donghae: who drag me in the kitchen? please stop hurting us..

what is that? things? paranomal?


Chapter 15

Kyuhun p.o.v
in the dorm..

“faster faster kyuhyun!!”
“aish, wait okay? You’renot patient at all!!”
wait, don’t have the wrong idea what we are doing yea? XD. Me and minnie was in our room and busy uploading two eunhae’s vid into the computer. Got me? Into the computer not in Twitter yet!
sungmin smile and off the computer, ask me to go out from the room. Once we open the room, we see eunhae standing in front of us.

“what did you guys upload into the computer?”
“better tell us..”
“e-e-rrr... n-nothing?”
“eunhae! I saw them uploading your moments into the computer!” i groan.

We look at eunhae, waiting for angry eunhae. I look at my fav hyung, donghae. Donghae look at me and... smile innoncently. Me and minnie like, “o.o”’teehee! good thing you upload into the computer and not twitter!” eunhyuk smile too. “yeah!”

Me and minnie released a sigh of relieve. Eunhae smile and walk towards the living room. I smile too. Good thing donghae hyung and ryeowook’s health is okay. But i can feel they will fall sick again. I sigh. Sungmin look at me and pat my back, whispering, “it’s gonna be okay, hyunnie..” i nod and walk towards the living room alongside with sungmin.

Leeteuk p.o.v

I look at the time, it was only 9 pm sharp. I look outside and dark, of course. “hey guys, we should sleep now though, wake up early tomorrow to find the paper upstairs right there okay?” i say.
they all nod sleepily and crawl towards their own bed. I smile softly and close the light, laying next to kangin, “good night guys, sweet dream..” i say. And i heard replies like, “umm. Night umma..” “nighty night mommy.. purr, let’s hug hyukkie..” i bet that was donghae. I smile and close my eyes.

Donghae p.o.v

I tried my very best to sleep, but i fail. I sigh and snuggle closer to eunhyuk. “still can’t sleep?” eunhyuk say, open eyes. I shook my head, “no.. the nightmare kept o-“ “stop thinking about that hae” “i can;t hyukkie.. i’m worried, the members, you might hurt again..” sigh softly, eunhyuk pull me into hug and say, “sleep hae, it’s okay. We are together now. We have each other, we have the members. Me, you and the members will protect each other, don’t worry..”

I tried to control my tears. Why he have to say that? The words simply stab through my heart. I can’t help myself but to cry. Eunhyuk smile softly and kiss my head, “stop crying, fishy. Sleep okay?” i nod and hug him in my sleep.

I open my eyes, finding me in a place. Kitchen? How did i ended up here? I look around and saw ryeowook and kyuhyun and sungmin. The four of us are puzzle. How did we ended up here? How? When? I tried to  look back but i can’t as if there’s a wall blocking there. I want to talk but i can’t too.

“hae? Why are we here?”
“i-i-i’m not sure..”
“why is there many knives on the floor?”
we all look at the floor and saw many knives on the floor indeed like what ryeowook said.
“as fas as i remember, the kitchen’s floor are all clean..”
so that mean we communicate using telephaty. Strange but true.

Without our knowledge, the surrounding around us become more darker and darker. But the knives still can be seen. I tremble and slowly sits on the floor without my pleasure. I’m scared. Sungmin look at me and say, “h-hae.. you okay?” in my mind. I look at him back and shook my head. “i feel uncomfortable..” i reply him.

“well, well, only the 4 of you in the kitchen?”
we all look in front of us and gasp. I close my eyes tightly. This is the countless time i saw the bloddy figure. I tried not to throw up. I can feel kyuhyun and ryeowook look at me worriedly.
“what did you want!?”
“just to gurt some of you, i’m bored you know..”

i gasp. Leeteuk, yesung and eunhyuk’s voice.
i hear the figure’s “we’ll meet again.. be afraid... hahahaha!!!”
i pant heavily, i can even hear kyuhyun’s pant. “kyuhyun, dear, are you okay?”
“y-yeah i’m fine.. don’t worry hyung..”

I feel someone hug me, “are you okay, donghae?”
“a little bit.. urgh,..” i say, closing my mouth.
eunhyuk pat my back and hush me. “sshh.. stop talking..”
I lay my head on his shoulders was the last thing before i close my eyes.

The next morning..

I open my eyes and saw leeteuk. “hyung!” he smile. “good thing you remember me, fishy ah.” I smile. “ii’m okay now, don’t worry..” i sit up. Leeteuk hyung nod and say, “yeah, your temperature is fine too, how did you ended up in the kitchen by the way?” i look at him and say, “i’m.. n-not sure too, as if i was a puppet. But there’s a feeling, feeling where i feel my body being lifted and drag me into the kitchen.”

Leeteuk sigh. “what’s wrong hyung?”
“ i got the same answers from kyuhyun, sungmin and wookie too. I guess the thing who drag you to the kitchen is no other than jung-hye’s.”
i nod. Leeteuk sigh.
“oh well, it’s better not to think about it though..”
i nod. It’s true..

Leeteuk then suddenly drag me. Making me a little bit of surprise.
“i want fishy to take a bath!! :DD”
i groan, not again.. it was early in the morning like 7 plus and asked me to bath? “NO WAY!!! THE WATER IS TOO COLD!! I DON”T WANNA TO TAKE BATH!!!!!” i shout and struggle. “no! You must! This is your first time taking bath in the morning as early as 7 o’clock!”
“wait, the water is too cold you say? When i take my bath with heebum, the water was okay though.”
how can a CAT takes bath, i wonder. I look at heechul hyung who is playing kyuhuyn’s PSP.

“by the way, i don’t think FISH can tell whether the water is cold or not. Don’t you hae hae?”

At the same time, i was struggling to break free. Eunhyuk went out from the bathroom, done bathing. He look at me and leeteuk. He grin, “ask him to take a bath eh?” leeteuk nodded. Eunhyuk look at me and, “fishy, take your bath” i shook my head several time.

He sigh. This time, including him, he and leeteuk pull m y leg, dragging me into the bathroom.
“you.. urghh.. need to take your bath, you lazy bum fishy!!”
“when i say no, it’s a no, you half anchovy!”
leeteuk laugh, “Oh well, you heard him fishy, you need to take you bath though”
“NO! NO! I don’t wanna!!”

The rest of the  members who look at the incident laugh along. This is a good way to start the day right, ELFs? :D

Eunhyuk then walk in front of me and say, “take your bath” i shook my head, “no.”

Eunhyuk p.o.v

This is gonna take a long time to ask my fishy to take his bath. ELFs, Jewels, help me will you? –puppy face-


hello there guys, oh, i would like to thank KYU for the comments@! -tears of happiness- seems that all of you can't wait for super junior high school eh? calm down calm down! i'm stillin process! how is the 15th chapter for you? i hope it's okay though.. T^T . i'm really well now, i tried my best to write the story! :D hope you like it guys. oh and for the first time of my life, i never wrote the fanfic this long! :d but  thanks to God, and to your comments, i managed to write such a long fanfic, :D. i hope this chapter is not as scary as the first few once! :D anyways, please do comment     (if you want) yea? :D love you guys! sarangHAE! kamsahamida! :D stay healthy! :DD


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Chapter 1: This is son nice and since I like horror movies,I think it's good for me to read it..^_^
But still,a bit scaredT.T
Anyway,author-nim,please continue your good job and Hwaiting!!...Always support and Fighting on other stories!!^_^
After read this .... i even scared to go to my toilet alone ...
part two part two
#4 ittt....keke
x3Maple #6
Lalala. I have not started reading anything yet but the comments are so freaking positive. So I'll read it now!:)
ahah~ i still can't believe that i got comment from this very 1st fanfic of mine~~~<br />
AWWW~~ i just love you guys!
lovekyu85 #8
i think i'm going to read this ^^ first because of the good responses by those who alrdy read it and second because i love stories that are long '-' urs got 48 chapters so perfect ^^ ~
wahaahahhaha~ such a good to chapter 30 in one day...wahh I'm such a good reader aren't I xD keke <br />
I'll continue it tomorrow ( it's 11:45pm now and I have school tomorrow -.- ) <br />
<br />
wahhh I always love the little eunhae moments..... and Siwon piggybagging Kibum....awwww I support that couple! and my Hanchul couple still together.....<br />
<br />
wahhhh I love it =) <br />
Aww...thanks for the comments!!! :DDD<br />
it's decided already!<br />
i'll make a sequel! XD<br />
but i will not tell you when! :PPPP