Thuny Thaythis




Yu Jin lead him down a path out the back of the school. She was still holding his hand but he let her, allowing himself to be pulled along. It wasn't like he had anywhere to go now that his ‘become friends with Ji Nah’ plan had failed. Was he really just bullied by girls? by Ji Nah?
He’d felt so happy being near her again but she’d dismissed him so coldly. Aside from the day they broke up when he’d thought she’d been pretending, he’d never seen her act like that. Now he didn’t know what to think.

Looks like it’s going to take longer than I thought to get Ji Nah to warm up to me

Looking at his hand, his gaze traveled up to study the girl holding it. Considering they’d only been roommates for a day, he couldn’t help but feel grateful to her for sticking up for him.

“Thanks” Wooyoung said, surprised when Yu Jin slowed them to a stop on the path “Thanks?” she repeated.

“For before in the cafeteria” he explained.

Yu Jin shook her head “Oh no that’s just what you do…”

“For your friends” Wooyoung interrupted, quoting her to finish her sentence.

Staring up at him with surprise, she smiled “Right”

Tugging his hand, they continued until they came to an open paved lunch area with picnic tables. There were alot of students nearby. Some sitting on the grass  nearby or at the picnic tables eating their lunch. Pulling him to a table at the far end of the lunch area he saw Sue Ji already sitting there.

She smiled at him “Oh Unni Hello! I saved you some food” she told him signalling to a mountain of food on the table.

“Err thanks” he said, sitting across from her and Yu Jin, briefly examining the food before looking away toward the field. Thoughts of what he was going to do about Ji Nah running through his mind.

Yu Jin cleared “So Sue Ji! ” she said loudly “Is there something wrong with my face!? Do I look funny!?”

Wooyoung glanced back at them to see Sue Ji looking confused “No Unni you look pretty” she told her.

Yu Jin jerked her head at Wooyoung and looked at Sue Ji meaningfully.

Seeing this Sue Jis eyes widened as if she'd just realized something "Ohhhh okay..." she said, looking over at him "Seo Woo Unni, does Yu Jin Unni look funny?”

Wooyoung glanced at Yu Jin who was sitting there with an unusually blank face “No” What’s up with these two?

“Really?” Yu Jin asked. Yu Jin and Sue Ji turned to look at one another.

“What about now!” Yu Jin said quickly. Both of them suddenly stood and leaned over the table so Wooyoung could see their faces up close. Startled, Wooyoung reared back in his seat, surprised at the looks they had on their faces.



He pointed between them in confusion “Wh...what are you two doing?”

“Thuny thaythis thial anth eel sta” Sue Ji answered.

“What?” he asked, not understanding what she said.

“Funny faces. Smile and we’ll stop” Yu Jin told him quietly, without moving her lips.

Wooyoung raised an eyebrow. Funny faces? Why? and what kind of funny face is that? he thought, looking at Yu Jin.

Like she could hear his thoughts, Yu Jin blinked at him “I’m an owl... Hooo! HOOOOOO!”

An owl? He felt a laugh build up so he cleared his throat and looked away. He noticed alot of the students sitting at the other tables were looking at them strangely so feeling self conscious, he motioned for them to sit “Hey people are looking”

“Unni you don’t like our funny faces” Yu Jin asked, still maintaining her owl look.

Turning sideways to look at each other, to Wooyoungs relief he saw their faces go back to normal but then flinched when they suddenly turned again and leaned even closer, this time with different funny faces.



“What about now?” Yu Jin asked.

Wooyoung looked around at the people still staring at them and then back at the girls in front of him, who obvoiusly couldn't care less.  

Witnessing Sue Jis stone serious face and Yu Jins face scrunched up like a happy buddha, Wooyoung tried not to laugh but lost the fight, leaning forward he laughed into his fist.

Seeing this, Yu Jin whooped in triumph and Sue Ji dissolved into giggles, turning to Yu Jin to high five her. Mission accomplished they took their seats and happily started sorting through the food. Grabbing a sandwich Yu Jin held it out for him to take. He opened his mouth to say no but seeing her smile at him, he changed his mind and took it, watching with a smirk as Sue Ji leaned across to tell Yu Jin something, making her smile.

They're actually pretty cool girls...

On second thought, if he had to stay at Cho Won then making friends might not be a bad idea...


*A massive welcome to subscribers cannaycan, iluvskydragon, chiiru & daebonni* Hope you enjoy! xoxo



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uaenaland #1
Chapter 59: Omg this story was so good
Please continue it if you can
Please please ???
Khairol #2
Chapter 59: please...
Chapter 59: It's my first time reading about Uee and Wooyoung, sorry Junho but I'm all for Khunzy<3 please update again it's been over 2 years;.(
Acgoo1999 #4
Chapter 59: So far it's good! I love it!
Keep on updating!
kitktykatty #5
Chapter 59: I hope you decide to update this again soon~! I miss reading this story~! ;_; I need to get off this never ending cliffhanger~! XD
Chapter 4: I think something was wrong in this chapter, Woo Young should call the Shop Assistant as "NOONA" not Unni, you will use "UNNI" when a girl talking to her older sister. And you'll use "NOONA" when boy talking to his ollder sister "HYUNG" for older brother. You'll use "OPPA" when a girl talks with his older brother/boyfriend.

Sorry for the correction, I hope that I didn't offend you. Just wanna say my taughts. Fighting authornim!
kitktykatty #7
Chapter 59: Haha nice Wooyoung~! XD Give me my seat back~! XD Please update soon~!
depz13 #8
Chapter 59: Ohh.. I really really really like your story.
I'm a Taec-Uee shipper, so please make a lot of moments for them. Thank you so much!!!!
kitktykatty #9
Chapter 54: Hahaha mini panic attack~! XD Please update soon~!
Chapter 53: OOOH 0-0 Suejis starting to notice...
keeke loves it