Chapter Thirty-one

Faking Innocence

Staring at the beautiful structure before him he wondered if it would burn to the ground if he stepped in. Not wanting to think further into it, he walked in. He could hear the music flowing from the chapel doors and gently opened them before taking a seat in the back. Keeping his head down he could hear that familiar preacher speaking grace. A word he wasn't accustomed to as he closed his eyes and listened. 

As the preacher asked for everyone to lift their heads to rejoice because of God's grace, Taeyang did what was asked. Taking courage from his words, he sat up and looked straight forward. Looking as the preacher stepped aside, he saw a choir stand on their feet ready to sing their praises to God. He sat in awe as what looked like an angel stepped forward for a solo. She was glowing as if the heavens were shining down on her and when she opened it was pure bliss. He felt his heart skip a beat as Minzy sang her heart out. Raising her arms to the sky with her choir following behind, it was something that had him on his feet. Standing up along with many others that were singing to God, he only stood for selfish reasons. Standing mesmerized by her beauty, he felt his heart pounding and before he knew it the song was over.

The performance had come and gone so quickly he wished for an encore. Clapping his hands together with the audience, he continued to stand as everyone else began to take their seats again. Watching Minzy make her way back to her seat, he heard small foot steps rushing down the aisle. Glancing towards where the sound was coming from, he was surprised to see a young boy running. He was a little chubby thing, waddling away more than running into Taeyang's direction. This caused Taeyang to smile and was amazed to see how the little boy had rushed up to him. The boy stretched out his arms to him and gazed up as if wanting to be carried. Seeing such innocence in the boy's eyes, he couldn't resist swooping him up into his arms. Chuckling at how heavy the boy felt compared to how he looked, he adored his chunkiness, "You're one handsome little boy." 

"Taeyang what are you doing here," Top's voice called out to him. 

Taeyang tore his gaze away from the adorable boy in his arms to see Top standing in front of him, "Hey man what's up." 

Top stood wide eyed at his friend and couldn't find the right words to say, "Uh..."

"I figured I'd get some Jesus in my life before going out with you tonight," he said before looking back at the boy in his arms. Impressed at how well the boy was handling being held by him, he began to rock him, "Good thing I came. I think I've made a new friend." 

Top looked around nervously before escorting his friend out into the hall, "Man you shouldn't have come here." 

"Why? It's a church isn't it? I think God wants all his children to come unto him," Taeyang started spouting off some of the words he was listening to from the preacher. 

But Top shook his head as he ran his fingers through his hair, "I really ed up!" 

Taeyang gasped as he quickly covered the child's ears, "Don't swear in front of children you jerk!" 

Top bit his fist as he began pacing, "Man you can't be here. Like no joke. You need to leave right now." 

Taeyang didn't really pay much attention to his friend because his attention was being pulled by the small child in his arms. The little boy had reached up to cup Taeyang's face in his small hands. Grabbing Taeyang's attention the two stared at each other before the small boy gave him a big toothy smile. This caused Taeyang to laugh and make faces at the boy. 

"Taeyang are you listening to me," Top whispered loudly. 

"What's going on out here," Dara barked as she walked up to the two. Startled to see Taeyang holding the little boy, she gasped and held her chest. "Top what have you done!"

"I...I didn't mean to. He wiggled out of my arms and the next thing I know he...Taeyang was holding him," Top tried to explain. 

Taeyang was indifferent to the arguing going on, seeing as the little boy was pretty entertaining. He didn't know why, but the child was just too hard to resist. He liked hearing the high pitched giggle that shook the boy's entire chubby body. Smiling at the boy, Taeyang began to rock the child to a random melody that came to mind. Taeyand didn't realize that he drew an audience as he continued to craddle the child in his arms. Watching as the boy grinned up at him, he mirrored it with a grin of his own. 

"Taeyang..." a voice called his attention. 

Gazing over it was none other than Minzy standing before him with CL, Dara, and Top behind her, "Yes?"

Marching over to him, she pulled the small boy out of his arms and held him tightly against her, "Your problem is with me no one else!" She clutched onto the child with dear life as she stared at Taeyang with so much fury, "If you want to make things personal I will." 

"You've already made things personal when you brought Bom here. So much for not telling my father," Taeyang hissed in disgust. 

"It wasn't me," Minzy spat as her eyes began to water. "Don't you dare blame me for what your sister did!" 

"You don't need to explain yourself to him," CL stepped up along side Minzy. 

Taeyang scoffed as he shook his head, "And I don't need to explain myself in being here. It's a church, not your company."

"Do you even know what a church is used for," Dara countered. 

"Yeah I do. It's a place of worship and I can come here and worship if I so choose to," he replied right back. 

Minzy bit her lower lip as she shook her head, "Well if that's all you're here for, please go ahead and worship. We were just leaving." 

"Can I say goodbye to the little man first," Taeyang asked as he looked over to the child. 

"Wow you have no shame," CL shook her head. 

Minzy turned slightly away, using her body like a shield, "Taeyang don't do this please!" 

"Taeyang I think you better go," Top stepped inbetween them. 

"Why are you guys being so annoying? I just want to say goodbye..."

"Taeyang," a stern voice called after him. Everyone looked to see Hayi walking up to them, "Let's go!"

He rolled his eyes at his annoying sister, "No you go. I'm not going anywhere." 

"Father requests your presence immediately," Hayi snapped. 

Taeyang bit his lower lip as he clenched his fists, "Why are you guys being so up tight?"

"Why don't you ever listen," Hayi spoke through gritted teeth. "Now let's go. There's a car out front waiting for us." 

"I drove," he said flatly. 

"I know, I already had someone drive your car home," Hayi said. "Hurry up, you know father hates when we keeping him waiting." 

Sighing deeply, Taeyang slumped forward and began walking away. He had forgotten what it felt like to be beckoned by his father at any time. He made a mental note of one more reason he was so dumb for returning home. Glancing over his shoulder he saw Hayi hug both Minzy and the child so sweetly. Huffing at how sweet his sister seemed towards them he figured it was the child who brought that out of her. But as Hayi moved away he saw tears streaming down Minzy's face. Gazing into her eyes is looked so broken and hopeless that it held him place. It was a rare sight to see her like that and he wondered why she looked that way with such an adorable child in her arms. But those thoughts soon ended as he was being dragged out of the church. 

"C'mon you big dummy," Hayi grumbled as she pulled her brother along. 

"I'm coming," Taeyang pulled out of her grasp as he hopped into the car. As the two drove off, Taeyang sat staring out the window watching the church disappeared when they turned the corner, "How did you know I was here?" 

"Why does that matter? What were you thinking even being there? You really don't know when to quit," Hayi shook her head in frustration. 

"Did she call you," he answered with another question as he sat staring out the window. 

"Would you have left if she asked you to," Hayi asked right back. 

Sighing he closed his eyes and tried to think of happy thoughts. Grinning as he thought about the chubby boy, he turned to face his sister, "Who is that little boy?" 

Hayi coughed as she stared at him wide eyed, "Excuse me?" 

"Who is that little boy," he asked again. 

It was Hayi's turn to avoid his gaze, "Umm...father won't go easy on you. I hope you have a good explanation for you prying into Minzy's personal affairs." 

Taeyang sat crutinizing his sister with his eyes and watched as she shifted uncomfortably. This was so out of character for her that he couldn't help himself. "That little boy must be something special..." 

Hayi abruptly drove her fists into the seat before glaring over at him, "If you think you can just come here and do whatever the you want, guess again. Things have changed since you've been gone. Don't think you can get your way so easily!" 

He smirked as he seemed to have hit a nerve, "It seems like this little boy means a great deal to you as well." 

Shaking her head, she burned holes into him, "Unlike father I don't give second chances so easily. Please don't test me." 

Taeyang was impressed by how ruthless his sister had become. He figured it was his doing, seeing as she was left alone to fend for herself. A taste of guilt stabbed him in the gut as he backed down. Shifting his gaze back towards the window he spoke indifferent to her threats, "And they say that father is the one to watch for." 


Taeyang took a deep breath as he entered the mansion to find his father and mother sitting in the living room. Bowing he took a seat on one of the couches, "Hello father and mother." 

Mr. Dong sighed as he tossed an envelope onto the coffee table in the middle, "Take this." Picking up the envelope, Taeyang was surprised to find a ticket with credit cards. "You can't seem to follow my strict orders." 

"But father you can't just send me away..." 

"I can and I will," Mr. Dong snapped. "I strictly forbade you to see her and what do you do?! You have embarassed not only me but our entire family and business!" 

"How so? I just was out..." 

"Son do you know what you've done?!" Mr. Dong coughed in disbelief, "You've jepordized my reputation and most importantly our family company!" 

"All I wanted to do was..."

"Son the Gong family has threatened to pull out of our partnership! Meaning I will lose close to everything I built! Don't you understand just how important our partnership is?! You going to that church and threatening Ms. Gong was beyond what I can fix. Let's just pray that it's only a threat after you leave." 

"Father I didn't threaten her in any way," Taeyang tried to defend himself. 

"Your mere existence is a threat in itself," his father spoke harshly. "I give you my heart and soul and this is how you repay me! You stab me in the back and take everything until we nothing more but the shirts on our backs," his father growled. 

"That's enough," his mother cut in. Silencing his roaring father, she spoke with just as much sharpness, "Son this isn't a game. What your father is trying to say is that it is better off if you spend a little more time away until things settle back down." 

"And then..." Taeyang sat expecting her to finish his sentence. 

"And then we will see where things will go from there," his mother answered. 

Taeyang was hurt by his parents words. He gave his parents a hard look, "I'm sorry but I'm not going to let you send me away again. It won't solve anything, it will just put things off into something even bigger than this."

"So what are you suggesting," his mother asked. 

"Let me make amends with her," he offered simply. 

"And how can you do that," his mother asked before his father could spout anymore anger. 

Taeyang knew it was crazy but he had to give it a shot, "We turn this on them and make them honor their promise." 

"What promise are you referring to," his father rose his eyebrow at him. 

"Tell them that she and I must be married," Taeyang said sharply.




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SwaggNaMinzy21 #1
Chapter 1: Rereading
07/ 29 / 18
MoonCyber #2
Chapter 39: i love this story so much, the childish me still wishing for a happy ending :'(
SwaggNaMinzy21 #3
Chapter 35: owmaguuuuyyd
Chapter 36: Sadness ;(
Chapter 34: Gosh minzy is being given so difficult wasn't she the one who left him?
SwaggNaMinzy21 #6
Chapter 34: I knew iiit! ❤️
Chapter 33: I wonder why minzy money I acting like that
SwaggNaMinzy21 #8
Chapter 32: Thank you for updating authornim! ❤️
Chapter 32: Did they have a kid?