Chapter 6

Coincidental or Intentional?

“You look tired.”

Jiyun looked around to find the source of the voice. She had just knocked off from work and was at the supermarket where they will be resuming their filming from the previous day.

“Oh, it’s you, Yoochun.” She replied tiredly as she dragged her feet towards him. “It’s nothing, I’m just lacking of sleep.”

He got up from the makeshift chair where he was sitting at and walked towards her, closing in on their distance. With a pull on her wrist, Jiyun was in front of him in an instant.


He quickly brought her face nearer to him and examined her closely. He closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh before opening it again, whispering, “You were crying last night?”

‘Deja vu?’

Jiyun looked away from him with a slight tinge of pink on her cheeks. Although she has been seeing him for quite a fair amount of time ever since she took on the project; bickering with him for a bit, upset with him for a bit, laughing with him for a bit, she was still not immuned to seeing him from such a close proximity.

After all, she has been labelling herself as his fan up until less than a month ago; although by right, she still is one.


“I couldn’t get over yesterday's filming.” She admitted.

‘No use coming up with some excuses to cover it up. He’ll find out sooner or later.’


“Ah.” A look of understanding came over him. He gave her a knowing smile. “Happened to me the first time i tried my acting gig as well.

She nodded. ‘So it is normal to feel like that. A sense of loss.’

“You know, those puffy eyes are adding a few years to your age.”

‘Just when i thought that he is a little nicer to me.’

He looked amusedly at her and laughed, despite his efforts to hold it in. He stopped when she gave him a dirty look.


“Wait here for a while.” He spoke up after a while, briskly walking away from where they were standing at.

She nodded, although she would rather that he stayed with her for a bit more. She felt secure once again when she saw him running back.


“Where did you go to? What’s that behind you?” She questioned, pointing to his back.

Yoochun grinned and walked nearer to her. She stood rooted to the ground.

When they were at an arm’s distance away from each other, he pulled out the items that he was holding and smacked them right on her eyes.


“YAH!” She screamed, bringing attention them once again.


“Shhhh!!!!” Yoochun whispered in shock and covered with his hand to shut her up, “We’re still in public, although there’s not much people in the supermarket at midnight!”

Moments later when he was sure that she had calmed down, he released his hand.


“There’s the Jiyun dirty look again.” He commented emotionlessly. He was starting to get used to it. Sort of.


“You shocked me, that’s why.” She replied pouting and pulled up his right hand, revealing the two items that were the culprits to making her screaming earlier on. “What’s this?”


“You can’t tell? Popsicles.” He sighed, “I thought it will be a good idea to use that to cover your eyes for a while, you know, to reduce the puffiness...”


She giggled and took the packages over from him. “Thanks!”

Just before she put them over her eyes, she caught a glimpse of the flavours.


“Watermelon?” She asked with interest.


Yoochun gave her a look to put it over her eyes, which she did. “So that i can eat them when you are done.”


“But watermelon..? I prefer vanilla.”


“Did i ever say that i was going to share my ice cream with you? Besides, i love watermelon flavor. Do you have any problem with it?”


“Yes i do. You’ll get a bad stomach if you eat two popsicles together, so share one with me.”


“No way. I’d rather eat both and get a stomachache than to share them with you. You’re treating me badly.”








“Auntie with puffy eyes.”




“Oh please, you’re not in my hit zone.”


“Great, cos you’re not on mine either.”


“Oh really? I thought you love me so much that you had to write that love tweet to me, remember?”

‘He just HAD to remind me of that. How mature of him.’


Jiyun puffed her cheeks, feeling so very annoyed. “I should’ve deleted that tweet when i had the chance to.” She mumbled, feeling so relieved that her eyes were covered by the popsicles.

‘At the very least, i don’t have to see that teasing facial expression of his.’


“Isn’t it good that your confession got through to me? Not everyone gets the chance to do that, you know? You’re lucky.”


“I have no comments to that.”


“You’re admitting to it?”

Jiyun kept her lips tightly sealed.


“Helloooooo??” He tried again.


“I hope you’ll cry your eyes out when we film the scene of you breaking down. I’ll amend the storyboard when i get home later, i’m going to make it a hundred times more heartbreaking than the current one.” She complained bitterly.


“Hey! You’re abusing your authority as a scriptwriter!” He protested. "The current one is bad enough!"

She let out a smirk as she removed the ice cream from her eyes. He was pouting and looking helplessly at her.

‘So cute!’


Jiyun half smiled, “So you do know that i am a scriptwriter huh?”


“I hope your scene in the fan bullying tomorrow gives you nightmares.” He muttered under his breath, an apparent sullen look on his face.




“Oh? What’s what that surprised look of yours? Don’t tell me you have forgotten about it?” He provoked further, clearly enjoying every moment.

‘I really forgot all about it! And it’s going to be tomorrow morning! I’m so dead.’


“You really forgot?” He grinned and started poking her arm, pleased for some reason. “Really? Really?”


“Yes, yes, I really forgot about it. And stop poking me please!” She said in a slightly louder voice as she tore out the plastic packagings that were containing both popsicles.


“Feisty.” He grinned. “Maybe i should drop by tomorrow...”

With no warning, she pushed both popsicles into his mouth to shut him up.


“Try that, and you’ll see what happens to you.” She declared in a monotone voice and walked away.




“Guys, there are no lines for this scene.” The director casually mentioned to the on-screen couple in front of him, “Just act lovey dovey while the both of you do the shopping in the supermarket. We'll only need clips, not voice. So just talk whatever you like during filming later.”


“Yes sir.” The both of them replied, and the director turned to walk towards his seat behind the cameras. He did an action that indicated for them to get into place.


“Still angry?” Yoochun asked, slowly inching nearer to her with caution.

She didn’t reply, turned to the other side and walked away.


Yoochun frowned. “You’re really angry?”


Jiyun stopped and turned around. “Nope, it’s just that i’m getting worried about tomorrow.”


He let out a sigh of relief. “Don’t worry, it’s going to be alright. They aren’t even real antis. If you’re really worried, i’ll just...”


“Easy for you to say.” She interjected, continuing to walk towards the trolley of which a portable video camera had been clipped on.


Yoochun followed closely after her. “I’m serious, don’t you trust me?”


“Urm, nope. You were the one who blackmailed me, remember?”

He gulped with extreme guilt.


Dumbstruck, he held on the trolley handle together with her, “Come on, i had no choice...”


“Aaannnnddd..... action!”


Yoochun gave a cheesy smile and kept staring lovingly at Jiyun, “Wifey, don’t be angry about it anymore. Forgive me, please?”


She gave an equally cheesy smile while they slowly pushed the trolley ahead. “I don’t remember saying that i am angry. And please wipe that smile off your handsome face.”


“You are, you are! And thanks for calling me handsome, i know i am.” He pouted cutely.


She rolled her eyes, letting out a small sincere chuckle, “I’m so adding ‘childish’ to your portfolio.”

He grinned happily, walking over to the vegetable section together with her.


“No, Mr Park. You are so not putting these bags of sweet potatoes into the trolley.” She warned upon realising that they were currently stopping at where the sweet potatoes were located at.


“No, i love them! I want it and i’ll get it.” He challenged, dangling two bags of sweet potatoes right in front of her face.


“Whatever. Fine, just get them. You’re paying anyway.”


“Yes! Give me a moment, i’m getting my tofu and mushrooms!"


“What? Are you intending to cook supper or something?”


He shook his head. “I’m stocking up Jaejoong’s refrigerator. He has been grumbling that i’ve been coming over to his house for dinner too often. I figured that i should at least hold some responsibility in feeding his refrigerator once in a while...”


“Sounds like something you will do.”


“Yah, do i look like a glutton to you?”


She nodded and stuck out her tongue. “Fat Chunby!”


“I’m not fat! In fact, i’m underweight!”


“And you still say it so proudly.” She frowned. “Eat more, idiot.”


“Oh?” He cocked his eyebrow questioningly, “Wifey is worried about me?”


Jiyun merely shrugged with nonchalance and replied, “I’m just saying that on behalf of all your fans around the world.”


“But aren’t you worried that i’m malnourished? See how thin i am?” He grieved, holding up his left hand to show her how thin his wrist is.


“Stop whining. If you’re aware of that, why don’t you eat more?” She acknowledged with annoyance and gave him a look of death, which obviously backfired on her.


“Yes dear, then i shall eat you!” He declared and went straight ahead to bite on her left shoulder.


“PARK YOOCHUN YOU IDIOT! YOU REALLY BITE ME?!” She shouted due to the shock and started hitting his arms, not caring whether the 6 cameras around her are still rolling and capturing every moment.


“Heyyyy... heeyyy... i’m sorry! Stop hitting me, please!” Yoochun tried hard to shield himself from the attacks, yielding little to no help. “You’re making me look bad in front of the cameras! Save me some face please?”


“No freaking way, you freaking bite me, you vampire!"

Not wanting to inflict any more injuries than he already has on his arms, Yoochun decided to stop her once and for all. He carried her up like a princess and placed her into the trolley itself.



Due to being overwhelmed by the sudden turn of event, Jiyun had a look of disbelief on her face and went completely silent.


“This way, my wifey shall behave.” He grinned happily.

She rolled her eyes in defeat and started examining the items that Yoochun had already thrown into the trolley.


“Yah! Take the enoki mushrooms, i prefer it over shimeji!”


He shrugged, “I like shimeji better than enoki.”


“Ewww! I hate eggplants!”


“But i like it!” He retorted. “Yah! Don’t put celery into the trolley! I absolutely hate it!”


“You hate it? But i like it!”


“You’re so not cute.” He rolled his eyes. “A woman who hates eggplants isn’t cute. At all.” He grumbled, all the while hugging the bag of eggplants tightly in his arms, for fear that the un-cute woman in front of him will throw it back into the tray if he lets his guard down for a even a second.

“Speak for yourself. You celery hater.”





“Yah... you two! Stop fighting and get acting!” The director shouted from a distance away, at where the observation monitors are at.





A/N: 10 comments or an update on Friday; whichever comes first ;)

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It looks similar but chapter 41 has been edited. READ IT if u dun wan to miss out later.


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mikimikimiki #1
Chapter 44: New reader and i love it !!!!!!!! Good jobbb❤️️❤️️❤️️
Really like your story O.M.G. If I'm in jiyun's situation I will also fell in love to yoochun because of his sweet acts, his jealousness, caring, and etc. Gosh Yoochun is really so sweet especially when he able to wait for jiyun for 7 months and how he ask her to be his girlfriend also when he prepare her a small bday party o.m.gee I really fell in love with your story what should I do ?? *fangirling mode* This story Is daebak
anneanne #3
Chapter 44: wow. this fic is really aweLOT. not awesome. AWELOT !! lmao. cant believe that the scene in this fic make its way to my dream. yup. i dreamed it ! thank you so much for sharing this fic !
i think im going to spazz more yoochun just because i read this fic. im at loss of words. just.. THANK YOU ! lalalala~~~~
Chapter 44: So sweet of Yoochun to do that for her birthday & they are just so sweet to each other on this last Chapter! really like this ending & really enjoyed your story! continue on doing good stories as good as this :)
Chapter 43: Jiyun decided to accept his confession so I really like the Chapter because I thought they'll not end up together so will read now the last Chapter ;)
Chapter 42: Jiyun still choose to leave Yoochun even Yoochun tried to make her stay :( will continue reading.
Chapter 41: Jiyun choose to leave Yoochun but looks like the Infinite members had a plan so will continue reading :)
Chapter 39: Jiyun let Shaun to woo her so I'm hoping that Yoochun will confess now or soon before Jiyun may agreed to be Shaun's girlfriend! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 35: Finally their cold war is over & they are back on how they were back then! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 28: Finally know what Mary had done in the past & she's really bad to do that! Jihyun confessed to Yoochun! really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)