Ice Cream

Noona, I think I love you

Suga’s pov:

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of the ringing of the doorbell.

“Ughhh…why isn’t Umma getting the door…” I thought, rolling onto my side and groaning.

After a few more rings, my brain finally gained consiousness and I sat up in my bed rubbing my eyes.

“Coming..” I mumbled, dragging me feet towards the front door.

I peeked through the peephole and realized it was Minhee, she was standing there holding a pot of something.

I widened my eyes as I quickly adjusted my hair and rubbed my hand across my face to make sure there wasn’t anything weird left on my face while I was sleeping.

“Noona..” I greeted her as I opened the door.

“Oh, Yoongi ah…what took you so long?” Minhee asked.

“I thought you weren’t going to open the door for me.”

“Ahhh…mian…I was still sleeping, Umma wasn’t at home…” I grinned, scratching my head embarrassedly.

Minhee smiled at me.

“Look at you, your hair looks like a hurricane passed through your room.” She said, reaching out her hand and combing my hair with her fingers.

I blushed a little as she neared me, I couldn’t help but stare into her eyes.

Her touch still sent tingles all over my body.

“Ummm…I made some clam soup, I thought we could have breakfast together.” She said, holding the pot out in front of her.

“Great! I’m starving!” I grinned, taking the pot from her.

Minhee smiled as she followed me into the house and I sat the pot onto the dining table.

“I’ll get the rice..” I offered, about to go into the kitchen when Minhee stopped me.

“Yoongi ah, I’ll get it!” She said, running into the kitchen.

I smiled as I watched Minhee scurrying around the kitchen grabbing the rice and some side dishes, she knew my house like it was her own.

“I’ll help.” I said, walking up beside her and grabbing a tray to get the side dishes.

Minhee smiled at me as we carried the food to the dining table and laid them down.

“I got more rice for you.” Minhee said, pushing the bowl of rice towards me.

“Gomawo..” I replied.

“Since I haven’t been able to have lunch with you…you probably didn’t eat well did you!” Minhee teased, scooping some soup for me.

“Ahhh…Noona…you don’t know how much I miss your food..” I chuckled.

Minhee smiled as she scooped more clams into my soup.

“Eat more then…if you grow any skinnier I won’t be able to pinch your cheeks like that anymore..” Minhee grinned, reaching out and pinching my cheeks.

“Ahhhhh ahhh…Nooonnaaaa…” I mumbled, narrowing my eyes at her.

Minhee giggled as she let go of my cheeks.

“That felt good…I haven’t done that for a long time..” She smiled.

I chuckled as we continued eating our food, it became awfully quiet after that…both of us at a lost on how to start a conversation after what happened yesterday.

“Yoongi ah…” Minhee said, breaking the silence.

“Hmmmmm?” I said, raising my eyebrows at her.

“I listened to your mixtape yesterday.” She said.

“Did you like it?” I asked.

“I felt better after listening to your voice and reading your note.” She replied.

“Ahhh..the note…” I said, suddenly feeling embarrassed about what I wrote.

“I’m sorry I walked out at dinner like that yesterday….it wasn’t your fault…I just needed some time alone.” Minhee said, looking down and playing with her food.

“Noona…I understand…you don’t have to apologize.”

“So I guess….Taeyoung and you…are already in a relationship?” Minhee asked, lifting her eyes a little to look at me.

“Well….I guess you could say that…” I replied.

Minhee just nodded as she ate a spoonful of rice.

“Noona…I have something to tell you..” I said, trying to lighten the mood.

“What is it?” Minhee asked, widening her eyes at me.

I smiled as I took out the name card that the ahjusshi from BigHit Entertainment gave me from my pocket.

“Look.” I said, handing it to Minhee.

Minhee took the card from me and scanned it.

“BigHit Entertainment?” She mumbled, reading from the card.

“Yoongi ah…” She said, looking up at me.

I nodded at her.

“Noona, yesterday a talent scout from BigHit Entertainment came to see me and gave me this card, he said he wanted me to take part in the auditions two months from now!” I grinned excitedly.

Minhee widened as she let out a gasp.

“Yoongi ah!” She exclaimed.

“You’re going to be famous!!” She smiled, grabbing my hand.

I nodded at her as she threw her arms around me in a hug.

“Noona, I need to prepare myself for the auditions, this is my big chance!” I said, hugging her back.

“Mmmm!” Minhee said, releasing her grip.

She grabbed my hands and looked into my eyes.

“Yoongi ah, I know you can do it….you’re so talented.” She said.

“Noona…you’ll have to support me all the way okay?” I smiled.

“Of course..” Minhee replied.

“Yoongi ah, what are you going to do after school today?” Minhee asked.

“It’s your day off today isn’t it?” I said, suddenly remembering.

Minhee was about to reply when suddenly my phone started ringing.

I pulled it out of my pocket and realized it was Taeyoung.

“Jakkamman…” I told Minhee as I stood up to answer the call.


Minhee’s pov:

“Oh, Youngie…” I heard Yoongi say as he started walking away from the table to answer the call.


I sighed as I lowered my chopsticks onto the table, I didn’t really have any mood to eat anymore right now.

I smiled as I saw Choco lumbering up beside my chair, he sat down on the floor as he looked up at me and wagged his tail.

“Choco ya..” I smiled, bending down to give him a rub on his head.

Suddenly, Choco stood up and barked at me as if trying to say something then he ran off into Yoongi’s room.

Curious, I followed Choco into Yoongi’s room.

“Why’d you bring me in here?” I asked, rubbing his back.

Choco just barked as he ran towards the wall below the window in Yoongi’s room.

I frowned as I looked towards the window, then I realized there were two porcelain dolls sitting on the windowsill that I haven’t seen before.

I walked towards the window and peered at the dolls, one of the dolls looked like Yoongi and then the other looked like…..Taeyoung.

I picked up Yoongi’s doll and looked at it.

“They even went to make these dolls together..”

“Maybe they’re closer than I thought…”

“Noona.” Yoongi’s voice sounded.

I quickly placed the doll back down and spun around.

“Since it’s your day off today, do you want to go somewhere?” Yoongi asked, oblivious of the storm brewing inside me.

“Aniya….it’s fine…I’ll be okay on my own. Seems like you have to be with Youngie.” I said, taking a deep breath.

“Well if you want to go somewhere I can ask her to…”

“I told you it’s fine.” I cut him off.

Yoongi widened his eyes innocently at me, noticing my change in attitude.

“Just do your thing…I have other friends too you know…I can hang out with them.” I snapped.

“Okay..” Yoongi said, scratching his head.

“Why don’t you go back and get changed then? I’ll meet you outside so we can walk to school together.”

“I told Youngie not to bring me lunch today.” He smiled.

“Actually I was thinking of walking to school on my own today. You should walk to school with your girlfriend.” I said, sounding unintentionally sarcastic.

“Update me on the auditions all right?” I said, forcing a smile and walking past him out of the room.


Suga’s pov:

I spun around and stared at her as Noona walked out of my room, her sudden hostility towards me was puzzling.

We were just fine just now.

“Noona…” I stuttered, wanting to stop her but not knowing what to say.

“I’ll call you later.” Minhee said, glancing at me.

“There’s still soup left, you can warm it up for dinner if you like.” She said, then she grabbed the handle of the door and opened it.

“See you.” She said, going out and closing the door before I could find something to say.

“Heol.” I sighed, collapsing onto the couch and wrecking my brains to figure out Noona’s sudden change in attitude.


V’s pov:

I stood below Yoongi’s apartment block waiting for Minhee to appear, I thought that I should probably say something or apologize after what happened yesterday at dinner.

At first it sounded okay to go with Taeyoung’s plan but now, I wasn’t so sure. Minhee seemed to like Yoongi Hyung….and what I agreed to do yesterday just made her upset.

And I never intended to make her upset.

After all, I kind of liked her.

And Yoongi Hyung liked Taeyoung…..right?

After a while, Minhee appeared. I noticed there was a upset look on her face…she looked like something was bothering her.

“Noona!” I called, running to her side.

Minhee stopped abruptly and looked up at me, she seemed like she wasn’t expecting to see me there.

“Taehyung ah…”

I smiled at her.

“What are you doing here?” She asked.

“Ahhh…I wanted to apologize about yesterday.” I said.

“It’s all right….I’ve forgotten about it already.” Minhee said.

“I need to get to school..” She said, starting to walk off.

“Noona!” I called, catching up to her.

“Why don’t I walk you to school?”

Minhee raised her eyebrows curiously at me.

“It’s all right…I’m on vacation remember?” I grinned, trying to cheer her up.

The sides of lifted a little but she still didn’t look happy.

“Noona, are you okay? Is something bothering you?” I asked, stuffing my hands into my pockets.

“I’m fine….just…a little tired.” Minhee replied.

I nodded, wondering if it had anything to do with Yoongi Hyung.

“How bout….we do something fun after you finish school??” I suggested.

“Oh right….you have to go to work don’t you?” I said, suddenly remembering.

“Actually…I’m free today, it’s my day off.” Minhee smiled.

“Great! Hmmmmm….I’ll pick you up after school. Then we’ll go have some fun….I’ll make you feel better..leave it to me.” I winked.

Minhee gave a wide smile this time.

“Mmmmm…Gomawo…” She said.

“Thank me after I’ve succeeded in cheering you up.” I smiled.

“See you.” I waved.

Minhee waved back as she walked into her school.


Suga’s pov:

I stood outside my school’s gate, looking around the crowd of students to see if I could spot Minhee going into her school but she wasn’t there.

“Hyung!” I heard Namjoon’s voice as he slammed his hand on my shoulder.

“Joon ah..” I replied, turning to look at him.

“What are you standing here for? Aren't you going in?” He said, giving me a light push.

“Oohh..” I replied, taking a last glance outside to see if Minhee was there.

“Hyung, guess what!” Namjoon asked, grinning widely at me.

I could tell immediately from his grin what he was getting at.

“BigHit Entertainment!” I said, lifting my finger.

“Yah! Hyung! You got it too!?” Namjoon exclaimed, excitedly.

I nodded as I pulled out the card and showed it to Namjoon.

“You too??” I asked back.

Namjoon nodded at he looked at the card.

“He asked you to go for the auditions?” Namjoon asked.

“Yeah…he said he’ll call about the details.” I replied.

“Daebakkk!!” Namjoon grinned.

“Joon ah, I was thinking we should go to the studio to practice dance after school.” I told him.

“Hyung, you’re not meeting Youngie?”

“I told her I wanted to practice some dance for the auditions so…she said she’ll come buy and bring us food.” I explained.

“All right then! I’m actually getting stiff after not practicing dance for so long!” Namjoon said, stretching.

I smiled at him as we walked into our class.

I was glad there was finally such a great opportunity for me to do what I always wanted, but at the same time I knew if Minhee wasn’t there with me….it wasn’t going to be the same.


Minhee’s pov:

After school, I changed into some clothes that I had left in my school locker and met Taehyung outside my school.

“Taehyung ah..” I waved, walking over to him.

“Noona!” He replied cheerfully.

He was wearing a white and black colored T-shirt with the word “DOPE” on the front. [click here to see what V is wearing]

“Noona, I’ve got something for you.” Taehyung smiled, pulling out a stalk of Sunflower from behind his back.

It was wrapped nicely in a transparent wrapper with pink hearts scattered around.

“Sunflower?” I asked, widening my eyes at it.

I didn’t really like receiving flowers.

“Well…you looked kind of sad so I thought this might cheer you up…Sunflowers mean…SMILE!” Taehyung grinned, holding the sunflower in front of me.

“You don’t like it?” He asked, after not receving a reaction from me.

“Ani….it’s just…flowers aren’t really my thing.” I replied.

“Ahhhh…I should have checked with you before I got it…” Taehyung said, with a disappointed look on his face.

“I always thought girls liked flowers.” He pouted.

“Wait! Don’t throw it away….since you’ve already gone through all the trouble…I’ll keep it.” I said, grabbing the sunflower from him.

Taehyung smiled at me.

“I’ll remember not to get you flowers next time.” He said.

Taehyung brought me to the mall and we stopped in front of a Natuur Pop [click here] Ice Cream shop.

“Noona, if there’s one thing I know…it’s that Ice Cream will definitely cheer you up if you’re upset!” Taehyung said.

“Great!! I was just thinking of having ice cream…the weather’s so hot recently.” I said, blowing at my fringe.

We entered the Natuur Pop Ice Cream shop and sat down with our tall sundaes.

I chuckled as I watched Taehyung eat, his lips were full of chocolate sauce and there was whipped cream on the top of his lip.

“Wae? Is there stuff on my face??” Taehyung asked, widening his eyes at me.

“There's chocolate sauce all over your mouth…and you have whipped cream on your lip.” I replied.

Taehyung blushed as he quickly started his lips everywhere with his tongue.

He looked kinda cute like that....

“Let me get it.” I smiled, grabbing a napkin and wiping his mouth with it.

Taehyung grinned embarrassedly.

“Noona…what do you think of younger guys?” He asked.

“Hmmmm?” I asked, wondering what he was getting at.

“I mean…do you mind dating guys who are younger than you?” He asked.

“Well…Namjoon was younger than me…and he was my boyfriend..” I replied.

“But Namjoon Hyung’s just a couple of years younger than you….how bout younger…like 15?”

“Hmmm…I think it’s not a problem…as long as we love each other…and we can connect…I don’t mind..” I replied.

“Then there’s a chance for me then.” Taehyung smiled.

I smiled back at him, I could see there were similarities between Taehyung and Taeyoung...they both were very direct in expressing their interest in someone they liked.

After finishing up our ice cream, Taehyung and I went to walk around the area. There was some kind of a funfair nearby and there were game booths and shops selling accessories like shades and hats and stuff.

“Wahhh…Noona, look at the lion soft toy..isn’t it cute?” Taehyung grinned, pulling me towards a game booth.

There was a stuffed toy lion hanging on the wall at the back of the booth and in front were about four or five targets.

“Would you like to try shooting the targets? If you win you can choose anything from the wall behind me.” The man at the booth said.

“Let me try.” Taehyung said, pulling out his wallet and passing the man some money.

“Taehyung ah, it looks difficult…are you sure you can do it?” I asked, peering at the targets, which seemed so small from where I was standing.

“Noona…I’m actually quite good at shooting.” Taehyung smiled, holding the air gun and getting into position.

“I used to play a lot of first person shooter games on the computer…and I’m quite good at it.” He said, shutting his left eye and aiming.

I watched as Taehyung clicked the trigger button and the air gun went off, hitting the target right in the middle.

“Wahhh…you’re good.” I said, staring in awe.

Taehyung smiled at me.

“Noona, do you want to try?” He asked.

“Aaaaniyooo…I’m probably bad at aiming…” I protested.

“I’ll help you.” Taehyung said, taking my arm and leading me to the position behind the line.

Taehyung placed the gun in my hands then he stood behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

I widened my eyes as I felt his firm arms locked around my body.

“Hold the gun like this.” Taehyung said, guiding my arms to their positions to hold the gun.

Then he rested his chin on my shoulder and I could feel his hot breath against my cheek.

“Focus on the target.” Taehyung said, smiling at me.

I gulped as I quickly turned away from him and looked to the front, my heart started to beat a little faster.

“Like this?” I mumbled, shifting the gun around to make sure it was pointing at the target.

“All right, now take a deep breath..” Taehyung said.

We took a deep breath at the same time and I could feel the warm feeling of his chest pressing against my back, then in an instant Taehyung shifted the gun a little to the left and then it went off in my hand.

I blinked as I lowered the gun down from my face to see if I hit the target.

“Omo!! I hit it!” I exclaimed, standing up and pointing at the target, which had smoke disseminating from it.

“I told you you could do it.” Taehyung grinned.

“Do we get the lion now!?” I exclaimed excitedly, staring at the man at the booth.

The man nodded as he took the stuffed lion down from the wall and passed it to me.

“Kyaaaa…” I exclaimed, hugging the stuffed lion.

I didn’t really know why but it felt so good to win something.

“Noona, does it look like me?” Taehyung asked, holding the lion next to his face.

I giggled as I looked from the lion, to him and back again.

“It looks exactly like you, even the hair color is the same!” I teased.

“I like lions, they’re a symbol of power and courage…those are the qualities I aspire to have.” Taehyung grinned.

“Let me take a picture of you and the lion.” I smiled, holding up my phone.

Taehyung posed as I snapped a picture.

“It’s cute…” I said, looking at it.

“Noona, let’s take one together!” Taehyung said, taking my hand and pulling me beside him.

Before I could say anything, he already took out his phone and held it in front of us.

“Let’s do a lion pose!” Taehyung grinned.

I tried to make myself look fierce as Taehyung snapped a few pictures.

We laughed as we walked and looked at the pictures we took together….I felt like my mood was beginning to lift now that I was having fun with Taehyung.

He was actually an awesome person to hang out with…it was never dull when he was around.

“Noona look!” Taehyung said, running to a shop, which was selling shades and funny shaped glasses.

Taehyung grabbed a pair of circle-framed glasses and tried them on.

“How do I look?” He asked, looking at me.

“It actually suits you..” I said, chuckling.

“Noona, try this one.” He said, passing me a pair of half mooned shades that had leopard prints on the bottom frame.

I tried them on and we both looked at our reflection in the mirror, then we started laughing.

We decided to get the glasses and then we took somemore selcas of us wearing them together.

It was almost becoming dark and Taehyung and I was wondering what we should do next.

“Hmmmm…how bout we go watch a movie?” I suggested.

“There are some good ones out now..”

“Movie tickets are expensive…” Taehyung said, furrowing his brow.

He was hugging the lion soft toy under his right arm, I think he really liked it.

“I have a better idea! Why don’t we rent some DVDs and watch them at your place?” Taehyung suggested.

“Hmmmm..sounds good, we can buy some snacks home to eat as well.” I smiled.

Taehyung nodded as we headed off to the DVD rental shop and then we bought some food from the roadside stall and went back to my place.


V’s pov:

So, I decided to pick a romance movie to create the mood for Minhee and I…but halfway through the movie I was nodding off and starting to fall asleep already.

My eyes were flickering between closed and not closed as I sat on the couch next to Minhee, there was a small gap between us and I was hugging the stuffed lion.

I yawned as I looked over at Minhee, she seemed really into the movie and had a serious look on her face.

I wondered what girls liked so much about romance movies….they were so boring…

Action movies were far better!

A few minutes later, I was about to fall asleep when I heard Minhee sniffing. I looked over at her and realized she was crying and holding tissue in her hands.

I shook myself awake as I inched closer to her.

I wondered if she was crying because of the movie or because of something else.

“Noona…uljima…” I said, holding the lion soft toy up and making it look like it was talking.

Minhee sniffed as she looked over at me and quickly wiped away her tears.

“It’s just…so…sad…” She mumbled, blinking the tears away.

“Today….Mr. Lion will not allow you to be sad…he’ll make sure you smile!” I said, moving the lion around Minhee’s body.

“Rawwrrr…Mr. Lion is going to eat you up…” I grinned, making a growling face and tickling Minhee with the soft toy.

Minhee started to laugh as I started to tickle her sides.

“Ahhh ahhh…Taehyung ah…stop it it tickles!” She complained, laughing.


Minhee’s pov:

“Yah! Stop it!! I’m afraid of tickles!” I screamed, trying to push Taehyung’s hands away.

As I did, I moved too far to the edge of the couch and I fell onto the floor on my back.

I screamed in shock as I grabbed Taehyung’s hand and pulled him down with me.

I blinked at him as he landed on top of me, his face staring back at mine.

Time froze for a second as we stared at each other, I couldn’t move…my brain was telling me to push him off and get up but my arms or legs wouldn’t budge.

All I could think of was how warm his body felt pressed against mine like that.

Taehyung smiled at me and then after a few seconds, he pecked me on my lips.

I widened my eyes as his lips touched mine for a split second.

“Taehy….” I was about to say when he suddenly pecked me on my lips again, the second time.

I just stared at him as he paused after the second kiss, staring into my eyes as if he was hypnotizing me.

“Noona….you’re really pretty…” He smiled, then he pecked me on my lips for the third time.

I took a deep breath as I felt the air return back to my lungs.

He just pecked me on my lips three times.

Taehyung smiled at me as he slowly got up from on top of me and grabbed my hand to help me up.

I was still as stiff as a board and it was hard getting my limbs to move so I could get up from the ground.

We sat back on the couch and Taehyung suddenly moved closer to me, putting his head in front of mine.

“Do you feel better now?” He asked, smiling at me.

“Mmmmm…” Was all I could manage.

Taehyung smiled at me as he passed me the stuffed lion.

“Noona, you can keep this….I want you to think of me when you see it….so I’ll be there with you all the time.” He said.

I reached my hands out slowly as I took the stuffed lion from him.

“It’s late…I should go, Noona…I’ll send you the photos later all right?” Taehyung said, getting up from the couch.

“Sleep well Noona…” He waved, walking towards the front door.

I stood up from the couch, wanting to say something but I wasn’t able to find the words still.

“Go..gomawo…” I blurted out.

Taehyung spun around to face me.

“Thanks for cheering me up today….I had fun…” I smiled.

“I had fun too, maybe we can do it again next time.” Taehyung replied.

I nodded at him.

“Good night…Taetae….” I said, suddenly thinking of a cute nickname for him.

“Taetae? I like that!” Taehyung grinned.

“So…shall I call you Taetae from now on?” I grinned, I finally felt comfortable talking to him now.

Taehyung nodded.

“Good night Noona..” He replied.

I went to my room and laid down on my bed after Taehyung left, I smiled as I hugged the stuffed lion and rolled onto my side.

“It really does look like him!”

I thought, as I held it up in front of my face.

Just then, my phone rang.

I grabbed it up from beside me and looked at the screen, Taehyung had sent me the selcas we took just now.

A smile spread across my face as I browsed through the pictures.

I wonder if Taehyung would make a good boyfriend?


A/n: Isn't Taetae and the lion stuffed toy the cutest thing everrrrr

P.S. Taetae's boyfriend profile will be up in the next chapter! ^~^


P.P.S. Killed you guys with those Taetae gifs didn't I? XDDDD

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CAN'T UPDATE!!! TOO MANY FEELS TT TT I will update tmr


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Sugakookiez #1
Chapter 43: Okay plzzzzzzzzzz don't make them break up T^T I like them they they are right now
sinwan #2
i love yoongi... :3.. love your fanfic.. <3
Up10tion4LIFE #3
Great story, keep up the good work!
I was retreading this. Cause I miss this story alot ;-; update when you can TT
YoongiholicAnonymous #5
Do you know when you're going to update again?
I miss your updates ㅠ.ㅠ
please update when you are able to <3
*throws you a life-sized doll of Suga*
Chapter 1: New reader and the starters is good. No wonder my friend desperately begging at me to read this. Continue to the next chapter! ^^ xD