Good night,Good morning

Your my Bo-Bae and I'm your Baozi




They both ran to Xiumin's room and opened the door to see you and Xiumin sat in the middle of the bed watching something on the laptop,Suho put his hand over his heart and sighed in relief while Tao just stared at you both with an amused smirk,you and Xiumin looked up from the laptop to see why the door burst open,Xiumin quickly unwrapped himself and ran to the door,"What are you doing bursting open my door?" he asked,"We,umm...thought you might not have been able to control your urges,mianhae" Suho explained,"It's ok,we were just watching a drama together,that's all,good night" Xiumin said,"Ooh,what drama?" Tao said running into the room towards the bed but Xiumin catches him and pushes him ot the door,"Good night" Xiumin said then quickly closing the door and locking it.

Xiumin turned around and leaned on the door,he looked at you and sighed as you stared at him,he then smirked cheekily at you and began to walk back to the bed,he crawled onto the bed,"Anyway,back to how we were before we were interupted",he crawled behind you and sat behind you again with both of his legs either side of yours,wrapped his arms around you along with the blanket then rested his head in your shoulder,you chuckled then pressed play on the laptop.

After the episode finished you watched MV's together then you dozed off,Xiumin was watching Girls Day's Something MV when suddenly you fell back on his resting yourself on his chest,Xiumin then leaned closer to your face and gently moved your hair out your face to see you were asleep,he quietly shut down the laptop,gently moved off the bed to put the laptop on his table in the corner of the room leaving you laying down on the bed on your side asleep,he made his way back to the bed,crawled on the bed,he fully covered you with the blanket then layed down next to you putting the blanket over him as well,you then opened your eyes realizing you were asleep,you then noticed that you were both laying down facing each other covered by the blanket,"Oh...oppa" you said in shock,"Mianhae,I'll leave now,good night" you said just about to sit up when he wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer,your faces were now 3 inches away from each other and your bodies were touching,you widened your eyes at how close your bodies were,he stared deeply in your eyes,"Just...stay" he quietly said,you stared deeply into each other's eyes,"Arraso" you whispered,he smiled softly then closed his eyes,suddenly you pecked him of the lips then closed your eyes to go to sleep,his eyes shot open and he looked at you,he smiled softly as he layed there staring at you trying to get to sleep,he then pulled you a little closer so your bodies were now pressed against each other,he then closed his eyes and smiled happily.


Xiumin opened his eyes to all of his room lit up with sunshine,he smiled then noticed you next to him,your back was facing him,his body was spooning yours and his arm was wrapped around you,he blushed madly at the closeness then smiled happily moving his head closer to yours,he could smell your hair,it smelt of blueberries,he loved it,be moved his free arm from under his head and then gently took a lock of your hair into his fingers and smelt it,he flinched as your began to mermur things in your sleep.

"O...ppa,aniya," you said,Xiumin listened intently smirking cheekily," me?" you murmered,you then woke up and opened your eyes unaware that you were sleep talking,Xiumin quickly closed his eyes,you turned your head to see Xiumin still asleep,you smiled happily then noticed his fingers were holding some of your hair as you turned to face him in his grip,"Oppa yah" you whispered,he groaned pretending he was asleep,"Oppa yah,I know you're awake but wae are you holding my hair?" you asked,he opened one eye and smiled,"Because...,I was smelling your hair,you're hair smells...-" he said getting interupted by knocking on the door,the door burst open and you both sat up.

"Good morning,we have a concert in two days,we need to practice and you...,after breakfast you need to come with me" Kai said smiling,"Oh arraso" Xiumin said looking a little sad and climbing out of bed,Kai then went out the room followed by Xiumin,'Wae does my hair smell...,what a wierd dream I had,I wonder what he would of answered,...I think I want proof that he loves me,I just do' you thought following them both downstairs and into the kitchen for breakfast.

After breakfast all of EXO talked about the concert,you remained quiet wondering why Xiumin thought you're hair smelt,to you it smelt alright,it didn't smell,Kai then nudged you out of your trance,"What's wrong?" he whispered to you,"Nothing just...nothing" you said,"Arraso,let's go and get practicing" Suho said,all of you got up from the table then went back upstairs to wash and get changed into dance wear.

You all arrived at the SM building,went inside then EXO went into a practice room,suddenly you felt someone grab your wrist,"This way" Kai said smiling as he opened the door to another practice room,you both walked in,Kai let go of your wrist then dropped you both dropped your bags on the floor,"Umm...Kai-" you began getting interupted,"Please call me oppa,...please" he said,"Arraso,Kai oppa,wae am I in here?" you asked,"Because..." he said smiling,"You are going to be the concert we're having in 2 days time",your eyes widened at what he just said,"But...I can't dance or sing" you said,Kai smiled then walked around you,"Hmm...,well by the looks of you,you can sing and dancing won't be a problem" he said,"Sing for me",you looked at him shyly then sang a little,"See,you can sing and you're good" he said smiling happily,"Jinja,I can?",he nodded then remembered something,"Ahh,what was the matter earlier,you seemed sad" he said,"Oh aniya,just..." you said trailing off,"Tell me" he said more seriously,"Arraso,I had this dream and it made me want to have proof that Xiumin oppa loves me" you said shyly looking down,"Hmm,arraso,I don't know how to help your situation other than asking him yourself" he said,"It's alright oppa" you said smiling,"Come on then,let's get dancing" Kai said then picking up the laptop and pressing play,"This is the song you are learning" Kai said smiling,you both then watched the dance practice,each move they both made your eyes got wider,"B-But oppa,I'll need a partner for this" you said,"Aniya,you don't because you're going to be dancing this on you're own" Kai explained,"Ahh,...arraso" you said quietly,"Gaja,now let's dance" Kai said turning you to the mirror.


'Where is ______,she was here a second ago' Xiumin thought beginning to worry,"Hyung,it's alright,_____ is with Kai,they went home because she wasn't feeling well need to come with me now" Lay said,then they both walked into another practice room.



Wonder if you'll get proof,you and Kai moments coming up...maybe ke ke...







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Chapter 44: please please please please update soon !!!!!!
Chapter 44: please update soon !!!!!!
Chapter 44: please update soon !!!!!!
waiting for the next chapter......
Chapter 44: please update soon !!!!!!
Chapter 44: Hahaha
I was thinking green about the video
SHINee456 #6
Chapter 43: update please fast!!!!
starfire143 #7
Chapter 43: Update soon author-nim~♡ this story is make me fangirling! >.<
Chapter 43: Really sweet. Please update author-nim
starfire143 #9
Chapter 43: Awwh so sweet♡ keep update author-nim~ fighting~
Chapter 43: omg!! I started like… Ani! Ani! I already like suho~♥(bias only) he so nice to be a brother, appa, n eomma for girl/boy. Oh Noooo~~ xiumin r so sweet n romantic guy. Hehehe~ Good Job Authornim for making my heart getting explode too much >_< Saranghae~ *throw a love sign*