
Your my Bo-Bae and I'm your Baozi


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And enjoy yourself,imagine well!

ke ke



"Oh,Kai oppa,just out of interest...,does my hair smell?" you asked shyly,Kai took a lock of your hair in his hand and smelt it then shook his head,"Aniya,it definetly doesn't,wae?" he asked,"Well...Xiumin oppa said my hair smelt" you said pouting,"Hmm...well it doesn't" Kai said smiling reasuringly,you and Kai stood infront of the mirror then Kai went into the corner of the room to turn on the music when suddenly the door opened,"Annyoung,your manager said I was to come to teach you the dance for our song,is this who I'll be teaching" she said walking in and bowing then looking at you smiling,"Oh nae,______ this is...,actually,I think you know who she is" Kai said,"Ahh nae,I do,really nice to meet you,I will try my hardest,I've never danced before" you said with a shy expression,"Ahh,jinja,well,let's change that then and get started" she said then putting her bag with yours then walking next to you and asked Kai to start the music,she showed your the first couple of steps of the song then showed you how to do them,Kai watched smiling as you learnt the dance.


After 6 hours of dancing it was now 7pm,you felt so tired now,you flopped onto the couch in the corner of the room and sighed,"You did really well for someone who's never danced before,we will carry on tomorrow,arraso?" she said,"Nae,gomawo for teaching me" you said standing up and bowing,"See you tomorrow then" she said then waving at you both and walking out the room,"Dongsaeng,wae don't you go and shower now then meet up with us in the main practice room" Kai said,"Arraso" you said picking up your bag and leaving the room to go into the shower rooms.


You showered then got changed into a onesie that Tao chose for you to wear afterwards,it was a stitch onesie and also stitch feet onesie,'Ahh,well,you just have to admire they know what cute is' you thought then packing your other clothes into the bag and walking out the shower rooms,you then went into the main practice room where EXO was then noticed there was a camera filming them,"Oh ______ dongsaeng,come,we were just about to begin the challange for EXO Showtime" Baekhyun said smiling happily,"Bwoh?" you asked,"It's ok,just be yourself" Chanyeol said smiling,"Awwww,so kyeopta" Luhan said happily patting your head,"Yah,hyung..." Kai whispered to Xiumin,"Hmm" Xiumin said,"Wae did you say to ______ that her hair smelt?" Kai whispered,"Bwoh,aniya I didn-,oh,aniya,you came in the room,she thinks I finished my sentence saying her hair smells,aniya,it smells delicious" Xiumin whispered,"Ahh,well tell her that,oh and tell her how much you love her,she said she wants you to tell her" Kai finished then moved to sit next to D.O,you then ignored the camera,sat down then Xiumin turned to you,"You know earlier?" he began,"Nae" you answered looking at him,"Well,I was interupted in the middle of my sentence,what I was going to say was...,you're hair smells delicious,just so happens to smell of my favourite ice cream" he finished smiling,"Jinja,so...it doesn't smell bad?" you asked,"Aniya,oh and..." he said then leaning a little closer,"Saranghae,I really do,you're perfect,I just can't not love you",you blushed madly then quickly pecked him on the cheek,he put his hand on his cheek and also blushed madly,"Arraso,the camera is starting now" Lay Sehun said.


You both turned from each other then slowly he took your hand in his and enlaced his fingers with yours,"We have a challange" Sehun said holding up a card,Sehun then read out the challange which recieved a load of 'Ahh's in reply,it was a silence competition,suddenly Sehun and Baekhyun layed down on the floor causing some others to as well,Luhan then layed down followed by Xiumin laying on his chest with a cap other his face,suddenly they all sat up again,after a while you all got bored so you all decided to play 7Bbang,during playing the game you layed on your side leaning your head on Xiumin's leg,in the end Xiumin fell asleep,Chanyeol pointed at Xiumin,looked up at him and smiled then tapped his arm gently,Xiumin's eyes opened then saw your head on his lap.


After that everyone changed position,you ended up being backhugged by Xiumin,your legs were stretched out and you were leaning on his chest,finally Kris screamed at being tackled to the ground,everyone burst out laughing at how helpless he sounded and looked,after that you all ordered food and Kris payed,you all ate then left the building to go home.


You all showered then went towards your room doors,"Good night everyone" you said waving at everyone as they stood at their room doors,"Good night dongsaeng" Sehun said smiling happily and going to his room followed by all the others doing the same,"Good night jagiya" Xiumin said smiling as he pecked your cheek then went in his room,you went into your room then waited at your door for all of them to get in their rooms,after a minute you took off your dressing gown,put it on your bed,grabbed your bag and quietly went out your room,went downstairs then went outside and began to walk.


Soo...,everyone sees EXO Showtime and you're in it...

Uh Oh! ke ke

Will you have haters? Sasaengs trying to kill you?

Oh no...the drama! ke ke

And...I'm not going to tell you who the 'her' is at the beginning *It will reveal everything*




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Chapter 44: please please please please update soon !!!!!!
Chapter 44: please update soon !!!!!!
Chapter 44: please update soon !!!!!!
waiting for the next chapter......
Chapter 44: please update soon !!!!!!
Chapter 44: Hahaha
I was thinking green about the video
SHINee456 #6
Chapter 43: update please fast!!!!
starfire143 #7
Chapter 43: Update soon author-nim~♡ this story is make me fangirling! >.<
Chapter 43: Really sweet. Please update author-nim
starfire143 #9
Chapter 43: Awwh so sweet♡ keep update author-nim~ fighting~
Chapter 43: omg!! I started like… Ani! Ani! I already like suho~♥(bias only) he so nice to be a brother, appa, n eomma for girl/boy. Oh Noooo~~ xiumin r so sweet n romantic guy. Hehehe~ Good Job Authornim for making my heart getting explode too much >_< Saranghae~ *throw a love sign*