While you were sleeping

Your my Bo-Bae and I'm your Baozi



You got up,got showered and dressed,packed your suitcase then walked out of your parents house hugging your teddy bear,your parents saw you with a suitcase and didn't even bat an eyelid,"Come on,they don't care about us" you said to your teddy then hugging it and walking into the park,you sat on a bench and sat there thinking about how they mistreated you,it began rain after a bit but you didn't notice as you had fallen asleep,while you were asleep the park maintenance people plowed up some mud and some of the mud sprayed onto you, after the park maintenance people left Xiumin,Chen,Tao,Kai and Baekhyun were walking under their umberellas enjoying the rain when suddenly Baekhyun saw you and stopped in his tracks and nudged Xiumin who looked at what Baekhyun was pointing at to see you,Xiumin ran over to you soaked in water from the rain,"Look,it's a girl" he said looking at you then the others, "I'm pretty sure we knew that" Tao said smiling as hey all walked over to you,"What is she doing out in the rain though?" Chen asked,Kai then looked at you then saw your suitcase next to you,"Well,to me it looks like she's ran away from home".





Xiumin sat down next to you and saw the teddy,"Aww~" Xiumin began only for Chen to put his hand on his mouth,"Is she breathing,she doesn't look like she's breathing" Baekhyun said with a worried expression,Kai gently put his hand on your forehead to feel your temperature, "She's not dead but she's red hot" Kai said withdrawing his hand from your head,"She's got a fever by the sounds of it" Tao said,"Ooh,I really like that teddy bear" Xiumin said pouting, "Let's take her to our house" Chen said looking at everyone around him, "Bwoh,umm...arraso, should we?" Baekhyun said looking at you,"Oh come on she's really cute" Xiumin said,"I don't know" Tao said doubting you,"Well I'm the eldest so whatever I say goes" Xiumin said standing up crossing his arms childishly,"Arraso but someone is going to have to carry her" Tao said,immediately they all pointed at Kai,Kai smiled at them then picked you up gently,it had stopped raining,Tao and Chen carried your bags and Baekhyun wheeled your suitcase as Xiumin held your teddy bear and hugged it,"Soo cute" he said smiling.



At EXO's House




They all walked inside their house,Kai took off his shoes and replaced them with slippers then began walking to the stairs,"Yah,where do you think your going?" Suho said,"Who's that?" Luhan asked like an innocent child,"Her,well...umm..." Kai said not knowing what to say, "We found her in the park,she's got a fever" Baekhyun said walking into the living room joining the others in video games,Kai walked upstairs followed by Lay and Xiumin,Kia put you in a guest room,"Wiat!" Lay said running infront of Kai,"You can't put her down,she's covered in mud","Oh yeah,well...what do we do then?" Xiumin asked innocently,"Well,I don't know,ooh what about our maid,she'll get her changed" Kai said walking to the living room,"Umm...Linshi, do you think you could get her changed?" Lay asked,"Nae,give her to me" Linshi the maid of the house said,"Linshi must be strong" Lay said seeing Linshi carrying you into one of the bathrooms,"Not really,that girl is really light actually,kind of like a feather nearly" Kai aid then sitting at the dining table along with Lay and Xiumin,Chanyeol walked into the house with Kris and walked to the table,"What's going on?" he asked,"Well..." Xiumin began standing up from the table but stopped as Linshi came back with you in her arms then passed you to him,"She happened" Xiumin said then widening his eyes not knowing what to do,he looked at your face for a moment,"She's cute isn't she?" Chen said walking though patting Xiumin on the back,Xiumin nodded,"Come on then,follow us" Lay said,Kai,Lay and Xiumin all walked to the guest room Lay picked then Xiumin softly put you on the bed,he had dried your teddy bear for you while you were being changed,he put it in the bed with you and smiled then putting the covers over you,they all left the room,Xiumin was last out the room,he couldn't stop looking at you for some reason.



(The pajamas Linshi put you in)

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Chapter 44: please please please please update soon !!!!!!
Chapter 44: please update soon !!!!!!
Chapter 44: please update soon !!!!!!
waiting for the next chapter......
Chapter 44: please update soon !!!!!!
Chapter 44: Hahaha
I was thinking green about the video
SHINee456 #6
Chapter 43: update please fast!!!!
starfire143 #7
Chapter 43: Update soon author-nim~♡ this story is make me fangirling! >.<
Chapter 43: Really sweet. Please update author-nim
starfire143 #9
Chapter 43: Awwh so sweet♡ keep update author-nim~ fighting~
Chapter 43: omg!! I started like… Ani! Ani! I already like suho~♥(bias only) he so nice to be a brother, appa, n eomma for girl/boy. Oh Noooo~~ xiumin r so sweet n romantic guy. Hehehe~ Good Job Authornim for making my heart getting explode too much >_< Saranghae~ *throw a love sign*