(EDITING) Letter from Prince Charming (왕자님으로부터온 편지)

To celebrate the end of the year-end exams, they all planned to play at the water theme park. Chen, with earpiece plugged into his ears, was just about to cross the road to meet his other members at the subway station. He was humming to the rhythm of the music that were blasting in his ears. He didn't know that a van was approaching, driving at full speed. Stunned, he stopped and his eyes grew bigger. He didn't know what to do. The van kept honking, telling him to move away. 

"Kim Jongdae... you're going to die now." He couldn't think of anymore ways to escape. Things were happening too fast. When all he could do was to quickly move to the walking pavement which was very close from where he was. It was a a life and death situation for him. 

The van came closer. But the next thing he know, he was already on the pavement ground. He let out a sigh of relief with his eyes shut. "Thank God." he said to himself.

He couldn't remember what just happened. It was all in a flash. But all he could remember was a person pushing him away with both hands. 

There on the road, a girl with her arms raised to a 90 degree angle, standing right before the van which let out a loud screeching noise before it came to a halt. Her eyes shut tight, afraid of the things that could possibly happen to her. 

"Yah! Girl! Aren't you going to move?" A man in his thirties came out of the van. 

"Ahjusshi! Aren't you the one in the wrong? Why are you driving at a crazy speed?!?! Neo michyeosseo?!? This is not a highway!"

Guilty, the man quietly made his way back to his van, without saying a word. 

"And juhgiyo! This is a zebra crossing for God's sake! You're not supposed to honk your van...... You...." The van started its engine and went off. "You're yah! yah! You're supposed to stop it! You could be in jail do you know that?!?! Yah! Aishhhh jeongmal pabo!" 

Chen watched her who saved him from afar. She seemed really frustrated. But it was really cute in his sight. But as he took a closer look, he realised who it was. Mi Hyun, the girl who always get bullied just because she's bigger than the rest of the girls and boys in school, just because she's different. 

Mi Hyun just walked off once the van was not in sight. It didn't matter who the guy was to her, so long as she had saved his life from getting into an accident, it was good enough. 

"Juhgiyo!" Chen called her. 

She stopped herself with her back facing him. 

"Kumawo! I don't know what would have happened if you were not around. Jungmal kamsahamnida! For saving my life." Chen said to her.

"Ani. Don't say thanks. You should be blessed that you're still alive, your life could be gone." And she walked off.

"Kim Jong....dae?" Mi Hyun quietly said to herself as she saw him distance away.

"Miss, can I have your passport?" The lady asked Mi Hyun who was looking away. She asked again, twice, for Mi Hyun to realise that she was calling for her.

"Oh....." Mi Hyun handed her passport to the lady.

'Eotokkhe? What do I do?' she asked her little heart.

"Hajima Mi Hyun! I can explain. There's something that you need to know!" Chen shouted across.

"Your passport miss," the lady returned her, which also means she could already enter the gate.

But she was stuck in between. 'Why is Jongdae here?' she thought. 'And how did he find out about this?' She questioned herself who has never told anyone about it. There was not much time left. She hurriedly make her decision in a minute. 

*breathes in*

"Oppa, it's too late. You don't have to explain, it won't change anything. Go home, you're wasting your time here." she said to him.

"Ani, it will. Trust me, things will change," he grabbed onto her wrist and assured her.

She let go of his light grip.

"Ani. Kumawo, for the memories," she turned, quickly going into the entrance of the gate and not looking back.

Tears that she couldn't control, started streaming down her cheeks. She never knew that this would happen. Chen coming to the airport, she wasn't expecting it, nothing of that sort at least. What does he have to explain? Will it really change things? She wondered. But she quickly wiped away the tears when she noticed people around her were looking.

'No. It's not a wrong decision. All this is for my own good. Don't look back Mi Hyun. Just move on. Things will change, for the better.' She convinced herself who was on her own. 

His eyes was closed to tears as he walked lifelessly towards the nearest sit from his direction. He sat down, with both hands pressed against his temples and eyes closed. Regret was the best word to describe how he was feeling. Maybe if the argument between him and Baekhyun never happened, he would have been there earlier. He could change things, he believed.

"Jongdae Hyung!"

He opened his eyes to see the person who was calling out for him. It was Sehun, standing right next to him.

Sehun who had spent the last 2 hours rushing from one place to another was exhausted as hell. He took a sit next to Chen, breathing in and out continuously before he was already ready to talk. Chen on the other hand, stared blankly into space with his arms folded and body rested comfortably against the chair. 

"Why are you here? So you finally feel guilty now for laughing at her?" he asked Sehun 

"Eh?" Sehun gave a confused look, he was clueless. 

"I fought. With Baekhyun. And the rest. You don't know?" 

"Ani. What happened? I went off to take something."

"Ah nevermind" Chen gave up. 

"Hyung, Mi Hyun wants me to pass this to you. I think it's something she wanted to give you before she go. Mianhae."

"Why are you sorry? So you knew about it all along? About her leaving for America."

Sehun responded immediately. He quickly shook his head with lips pressed against each other. "Ani! Aniyo! Oh.... I'm sorry because.... Hyung don't be angry at me! It's because she gave me this 7 days ago before the study break.... I was supposed to give it to you but I kept it in between my textbook and had totally forgotten about it! Mianhae hyung!" He looked down with both of his hands clasped together. He was guilty.

"Pabo! Ah jinja!" He hits Sehun's head with the envelope. "It's ok, I'm not angry at you. Even if you're sorry now, it's too late. She already went off." 

"Oh" It was the only thing that the guilty boy could say. 

Chen unsealed the envelope, opens the letter and reads it silently to himself.

"To Jongdae Oppa, 

Oppa, I like you, but what do i do? Time after time, I'm left with nothing but disappointments after disappointments. I'm not expecting you to feel the same way like i do, I'm not expecting anything big from you. It's just that it would have been nice if you had just talked to me or reply to my letter. That's just enough to make make me happy. But you chose to ignore me instead. What do you take me as? I wondered the entire time. Until I saw you the other day with Ah Young. Then I asked myself if that's what she has been doing behind my back. I don't know what you guys are, but they say if a girl and a guy go out together they're more than friends. Am I wrong? But it's okay, because you both look good together. When I look at myself, I can't help but laugh. I laughed at how stupid I was to have fell for that letter of yours, it's more hurtful to know that it was all a prank and that you never liked me. I laughed at myself for liking a person like you since two years ago, because I fell for someone who took me as a joke. Thanks oppa. Because if that didn't happened and if I hadn't open my eyes bigger, I wouldn't have realised what a complete fool I've been. I guess that's all I have to say. I don't think you would want to read if I had written a long essay about how I feel because since it's a one-sided feeling, I just think that you wouldn't be interested. Till here Kim Jongdae. All the best for the college entrance exam, and last long with her. Till I see you again....

Oh Mi Hyun 
27th September 2011"

Tears welled up in his eyes after he was done reading the letter. Sehun who saw everything opened his arms immediately and hugged him. It was clear to him that Chen needed comfort. He started crying and sobbing hard as he rested his head on Sehun's shoulder. 

"What did I do....Sehun-ah? Do I-really deserve this??" his words were choked by sobbing. 

Sehun carefully pats his back, comforting his friend who's like his older brother. 

"Gwaenchanha, gwaenchanha. It's going to be alright hyung." he mumbled softly.

"That was the best---I could do. I just don't want her--- to get hurt any further..... Is that---even bad of me to do that?" tears started to fell down his cheek and made its way to Sehun's shoulder, soaking that part of his uniform. 

"Ani" Sehun softly said to him. 

He remained that way for close to half an hour until it all stopped. The two wandered around the airport for awhile until Sehun could finally pluck up some courage to ask Chen a question that he has been meaning to ask when he witnessed him crying just not long ago. 

"Hyung.... can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"So the letter. The dare that we asked you to do, whatever that you had written inside...... is it true? Was it your true feelings?"

"Yes...." He paused,"....definitely"  

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wonwooeu #1
Chapter 8: Lol my name is Jieun...and my last name is Kim... OML BLESS MY BROTHER KIM JONGDAE ♡♡♡♡♡. I get is a sin but omfg its chen -_- kille me now ♡
SaeMii #2
Chapter 43: take ur time and update soon...
im waiting
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 43: Still here for you!!!!
Chapter 43: im still here. oh
Chapter 43: Please update soon!! :D i'm still here hehehhee thank you ^^ yup jongdae got more and more muscles nowaday D:
Banging_bangtan #6
Chapter 25: Pwahahhahahahahaha
Laughing at tao txt lol!!!!!bath mr jaebal pwahahahahahhahahahaha.
Chapter 22: interesting! feels like I'm watching a drama! :)
frhtissa #8
Chapter 42: A great story aaa it kinda hard to find chen story here thank God i found you authornim lol
Hello new reader here! The description and foreword itself is already interesting! :)