(EDITING) Letter from Prince Charming (왕자님으로부터온 편지)

"Why are you home so late? Where did you go?" Chanyeol asked Chen who walked into the main door of Suho's house. With Suho's parents gone on a business trip, the entire living room was turned into a big mess. Empty packaging of potato chips are found lying on the floor, cups of instant ramen that has already been eaten are left on the table. The other members stayed over at his place. The maids was in no control of everything that happened in the house. They too, refused to clean the mess because they know once they do, it will be back to square one. 

"Oh I went to noraebang with my classmates today!" Why aren't you guys asleep yet?" Chen asked, with a wide smile plastered on his face.

"Ah do we look like we will sleep that early on a Friday!? Jinja!" Tao replied.

"Noraebang?! Wahhhhh daebak! Did Oh Mi Hyun went too?" Baekhyun asked. Everyone knew about the two being in the same class. It surprises them how everything that happened was a coincidental. Chen nods his head up and down happily.

"There must be something that happened between the two of you! Ppali, tell us what is it!" Xiumin asked.

"Nothing. It's just that... I met her mother. And..." he looked around, noticing the members' reaction when he said that. Nobody said a word, everyone was interested with what he's about to say. "the mother has agreed to put both of us on a blind date! "

"What, really?! Daebak! You better thank the one above for having such a nice mother-in-law hyung!" Kai said to Chen, genuinely happy for his friend.

"Yah, not yet my mother-in-law!"

"So what is it that you want Chenchen? You said you wanted our help."  Kris asked.

"E-riwa, e-riwa!" he called for the members to come closer. He whispered his favour to the rest of the members. 

"Call!" the rest of the members agreed loudly after Chen was done with what he wanted to say.


D-day; 28th March 2013

Mi Hyun got up from her bed in the noon. As she was stretching, she realised she smelled of alcohol. 

"Omo! What happened last night!" She tried to recall.

She knew she was in noraebang with the rest of her classmates, including Chen. She remembered somebody singing with a really melodious voice too, but she couldn't recall who it was. Suddenly, she covered immediately with both hands. Flashbacks from yesterday replayed in her mind. Kim Jongdae was the one who sent her home, carrying her on his back.

"Yah Oh Mi Hyun! You didn't say anything funny right!" she tried convincing herself that certain words that she wasn't supposed to say didn't slip out last night as she looked into the mirror. 

She walked out of the room and then made her way to the kitchen. Her mom already prepared food on the table.

"Mi Hyun, you've woke up!" she said to her daughter.

"Ye eomma, sorry for coming back in such a state yesterday. I didn't expect that to happen. I won't do that again.... I promise."

"Ah gwaenchanha. Anyway, there's something that you need to do today. And no excuses." her mom warned her.

Her mind filled with so much curiousity "Mwoya. What is it?" she asked.

"I want you to go on a date today. Yes, a blind date. Just meet the guy okay? Whether you like him or not, I'll leave that up to you."

Mi Hyun almost choked on her food when she heard those words from her mother.

"Mwoh?! Yah eomma!" she yelled at her mother who jumped from being shocked. "Why did you agree on such things without my permission!" she asked.

Her mom just stared at her. She didn't bother saying anything because she knew things would just get worse when that happens.

"There's no way in hell that I am going for that! I'm not even ready to get a boyfriend." she said to her mother.

"Aish, I should have stayed longer at the hospital, shouldn't I?" her mom teased, just so that her daughter would agree to go for the date.

"Ah arrasso arrasso I will go, oh?! Aish eomma jinja! Why are you always doing things without getting my permission first." she rolled her eyes and continued eating.

"Jinja? my pretty daughter is going for the date?!" she asked cheerfully.

Mi Hyun could only nod her head in order not to disappoint her mother.

"Alright! I'll pick something to wear later for you!" she hugged her from the back.

Meanwhile at Suho's place, everything was laid on the bed for Chen to choose his outfit. As there isn't much difference between the body size of Suho and Chen's, Suho agreed to lend Chen his clothes.
He didn't like the idea of formal wear on dates. He wanted to look like a young adult who dressed comfortably. Simple and casual but smart. 

"Hyung, I think you will look good in this." Kyungsoo said to him. It was a navy blue knitted jumper with cream brown casual pants. He looked at himself in the full-length mirror, before finally agreeing on the outfit.

"Yah, you're right. This is perfect." He smiled to himself.

"Jamkam-man, have you told her where's the date going to be at?" Sehun asked.

** ​

"Aish! Jinja! How can I forgot the most important part of the date!" He scratched his head in frustration.

"Gwaenchanha, gwaenchanha! You know where she lives, matji? Pick her up from there!" Kai suggested

"No I can't. That wouldn't be a blind date anymore! And you think she would still want to go if she knows that I am her  date?" He smirked.

"You're right. Wait did she even agree on going for the blind date?"

"I don't know. But I know her mom will make her agree for sure. Anyway guys, jaebal ppali! Help me think of a solution!"

The room turned silent. Everyone was deep in thoughts, trying to help Chen.

"Ah I know I know! How about this! Ask your chauffeur for a favour. Give him her house address and tell him the details of where you want the date to be at! " Lay suggested an idea.

"He's right! But just ask my chauffeur to do it instead! Since you're already here..." Suho said.

Chen agreed. He took a small A3 sized paper and wrote down the details of the date, placed it inside an envelope and sealed it. 

"Here. You can pass this to your chauffeur. And here's her adress. Thank you, really."Suho took it by his hands and make his way downstairs. 


45 minutes later. 4.00pm, Mi Hyun's place
"Silly boy. He w
ants me to set him up on a blind date but never even give me the full details!" Mi Hyun's mom thought. 

*ding dong*  the doorbell rang. She looked through the peephole to see who it was, a fine looking man wearing a black suit. 

"Who is this guy? What is it again...," she asked herself.

She opened her door and was greeted with a 90-degree bow by the man. 

"Yes? How can I help you?"

"You're the mother of Oh Mi Hyun, am I right?" he asked to confirm. 

"Neh, what is this about?" 

He passed her the white envelope. She took it. "This envelope contain details of the date later. I'm sorry he is still at home preparing, so he asked me to send this to you instead. Please take a look at it." 

"And you are?"

"I'm the guy's friends' chauffeur." He told her. 

"Oh. Arasso, I will read this later. Thank you so much for coming here." 

He bowed again at her before she finally closed the door on him. 

She went inside her room immediately and unsealed the envelope, taking out the white paper that was inside. The letter had the time, venue as well as Chen's phone number written on it just in case. 

"Eomma!" Mi Hyun shouted. 

"Omo! YOU GIVE ME A SHOCK! Must your really call for me that out loud!" she quickly hid the paper behind her. 

"Hehe mianhae. Eomma what time is that thing later? Saying date is awkward soo....." 

"7pm! Ppali, it's already close to 4.30pm! We don't have much time left. Kaja, let's get yourself ready." she left the paper on her dressing table and followed Mi Hyun to her room. 

She picked out all the five dresses that Mi Hyun kept inside her closet. Those are the dresses her aunt had gifted her in America and that she had never worn before. It was a gift for succesfully losing weight. 

"Here. This one. Wear this. I think you will look great in it." her mom picked the sweet looking floral-printed sleeveless dress. 

Her daughter just followed suit. She was clueless about what to do, since it was her first ever date. But she was not the only one, it was her date's first ever date too.

A few hours passed with her mom helping to dress up her daughter. She put on light make up and styled her hair. 

"Okay, look into the mirror. I'm done." her mother asked her. 

She stood up and moved her way to the full-length mirror. She looked at her reflection, she coudln't believe the reflection she saw on the mirror.

"My daughter, you're really pretty." her mother had her both hands on Mi Hyun's shoulder, looking at her daughter's reflection too. "Okay, it's time for you to leave now. Go and flag for a cab, oh? It's quite far from here. So you need to leave early. Here's the address of the place and here's your phone. Don't say that you don't need it anymore, because you absolutely do." 

"Eomma, what is this? A new phone?!" she noticed a different phone being handed to her. 

"Yeh... Eomma bought you a new phone for you as a present because of my strong-willed and determined daughter who had succesfully reached her long term goals!" her mother said to her. She immediately pulled her mother in for a hug. 

"Eomma, you really shouldn't have. But kumawo~" 

"Ara ara, okay, go and leave now! Text me once you arrive alright?" Mi Hyun nod her head as she put on her heels, getting ready to leave the house. 

The minute she left, her mom keyed in Chen's phone number and saved it in her contacts. 

"Jongdae-ya, Mi Hyun just left her house. Take care of her, oh? and, hwaiting!" 

Unknown number
Sent  17:45 28th March 2013

Chen felt a vibration in his pocket. He smiled as he read the text from Mi Hyun's mom. 

"Of course, eommoni ㅋㅋㅋ. Thank you so much for this opportunity ^.~ " he typed out the reply and pressed the send button. 

"Guys, operation ready! Kaja! Let's go!" Chen excitedly said to the rest of the members, smiling widely. 

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wonwooeu #1
Chapter 8: Lol my name is Jieun...and my last name is Kim... OML BLESS MY BROTHER KIM JONGDAE ♡♡♡♡♡. I get is a sin but omfg its chen -_- kille me now ♡
SaeMii #2
Chapter 43: take ur time and update soon...
im waiting
SHINee456 #3
Chapter 43: Still here for you!!!!
Chapter 43: im still here. oh
Chapter 43: Please update soon!! :D i'm still here hehehhee thank you ^^ yup jongdae got more and more muscles nowaday D:
Banging_bangtan #6
Chapter 25: Pwahahhahahahahaha
Laughing at tao txt lol!!!!!bath mr jaebal pwahahahahahhahahahaha.
Chapter 22: interesting! feels like I'm watching a drama! :)
frhtissa #8
Chapter 42: A great story aaa it kinda hard to find chen story here thank God i found you authornim lol
Hello new reader here! The description and foreword itself is already interesting! :)