
Noona, I think I love you

Song: Airplane - f(x)

Suga’s pov:

I sighed as I leaned against the sink and stared at my reflection in the mirror, there was a long thin cut on the bridge of my nose from the punch Namjoon gave me yesterday.

My left cheek didn’t sting anymore but you could still see the redness, which contrasted against my pale white skin.

I hadn’t taken a look at myself in the mirror since yesterday morning.

I looked terrible.

After taking a quick shower, I exited the bathroom. Minhee was sitting on the bed, wearing a pair of jeans and a bright blue hoodie.

“Noona, have you packed your stuff?” I asked.

“Mmmmm..” Minhee nodded.

“How is your nose? Does it still hurt?” She asked, running her index finger over the plaster that I had pasted on the cut.

“It’s nothing, just a scratch.” I smiled, taking her hand and lowering it down from my face.

Minhee smiled back at me as she wrapped her fingers around my hand tightly.

“Are you ready?” I asked.

“Mmmmm…” Minhee nodded.

I smiled at her as I ran my fingers through her hair.

“Everything’s going to be fine all right?” I assured her.

Then we took our luggage and left the resort.


V’s pov:

“Taeyoung ah!! Open up!! You have to eat something!!” I called, banging on her door.

“Go awaayyy…I’m not going to eat anything!!” I heard Taeyoung mumble from inside.

I sighed as I lowered my fist helplessly and shook my head at Namjoon.

Taeyoung had been like that since we got back, she hasn’t eaten anything since yesterday morning and she had been crying in her room the whole night.

She wouldn’t even let Namjoon or me inside.

“Youngie!! You haven’t eaten since yesterday…it’s not good for your health!” Namjoon continued, banging on the door.

“Hyung, I think you should go get the key..” I suggested.

Namjoon nodded as he went to the cupboard in the living room and took out the key to the room from one of the drawers.

“We’re coming in.” I warned, as Namjoon turned the key in the lock.

The door flew open and Namjoon and I walked in, I was still carrying the tray with a bowl of porridge on it and some side dishes.

“Taeyoung ah..” I called, looking around the room.

There was a pile of torn photos on the floor in the center of the room and there were tissues everywhere.

Pillows and books were strewn everywhere, it was a mess.

“Taeyoung ah..” I called again, grabbing the blanket and pulling it off her.

“Oppa!! What are you doing!? Get out!!!” She screamed, snatching the blanket back from me.

“Taeyoung ah, eat something please….what you’re doing now won’t get Yoongi Hyung back….” I begged, setting the tray on her bedside table.

Taeyoung had her face turned away from me, it was like she was hiding something from me.

“Shiroo…” She mumbled, her voice trembling.

“maybe I’ll just die and make Yoongi Oppa regret…”

“Youngiee…” I said, grabbing her face with my hands and turning her to face me.

She quickly looked away as I made eye contact with her.

Her eyes were terribly swollened.

I sighed as I picked up the bowl of porridge and fed her some with the spoon.

“Come on, eat something…” I begged, holding the spoon on front of .

“I said I didn’t want any!!!” She screamed, pushing my hand away and causing the bowl of porridge to crash onto the floor.

“Taeyoung ah!!” I shouted frustratedly, staring at the mess she made.

The bowl had broken into pieces and there was porridge everywhere.

I was exhausted, she wasn’t the only one who was trying to mend a broken heart…

I was too…

But she just had to act like she was the only one hurting….

“Taehyung ah….you should go get some rest, I’ll take over…” Namjoon said, squeezing my shoulder.

I nodded at him as I got up from the floor and left the room.

I reached Namjoon’s room and closed the door behind me. I was about to lay down on the bed when suddenly I spotted my sketch book lying on the study table.

I grabbed the sketchbook up as I stared at it; I had been drawing a potrait of Minhee Noona and I the other night before we left on the trip…

I wanted to give it to her after we came back…

But now….

I frowned angrily as the scene of Yoongi and Minhee on the bed kissing flashed in my mind.

What they did was unforgivable!!

I gritted my teeth as I tore the page out and ripped it into pieces.

To think I actually really liked her.

I even thought about our future together.

Tears started to fall from my eyes as I fell onto the bed and started crying.

I trusted the both of them.

How could they just stab me in the back like that?


Rap Monster’s pov:

I scooped another bowl of porridge from the pot in the kitchen and entered Taeyoung’s room again.

This was the forth bowl of porridge now, the other three before this were all smashed on the floor.

I sat at the edge of Taeyoung’s bed and tried to feed her again, hoping this time she wasn’t going to push the bowl onto the floor again.

Taeyoung stared at me and I stared back at her.

“Youngie, you can waste all the food you want…there’s a whole pot of porridge in the kitchen, I’m just going to keep bringing it to you until you eat something…”

“It’s up to you…I can do this all day..” I said, waiting for her to make a decision.

“Here, eat it..” I said, scooping up some porridge and feeding it to her.

Taeyoung stared at me for a while and then she ate from the spoon.

I smiled as I continued to feed her, tears started to roll down her cheeks as she ate.

But at least she was eating something now…

“There, it wasn’t that hard was it?” I smiled, putting the bowl aside.

Taeyoung wrapped her arms around my neck and started sobbing into my shoulder.

“Oppaa…” She sobbed.

“It’s all right…” I said, her back.

“Yoongi Hyung isn’t the only boy on earth….there’s others better than him…”

“With your looks…you won’t have a problem finding a guy…oh?” I said, trying to comfort her.

I wasn’t really good with comforting people.

“Don’t cry anymore okay? Or you’ll turn ugly..” I teased, pinching her cheeks.

Taeyoung smiled a little as she lay down on her bed and I covered her with the blanket.

“Get some rest, I’ll clean the place up.” I told her, as I went to the kitchen to get a cloth.


Suga’s pov:

I held Minhee’s hand tightly as I stood outside Namjoon’s front door.

I hadn’t even planned what to say.

What was I going to say?

“Yoongi ah, are you okay?” Minhee asked, squeezing my hand a little.

“Oooh…” I replied, reaching out and pressing the doorbell.

We stood there for a while and then Taehyung came to open the door.

“Oh…what are the two of you doing here?” He said sarcastically, rolling his eyes when he saw we were holding hands.

“Did you come here to gloat after turning me and my sister into fools?” He scoffed.

“Taehyung ah….we’re just here to talk…maybe we can sort things out?” I tried to reason with him.

“What is there to talk about?! We saw you both kissing on the bed….there isn’t anything to talk about!” Taehyung retorted.

I could see he looked really angry now, his face was reddish and he had this menacing frown on his face like he was ready to kill someone if he had to.

“I know how it seems…but just..”

“Stop, Yoongi Hyung….I don’t want to hear you explain anything….” Taehyung said, cutting me off.

“If Noona even cared about my feelings….this wouldn’t have happened…in the end…she’s just a cheap who sleeps around with other guys even when she had a boyfriend…”

“So I’m done with can keep her…” Taehyung said coldly.

“Yah!! What did you say!?” I shouted, grabbing him by his collar.

I just couldn’t stand anyone insulting Noona like that!

“Say what you said about Minhee one more time and I’ll rip your mouth off!” I shouted.

“Wae!?” Taehyung smirked.

“Are you going to hit me? Huh! Yoongi Hyung!?” He retorted, staring me down.

“Yoongi ah…” I heard Minhee mumbled as she grabbed my arm.

“Don’t do this…” She said.

I didn’t turn behind to look at her but I knew she was really hurt after what Taehyung said about her….she was crying.

“Yah! Get off him!!” Namjoon said as he appeared and grabbing my arm.

“Hyung….you have no right to hit Taehyung…you’re the one who’s in the wrong.” Namjoon said firmly, grabbing my hand and throwing it off Taehyung.

I bit my lip as I looked towards Namjoon…he was right…but…I was still angry at Taehyung for calling Minhee a .

“Taehyung ah…go inside…let me talk to them.” Namjoon said, turning to Taehyung.

Taehyung stared at me as he straightened his shirt and walked away.

“Taehyung ah…” I heard Minhee’s voice as she walked past me to chase after him.

“Noona!” I said, grabbing her hand.

Was she still going after Taehyung after what he said about her.

“Yoongi ah….I’ll be fine…” Minhee said, turning her head to face me.

“I need to talk to him..” She said, giving me a reassuring smile.

I nodded at her in reply as I let her hand go.

“Joon ah…” I said, turning to face Namjoon now.

Namjoon sighed.

“If you’re here to see Youngie don’t bother…she’s locked herself in her room for the past few hours…I only just got her to eat..” He explained.

“Joon ah…just let me try okay? I know what I did was wrong…and I can’t make it better…but the least I could do is to talk to her…” I said.

“As if that would make things better…” He said, opening the door a little wider for me.

“Go ahead….I doubt she’ll even open the door for you.” He said.

“Thanks..” I replied as I entered the house.

At least he didn’t seem that pissed off anymore.


Minhee’s pov:

I quickly wiped my tears away as I followed Taehyung into Namjoon’s room.

I was really hurt by what he said about me just now…..but he wasn’t wrong…

It did seem like that.

“Taeta..” I stopped, realizing I shouldn’t be using his nickname now.

“Taehyung ah…” I corrected myself, standing at the doorway of the room.

“What is it Noona..” He said frustratedly, crossing his arms and sitting down on the bed.

“I have nothing to say to you…”

I sighed as I took a step closer to him.

“I’m sorry…” I apologized.

“It all happened so fast….but it was my fault…I should have told you earlier…” I explained.

“Noona! What’s the point of saying all this now…it’s fine…you like Yoongi…the both of you are together now…”

“There’s nothing else to say! It’s not like I’m going to hold you back or anything….you don’t have to explain this really!” He shouted, clenching his teeth.

I bit my lip to stop myself from breaking into tears as my relationship with Taehyung flashed back in my mind.

It was too late for that now….

I ruined everything…

I was sad….but I didn’t regret..because I was finally with Yoongi now.

“I just wanted to let you know….that I did like you…” I finished.

Taehyung gave a sarcastic laugh as he stood up from the bed and faced me.

“It’s too late for that now..” He said.

“If you’re thinking that we can still be friends after a while…you can forget it, because I’ll be going back to Daegu soon…”

“And I’ll never..ever want to see you again. He said harshly as he brushed past my shoulder and stormed out of the room.

I took a deep breath to calm my feelings as I let a small tear escape my eye.

This was the breakup that probably made me cry the most…and made me have the most feelings.

I was about to leave the room as well when suddenly I spotted a few pieces of torn paper near the rubbish bin.

It caught my eye because it looked like it was an eye or something, so I got down on my knees and picked up the piece of paper.

I realized it was a portrait so I rummaged the bin for the rest of the pieces then I put them together on the floor.

I blinked for a while as I stared at the potrait in front of me.

It was a drawing of Taehyung and I…it was one of the selcas we took together..the signature at the bottom of the potrait was Taehyung’s name.

My eyes started to fill with tears as I stared at the picture with my hand over my mouth.

What have I done?


Suga’s pov:

“Youngie…it’s me…will you let me in? I want to talk to you…” I said, knocking on the door softly.

I didn’t want to come off angry or anything if I knocked on the door too hard.

“Please…just let me in all right…? I know you don’t want to see me but we have to talk…..I can’t just leave you hanging like that..” I explained.

I waited for a few minutes, listening intently to hear if there was any movement in the room..then the door creaked open.

Taeyoung stared at me from behind the door.

“Youngie..” I mumbled.

Her eyes were red and swollen and her cheeks were puffy…her hair was in a mess too.

It pained me a little to see her like that…

After all…I was the one that did this to her..

“What do you want?” She mumbled, her voice hoarse from crying.

“Look…Youngie…I’m really sorry about what happened.” I said, stepping into the room.

Taeyoung just sat down on her bed wearily.

“I should have made my feelings to you clear earlier…I shouldn’t have just went along with what you wanted…”

“I think I should return this to you…I didn’t deserve it in the first place…” I said, handing a box with the two porcelain dolls inside.

“Maybe…I shouldn’t be saying this but….you’ll find a guy better than me someday…” I finished.

Taeyoung slowly opened the box and stared at the dolls inside, then she grabbed my doll and smashed in into the ground, screaming as she did.

I gasped as it smashed into pieces into her hand, the broken pieces cut into her skin and her hand started bleeding…I could see the thick red blood flow down her fingers.

“Youngie!” I exclaimed, running to her and grabbing her hand.

“Get away from me!!!” She screamed, sitting on the ground and crying.

She gave me a hard push and I feel backwards ontot the ground.

“What is so good about Minhee Unnie that I don’t have!?!!! I tried so hard….I tried so hard to be a good girlfriend to you…because I really liked you!! And this is how you treat me!?!!” She screamed.

Then she quickly grabbed the other doll and threw it against the wall.

There was a loud crash as the doll shattered into pieces and fell off the wall, onto the ground.

“Exactly what does she have that I don't!?”

Taeyoung continued sobbing as she got up from the ground and stared at me.

“I really hope the both of you break up soon!! Then you’ll start to regret losing me…but then it’ll be too late…because there’ll be no one there for you!!” Taeyoung screamed, running out of the room sobbing.

I sighed as I got up from the ground and thought about what Taeyoung said.

Minhee and I had become a couple….but was all this pain worth it?

Was hurting everyone around us worth it?

As long as we have each other…we’ll be happy…



A/n: Ughhhh i waited till 12KST hoping BigHit will release something but in the end I got trolled -.- asdajsdhajkdjasfsadj anyway, did you guys see the trailer already...omf...i can't wait anymore... u.u

P.S. What do u think will happen to Minhee & Yoongi?? 3Js will be introduced in the next couple of chapters (maybe in the next chapter i'm not sure lol)...are you excited? XDDDD

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CAN'T UPDATE!!! TOO MANY FEELS TT TT I will update tmr


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Sugakookiez #1
Chapter 43: Okay plzzzzzzzzzz don't make them break up T^T I like them they they are right now
sinwan #2
i love yoongi... :3.. love your fanfic.. <3
Up10tion4LIFE #3
Great story, keep up the good work!
I was retreading this. Cause I miss this story alot ;-; update when you can TT
YoongiholicAnonymous #5
Do you know when you're going to update again?
I miss your updates ㅠ.ㅠ
please update when you are able to <3
*throws you a life-sized doll of Suga*
Chapter 1: New reader and the starters is good. No wonder my friend desperately begging at me to read this. Continue to the next chapter! ^^ xD