(EDITING) Letter from Prince Charming (왕자님으로부터온 편지)

"Ah young-ssi!" 

"Ah Kim Jongdae, what is it! Contacting me only now~ What do you want!" Yura asked over the phone. 

"Eyy, second year university students like you are always busy, am I not wrong? Anyway, I need a favour from you. I have a date today. And I want you to be the one to witness it!"

"Mwoh?! Why should I be there when it's your date? Who's the girl anyway??" 

"Oh Mi Hyun. Be there, ara? Be there at 7pm. I'll send you the details of the place in a bit." 

"Yah! Oh Mi Hyun is back from America?! Aish and you didn't even tell me about it! Yah Jongdae-ssi! So much for me helping you that time!"

"You mean you didn't know? I thought you guys would contact each other.... Anyway, you'd be surprise if you see her later!" 

"I really didn't know. Her number is no longer in use, so we both lost contact like that. Yah! Shouldn't you tell me that you've met her!" 

"Ah Ah young-ssi, mianhaeyeo~ I have to go now! Please come jaebal! Annyeong~"

"Aish crazy guy!" Yura said to her phone the moment the line got cut. 

'Thank God for Kim Jongdae, or else I wouldn't even know that Mi Hyun's back in Korea.' she thought. She made her way to the bathroom to take a shower. 


Mihyun arrived at the Italian restaurant 5 minutes before the actual time. She took a sit at the table where the waitress led her to. An Instrumental smooth soothing jazz music playing in the background. There's a mini stage located at the front of the huge restaurant. 

"Eomma sure knows how to put me in such an awkward situation....." 

5 more minutes and she'd be meeting the guy her mother had arranged for the blind date. She was nervous because she has never done such a thing before. But she said to herself, things will not change even after today ends. 

She looked around, noticed the place is packed with couples dining and having their dates too. But strangely though, the tables around her are packed with a group of guys, they dressed up casually. With their snapbacks and graphic t-shirts. 

"Jongdae's style... how alike. Why are they even here out of all places anyway? It's such an expensive place to eat.' she thought. 

"Your task is simple." Chen tells the 11 other members. 

"What is it?" They looked interested. 

"You just have to form a circle around the table where we're at if she ever tries to escape! Well, I have a feeling that she will...."

"What an easy and ridiculous task, Kim Jongdae...." Baekhyun  

"Shut up and just do it!" Chen said to Baekhyun. 

"Jongdae-ya, she's here. Ppaliwa!" 

no. 2 Chanyeol 
Sent 18:59 28th March 2013

Chen was in the toilet, casually warming himself up before the event. He was nervous and panicking, he started to perspire. He washed his face again for the last time before leaving the washroom.

As soon as he was out, the fine young lady in a dress sitting at the table caught his eye. 

'Yeppuda......' he thought. 

*breathes in and out* He tried to calm himself down.

When he was ready, he started making his way towards the table. The closer he gets, his heart beats faster. 

"Annyeong." he smiled at her and took a sit. She was breathtakingly gorgeous. Even with minimal but simple makeup, it left him breathless. 

"So it's you?! You're the person my mom wants me to go on a date with?!" she asked, surprised. 

He nods his head, smiling with pursed lips. 

"So what's your motive of this?" she asked him, noticing his outfit. Just a knitted jumper and a casual pants. To her, it was his best look.

"To just... have a date?" he replied her awkwardly. 

"Well then, let's just go on with it. But don't expect anything good to happen by the end of this date." she agreed. Her mother must have recognised him when he sent her back the day before, and probably asked him to make up for the things he had done to her in the past, she thought. 

His phone vibrated. He took it to check who it was.

"Hyung!!! DOING GOOD SO FAR ^.~" It was from Tao.

He ignored the text message and put his phone aside. 

"Why not?" he continued to ask her. 

"You shouldn't even think about it in the first place." 

"But what if things changed by the end of today?" he asked her again. 

That will not happen."

"You sure?" 

That was all that she could take. She stood up, getting ready to leave. She was annoyed at him for asking too many questions.

'Why can't he just sit and be thankful that I agreed on having a date with him?'  Mi Hyun asked herself.

A circle of guys formed around them before she could leave. She looked around, noticing these boys. It was the good-looking boys from her baseball team back in high school, EXO.

"Mi Hyun, don't. Let Jongdae hyung tell you what he has to say first!" Sehun said to Mi Hyun, trying to save the situation. 

They were the few guys whom she thought dressed like Jongdae, sitting around the table that she was seated at. 

Mi Hyun sat back down, with an unwilling straight face. 

Suddenly, Chen stood up and went to the front of the restaurant where the mini stage was at. He took the mic. Mi Hyun wondered what he was going to do, she was surprised.

"I am going to dedicate this song to just one person right here. If you can spot someone sitting alone in this place, that's her." he said to the mic with his both eyes looking at Mi Hyun. "And the song that I'm going to sing is, I Choose to Love You."

The background music started playing and he started singing. After each and every line he sang, he made sure to look at her. That was the song that he have been thinking about singing for awhile. He always thought it would be nice if he had to confess his love for a person with this song, and that person was none other than Oh Mi Hyun. The one and only girl whom he has had feelings for for a very long time. 

Mi Hyun turned speechless. By his voice, his unexpected actions, everything. 

'So this was the voice I heard yesterday.' she thought to herself. 

The whole restaurant clapped for Chen as he ended the song. But it quietened down the moment he said something. 

"Yeorobeun... did you guys managed to find the girl now? Her name's Oh Mi Hyun. She's pretty, isn't she?" he asked everyone. 

Mi Hyun face turned red the minute she realised everyone around her start to take notice on her. 

"Today, I'm going to tell you my story of how I like her, and how it all began. Ah, this is too cheesy! But I'm going to do it anyway. Because I think this is the only way she would listen to me." 

"Kim Jongdae, hwaiting!!!" Chanyeol shouted. 

"Kamsahamnida Chanyeol!" He took a deep breath before he continued, "So one day back in high school, I was dared by one of the members of my baseball team to write a confession letter to her. I decided to do it anyway, although I really didn't want to hurt her. But there was just one thing that they didn't know, which I'm going to tell you guys later. Anyway, the Mi Hyun you see now is totally different from before. She was a victim of the bullies in school back then. But she never showed everyone that she's affected. That's one thing that I liked about her. But there are more too." 

The entire place turned quiet. 

"So I wrote the letter and slipped it inside her locker. Our baseball team was popular. You know, the girls going crazy over us just like how young girls are going crazy over their boy group idol oppas nowadays. I'm not showing off, but that's just how it was for us! Although I had feelings for her, I decided to stay away from her to protect her because if the whole school knew, the one hurting would not be me but her. And that's definitely the last thing that I want to happen. And if it does happened to her, I could already imagined how hurt she would be. Because I was a victim of bullies back in elementary school too. I was like an object that they made used of to poke fun at. Getting laughed at became something that I got used to."

"Well, what happened after that... She got hurt though. I knew she would be disappointed. But I had it all planned. I wanted to tell her that I've been liking her during our school's graduation, because only then, we could date freely. But it was too late. Mi Hyun decided to move to America for awhile, and I've never met her since then. Well, my guess was that she thought her then bestfriend, Ah young and I was in a relationship when she saw us. But that was definitely not the reason behind why we hang out together. Ah Young confronted me about my thoughtless actions towards Mi Hyun. She was mad at why I made her bestfriend sad. But I was the one who suggested for us to go to the closest cafeteria to talk things out. There, we discussed about how we should work things out."

"And you guys must probably be wondering now about how I like her? *laughs* There was one time that I almost got myself into an accident. I was close to getting knocked down by a van. But she was the one who saved my life. For someone who risked her life just to save a life... you have no idea how that really touched my heart. Because not just anyone would put others' first before themselves. And that's how I began to notice her. I started to like her of course, but nobody knew."

'Eh?!' Mi Hyun was surprised. She remembered saving a guy from getting knocked down by a van, but she had no idea that he was the one.

"Only until she went to America, I regretted so many things. But I'm really glad that she's back here. And I swear, the first time I saw her, I couldn't recognise her at all. But I have my ways in the end and figured out that it was Oh Mi Hyun. She was a tough nut to crack though. Because each time I tried to explain to her, she never allowed me. But that's not going to happen today...." he smiled, looking at everyone who were seated in the restaurant.

"And Oh Mi Hyun who is sitting alone right there." his gaze turned to her. "You probably think that I'm a shallow-minded, superficial guy for suddenly being interested in you, but I have always loved you, since three years ago. And no matter how you look, I would always think you're beautiful, even before you lose all that weight." He looked at her with a sincere smile. Mi Hyun was on the verge of tears. She had never expected this to happen. 

'It took must take him a lot of courage to stand there and say all that for me.' Mi Hyun thought. 

"Yeorobeun..." he called for the second time, everybody waited for what he has to say "Do you think that I, Kim Jongdae, still deserves a chance?"

Everyone in the restaurant cheered.

"Yah young girl! I'd be really touched if my husband does this to me! Go on! What are you waiting for?!" a lady shouted to Mi Hyun.

Baekhyun handed out the mic to Mihyun, so that she gets to say something while he stood still on stage. He had jitters just thinking about what she was going to say. 

*What should I do now? I can't escape anymore. Jungshin oppa, your advice is.... mianhae." 

"Uh..." Mi Hyun spoke to the mic. "There's one thing that I didn't know and only found out today..." she paused before finally saying something. "... I didn't know that my boyfriend could sing." She emphasized on that particular word, giving a hint to everyone.

Suddenly, loud claps filled the entire room. Everyone cheered for Mi Hyun's answer to his confession, including EXO as well. 

Mi Hyun smiled shyly as she looked around to see everyone's reaction. And then turned to look at Chen, who smiled at his now beautiful girlfriend.

"Chukkhae!" A woman out of nowhere came up to her. She turned, only to realise that it was her long lost bestfriend, Ah young. 

"YAH AH YOUNG-SSI!" she pulled her in for a hug. "Jungmal mianhae! I totally didn't know about it!" 

"Ani gwaenchanha, at least you do now! Treasure him! He loves you very much!" Yura reminded her. 

"Yah! you need to hang out with me soon, oh!?! It's been long~" Mi Hyun said to Yura as she faced her. 

"And look at you now, so beautiful. I'm so jealous hngggggg!" 

"Ey aniyo! Don't say that! You're beautiful too, my bestfriend!"

"Ah kumawo~ I'm going off now, oh! He's waiting for you!" Yura pointed at Chen who was just a few distance away from the two.

"Neh annyeong!" she waved goodbye to Yura. 

Her gaze turned to Chen the minute Yura left, making eye contact with each other. He then opened up both of his arms, calling for Mi Hyun to hug him. 

'Should i?' Mi hyun asked herself. But went on with it anyway. She quickly walked to him, and hugged him tight. He did the same, hugging her back and his heart beat escalated.

'Finally.' he said to his little heart. He has been waiting so long for this day to come. Suddenly, he felt a light hit on the left side of his chest. He looked at her, wondered why she did that.

"Nappeun-nom!" Mi Hyun said to him. 

He smiled and brought her to his embrace again, this time, holding her tighter.

"Kumawo... Saranghae~" he whispered to her. 

He no longer has to worry. Because he can be certain now that she's nobody else's but his.  


Hi guys! I'm back with two chapters~ Thanks to you lovely readers I had a speedy recovery! Thank you so much for the comments asking me to get well soon, that's really really nice of you guys he he. Anyway, they're finally together yay~

Hope you really like the chapters today! And anyway, remember to listen to the song! Read the lyrics too! Both of it~ so you can totally feel the story~ Goodnight x

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wonwooeu #1
Chapter 8: Lol my name is Jieun...and my last name is Kim... OML BLESS MY BROTHER KIM JONGDAE ♡♡♡♡♡. I get is a sin but omfg its chen -_- kille me now ♡
SaeMii #2
Chapter 43: take ur time and update soon...
im waiting
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 43: Still here for you!!!!
Chapter 43: im still here. oh
Chapter 43: Please update soon!! :D i'm still here hehehhee thank you ^^ yup jongdae got more and more muscles nowaday D:
Banging_bangtan #6
Chapter 25: Pwahahhahahahahaha
Laughing at tao txt lol!!!!!bath mr jaebal pwahahahahahhahahahaha.
Chapter 22: interesting! feels like I'm watching a drama! :)
frhtissa #8
Chapter 42: A great story aaa it kinda hard to find chen story here thank God i found you authornim lol
Hello new reader here! The description and foreword itself is already interesting! :)