Chapter Seventeen

Faking Innocence

Minzy sighed as she lay facing the other way as Taeyang's fingers brushed across her flower tattoo on her lower back, "It would look totally y if you tattooed my name onto this pattern."

She chuckled as he pulled her up against him, "Tattooing your name on my back will only ruin it you idiot."

"No it wouldn't, plus it'd go good when I tattoo your name on my chest."

"Please don't," she laughed as he flipped her over to face him.

"Look right here," he said as he pointed to his left peck. "I have your name tatted in cursive like you'll do to yours."

She rolled her eyes at his idea, "No thanks!"

"What? Why not?"

She brushed her finger tips over the spot he pointed at and grinned as she started to make little circles on his chest, "You're my property not the other way around."

He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her up against him, "We'll see about that."

Their little laughter was short lived when a pouding came at the front door, "Taeyang? Taeyang I know you're home! Open up man."

Taeyang smirked as he pressed his lips against Minzy's. "He'll go away eventually," he mumbled against her lips as he began to kiss her.

"I'm not leaving until you open this door," Top shouted as he continued to knock.

Even though Taeyang tried his best to keep Minzy entertained with his sweet kisses, Minzy had become fed up with the constant banging at the door. "," Minzy hissed as she got up and wrapped the sheet around her body.

"Minzy where are you going," Taeyang did his best to whisper as loud as he could as he wrapped another sheet around his body.

"Taeyang! Taeyang," Top shouted through the door.

"I'm sick of this. It's making my head hurt," she growled as she flung the front door open. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!"

Top gasped as he stared at Minzy who had a thin sheet wrapped around her apparent body. "What's going on," he asked as Taeyang then appeared just as as Minzy.

"Top if Taeyang doesn't want to answer the door there's probably a reason why," Minzy nodded down to herself letting him know that his assumptions were right.

But Top stood staring at his best friend for answers, "What's up man?"

Taeyang sighed as he scratched his head not know what to say, "Well..."

"He's busy ing his girlfriend right now," Minzy cut in.

"Minzy," Taeyang nudged her elbow at her boldness.

She looked to him in all seriousness, "What it's true?" She then looked back to Top who still had confusion written all over his face, "Top you can join us if you want. If not, could you please do us a favor and let us continue to have our little bonding time without the distrubances? That would be much appreciated." Minzy gave him a big fake smile as she waited for his reply.


He sighed wanting this awkward moment to end, "Top I'll call you later. Please man."

"I...umm, sure," Top nodded as he looked to Minzy and then back at Taeyang with questioning eyes as he forced himself to turn and leave.

"Finally," Minzy breathed as Taeyang closed the door.

"You didn't have to talk to him like that," he sighed as he sat on the bed.

"Well what did you want me to say? You weren't saying much," she rolled her eyes as she reached for her belongings.

"Where are you going?"

She started to get dress as she looked to him, "I saw the way Top looked at you. You need to straighten things out with him."

He nodded in understanding as he watched her put on on her last layer of clothing. Even though she had all those layers it was like he had x-ray vision being able to see right through all that material and revealing that y body of hers.

"Alright come give me a kiss before I leave," she demanded as she did last minute checks to make sure she looked descent.

"What," he laughed.

But she stood in place with her hands on either sides of her hips as she waited, "Hurry up and kiss me damn it!"

He chuckled as he held the sheet around his body and made his way over to her. She grinned as she wrapped her arms around his neck and smashed her lips against his. Kissing him deeply and then pulling away before he could deepen their kiss, "See you manwhore."

"Bye ," he chuckled as he slapped her as she headed out. He sighed as he collapsed onto his bed and reached for his phone.

Dialing Top's number it only took one ring before he answered, "What the is going on man?!"

"Man I haven't slept yet and I'm really tired. But we can talk about this later after I get some shut eye," he yond feeling exhaustion slowly taking over his body.

"No man we need to talk right now."

Taeyang sighed, "Tonight we'll talk. Now let me get some sleep and I'll text you when I'm up."

Even though Top didn't want to wait there was no other option, "Fine, later."

"Bye," he yond once more before hanging up.

Taeyang lie staring up at the ceiling as he let sleep overcome him. He thought of how good Minzy was in bed. Though she was loaded with problems the way she made love to him somehow over rode his common sense. Not only that, something about her really attracted him to her.


Taeyang put in his last diamond stud earring before walking out to come face to face with Dara. She gave him a surprised look and gasped, "Wow you came out before I could even knock."

"What's up," he said as he closed the door behind him.

"Can we talk," she asked as he turned to look at her.

He shrugged his shoulders as he began to walk with her falling into step with him, "Well what's up I have somewhere to be."

She sighed as she pulled at his wrist to stop him, "Look at me!" He slowly turned to look at her just as she wanted and she frowned at him, "Tell me where we went wrong."

"I already told you."

"Remind me again," she said as her eyes began to water.

"I never really liked you to be honest. You were a great piece of and all, but I don't know that was it," he bluntly said.

She gasped in shock at his honesty, "Really?!"

He shrugged his shoulders, "Yeah, really."

"You're an animal! I hope someone breaks your heart so you can feel what I'm feeling," she spat as she turned to leave. Though is words were harsh, that's exactly what she needed to hear to help her move on.


"You're late," Top rolled his eyes as he handed a beer to Taeyang.

"Thanks man, I just got caught up for a little bit," he replied as he took a gulp of his cold beer.

"So tell me what's the deal?"

Taeyang shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, what do you want me to say?"

"What the hell man?! We never go back once we've left the girl," Top reminded him of another rule of their sick game.

"I thought the game was over. Plus she technically left me," he softly spoke the last part hushing himself with another gulp of his alcohol.


"Dude why the hell are you getting all angry?"

"What did you just say?"

"What are you talking about," Taeyang asked playing stupid.

Top coughed a laugh before seriously looking at him, "What the did you say man?! Don't play stupid with me."

Taeyang sighed knowing that his best friend would continue to pester him if he didn't, "I said that the game is over, I won and that Minzy was the one who dumped me in the first place."

Top gasped in shock at he was hearing, "So you're telling me that Minzy broke things off with you, but now you're back together?!"

"Yeah," Taeyang chuckled as he ordered another drink. "Funny thing, she figured out our game and went with it till the very end so that I would stop bothering her."

"Then why didn't you leave her alone?"

"I don't know, she was just too good in bed to let go," he grinned to himself as he thought of him and Minzy entangled in the sheets.

"Wait, are you the one who begged for her back," Top asked in shock as he tried to grasp what he was saying.

"She's pretty wild when it comes to the begging," Taeyang chuckled at his erted comment and thoughts.

"You sick son of a ," Top chuckled. "So you're just with her for the then?"

He shrugged his shoulders as he thought seriously about that question, "I don't know just yet to be honest."

"You better be careful, before you really fall for this girl. I don't want you to come crying to me when she dumps your ...again," Top chuckled but was serious to his warning.

"Don't worry about me. I have everything under control," Taeyang spoke confidently. Top looked to his friend giving him a serious look. "What," Taeyang chuckled.

"I'm serious man. Be careful with this girl, she's different from the ones you've messed with in the past."

"I know, I know, all the more reason why she's sticking around a little longer than the rest."

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SwaggNaMinzy21 #1
Chapter 1: Rereading
07/ 29 / 18
MoonCyber #2
Chapter 39: i love this story so much, the childish me still wishing for a happy ending :'(
SwaggNaMinzy21 #3
Chapter 35: owmaguuuuyyd
Chapter 36: Sadness ;(
Chapter 34: Gosh minzy is being given so difficult wasn't she the one who left him?
SwaggNaMinzy21 #6
Chapter 34: I knew iiit! ❤️
Chapter 33: I wonder why minzy money I acting like that
SwaggNaMinzy21 #8
Chapter 32: Thank you for updating authornim! ❤️
Chapter 32: Did they have a kid?