
Silly Bets

Lee Min Ho’s POV

“What do you mean you’re in love with her?”

“Exactly what you think Min Ho. I fell for her” He acts as if it’s so obvious.

“And you’re going to let that…..get in the way of me winning the bet?” I ask in disbelief.

“Unbelievable!” Hyun Joong sighs, running a hand through that thick head of hair of his.

“What?” I hiss.

“You always have to have things your way”

“You didn’t show any interest for her at II Woo’s party, in fact you yelled out that she was hot” I try to catch him off guard.

“I was acting that way, hoping none of you would notice her. But then you guys noticed her, so I had to play along or else you guys would have known that something was up”

“Well, why do you have to act on your feelings now?” I groan.

“Because I don’t want to stand around and watch you break her heart. If she falls for you and then you leave her, she’ll be broken twice by the same guy. Do you know how damaging that could be for her?” His words cheesy.

“Do you think I care about her? Why should I give a damn what happens to her after I’m through with her?” I retort.

“Because a real man shouldn’t be such a jackass and play with a girl just because she made a fool of him” Hyun Joong raises his voice.

“Aren’t you my friend Hyun Joong?”

“Of course I’m your friend, but that’s my girl out there man” He softens a little, pointing at the door.

“She isn’t yours yet” I mutter.

“Min Ho, just give this one up. You don’t need the money anyway” He begs.

I glare at him, and take a step towards him, forcing him up against the wall. Looming over him, back he isn’t backing down, daring to meet my stare.

“You can pick up the pieces after I’m through with her” I snarl.

“And what if she is an emotionless statue afterwards?”

“Then you can beat the hell out of me” I grumble, turning on my heels, heading to the door.

“I’m not giving up dude” He calls after me.

“Yeah I know” I mutter to myself.

She is mine.

She has been for years.

Sandara Park’s POV

He drags me out of the library, a pissed off look on his face. Not even letting me check out my books or say goodbye to Kim Hyun Joong. His grip tight on my wrist as he leads me down random streets, until we are far from the library.

“What the hell Lee Min Ho!?”

“What?!” He snaps back at me.

“Why did you just do that?! I was reading those books and I haven’t seen Hyun Joong Sunbae in God knows how long! What is your problem?” I lecture.

“I just felt like going elsewhere” He shrugs, now totally came.

“Do you have a multiple personality disorder or something?” I ask suspiciously, wondering if that’s why this jerk has constant mood swings.

“No” He answers flatly.

“I’m so sick of this already. I need to go and run some errands, so I’ll be leaving first” I declare annoyed.

I only get 10 meters by myself before he’s by my side again, being completely obnoxious.

Can’t you tell that I hate you?

Why can’t you just leave me alone?

Maybe if I hadn’t gone to that job that night, you wouldn’t be here harassing me.

“I’ll help you then” He persists, matching my increasing pace.

“I think I would get things done faster without you” I protest.

“What kind of logic is that? Two is better than one”

“Ugh!” I groan.

“What now?” He pouts.

“I don’t want you around Lee Min Ho” I state sharply.

“I’ll make you a deal, once we’re done with your errands I’ll leave”

I bite my lip, and consider his offer. Knowing that he may just stick to me like glue for the rest of the day if I don’t accept, which will exhaust me.

I still have work this evening.

Bartender Dara tonight.

“If I don’t do anything productive today, I’m going to slap you again” I warn him, eyeing him suspiciously again.

“Yeah, yeah….so I get to help you today then?” His arrogance urging me to grab a frying pan, and whack it on his head.

“Fine” My reply bitter and not one shred happy.

“So….where are we going first?”

“The supermarket, I need more food. As you should know from last night….”

“Maybe that’s why she’s so skinny” I hear him whisper under his breath.

I roll my eyes, and grab a cart. Steering it down towards the vegetable and fruit section first.

“What do you intend to do when you graduate from college Dara?” Min Ho asks, genuinely interested.

His sincerity startles me, making me nearly drop the bag of pre packed apples onto the floor.

“I want to open up a dance club” I answer blankly, grabbing 2 singo pears.

“Really? Why is that?”

“Because I want to enjoy my work, not hate it”

He stays quiet, as if taking in my words. I enjoy this precious time where he doesn’t speak, because it might as well be a rare occasion. I pick up 2 carrots, an onion, some garlic, a small bundle of green and a white radish before moving on from the produce area.

“What are your plans for tonight?” He yawns, stretching out his long, lanky arms.

I don’t want him to visit me at work, he’ll just try and distract me.


What do I say???

“Err….I’m going to stay home and…….” I answer, still thinking up my lie while speaking.

“By yourself?” He questions.

“No, with a friend” I laugh.

“The guy you were with this morning?” Something catching on at the last note of his question.

I ignore it, thinking it must be nothing.

“Yeah. Choi Min Ho is going to help me study tonight”

“Just the two of you?” Lee Min Ho’s question not nonchalant anymore, but dipped with a sort of menace.

I don’t like the sound of it, but then again I don’t know for sure what he’s thinking right now. Loading more food into the cart, I glance back at him and slowly respond.


I hadn’t noticed that he was holding a bag of chips, until I heard the crunch of the crumbling beneath his fisted hand.

His eyes are black, pitch black. Bottomless black holes, as we continue to walk. He’s making me uneasy, and I grab the last items I need while keeping my eyes glued to the floor. Not sure what I should do when his mood has changed yet again.

“You hang out with that guy a lot, huh?” He voice stoic.

“Yeah, he’s my friend. He’s fun to hang out with….” I trail off.

“I see”

The air is strange about Lee Min Ho, his stance very stiff.

What’s up with you weirdo?


When Lee Min Ho heard that Sandara had plans that night, he was almost too delighted. He was very much prepared to bombard whatever she had planned that night, with his very presence. Which would drive Dara insane. But then she told him she was going to study, alone with that guy.

His whole demeanor changed.

It wasn’t that Min Ho cared, or so he told himself. But while the two walked together through the supermarket, Min Ho gathered dark feelings inside of him. He now not only had to compete with Hyun Joong, but with Choi Min Ho. Whom he hadn’t considered a threat at first, until Dara expressed how close he and her were.

It bothered him, more than it should have.

Sandara Park was completely clueless, not realizing what was bubbling up in Min Ho’s mind. Deep down in his core, something was unknown stirring. As far as she was concerned, she was just being used by Lee Min Ho. She was a toy, a form of entertainment. Which truly made her furious, her hate for that guy flourishing from a bouquet to a meadow in size.

There were many eyes on Lee Min Ho, lots of females swooning. Dara mentally snorted, thinking about how silly it was for the guy all girls fall for to be such an . The irony of the world. But Min Ho was not focusing on any of the fabulous woman craving for him, in fact he only had one girl in his mind, and that was the one standing right next to him. Because meanwhile while there a fair amount of eyes on him, there was double that on Dara. Who really didn’t notice, since she never has noticed things like that. Min Ho wanted to put an arm around her to show that she is hers, but he knew she may slap him right there in public again. So instead he just glowered at every man there who dared to watch her, making people cower away. He mentally cursed, looking Dara who was too damn cute to be left alone. That’s when Min Ho thought to himself, something that one may take as protectiveness.

I’m going to be there on your study date with that delivery boy.

Lee Min Ho’s POV

When we were at the checkout, she started putting things on the counter. I’m amazed at how little there is here, not to mention the quality of the food.

It seems so, commoner….

“Can you seriously only afford so little?” I ask, tilting my head to the side while still looking at the food that was being scanned.

She turns to me, a look of complete incredulity on that pretty little face of hers.

“What do you mean ‘so little’? There is so much food here, I don’t know how long it’s going to take me to finish it! And what is this ‘only afford’ business? This will cost a lot” She rambles, flailing her hands up in the air.

“This is what I might keep in the mini bar in my room, if I want a midnight snack” I reply snarky, knowing that she’ll get mad with that comment.

“Well not everyone is a pig like you!” She exclaims, making heads turn.

She flushes red and becomes small, dropping the topic.

“That will come to a total of 118, 839 won” The grandma checkout lady speaks kindly to Dara.

I pull out a card from my pocket, just when Dara removes her purse from her brown satchel.

“What are you doing?” I sigh at her.

She looks at me and then at the credit card in my hand, her eyes going wide.

“W..w…what are you doing?” She stammers back at me.

“Paying for the food” I tell her, deciding to swipe my card without her consent anyway.

“W…w…what? Yah! Don’t pay for my food!” She yelps, her small hands tugging at my arm.

I look down at her, a dark scowl plastered on my face.

“I’m paying Dara, now you better let go of me. We’re holding up the line” I stare down at her, no jokes this time.

She throws a dagger look at me, but doesn’t fight anymore. Moping as we walk out of the supermarket, with me holding all of her bags.

“I hate you” She said, making me chuckle.

“I know you do”

“You should take me seriously” She stopped walking, her hands balled up in little fists.

I put the bags down on the ground, and take a step in front of a stern Sandara Park. My hands are on both of her shoulders and I bend my knees so that my eyes are level with hers, her cheeks reddening from the intimate distance between our faces.

Don’t worry baby girl, I won’t touch you.

Right now….

“I. Do. Take. Your. Hate. Very. Seriously” I say, each word standing alone.

“You sure have a way of showing it you jerk”

“Do you want your food?” I playfully threaten her.


“I’ll take your food away if you’re not nice to me, remember I paid for it….” I , watching her face transcend to a shade of blue.

“What!? I didn’t even ask for you to pay for those things!” Dara shrieks, stomping her foot.


Did that just happen?

I purse my lips together, holding back the widest ear to ear grin that is fighting to be unleashed upon my face. Unfortunately I cannot hide the amusement in my eyes and she notices it almost too fast.

“What? What are you smiling about?” She asks, in my face now.

“Do girls really do that?”

“Huh? Do what?”

“I thought girls only did that in movies” I snicker.

“Do what!?”

“Stomp their feet”

She raises her hand high in the air, and just as she is about to hit me…. When I pinch her nose. She stops, as if I have pressed the pause button. Her eyes dart between my eyes and my thumb and index finger squeezing her nose tight.

“What are you doing?” Her voice altered to something hilarious and nasally.

“Distracting you from slapping me again” I smile cheekily at her, her ears turning red.

 “Let go of me!” She demands.

I kindly oblige, her nose a rosy color. She bends over to pick up the bags, when I watch her skirt go up. Getting closer and closer to revealing her underwear, apparently I’m not the only guy nearby who notices this. A group of guys who are our age nudging each other and pointing at her, even though I can’t hear them I can imagine what they’re saying. My hands grab her by the waist and straighten her up before she unconsciously puts on a show for the world, at the same time picking up all her shopping swiftly.

“Yah! Why do you keep touching me? Do you like being slapped?”

“You need to start becoming more self-aware” I ignore her comment, only speaking the truth this time.

I manage to get a quick glimpse of the group of erts from my peripheral vision and smirk, feeling their ual frustration from all the way over here.

“What are you trying to say now?”

“Last night you stretched up your arms and showed up your to me in the process, and today you nearly gave the whole world a view up your skirt when you were about to collect the shopping bags” I enlighten her, watching her expression turn into that of a scarred, innocent, little girl’s.

“” She breathes.

“I’ve encountered a view of your twice in less than twenty four hours. So how much do you think you’ve probably shown random strangers Miss Sandara Park?”

Her face is priceless right now, her complete shock is almost to die for. Though this is a serious matter, I can’t help but laugh at her on the inside. How she was so oblivious to the problem all this time, is a mystery to me.

“Gosh, I’m so dense” She laughed, embarrassed.

I puzzle over her, there’s just something about this girl….

There’s so much about you, that I never noticed before.

“Hello? Earth to Min Ho? Give me a bag, I’m not going to be useless and let my enemy hold all my crap for me” She waves a hand in front of my face, acting like I spaced out big time.

Like a zombie, emotionless and slow, I hand her a plastic bag.

“Back to my place now” She clarifies as she leads me down the streets.

We arrive at her apartment faster than I expected, though I might as well have been asleep while we walked. Not paying attention to anything around me. She enters the new pin number, being careful to not show it to me.

If only you knew, that I knew, what you think I don’t know…

I bite my lip when I remember her yelling over the phone about her being a out here yesterday, it’s still super funny.

If you haven’t done it by now, you’re most likely going to remain a nun for the rest of your life.

“Hey, give me that last shopping bag and leave. My errands are done and you promised to leave once they were done” She bosses me around.

I’ll be back though….


You’ll see me later bossy boots.




I’m looking at her schedule for tonight, and I am pissed off.

“That little lied?” I ask myself completely flabbergasted.

She isn’t going to study tonight with that guy.

She isn’t even going to be home tonight!

She’s going to be working.

“Why the did she not tell me she was going to be working?” I mutter to myself.

“She probably thought you were going to try and ruin her shift tonight or something” II Woo chuckles, taking a sip from his champagne fluke, parallel to me in the bedroom.

“Why would she think that?”

“Because you probably would have gone to her work and made her job a living hell” He replied effortlessly, not hesitating to get under my skin.

“What are you doing here again?” I snarl.

“Being the awesome best friend that I am” He winks at me, probably drunk already.

“Yeah, you really are a helpful best friend” I say sarcastically, frowning back down at the paper.

II Woo stands up and saunters over to me, definitely tipsy.

“You’re going to go and punish her at her work right?” He grins.

“How did you read my mind?”

“Because you, my best friend….to me….are the most….predictable….dickhead in the world!”

“You want a black eye to go with your hangover tomorrow II Woo?” I laugh.

“Come at me” He slurs.

You really are drunk.

“Come on, I’m going to get you home before I continue with my game of cat and mouse” I sigh, supporting him as we leave my bedroom.

“But I want to help tonight…” He starts.

“You need to sleep off this liquor. I don’t want to get a phone call from you Mom asking why you look like hell tomorrow”

“Arasso” He burps.

“Nice man” My tone dry.

“Yeah, yeah,  whatever”  

Writer's Notes:

Sorry about the short chapter >.<

I'm tired and I need to get up early tomorrow so I can't go to sleep at 6 in the morning this time....

In the next chapter, we'll meet some new people......

Not spilling anymore than that ;)

Thanks for reading!

Lots of love & goodnight,



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GUYS! Chapter 39 doesn't have any M content. I don't know why it was marked as M. Sorry.


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whellabelo19 #1
Chapter 47: Great story.. Thank you for this!
I am addicted of this fanfic it's my 7x reading it... Authornim can you make another story of Dara and minho? Pretty pleaseeeeeee... ❤
trysusiet #3
Chapter 47: I wasn't a dara/lee min ho shipper but after this, I'm itching to go on YouTube to look for fan made videos. :) great job
Chapter 47: this is one heck of a great story this should be a tv drama or movie... love it very much... specially the main dara very much
sweetmiele #5
Chapter 47: wow great story :D
Chapter 47: So cute!!!!!
Exactly what I was looking for, hahaha.
I love your story!
Chapter 18: Minho + Dara + Sleepover = Dara shaving Minho's head in the middle of the night. Lol.
Daranikhun #8
Chapter 47: Wow,daebak authornim,great story.I love the ending,it surprisingly.
Can you make another story about Dara and Minho?or maybe Dara with exo,like Sehun or Luhan :-):-):-)
Hi there^^ I'm reading this awesome story again for the 3rd time,.. ahhh I miss your dara stories,. Two thumbs up for this anyway^^
LeeMinHoDaraPark #10
Chapter 47: OMO I just finished the book! I think I need to go sleep now! I barely slept since I couldn't stop reading this story!!!!! Amazing story! I will be sure to check out your other stories! This book literally made me cry, happy and all kinda of emotions! :''''< I love this book so much!!