Chapter 24

Two Different Worlds


The coffee shop was relatively crowded by the time Gaby and I got there. I almost drove back home but I could not resist her shimmering puppy eyes. Why could I never win over aegyo?! Must learn from the master Jung Soo, who has claimed himself aegyo resistant!

Gaby hardly dragged me inside. We went to the cashier. I was about to order a cup of hot latte when Gaby’s jaw dropped. Weird. The cashier guy just asked us what we would like to have, and she got so surprised like this?! “Gab,” I elbowed her. “Dude, are you okay?”

Gaby went back to earth and she excitedly asked, “Are you Kim Jongjin?!” Eh... I didn’t know she had friend here in Korea.

I whispered in Gaby’s ear, “Is he your friend?” But she ignored me. Or probably didn’t hear me.

That Jongjin guy nervously smiled and nodded. Well, he’s cute though... “What would you ladies like to order?” He repeated, still smiling.

Gaby blankly turned to me. “What did he say?”

“What do you want to drink,” I said.

“Oh...” She turned back to Jongjin and said, “One cold strawberry flavored tea, please, Jongjin-ssi.”

I laughed a bit. Jongjin-ssi. That was all that she could say eh? Haha. I repeated Gaby’s order in Korean and also asked for a cup of latte for me.

I seriously thought that we would directly go home after our drinks were served, but Gaby begged me to stay. This little girl. They barely had empty seats here.

We managed to get a table in the corner of the room though. I asked Gaby again, “Is that Jongjin guy your friend?”

Gaby widened her eyes. “I wish! He’s Yesung’s younger brother!” OOOOOOOOOH. That explained the cute face Jongjin possessed.

“He’s cute,” I said.

Gaby enthusiastically spoke, “I know right?! You should see the brother! Yesung! Did you notice the guy with the best vocal back there? He’s Yesung! God! He’s super beautiful! I STILL CAN’T BELIEVE I MET HIM OH MY GOD. SUPER JUNIOR~”

I almost cut her spazz and said that she didn’t have to explain it all because I knew who Yesung was, but she’d freak out if I did that. So I just sat there, sipping my latte and stupidly nodding at her.

While Gaby was busy observing what Jongjin was doing, I decided to text Jung Soo. “Great performance, Jung Soo-ssi! Bwara Mr. Simple~ Simple~!”

He quickly replied, “Thank you for coming, ______-ah! So was the pretty girl beside you our fan that you were talking about? Was she pleased with our performance?”

So much stuff in one message. First, Jung Soo saw me there! I thought he didn’t! ASDFGHJKL! But, but... he said that Gaby was pretty ;A; And two out of his three lines were basically talking about her ;A;

I didn’t reply him back and instead, I sulked. I felt like throwing my phone away.

Around five minutes later, I received another text. “Why aren’t you replying? ______-ah, you’re not mad because oppa said that your friend was beautiful, right? ^^”


“Ahjussi, you’re not drunk, are you?” I could actually visualize him pouting by now. Haha.

Out of a sudden, I heard a lot of noises from outside the coffee shop. People were peeking to see what was happening, but I remained still in my seat. I wish Jung Soo won’t be really mad at me for calling him ahjussi. I sort of forgot that he had unstable emotion when I pressed the ‘send message’ button.

The noises were now even louder than before. I looked up from my phone screen to see what was going on. The front door was opened and a lot of girls came inside. What? Were these girls trying to attack people in random coffee shop?! They barged inside like Spartan warriors. No, I exaggerated it. But it was still weird. Try imagine around twenty girls suddenly coming inside a not so big coffee shop with phones and cameras in their hands. Hmm, odd.

I could hear them whispering with such low voices, “Hyukjae oppa! Leeteuk oppa! Omo, Jongjin oppa is here too! Yesung oppa’s father!”

What were they exactly talking about?!

I saw Gaby’s jaw dropping again for the nth time today. She touched her lips. “No way. No way. No way,” she dryly said.

“Gab, what’s wrong?” I worriedly patted her shoulder.

Gaby turned to me and with happiness shimmering in her eyes she said, “There.” She pointed at the crowds.

I lazily checked on the crowds and every piece of weirdness suddenly made sense now when I saw a blonde haired head popping out among those girls. EUNHYUK. SHOOT. And as I observed more closely, I noticed two other guys there. One was unfamiliar but the other one... WHAT IS JUNG SOO DOING HERE? HAHAHA, IS FATE PLAYING WITH ME RIGHT NOW?!

The girls politely made a way for Eunhyuk, Jung Soo and the other guy to come inside the coffee shop. Gaby’s jaw was still dropping. She was stunned, captivated, amazed and mesmerized. She didn’t even take out her phone and take picture of them or something. She just stared at them and enjoyed the moment. And there, at that time, I realized, if ever Eunhyuk or Jung Soo saw me and recognized me... WHAT WILL THE DO?! OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. THEY CANNOT SEE ME HERE. NO. JUST SIMPLY NO. JUNG SOO MAY UNDERSTAND MY CONDITION, BUT EUNHYUK DOESN’T. EUNHYUK MUST NOT SEE ME. WHAT IF HE SAYS HI AND APPROACHES ME?! NAH, JUST SMILING AT ME WILL MAKE GABY SUSPICIOUS. MUST ESCAPE NOW!!!

I saw an old man walking towards Jung Soo and Eunhyuk. He then hugged him and Jung Soo said, “Father!”

The old man released the hug and shouted, “Jongjin-ah, brothers of your brother are here! Please prepare something special for them.” I assumed that he was Jongjin and Yesung’s father. Wow, they call each other’s father FATHER?


It should be easy because the distance of the door from my seat wasn’t far. Jung Soo and Eunhyuk were now in the cashier ordering and chatting with Jongjin and the father. They were basically in the farthest place from the door and I was exactly in the corner of the room, left side of the front door. I only needed to quietly walk with my head down and make my way out of here. As long as they didn’t glance through the door, I would be okay.

I quickly got up. I decided to leave Gaby here and I would just call her later when I already got inside the car. She was still preoccupied by the boys and I didn’t want to drag her without her wanting it. Dayum, a noisy catfight was the least thing I wanted to occur right now.

I tiptoed towards the door. Head down and hands covering my face. Gaby didn’t even seem to realize that I left. I almost reached the door and successfully escaped... when the wheel of fortune suddenly turned around and put my luck on the lowest part of the wheel. BRUK! OUCH! OUCH! OUCH WITH FONT SIZE 674! MY POOR HEAD! A stupid person just suddenly opened the door from outside and I was stupid for not seeing it coming! It hit my head just in the right place where it hurt the most. Sudden pain, sudden headache. As if it could not get any worse, I tried to hold on to a chair to keep me from falling, but instead, I slipped and fell down. With the chair in my grip. I thought I just made loudest noise of the year. AND OW MY HEAD HURTS LIKE HELL.

I then heard soft laughter everywhere. Looking up, I saw people around me staring straight at me. And laughing. Was that even funny?! People?! It hurt like hell! And why was no one helping me out right now?! I barely stood up.

A kind guy handed out a help and asked me, “Are you okay?”

I seriously wanted to shout, “NO!” But I just weakly smiled instead.

Ignoring the pain in my head, I stormed out of the coffee shop. I didn’t glance a bit at Jung Soo. I walked as fast as I could towards my car. I got inside it and seconds later, I found out that Gaby was already sitting next to me.

“Are you okay?!” she asked.

I positioned my head on the car steer. “No,” I whispered.

“Which part that hurts, dear?”

“My head.”

Gaby pulled me into her hug. “Come on, let’s go home.”

“Yeah,” I let go her hug and started driving.

“That was funny, though,” Gaby suddenly said. WHAT?! WHAT WAS FUNNY?! “What did you do in the first place anyway? Going out without even telling me?”

I told Gaby to shut up and ask me later because apparently my headache became worse and I was also still driving. She won’t be pleased if I lost my concentration and eventually hit the car in front of me.

“You gotta see Super Junior’s faces when they saw you magnificently fell,” Gaby didn’t follow my order. But what she just said made me super curious so I let her continue. “Eunhyuk looked surprised and Leeteuk! He was going to approach you, I am very sure of that. But his manager didn’t let him to. Too bad. Isn’t he just super caring? Oh anyway, Leeteuk was the one with semi mohawk hair. Eunhyuk was the blondie one.”

LEETEUK WHAT. LEETEUK WHAT?!?! Okay, I screamed in happiness inside. I wished Gaby wasn’t here right now so I could properly appreciate Jung Soo’s reaction by dancing and screaming. I forgot the ache in my head. I was totally okay right now.

But what Gaby continued to say confused me, “Life has been very good to me these days. I never thought I would be able to see the leader and the dancing machine that close. I want to cry. That moment when they walked inside was graceful. I will never forget that. Never. Especially that was probably the last time I could see Leeteuk, face-to-face, before he goes away next year.”

He goes away? Next year? Where? What do you mean, Gaby?


Hallooooooo! I'm baaaaaack ;D

Thank you for responding my question, people ~ It meant a lot. I was completely confused about the story line and the pace, but so far, seems like you guys are fine with it :) Don't hesitate to tell me if you find it boring or lame! ;)

Oh anyway, here's a pic of Leeteuk & Eunhyuk in Handel & Gretel after Mubank (YES THEY REALLY WENT THERE!) OPEN IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET. I JUST HAD TO GIVE Y'ALL THE LINK COZ MY GOODNESS LEETEUK'S HAIR THERE IS EPIC (CR: babiettangkoma)

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SehunsWoman #1
Chapter 69: Don't leave us hanging :(
Chapter 69: I'm disappointedchonestly. You have a lot of loyal readers than you know, and you we waited for you. Don't leave us hanging.
Chapter 69: And even if you dont decide to finish the story .. please dont delete it :( i still want to read over it again from time to time.:) There arent that many good Leeteuk fanfics on here. This is one of the only amazing Leeteuk fanfics. I'd be heart broken if you deleted it.:)
Chapter 69: i think its really disappointed because i actually really love this story... i personally really like the way you wrote it and the fan-girl thing. XD

i hope you decide to finish the story. It dosent have to be anything amazing at least one more chapter explain what happens between the both of them.
Chapter 69: ah... I'm disappointed... this story is the one which make me like reading fanfic...
SujuWriter #6
Chapter 69: Fun while it lasted?! How sad it can last longer! I really want an ending to this story! You should definitely continue writing though. Maybe you could do an epilogue-y conclusion thing in a separate two-shot to finish the story and show off your improved writing
PLEASEE UPDATE SOON !!!!!!! this is my favorite story on aff and the only reason i logg on !!!
criesman1513 #8
Chapter 68: yikes... update please :D
pleaseeeeee update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:( why havent u updated ?! this ...