
Your my Bo-Bae and I'm your Baozi



Xiumin slowly opened his eyes to see the sun shining through the curtains and lighting up the room,he looked around the room then looked down at you who was still asleep,you had both remained in the same position all night,he smiled then slowly moved his hand to your face as he noticed you were pouting,he gently grazed his thumb on your bottom lip,you then slowly opened your eyes to see Xiumin's thumb on your lip,your eyes widened as he then your cheek,"Good morning jagiya,did you sleep well? he asked,you nodded cutely then sat up,"Good,by the way,what time is it?" he asked,"It's...9:49am,wae?" you asked looking at him as he sat up,"I was thinking...,I'm not going to tell you,get ready arraso?" he then said smiling at you,you thought for a minute then nodded.


You both then went into different bathrooms to shower then you both got dressed then met outside near the door,"Oppa,where are we going?" you asked,he then looked down at you,your hair was shining in the sun's rays,you wore a white dress that ended 3 inches above your knee,to him you looked like an angel,he was wearing a white blouse and white trousers,to you he looked like an angel,"Well..." he said slowly as he took your hand in his then you both began walking,"We're going on a date" he said then looking ahead of him as he smirked cheekily,"A date?" you asked,"Nae,a date" he said he interwining his fingers with yours.


You both silently walked down the path in the park then suddenly stopped,"We're here,stay here while I get ice cream" he said then walking off as you sat down on a bench,you looked around to see nothing except trees and flowers,Xiumin then came back with a tub of ice cream and 2 spoons,he looked at your confused,cute face as he sat next to you,"You don't know?" he asked knowing your answer,you then shook your head as you put a spoonful of ice cream in your mouth,"This is where I first met you,you were asleep,right there,where you're sat" he said,"Jinja,but that was about 7 months ago,how did you remember so well?" you asked,"You have something..." he said,"Oppa,how do you remember so well where you met me?" you asked innocently,"Well..." he began as he cupped your face with one hand and slowly wiped some ice cream off your lip,"Of course I'd remember the day and place where I met the girl who made my heart burst" he said then feeding you some more ice cream,"Oppa..." you said after swallowing your ice cream,"Shh" he said putting his finger against your lips and then feeding you more ice cream,"Let's just eat,we have some other things to do after this" he said smiling as he then ate some ice cream.


After that you both began to walk again,after a bit you both found yourselves walking down a lonely lane,absolutely no-one was around,the whole street was filled with the sun's rays,it was beautiful,roses growing along with other flowers,flowers growing up the side of buildings,it was truly beautiful.You both walked holding hands with your fingers enlaced together when you both noticed 2 buckets of water infront of you,"I suppose we better move these before there's accident" Xiumin said then letting go of your hand and picking up one of the buckets,you nodded and picked up the other bucket when suddenly you had an idea,"Oppa~" you called,Xiumin turned around to suddenly be saturated in cold water,you giggled happily then suddenly you realised what Xiumin was going to do,you quickly ran down the lane as Xiumin chased you,suddenly he grabbed your wrist and pushed you onto the wall then poured water over you,you squealed at how cold the water was then looked at Xiumin who was smirking,he reached out towards your face and moved your wet hair out of your face,you then noticed something,his blouse was clinging to his chest,you blushed madly,"You know...,you're even cute when your wet" he said smiling down at you,"Aniya,I'm not" you said pouting,"You are and I won't stop saying it until you either agree or don't reply" he said,you didn't say anything then looked him in the eyes,"Oppa~" you said cutely,"Can I tell you a secret?" you asked,he nodded eagerly,you leaned closer to his ear and whispered,"To be honest...,I like it when you're wet" you then leaned back to look at him again,"You do?" he asked with a slight cheeky face,you nodded,"I do,you look" you said then whispering the end bit but he still heard it,"Well..." he said then slowly wrapping his arms around your waist,"I like it when you are wet too,you look adorable and...y" he said whispering the last word,your eyes widened a little as you looked at Xiumin,"Gomawo" you said shyly then placing your hands slowly on his blouse where his abs were,Xiumin then leaned closer to your face while looking deeply into your eyes,you blushed madly and quickly closed your eyes,Xiumin chuckled a little then leaning in slowly then kissing you sweetly.


Xiumin slowly pulled away from the kiss and looked at you smiling happily,you smiled back at him then he looked at himself then you,"Oppa,wae are you scanning my body?" you asked,"Oh" he said as he stopped,he then grabbed your hand,"Come on,we need to change before we get a cold,especially you" he said,you nodded then both began walking down the lane.


You both walked into a shop and went upstairs,"That's nice" you said looking at a long dress,"Aniya,not for you,come here" Xiumin said,you walked towards him pouting,"Yah,don't make me kiss you" he whispered,you immediately stopped pouting as you then saw a top,"Oppa,what about this for you?" you asked then picking up a top and putting it infront of him,"Hmm...what do you think?" he asked,"It's nice" you said,it was black mid-sleeved top with a wolf on it,"Then I'll get it" he said taking it from you,"Oh and these,wear these" you said handing him some baggy knee lengh shorts,"Arraso,your turn" he said then taking you back to the girl's part of the shop,"This is nice" he said pointing to a hot pink,floral dress,"Mmm,I don't really like it much" you said,"Oh,oppa,your shoes,they're wet,go get some shoes" you said pointing at his shoes,"Oh,arraso,wait here" he said then running off to get some shoes,while he was gone you picked up an outfit of clothes,"I'm back" he said,you turned and smiled at him,"Found an outfit yet?" he asked smiling,"Nae" you answered,"Come on then,let's pay then change in the changing rooms" he said,you both walked to the cashier,she scanned the clothes then looked at you both,Xiumin gave the cashier the money then took the bags off the counter,"Kamsahabnida" he said then you both walked to the changing room,"Here you go" he said handing you a bag,"Gomawo" you said,he smiled as you walked into the changing room then he went into the one next door.


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Chapter 44: please please please please update soon !!!!!!
Chapter 44: please update soon !!!!!!
Chapter 44: please update soon !!!!!!
waiting for the next chapter......
Chapter 44: please update soon !!!!!!
Chapter 44: Hahaha
I was thinking green about the video
SHINee456 #6
Chapter 43: update please fast!!!!
starfire143 #7
Chapter 43: Update soon author-nim~♡ this story is make me fangirling! >.<
Chapter 43: Really sweet. Please update author-nim
starfire143 #9
Chapter 43: Awwh so sweet♡ keep update author-nim~ fighting~
Chapter 43: omg!! I started like… Ani! Ani! I already like suho~♥(bias only) he so nice to be a brother, appa, n eomma for girl/boy. Oh Noooo~~ xiumin r so sweet n romantic guy. Hehehe~ Good Job Authornim for making my heart getting explode too much >_< Saranghae~ *throw a love sign*