Chapter 19

Coincidental or Intentional?

"Mr Park, i am serious when i say i won't ever get used to this." Jiyun whispered under her breath, following closely behind him. She was walking so close to him that she could have sworn that if he decides to stop in his track, her face will give a big fat kiss on his back.

Which she eventually did.


"Why?" He whispered and turned back to look at her, silently musing over how nervous she currently was. Slightly hesitating, he slowly reached out and adjusted the messy fringe on her forehead before smiling and giving a look of approval for his impromptu touch up. That smile transformed into a grin when he noticed that Jiyun had turned into a tomato and was rendered speechless from his small action.

Tossing a glance over to the waiter, he eye signalled that he will have the honor of seating the lady in front of him.

The waiter stood back as Yoochun led Jiyun to her seat, who had cautiously follow his lead without any questions asked.

As if she had the choice, or the courage to do so. She was too overwhelmed by her surroundings of the high class restaurant that they were currently in.


"So, you were saying?" Yoochun prompted, taking a sip of water as he observed Jiyun from across the table.


"Mr Park, I'm not used to such... setting... it scares me...” She confessed, eyeing left and right carefully.


Yoochun raised his eyebrows. "You don't like it?"

She shook her head indicating that she doesn't like the dinner venue.

He sighed. 'So apparently this doesn't impress her and instead made her shrivel up. I knew it. I shouldn't have followed Google's advice. This doesn't make her have a better impression of me in any way.'


"Shall we change to another location then?" He asked, looking straight into her eyes so that he could have his full attention on her.

'Females love it when guys have their full attention on them', as advised by Yahoo.


"Huh? It's ok, we'll eat here. You made the effort to bring me here for dinner, so let's just go ahead with this." She fidgeted, speaking softer than she usually did. She looked away the instant he made his eye contact with her.

Another sigh made its way out of his mouth. 'This is all so screwed up. Google and Yahoo are not the way to go if the party one intended to impress is someone by the name of Kim Jiyun. That or i must have had searched using the wrong search engines. Maybe Naver is a better bet.'


Slightly combing his hair with his fingers, Yoochun finally went back to his usual behaviour before speaking up. "Jiyun, I'm doing all this so that i can get you to enjoy our... dinner. If you're not enjoying yourself and freaking out like what you're currently doing, i won't feel happy either." He spoke truthfully, "Let's change to a location where you can actually relax alright?"

Jiyun nodded.




"Ah I'm breathing again!" Jiyun exclaimed happily, running towards the nearby bench overlooking the Han River.


Yoochun chuckled, walking briskly to catch up to her. Sitting on the bench, he placed the takeout that they had ordered from Macdees. "Yeah you look very much alive. Unlike earlier on."


She glanced at him with an apologetic look. "Sorry about that..."


"It's ok! I don't like to go to places like that either. It's so restrained." He shrugged off casually, loosening his tie and ing the first two buttons of his shirt. "Although apparently, the ladies love it..." He mumbled, looking away. 'Screw Yahoo and Google.'

Her heart sank.


"I see."

'He has brought many other girls to those places before as well?'


"You're not smiling anymore..." He mumbled, slightly peeking at her from the side.


"There's no reason for me to smile every second you know?" She replied, forcing a smile as she tried to throw away the negative thoughts that she had earlier on. "Or else people may think that i am insane."

'But you were so happy and smiling so radiantly when you were on that date with Gikwang...'

And then, an awkward silence surrounded them.


"Hey, what did you buy for our dinner?" Jiyun suddenly asked, trying to break the silence between them. 'Awkwardness is the only thing i can not tolerate if i want to continue being friends with him.'


"Oh, just the usual. Burger, fries, drinks."


She scrunched her face and randomly took out a burger. "Mr Park you can have the fries. It's too big a serving for me."


"Why?! It comes as a set! Repeat after me: Set-uh"


She rolled her eyes. "Hello Mr Park, you lived in the States for a couple of years, why do you still speak with a Korean accent?"


"Just trying to help you get rid of your weird accent." He shrugged, stuffing a piece of french fries into . "It's as weird as my English."


"Well, thanks for the crash course then." She replied sarcastically and took a big munch on her Big Mac. "This is heaven!" She commented happily, ignoring the weird stare that Yoochun has been giving her.


"Is it really that nice? Cos the way you eat it makes me think that my Big Mac isn't as nice as yours."


"You're thinking too much." She replied, taking another blissful bite out of her burger. "How long has it been since I've last eaten this?" She wondered aloud.

She must have been too deep in her thoughts, for she had failed to notice Yoochun's face inching nearer to her burger and eventually sneaking a bite out of it.


"Park Yoochun!!! That's my burger!" She complained, using her available hand to throw a few slaps on his arm. It was proven that her attacks were useless as he kept laughing at her, not even bothering to dodge any of her slaps.


"I can't help it! It looked so much more delicious than mine!" He explained, pointing to his own burger.


"It's still Big Mac you fat pig!" She pouted, turning away from him as she mourned over the loss of her mouthful of burger.


"Hey hey... don't be upset. Tell you what, you can have a bite out of my burger then." He consoled, poking her arm to catch her attention.




"What? But i only took a bite!"

It was Yoochun's turn to complain.


"But you have such a big mouth, one of your bite is equivalent to two of mine!" She reasoned, pointing to the latest bite on her burger.


"Oh yeah, how did you know that?" He challenged, a cheeky smile appearing on his face.


"I just naturally know!" She replied as she felt her face burning slightly.


"Have you been checking my mouth out or what? Since you seem to be familiar with it." He teased, giving her a sly look as he his lower lips on purpose.


"What?! Why should i?" She retorted, looking away as she refrained herself from staring at his pouty lips AND protruding Adam's Apple.


"Cos I'm hot and y?"


"Shut up." She rolled her eyes and giving him an annoyed look on purpose. "As I've said before, in terms of hotness, you can't even be comparable with Gik...."

She wasn't able to finish her sentence. Yoochun had stuffed a bunch of fries into to stop her from completing her sentence.


"Please, let's not mention about Gikwang or any other guys. At least not in front of me." He muttered before sending a bunch of fries into his mouth continuously. He must have been too distracted, trying to distract himself from the mere mention of Gikwang, that he had found himself choking on the fries.

Talk about his favourite potato trying to murder him.


"You're being weird today, you realize that?" Jiyun asked, patting on his back and pulling out his cup of coke from the paper bag for him to drink.


"Maybe." He said after a while. The sip of drink had slightly eased up his throat congestion.


"What happened?" Jiyun finally asked.

'That sudden kindness, and now his emo looking expression? Something must have been bothering him for him to behave like this.'


"It's... nothing."


She sighed, feeding him another piece of french fry. "You don't want to talk about it?"

He shook his head as he slowly nibbled on it.


"Ok, I'll not ask then." She announced, although she was itching to know the reason.

'She's my friend. My fan. I absolutely don't like her romantically, i just don't like to lose my fan to other guys.' He denied, all the while recalling how Jiyun was smiling from ear to ear when she was with Gikwang. Another frown made it's way to his face when he recalled what Jaejoong had said.

'The possibility of them dating each other is pretty high...'

'The possibility of them dating each other is pretty high...'

'The possibility of them dating each other is pretty high...'

Angered by the broken record in his brain, he started messing his hair up, much to the amusement of Jiyun.


"And he said nothing was bothering him..." She thought aloud.


"You know, Miss Kim, i can hear you loud and clear. I am still sitting beside you if you forgot."


"I know. Did that on purpose."

He chuckled.


"What will i do without you?" He asked, leaning back on the bench as he looked up into the night sky. "You always manage to pull me out from... situations..." He said.

The source of entertainment from twitter, the source of inspiration when he was composing for his album, the last minute MV acting, the fanmeet, etc etc... and now, pulling him out from his negative thoughts about her and Gikwang. Although she is partially at fault for bringing him into this situation.


"Do i?" She asked in confusion. "What did i do?"


He shook his head. "Not telling you."


"Bleah." She replied, sticking her tongue out to show her annoyance towards him.

He smiled and closed his eyes, relaxing as he tried to listen out for the sound of nearby insects. 'This is all i need. I'm satisfied just talking and hanging out with her like this.'


"Since you don't go for the high end restaurants, what do you actually like?" He suddenly asked, all the while his eyes closed. "I want to know more about you."

Her heart skipped a beat. 'Out of sight, out of mind.'


"I don't know? I just don't like situations that seem so cold. Or restrained. So inhumanly." Jiyun pondered, looking out into the distance where a row of street lights shone on the surface of the water. 'Or like how you suddenly gave me that absurd situation days ago.'


She looked down and closed her eyes as she continued by saying, "I like warmth. The type you get from your family at home."

A smile filled with happiness appeared on her face.


"Do you miss your family?" He asked, now looking directly at her. He was attracted to her smile.


She nodded. "Thank god I'm getting the chance to fly back home for site visiting."


"Really?" He asked, turning his head towards his direction instantly. "When?"


"Two days from now."


"Hey! You didn't mention this to me!" He leaned forward and slightly raised his voice from the new input of information. A pout slowly overtook his facial expression.


She shrugged. "Why should? You're not my mother."


"But I'm your... urm... I'm your..." He stuttered, pondering on what he could say. "I'm your friend!"

'Heh, take that brain! I've got a valid reason!'


Jiyun chuckled. "My friend, i don't think there's a need for me to report my every schedule to you."


He pouted, leaning over to rest his head on her shoulder. "Ok I'm raising the white flag..."

'Must not attempt to touch her any more than this. Park Yoochun you must remember this, you shouldn't cross the line any more than this! Jaejoong said friends shouldn't do this, so it must be true!'

He recalled Jaejoong's 'words of wisdom' back when he barged into his house after his movie night with Jiyun. The incident where he had felt his abnormal heartbeats. The one where he suspected it being the result of his binge on the self proclaimed 'expired' cup noodles from Jaejoong's house while waiting for Jiyun to finish her dinner with the Beast members.

"Jaejoong, you should do stock take on your groceries once in a while. I must have eaten one of your expired cup noodles, my heart was palpating at an abnormal rate. My heart was squeezing itself, my stomach felt weird, i had one of those weird moments which must have been caused by the food.. i..."

"Wait a moment. You banged on my bedroom door at 4.38AM just to tell me that you have presumably eaten something wrong from my kitchen?" Jaejoong asked irritatedly, rubbing his eyes a little as his eyes were too dry from staying up late until 4AM.

Yoochun nodded like a small boy being questioned by his preschool teacher.


"And you're telling me those are the symptoms?"

He continued to nod non-stop.


"Are you an idiot?"




"Those are the signs that you're in love. Like durh." Jaejoong sat up lazily on his bed and looked back at him, his arms and legs crossed in a comfortable way.

Yoochun gave him an expression that showed that Jaejoong is crazy. But Jaejoong glanced back at him full of confidence, that he is right.


"Me? Hah, never!" He shrugged. "It's Miss Kim we are talking about, my fan!"


"All the more possible..." Jaejoong muttered.


"No way, no way. It must be your food!" He replied, determined. "It happened after i ate your food, you know?"

Jaejoong sighed deeply and laid back onto his comfy bed. 'No use arguing with a fool...'


"Which reminds me. Yoochun, aren't you too comfortable with her? You were all over her back at the cafe..."


"No, i wasn't 'all over her', i was just... hey wait. How did you know what i was doing?!" Yoochun asked, throwing an accused look at him.

Jaejoong gulped. 'I'll never admit that we were stalking them cos we wanted to know who won the bet...'


"Just checking up on my cafe. It's due for opening next week, remember?"

Yoochun pouted, offering no comment.


"If you're just friends, you shouldn't be all touchy. She will feel uncomfortable."


"She doesn't seem to be though."


"That's because you're a blockhead."


"No I'm not..."


Jaejoong rolled his eyes. "I'm not going to talk to a blockhead. Now, let me go back to sleep." He muttered and his side with another pillow in between his legs. "Good morning and don't disturb me until i wake up naturally. Or else i will really poison you with expired food this time."



Yoochun shrugged off his memory and came back to reality. 'I still think it's the cup noodles...'

She took a slight glance at the pouting guy beside her. Her heart softened.


"I'll be returning home for about two weeks. Site visiting and to spend some time with my family."


"I see..." He muttered, unconsciously slipping his hands to wrap around her waist as if it is the most natural thing to do.

He was starting to miss her already.

It didn't manage to stay there for long, for Jiyun had pinched her way out of his hands.


"Mr Park, friends don't do that as well." She commanded and shook her head in disapproval, although behind her facade, her heart was beating rapidly.

'I won't be able to keep up with this facade any longer so don't do this please...' She thought. 'It wasn't that bad when i wasn't aware of my feelings, but now...'


"You didn't complain about this last time..." He muttered in response, rubbing his right hand where she had pinched. A part of him was dejected about getting rejected of his affection. Although, at least now he knew Jaejoong was right.

He decided to make him his personal consultant instead of using Google or Yahoo.

'Damn, what have i done?! I've even reminded myself not to touch her... stupid hands!'

'Jiyun you stupid girl! You and your stupid reflex! Look how upset Yoochun is! Don't tell me you hate his touch, cos you obviously like it!'

Both of them mentally slapped their own foreheads and thought, 'Look what you've done! Now you have ruined the mood! Must do something!'


"Urm..." Both of them said at the same time. They looked at each other in awkwardness before Jiyun decided to break into laughter.


"This is silly..." She mentioned, shaking her head in disbelief over her own silly reaction.


He started laughing as well, "Yeah, it really is."


"You know, you still owe me my posters."


"You know, you really are random. Whatever happened to your claim about you not being my fan anymore?"


Jiyun shrugged. "I didn't say i won't be Jaejoong or Junsu's fan anymore."




"At the same time, can i have some signed posters from JYJ as well? My friends back home are fans of yours..."

Yoochun crossed his arms across his chest. 'Posters can wait.'


"Miss Kim..." He whined as he began throwing innocent puppy looks at Jiyun at the same time. "Please be my fan again?"


"Mr Park... this is the first time I've heard of an idol begging someone to be his fan... and it's pretty funny..." She said, stifling her giggles.




"I'll consider it if you let me meet Jaejoong and Junsu."


"What?! Why?! No!"

'They will surely tease me again, and who knows they may seduce her to like them more than me!'


"The last meeting with them ended up on such a bad note, so i was thinking of treating them to a meal as an apology..." She explained, "And Jaejoong actually lent us a venue to hang out at, remember?"


"They can survive without eating, so there's no need to treat them."


"Mr Park..." She said in a stern voice, staring right at him in displeasure. "You have to be nicer to your group mates."


"Yes Miss Kim..." He pouted once more, looking down on the floor.


"So how about that meeting i was asking about?"


"I'll make the arrangement..." He grumbled, already mentally plotting a murder scheme just in case the jokers make their move on her during their meeting. "Pinky promise that you will not un-fan me again for forever?"


"Yes Mr Park, I'll be your fan for forever..." She promised, locking her last finger with his.

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It looks similar but chapter 41 has been edited. READ IT if u dun wan to miss out later.


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mikimikimiki #1
Chapter 44: New reader and i love it !!!!!!!! Good jobbb❤️️❤️️❤️️
Really like your story O.M.G. If I'm in jiyun's situation I will also fell in love to yoochun because of his sweet acts, his jealousness, caring, and etc. Gosh Yoochun is really so sweet especially when he able to wait for jiyun for 7 months and how he ask her to be his girlfriend also when he prepare her a small bday party o.m.gee I really fell in love with your story what should I do ?? *fangirling mode* This story Is daebak
anneanne #3
Chapter 44: wow. this fic is really aweLOT. not awesome. AWELOT !! lmao. cant believe that the scene in this fic make its way to my dream. yup. i dreamed it ! thank you so much for sharing this fic !
i think im going to spazz more yoochun just because i read this fic. im at loss of words. just.. THANK YOU ! lalalala~~~~
Chapter 44: So sweet of Yoochun to do that for her birthday & they are just so sweet to each other on this last Chapter! really like this ending & really enjoyed your story! continue on doing good stories as good as this :)
Chapter 43: Jiyun decided to accept his confession so I really like the Chapter because I thought they'll not end up together so will read now the last Chapter ;)
Chapter 42: Jiyun still choose to leave Yoochun even Yoochun tried to make her stay :( will continue reading.
Chapter 41: Jiyun choose to leave Yoochun but looks like the Infinite members had a plan so will continue reading :)
Chapter 39: Jiyun let Shaun to woo her so I'm hoping that Yoochun will confess now or soon before Jiyun may agreed to be Shaun's girlfriend! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 35: Finally their cold war is over & they are back on how they were back then! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 28: Finally know what Mary had done in the past & she's really bad to do that! Jihyun confessed to Yoochun! really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)