
Your my Bo-Bae and I'm your Baozi





You both stood there in silence,it felt like minutes,Xiumin didn't know what to say,"______,I-" Xiumin began slowly to be interupted by the lights suddenly turning off,suddenly something hugged you,you screamed and the lights came on,"Surprise!" Chanyeol shouted happily,you saw Luhan hugging you,"Annyoung _______" he said hugging you and pulling away,"Luhan,come help with the luggage,you too Xiumin!" Kris shouted from outside,Xiumin looked at you as your head was looking at the floor then Luhan dragged him with him outside.

"I'm hungry" Suho said,"Me too,let's eat" D.O said walking to the kitchen with Suho and Sehun,"I wonder if my room is still clean" Lay said grabbing his bags and running upstairs with Chen,"Ooh,finally,heat" Baekhyun said going to the fire and sitting down with Chanyeol.

Your eyes remained on the floor trying not to cry and make noises,suddenly someone hugged you from behind,"Annyoung" Tao said smiling happily,"Annyoung" you said trying your hardest to sound ok,suddenly a tear slid down your face and dripped off,Tao felt something wet and warm hit his hand,his smile vanished and slowly loosened his grip,he leaned over your shoulder to see your face then slowly trned your to face him,"_______,wae are you crying?" he said quieter than usual,you kept quiet looking down and not looking at him or moving,"We're going outside" Tao said grabbing a blanket,taking your hand and taking you outside before anyone could take in what he said.

Tao walked to the end of the garden,put his hands on your shoulder and sat you down then walked to the double sun bed,threw the blanket on it then carried it to where he put you.He took your hand again,sat you on the double sunbed,suddenly he began to take your shoes off,"W-What are you doing?" you asked,"You'll see" he replied putting your shoes on the floor next to his,he sat next to you,opened the blanket fully up,then threw the blanket over all of the sunbed covering you both.

"There we go" he said,"This is what I call, tent",you slowly looked at him,"But it's cold" you said quietly,"That's why I brought 2 blankets" he said opening it up and putting it over you both,"Better?" he asked,you nodded."______,tell me...,what happened?" he asked looking at you,"N-Nothing" you said quietly,"Please tell me,pwease" he said pouting cutely,you looked at him and gave up,"A-...A girl called Xiumin,she said she loves him and won't let any boys go near her" you said sniffling then looking at Tao,"I asked him who she was and he didn't answer" ,Tao's expression was shocked,"Look,______" he began,"I don't know who this girl is but please don't cry" he said wiping your tears away with his thumb.

"I'm trying but...I can't help it,I never expected this to happen,a girl's worst nightmare,to be cheated on" you said,"Ooh,please don't cry,you're making me cry too" he said beginning to tear up,"Aniya,don't cry,I don't mean too,I'll stop just don't cry for something that isn't your fault" you said wiping your tears away,Tao nodded.

After 5 minutes of sitting in silence Tao reached outside for his bag,pulled his bag inside and rummaged through it,"Here it is" he said smiling softly as he pulled out the IPad,"Let's watch something,anything you like" he said turning it on,"Arraso,how about...hmm...Beautiful You?" you said,"Oh nae!" he said quickly going on the internet and finding it,you both watched the first episode then once it finished you looked at eath other,"What do you want to do now?" he asked,"Hmm...can we play?" you asked,"What do you want to play?" he asked,"My game where you make a story with plushies" you said smiling,"I don't have any plushies" he said pouting a little,"I do" you said,Tao looked at you wondering where they were when suddenly 2 plushies popped out of nowhere,"My power remember" you said picking up the panda with a blue bow on it's ears,Tao smiled and picked up the other panda with with same earrings on,"Aww,I love it,can I keep it?" he asked,"Nae,of course" you said smiling happily with Tao.

Xiumin brought all the bags into the living room,he went to look for you and couldn't find you,he was still holding the thing he wanted to give you earlier,"Where is she?" he asked talking to himself,he had looked everywhere,he walked back into the living room and collapsed onto the couch,meanwhile you and Tao were playing then suddenly noticed the 'Tent' had got dark,Tao poked his head out the 'Tent' to see that it was dark now,"Come on,I think we better go inside before we get told off" Tao said taking the blankets off of you both and then taking your hand to help you up,you put a blanket around him and he did thesame to you,"Gomawo for cheering me up" you said smiling softly,"Thats ok,I am here for you,I am...your best friend" he said,"Gomawo" you said smiling softly,he put his arm around your shoulder and then you both walked inside.

"Tao,_______,where did you go?" Kris asked.

"No where,just in the garden near the pool" Tao answered.

"Ahh,arraso,dinner will be ready soon" he said back then walking into the kitchen.

Tao looked at you and smiled.

Suddenly Tao's arm was taken from around you.

"Yah" Tao said then both of you looked behind you to see Chanyeol smiling.

"Can I have ______ now,gomawo,come on" Chanyeol said quickly taking you by the hand and running off with you leaving Tao on his own pouting.

"What happened Tao,wae are you pouting?" Kai asked walking into the room.

"Chanyeol took ______ away and now I've got no one to have fun with" Tao said pouting.

"Oh Tao,you've got me,aren't I fun,I'm offended,come on" Kai said jokingly then taking Tao to the fire to play Monopoly.

Meanwhile Chanyeol ran upstairs pulling you along after him.

"Chanyeol,where are we going?" you asked.

"We're going to my special place but first I need to get something that is in my room so...,go down this hall turn right then turn left and you will see a door,go in that room and wait for me" Chanyeol said then going into his room.

You began to walk the way he told you to when suddenly Chanyeol popped his head out his room.

"Oh and ______,when you go inside,get comfy because it's very...cushy in there" he said then closing his room door.

'Comfy,cushy,umm...arraso' you thought then walking to the place he told you to.




Sooo...what does Chanyeol mean by 'Comfy and Cushy',it sounds pretty...intimate to me



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Chapter 44: please please please please update soon !!!!!!
Chapter 44: please update soon !!!!!!
Chapter 44: please update soon !!!!!!
waiting for the next chapter......
Chapter 44: please update soon !!!!!!
Chapter 44: Hahaha
I was thinking green about the video
SHINee456 #6
Chapter 43: update please fast!!!!
starfire143 #7
Chapter 43: Update soon author-nim~♡ this story is make me fangirling! >.<
Chapter 43: Really sweet. Please update author-nim
starfire143 #9
Chapter 43: Awwh so sweet♡ keep update author-nim~ fighting~
Chapter 43: omg!! I started like… Ani! Ani! I already like suho~♥(bias only) he so nice to be a brother, appa, n eomma for girl/boy. Oh Noooo~~ xiumin r so sweet n romantic guy. Hehehe~ Good Job Authornim for making my heart getting explode too much >_< Saranghae~ *throw a love sign*