTHER KIM JONGDAE ♡♡♡♡♡. I get is a sin but omfg its chen -_- kille me now ♡
SaeMii #2
Chapter 43: take ur time and update soon...
im waiting
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 43: Still here for you!!!!
Chapter 43: im still here. oh
Chapter 43: Please update soon!! :D i'm still here hehehhee thank you ^^ yup jongdae got more and more muscles nowaday D:
Banging_bangtan #6
Chapter 25: Pwahahhahahahahaha
Laughing at tao txt lol!!!!!bath mr jaebal pwahahahahahhahahahaha.
Chapter 22: interesting! feels like I'm watching a drama! :)
frhtissa #8
Chapter 42: A great story aaa it kinda hard to find chen story here thank God i found you authornim lol
Hello new reader here! The description and foreword itself is already interesting! :)