Chapter 2

(EDITING) Letter from Prince Charming (왕자님으로부터온 편지)

To the cute ♡Oh Mi Hyun♡, 

You're surprised that you got this letter from me right? You're probably curious now about the person who wrote this(whatever it is, don't look at the end of the letter to find out who is it kkk) Anyway, I'm writing this because I really want to tell you something that that I have been wanting to tell you for a very long time. And that is, I like you (^-^) I guess I finally had the courage to confess. Since it's the last year in high school, I figured out that it's the best time to tell you because I don't think I have anymore chance once we graduate T^T.

I've been watching you Mihyunn-ie! I don't know how but despite all the misfortunes that you faced in school, you just ignore them and walked off confidently! How did you actually do that?? Mihyun is such a strong person (^_~)

Till here, see you around in school! Keep smiling Mihyunn-ie~ ♡^▽^♡ because you're cuter that way hehe~

♡ Kim Jong Dae♡

As he was just about to put the letter into the envelope, Baekhyun snatched it away from the back. 

He jumped, shocked with the unexpected presence of his best friend. "YAH GIVE ME BACK!!!!" he demand. With the letter in his hands, Baekhyun tiptoed, making it impossible for Jongdae to reach it. 

"No! You agreed that you would let me read this first once you finished writing it! Wait, this is the confession letter, right?" He gave a second look at the paper he was holding. "Anyway, the other members are also supposed read this before you pass this to her, so why are you so afraid?"  Jongdae stopped reaching for it at an instant and stood quiet after Baekhyun reminded him.  

Baekhyun glared at Jongdae, before carefully skimming through the letter. *coughs* He cringed at the words used with the look like he just the juice out of a lemon, enough to tell that he was disgusted. 


"This is not Jongdae" he thought, he was convinced.

"Were you the one who wrote this? Or did you get your little sister's help?" he gave Jongdae the weirdest look ever.

"Yah, obviously I wrote it myself. Why would I get my little sister to help me with it? Are you crazy!?" he looked back at Baekhyun in defense. 


'Like as if I have the time in the world to do that'

"Aish! Nothing, just that, I got goosebumps just from reading it. And for me who knows you for a long time now, it's not like something that you would write either...."

Their conversation stopped at Baekhyun's comment. The minute they entered the secret hangout place, they immediately head to the direction of the couch and rested themselves. The ten other members who had gathered around the billiard table, noticed and stopped. 

"So Kim Jongdae-sshi, have you written the letter?" Luhan asked Jongdae from afar as he made his way to the two with the rest.  

"I've read it. Just.... don't be surprised by whatever that's written there." he pointed at the letter. "I don't want to be the one spoiling the content!" Baekhyun said to his other members. 

Silence filled the room and everyone waited curiously for Luhan to finish reading. Like Baekhyun, his eyes grew bigger and bigger. He took a glance at Jongdae and then back at the letter, he was in disbelief. 

When he think he was ready, he took a deep breath and finally read the content of the letter loudly to everyone. Jongdae forced his palms on his ears, embarrassed. 

"Yah Kim Jongdae! You actually wrote that?! That was so cheesy I swear! Ooof, my hair is standing!" said Chanyeol who had choked on his water upon hearing the words that came out of Luhan's mouth. Everybody else had the exact same reaction. 

"Our Jongdae is finally becoming a man! Not bad, confessing to a girl like this!" Xiumin exclaimed. 

"Can you guys shut up already?! Didn't you guys said it was a dare? It's not like as if I like her or anything. And obviously, I want to make it seem like its real, so of course I need to confess to her like this. You think she would have believed it if I just said "I like you" in that letter?!" Jongdae explained to s in frustration. 

"Yah, calm down! We're just praising you for your new found skills!" Lay complimented him to make himself feel better but he still had the most annoyed look on his face.

"Anyway hyung, when are you going to pass the letter to her? And how? We need to go together with you to make sure you do it, " said the youngest, Sehun.

"Right after we leave this place? I'm going to put it inside her locker. That'd be better isn't it? And please accompany me... it's my first time doing something like this, and its because of you guys!" 

"Ok call! Shall we go now?" Kyungsoo, being the excited one, was the first one who stood up before everyone.


As they walked down the alley to Mi Hyun's locker, five girls started rushing to them like as though they're idols. To make sure that Jongdae could quickly put the letter in her locker, the members had distracted these girls by exchanging sweet conversations with them. It was a rare occassion and surely, it was chaos. 

"And we're not even celebrities..." Baekhyun said quietly to the rest of the members. 

"Oppa tell me! You like me right!!!?!?!" one of the girls asked Kris, wanting to confirm her feelings for him. 

"Of course. What makes you think that I don't like you, beautiful?" Kris replied her with a wink.

Carefully and quickly, Jongdae slipped the letter inside of Mi Hyun's locker. He was lucky, not even a single girl noticed what he just did.

"I'm done," he gave Kai a nudge and smiled. 


On Term Break right now so I'm trying my very best to upload a chapter once everyday! And I'm so sorry if Mi Hyun doesn't appear in any of the chapters yet! But she'll definitely appear in the next! Goodnight readers~

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wonwooeu #1
Chapter 8: Lol my name is Jieun...and my last name is Kim... OML BLESS MY BROTHER KIM JONGDAE ♡♡♡♡♡. I get is a sin but omfg its chen -_- kille me now ♡
SaeMii #2
Chapter 43: take ur time and update soon...
im waiting
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 43: Still here for you!!!!
Chapter 43: im still here. oh
Chapter 43: Please update soon!! :D i'm still here hehehhee thank you ^^ yup jongdae got more and more muscles nowaday D:
Banging_bangtan #6
Chapter 25: Pwahahhahahahahaha
Laughing at tao txt lol!!!!!bath mr jaebal pwahahahahahhahahahaha.
Chapter 22: interesting! feels like I'm watching a drama! :)
frhtissa #8
Chapter 42: A great story aaa it kinda hard to find chen story here thank God i found you authornim lol
Hello new reader here! The description and foreword itself is already interesting! :)