
Cinderella Life

I know a lot of you are tired of only Zelo in this fic, but this is the last chapter with him for some time, so please bear with it, HAHAHAHA btw, my B.A.P Season Greeting Package has just arrived and I'm totally fangirling over it for the past 30 minutes ! *o*


  I woke up to the sound of someone taking a shower. Damn you, Zelo, you should have woken me up !

  It's 6:17 a.m. right now and school starts at 7. We take about 10 minutes to reach the school from his house and I need about 30 minutes to get ready after about 15 minutes having breakfast. I guess I'll have to be faster today.

  I banged on the bathroom's door countless times, begging Zelo to be faster. It was completely useless though. I gave up on taking a shower first and went downstairs to have breakfast. 6:24 a.m.

  Zelo's mom was in the kitchen and greeted me with a surprised, yet warm, smile.

  "Oh, Rika ! I didn't know you were here."

  "Sorry, I was planning to wait for you to arrive yesterday before going to bed, but I guess I was way too tired." I laughed nervously and apologetically.

  "That's ok, don't worry. But as I didn't know you were here, I didn't prepare you any breakfast." She looked around the kitchen, probably trying to find something to feed me. "Well, here, have Jun Hong's waffles." She pushed a plate in my direction. "The early bird catches the worm, right ? I'll get him something else." I smiled gratefully and gobbled the waffles. She also handed me a glass of orange juice, which helped me to swallow faster. Sorry, ma baby, but that's what you get for not waking me up.

  As soon as I heard the noise of a door opening, I shoved the last piece of waffle into my mouth, gulped the remains of the juice and rushed upstairs. 6:36 a.m.

  I got the clothes I had chosen last night and headed to the bathroom, just in time to hear Zelo complaining about his poor breakfast. I didn't manage to understand what it was, but I didn't really care anyways.

  I showered in about three minutes and started putting some make up on. I know I go to school to study, and study only, but I need to be at least presentable, right ? I don't have any intentions of trying to seduce my male schoolmates. I'm engaged, after all.

  6:48 a.m. and I heard Zelo screaming from downstairs.

  "Rika, hurry up ! We're going to be late !"

  "I know, I know, just a second !" I shouted back.

  "We don't have a second, just come down already !"

  "Just wait, ok ? It's your fault for not having woken me up and not leaving the bathroom faster anyways !"

  "There are two more bathrooms in this house, you didn't have to wait for me, you know ?"

  "But one is in your parents' room and the other is in the backyard, no way I would go out there alone !"

   "The backyard is inside the house, what's the big deal ?"

  "No, it's not inside the house, ! And the pool is way too scary, I always feel like I'm being dragged to it, so I wouldn't take the risk of drowning, especially because I wasn't fully awake yet !"

  "Why are you arguing with me ? Just hurry up !" He was right, damn it.

  I checked myself in the mirror for the last time, got my backpack and rushed downstais. 6:52 a.m.

  As soon as I reached the bottom of the stairs, Zelo stepped out of the house and said goodbye to his mom. I did the same and we left.

  We were almost there, when that giant baby accidentally hit a boy with his brand new skateboard. Idiot. The boy started crying desperatelly, calling for his mom and there was a little cut on his forehead, from where a tiny bit of blood was coming out. Zelo freaked out. He was saying stupid things like he would be sued, the mom would cut his forehead with her nails, God would punish him and the devil himself would come pick him up, and so on.

  I took a tissue from my bag and gently cleaned the boy's cut. He kept on saying that it hurt and all I could do was apologize. I don't even know how many times I said sorry to that kid. Just then I heard the mom running and calling out for her 'baby'. Zelo was frozen. Idiot.

  The mom looked like she would hit me any time when she saw the cut on her child's forehead. Thanks to the boy, she didn't.

  "That big hyung hit me with his skateboard, but this noona took care of me, mommy. Look, it doesn't hurt anymore !" He said touching his forehead and smiling.

  When he said that I was relieved. Her gaze had softened. I looked at my cellphone and it was 6:59. ! I bowed and said sorry for the last time before dragging Zelo, who was still frozen in place, after the mom had given him a killer glare, by his wrist to the school, which was 2 blocks away.

   "That kid's head is like a rock, it scratched my skateboard !" He examined the skateboard while we ran towards the school.


  "Hey, he is the one who hit my skateboard, not the other way around !"



  "Shut up." I was already out of breath. I'm not really a person who exercises regularly.

   We went through the school gates at 7:01. Unfortunately, the teacher was already inside the classroom. This girl, who I don't really know, saw us standing by the door and called the teacher, asking her something about the upcoming tests. When the teacher got focused on the girl's questions, we crawled inside the class and to our desks, which were in the middle of the room. Thank you, unknown girl.

  While we were putting our pencilcases and books on our desks, Zelo's skateboard fell hardly on the floor and everyone's attention was on us. Idiot.

 "Jun Hong, I've already told you, skateboards off the ground !" The teacher warned, without looking at him.

  "Sorry." It was all he said, before putting the skateboard on his lap and slapping himself mentally, not for having been told off by the teacher, but for having dropped his recently acquired treasure.

  I mouthed him a 'idiot' and he didn't complain. For the first time he agreed with me. Idiot.

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Nice story ^^
Luhanmai #2
Chapter 50: it was awesome story daebak authornim
Chapter 50: Can you make a secual? Love the story
kawaiigirl1342 #4
Chapter 50: I luved this story!!! Can u make one about zelo please? I mean mainly focused on him.i love zelo oppa~ sooo much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 50: ohhh. damn... uhhh.. Yea... XD I really enjoyed this story with you authornim thank's for making it so awesome but I huess the end kinda threw me off.. U STILL LOVED THE STORY AS A WHOLE THOUGH!!!
sapphire11 #6
Chapter 50: omo...this is so confusing....but...sweet....
Chapter 49: hahaha erted proposal Dayhyun! But omg the Strawberry pie scene was too cuute :3
sapphire11 #8
Chapter 49: omo.....i'm speechless....update soon authornim....
sapphire11 #9
Chapter 48: omo....i thought daedae was really cheating on her.....ha..ha....good one authornim...update soon ....
Chapter 47: Geezzee pms much? Jellyyyyyyyyyyyy hahaha I love this story XD