Stuck in the bedroom

Your my Bo-Bae and I'm your Baozi





After making the breakfast and the cake it was 2pm,you both decided to wake up the others,you both went into the hallway which lead to all 3 bedrooms,"Omo,Fire,quick,everyone out,the house is on fire!" you and Xiumin shouted in unison,immediately all the members jumped out of bed and out of the house,you and Xiumin laughed collapsing onto the floor,all the members looked at each other,"Are you telling me there isn't a fire?" Suho said,you and Xiumin sat up from laying on the floor and smirked,"Ooh,you two are in trouble" Suho said as they all ran towards you both,quickly you both ran into your room and locked the door behind you,"That was fun" you said giggling,he nodded happily,"It was but they're going to kill us when we get out there" he said,you gasped,"Really?" you asked standing opposite him, "Nae,so I suppose we should stay in here until they calm down" he said smiling at you then tilting his head,you looked down to your feet blushing then looked back up to him to see he wasn't there,you turned around to see him in a cupboard getting some towels,"What are you doing?" you asked,"Well seeming though we're stuck in here until they calm down,we have access to 2 bathrooms,so we should probably go and get cleaned up" he said walking over to you handing you 2 towels,"Oh,nae,arraso,see in you soon then" you said walking into one bathroom as he smiled and walked into the other bathroom,you both showered and got changed into pajamas.


Xiumin came out of the bathroom in his pajamas then sat on the bed rubbing his wet hair,you came out of the bathroom to see Xiumin rubbing his hair and giggled as you then grabbed 2 dressing gowns,"Here" you said handing him one,he turned his head to see you in cute pajamas,"Gomawo,come,sit" he said to you,you both put on the dressing gowns then sat in the middle of the bed,you looked at his hair and giggled,"Bwoh?" he asked,"Oppa,your hair" you giggled,"It's dripping" you said,"Your's is too" he said smiling,"Do you want to play a game?" he asked you,"Nae,nae!" you said happily,"Arraso,what about this?" he asked reaching under the bed pulling out a box then putting in on the bed,it was scrabble and snakes and ladders,"Oh,I love these games" you said happily,he smiled at you admiringly then took them out the box,"Which one do you want to play first?" he asked,"Hmm...that one" you pointed to the snakes and ladders, "I've had an idea" he began,"What is it?" you asked,"When you get an even number,you have to do a dare,when you get an odd number,you don't" he said,"Do you want to do it?" he asked,"Nae" you said,"You first",he rolled the dice and it landed on an even number,"Oh yay,I dare you I Got A Boy" you said smiling,he smiled then got off of the bed and danced a part of I Got A Boy then he returned to the bed,you rolled the dice and it landed on an odd number, he rolled and got an odd number then you rolled again and got an even number,"Hmm...I dare you aegyo" he said smiling,you got off of the bed and began doing extreme aegyo then you returned back to the bed,'Omo,she's soo cute' he thought,after that you both decided to stop playing snakes and ladders then you both set up the other game Scrabble.


"You first" he said to you,you began playing scrabble then in the middle of the game Xiumin looked at your hair,it was still wet,"Yah,your hair is still wet" he said grabbing a brush,"Can I brush it for you?" he asked,you giggled then nodded,he gently brushed your hair as you put a word on the scrabble board,"Love" he read aloud,you smiled happily while blushing then suddenly Xiumin changed it,"Saranghae" you read aloud,Xiumin stared at the board as you added another word,'You do?' he read silently,he then added another word,you read it slowly leaning down to the board,your eyes widened,'Your mine' it said,you sat up straight again then turned your head to Xiumin who's face was already looking at you and was 2 inches away from your face,you blushed at how close you both were then Xiumin gave you a heart melting smile,"Do you mean that?" you asked with a cute wonderous face,Xiumin smiled at you,"Nae,I do,I mean all of it,saranghae,no one should touch you because..." he leaned closer to your face,"Your mine" he said then putting his hand on your neck and kissing you,you kissed him back then both seperated,you were still blushing,he smirked cheekily at you then suddenly he hugged you,"You know,I really do mean it,I really do love you and I hope that you will stay forever mine" he said pulling out of the hug and pecking you again,you saw the love and hope in his eyes and smiled happily,"I can tell you mean it,it's in your eyes" you said to him moving your hand to his cheek it then lowering your hand again.


He smiled happily into your eyes then realised your dressing gown was massive and fluffy,"Can I do something to you?" he asked,you nodded slowly wondering what he was going to do,suddenly he pulled the dressing gown hood over your head and smiled,"Aww,you look like a massive teddy bear" he said,"Yah" you said childishly then pulling his dressing gown hood over his head,"Soo cute" you said happily,Xiumin and you then laid on the bed and decided to take selcas together,you both made cute poses,after that you both laid there looking at the ceiling,your eyes began to get heavy and you began to fall asleep,Xiumin looked at you and smiled,he then turned to face you and pulled you towards him,he wrapped his arm around your waist and kissed your lips,"Sleep well my cute teddy bear" he said smiling,suddenly to his surprise you snuggled your head on his chest,after that he fell asleep as well.


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Chapter 44: please please please please update soon !!!!!!
Chapter 44: please update soon !!!!!!
Chapter 44: please update soon !!!!!!
waiting for the next chapter......
Chapter 44: please update soon !!!!!!
Chapter 44: Hahaha
I was thinking green about the video
SHINee456 #6
Chapter 43: update please fast!!!!
starfire143 #7
Chapter 43: Update soon author-nim~♡ this story is make me fangirling! >.<
Chapter 43: Really sweet. Please update author-nim
starfire143 #9
Chapter 43: Awwh so sweet♡ keep update author-nim~ fighting~
Chapter 43: omg!! I started like… Ani! Ani! I already like suho~♥(bias only) he so nice to be a brother, appa, n eomma for girl/boy. Oh Noooo~~ xiumin r so sweet n romantic guy. Hehehe~ Good Job Authornim for making my heart getting explode too much >_< Saranghae~ *throw a love sign*