Girls Are Wierdos




Following the queue into the train Nichkhun looked around for a place to sit. Scanning the area around him he found nothing, all of the seats in the second compartment were taken and people were starting to fill up the standing space too so he decided to try his luck in the other compartment “Excuse me” Nod “Excuse me” Nod “Excuse me”

I hate trains.

Ever since they immigrated to Korea when he was 13 all he’d been doing was taking trains to and from one side of Seoul to the other. Something that came about because he’d refused his parents wish for him to go to a private school for wannabe geniuses. Instead choosing a school where he knew they would least approve…Public school. Going to private school with a bunch of entitled inheritance hungry snobs... he couldn’t think of anything worse. He was already fluent in four languages, his grades were always impeccable, he still planned on going to college to get a good job to maintain his parents image so what else did they want from him? To take over his fathers position? Not in this lifetime.

Squeezing himself past a man putting his coat into a bag cage, Nichkhun grabbed onto the only free hand rail he could see right in front of the compartment door. Looking around he spotted an empty seat to his side next to a lady and her baby. He was about to go sit down when in the corner of his eye he saw an old man with a cane hobbling over.

Typical. Okay old man you take it then.

Sighing, he continued searching and spotted another seat across from him on the other side of the compartment. About to go for it until he noticed that the seat was being shared by a small group of girls he recognised from his school, two maybe three years younger than him. Deep in conversation about something he was sure had little importance; he made the mistake of looking at them too long.

Catching one of their gazes, she gasped when she saw him and poked her friends, excitedly pointing at him.

Great…that’s just great. With one hand on the rail he turned his back on them and stared straight ahead out of the window.

“Hes so pretty, hes Chinese right?” giggle
“He kind of looks like Yoo Seung Ho”
“No he doesn’t” giggle giggle
“Move over I can’t see” giggle giggle

Shaking his head, he closed his eyes in disgust. I hate trains.

All of a sudden there was a high pitched girly whine so in annoyance he opened his eyes and quickly turning toward the girls, aimed them a facial expression he hoped was saying “Shut up already” but they didn't see it, just continued to giggle and chatter. He saw though, looking from one girl to another that none of them were whining.

Then who...

Leaning forward he looked on either side of himself down the compartment but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. People talking or trying to find a place to sit or stand, a young girl falling asleep on her Mothers shoulder… turning back around he paused listening for the direction of the whine.


Startled by something hitting the train door he reared backwards into a man standing behind him. Still holding the rail he looked up through the train door window and stilled, confronted by the sight of a girl who looked to be about his age having a… tantrum?

Peering through, Nichkhun grimaced “What the hell…” Realizing this was the culprit he stepped back forward to his original place trying to ignore the fact that right on the other side of the door he was witnessing crazy at its fullest, the girl now starting to hit herself in the head.

“What's with this chick?” he muttered.

With the train door in front of him, a thought popped into his head. Is it because she thinks shes missed the train?

Nichkhun leaned back and saw people still filing on from the other entrance. He looked back at the girl whose meltdown continued and he found himself embarrassed for her. Where’s her shame? What would make her stop? Should he point out the other door?

Yeah Nichkhun, because this train needs more loony toons on it.

Watching her he cringed as she crouched to her knees, leaned her forehead against her knees and continued to whine. Frowning, he leaned forward and rapped his knuckles against the door window “Hey” looking down at her it seemed like she couldn’t hear him. Impatiently he let go of the rail and rapped harder at the window “HEY!” pointing with his other hand to the other train door but nothing, his good deed for the day going unnoticed.

Ah forget it

Annoyed, he reached up to grab back onto the rail and wait it out until the train got going, but paused when he saw a young boy standing nearby, holding his Mothers hand and staring up at him. Did he see all that? Nichkhun thought. Grabbing onto the rail he nodded his head in the direction of the girl, looked at the boy and then nodded towards the open train door. Looking back at the boy he raised his eyebrows and waited to see if he understood. The little boy gave him a blank look but then turning to the girl, he watched as he tugged on her sleeve and pointed out the door.

He watched as she instantly changed from one extreme to another. Gone was the whining, replaced with an overload of joy. He sneered, still watching as she practically skipped with happiness to join the line to board, scoffing, he shook his head

“Girls are weirdos”




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uaenaland #1
Chapter 59: Omg this story was so good
Please continue it if you can
Please please ???
Khairol #2
Chapter 59: please...
Chapter 59: It's my first time reading about Uee and Wooyoung, sorry Junho but I'm all for Khunzy<3 please update again it's been over 2 years;.(
Acgoo1999 #4
Chapter 59: So far it's good! I love it!
Keep on updating!
kitktykatty #5
Chapter 59: I hope you decide to update this again soon~! I miss reading this story~! ;_; I need to get off this never ending cliffhanger~! XD
Chapter 4: I think something was wrong in this chapter, Woo Young should call the Shop Assistant as "NOONA" not Unni, you will use "UNNI" when a girl talking to her older sister. And you'll use "NOONA" when boy talking to his ollder sister "HYUNG" for older brother. You'll use "OPPA" when a girl talks with his older brother/boyfriend.

Sorry for the correction, I hope that I didn't offend you. Just wanna say my taughts. Fighting authornim!
kitktykatty #7
Chapter 59: Haha nice Wooyoung~! XD Give me my seat back~! XD Please update soon~!
depz13 #8
Chapter 59: Ohh.. I really really really like your story.
I'm a Taec-Uee shipper, so please make a lot of moments for them. Thank you so much!!!!
kitktykatty #9
Chapter 54: Hahaha mini panic attack~! XD Please update soon~!
Chapter 53: OOOH 0-0 Suejis starting to notice...
keeke loves it