(EDITING) Letter from Prince Charming (왕자님으로부터온 편지)

"Eomma..... I'm thinking of.... working"

"You sure? You just got back from America, don't you think you need rest?"

"Ani, gwaenchanha. You just got back from the hospital too. You need to rest. Let me save some money for university. I don't really want to be a burden to you."

"Aish. Why is my daughter saying that kind of words! Yah! Since when are you a burden to me? Don't ever say that again, understand?"

She nodded her head, "So can I work please?!" she asked with her both hands clasped together, smiling widely and showing her aegyo. 

"Aish arraso arraso up to you! If you want to, go ahead. But, don't ever complain you're tired, oh? And get at least a week rest first before you start working!"

"Eomma saranghae!" she hugged her mother.

"Ahhhh! My back!" her mom screamed.


3 weeks passed quickly and she finally got herself a job at a coffeehouse 20 minutes journey from her place. Her shift hours are from the afternoon until night. It was her first ever job and she enjoyed every part about it. No matter how tiring it could get, she has never once complained about it. Quite often, when there isn't any customers, she would recall back the times at the hospital where she last met Chen. How they talked to each other but he doesn't recognise her at all. And most of all, how coincidental it was. 

Could it be fate?

At times, she would think of it. But would just brush it off and convinced herself that such things will never happened again. 

Meanwhile, EXO noticed how Chen has been acting weirdly. His disinterest in the usual fun things they do made them wonder the reason behind his behaviour lately. 

"Yah, gwaenchanha?" Baekhyun asked. 

He pursed his lips and nodded his head slowly. 

"Don't lie. Ppali, what's wrong. Tell me." Baekhyun demand for the truth. 

The members gathered around him. He took a look at all of them, who looked at him with a concerned look. 

They are my brothers, afterall. He thought. 

"I met her." And he stopped there. 

"You mean.... Oh Mi Hyun? You met Oh Mi Hyun? Where? When did she came back!?" Chanyeol asked. 

"Ah molla. What's even more surprising is.... she's Jungshin's cousin." 

"Mwoh?! Oh Jungshin?!" all of them asked, their mouth opened, shocked.


"I knew it was about her. Yah! Didn't I tell you if you have anything that is troubling you, don't just keep it to yourself!" Suho scolded him. 

"Wait, how do you know they're both cousins?!" Lay was curious. 

He stood up and whip his handphone out from his pocket. He searched for the image of both Jungshin and Mi Hyun together and showed to them. Baekhyun who got hold of the phone first was really surprised. 

"What?! THIS IS OH MI HYUN?! Isn't this the pretty girl that we walked pass at the hospital that time? You got to be kidding me!"

He passed the phone around. One after another, their expression changed. Until it reached Kris, he reacted differently. 

"This girl?! I've seen her before. Wait, was it just yesterday?" he scratched his head. 

"Her!? WHERE?!?!?!" Chen suddenly showed interest. 

"Wait, let me try and recall...." the entire room was quiet for a while. "Oh! Starbucks! She works there! The one at Hongdae!" 

"Hyung. You did not just saved my life. Kumawo Hyung. Saranghae!" Chen took him by the hand as he said those cheesy words. He hurried to the door and left, without even saying anything to the members. 

"Yah. What was that for?! Crazy bastard." Baekhyun said. 

"But Oh Mi Hyun was really pretty, matji?! Look at how much weight she have lost! I swear if you see her at the hospital the other day you'd be surprised because she's much prettier in real life than in the picture."

"So now, you're the other person who's interested? You have to go through Jongdae hyung first." Kyungsoo said to Baekhyun. 

"Yah! I've never said that! Don't put words in my mouth! Is it wrong complimenting a person!" he defended himself. Everyon ejust kept quiet and continued doing their own things.

"Ok. I'm ignored. And I'm totally fine with that..."

Chen flagged for a cab immediately the moment he was out of Suho's house. It was 8.30pm, the sky was dark but the night is still young. 

"Ahjussi. Bring me to Hongdae as fast as possible jusaeyeo!" 

The ahjussi can't figure out why the young man sounded like he was in a rush. But he the taxi meter and went on with the journey. 

As soon as he reached, he gave the taxi driver all the money in his pocket. "Ahjussi! Kamsahamnida. You keep the change~" he closed the car door and started walking to find Hongdae's Starbucks. There, he saw Mi Hyun serving the customers behind the counter through the glass door. 

*breathes* He took a deep breath before going in. 

"Hi. Can I have one Tall Americano please!" he called for the lady who was settling the other customer's drink. 

The lady turned, she became surprised by his prescence. That lady that Chen had called out on purpose was none otherMi Hyun.  

"Oh you again! Wah! What a coincidence~ You work here?" Chen acted like he didn't know anything.

"Mm!" She nodded her head. 

"Oh how's your mother? Is she better now?" 

"Yeah she is. She's resting at home. That'd be 5,100 won." 

"That's good to hear." He took out his wallet and handed out his money to her. 

Chen took a sit close to the counter, to get a glimpse of her. Their eyes met at one time, but she quickly looked away. Chen killed time playing with his phone and listening to music while he waited for 9.30pm, which marks the closure of the coffee house.

Mi Hyun wondered why was he alone at the shop for so long. His odd behavior made her questioned herself if this was really coincidental or he had everything planned on purpose. 

Not long after, the clock showed 9.30pm. Chen stood up and left the place. Mi Hyun felt relieved. She couldn't keep herself calm when he was around. She felt pressured. 

"The guy that just left, he's cute, don't you think?" a colleague asked for her opinions. 

"Oh. Geurae? Ah neh neh." she replied back without even a tiny bit of interest.

Half an hour passed in a blink of an eye when they started cleaning the entire place. She was ready to leave. 

"Everyone~ I'll be going first, oh? You guys don't go back too late! I'll see you guys tomorrow. Annyeong~" she said to all her colleagues before leaving through the exit door and then walking away from the shop happily. 

" What is this? Should I even be smiling?"  she realised how she was smiling unconciously and lightly slapped herself. It was that one particular visitor at the shop that day who turned her mood around. What she didn't know was there was actually someone taking notice of her from afar. 

"Oh Mi Hyun!" a voice of a man called out her name. 

She stopped walking. 

"Who is that" she turned herself to see who it was. 

Kim Jongdae, calling out my name. This is so not true. she tried to convince herself. 

"Can we talk. For just 5 minutes?"

She kept quiet for a while, clenching her fist before finally replying him. 

"So you found out.... What is there to talk about?" the cheerful Mi Hyun suddenly turned into a cold person, replying in a different tone. 

"Yes. So you knew it was me all along at the hospital didn't you?" he asked Mi Hyun. "Well, I just wanted to tell you something. That everything, it was just a misundestanding. Ah Young and I, there was really nothing going on between us. We're just-" 

"Are you done talking? Jongdae-yah, how long has it been? It's over. Get over it and move on."

"Wait, just give me a chance to explain. And the reason why I avoided you in school was because-"

"You know what? You can come up with a million of excuses, but I will never buy them. I am not too dumb like I was before to be fooled by a person like you." 

A red car came shortly after and stopped beside the pavement Mi Hyun was standing. Chen noticed a man in his mid-20s on the driver's seat. Mi Hyun opened the car door, getting ready to get in. 

"Mi Hyun ah..." Chen paused for a while. Suddenly, the rain poured. "I like you" Just nice, the rain hides his tears that was falling. 

"Jongdae-ssi, mianhae." she went in to the passenger's seat. The car drove off immediately. 

"Who's that guy?" the guy asked in the car. 

"Just a friend." she replied. 

"Jungmal?" he wanted to confirm. 

"Neh." she turned to smile at him. 

Her heart ached, she couldn't control herself and teared silently as she looked out of the car window. She only wanted to follow her cousin's advice. But she never knew it would turn out this hard for her. 

'He must be really drenched in the rain now'  that thought worried her. 

Chen walked aimlessly under the pouring rain at the streets of Hongdae. He was shivering because of the cold rain but he didn't care. 

Kim Jongdae, there's no more hope anymore. What's the point of continuing? What are you really chasing for? She's already found someone else now, you stupid fool. Probably someone who could protect her, much better than you did before. 



Sorry for the sad chapter ; ;  But here's your long awaited chapter! The song lyrics fits this chapter so well and it's sung by our dear Kim Jongdae n_n Alright, don't worry guys! Something good will happen real soon:-) Just keep reading okay! And if you guys wonder how Mi Hyun look like after her weight loss, my imaginary character that I think suits him best is Two X's Surin! She's so cute~ IU would suit Baekhyun(in my perspective!) So here goes, 


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wonwooeu #1
Chapter 8: Lol my name is Jieun...and my last name is Kim... OML BLESS MY BROTHER KIM JONGDAE ♡♡♡♡♡. I get is a sin but omfg its chen -_- kille me now ♡
SaeMii #2
Chapter 43: take ur time and update soon...
im waiting
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 43: Still here for you!!!!
Chapter 43: im still here. oh
Chapter 43: Please update soon!! :D i'm still here hehehhee thank you ^^ yup jongdae got more and more muscles nowaday D:
Banging_bangtan #6
Chapter 25: Pwahahhahahahahaha
Laughing at tao txt lol!!!!!bath mr jaebal pwahahahahahhahahahaha.
Chapter 22: interesting! feels like I'm watching a drama! :)
frhtissa #8
Chapter 42: A great story aaa it kinda hard to find chen story here thank God i found you authornim lol
Hello new reader here! The description and foreword itself is already interesting! :)