Magic Dust




A story about you and Baekhyun who 'accidently' met.

You are from a world of creatures that are dogs but have a human form,you hate your world,you want to escape desperately,meanwhile Baekhyun sees love around him and wants to find the perfect girl to date but doesn't want his heart broken in the process,he is walking and finds a packet of 'Wishing Dust',with that he only has one wish but wishes for two things,a puppy or a beautiful girl,that is when you are rescued from your world and put on earth,your appa makes a deal with you.

"I will give you 3 months,if you haven't found love in this time you are coming back home and will marry who I say"

Will you find love in time or will you be sent back home to marry who you are told?




Puppy but has a human form

Nails change by mood

Loves love

Loves looking at the moon

Your tail and ears come out when you want 



Wants to be in love

Loves looking at the moon

Close with his friends (EXO)







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