Chapter 29

Coincidental or Intentional?

Waking up has never been a chore for Jiyun. But yet, that particular morning made her groan in pain from the time her eyes fluttered open.

A massive tsunami, also known as a 'hangover’ was currently on full blast in her head.

It was the first time that she had experienced such a thing.

She furrowed her brows as she her side into a fetal position, hoping that it would help relieve her of her sufferings.

It failed to work.

Jiyun groaned. How she got home was the last thing that was on her mind. The most important thing on her task list was to find a remedy for her hangover. At once..

With that aim in mind, Jiyun opened her eyes again and tried to scan around for her phone. She was lucky that the curtains were shielding her from the bright sunlight. Using her limited brain power, she had figured out that it is probably a good idea to search for remedies for curing hangover from the internet.

That's when she realised, she didn't have to. For she had found an aspirin being placed on her side table, along with a glass of water.

Not caring about anything else, she immediately popped the pill into and went back for a short rest.

Thirty minutes later, Jiyun finally found the strength to get up and about. The first thing she did was to make her way to the kitchen to find some food for her breakfast.

Like a genie that had appeared from nowhere, a thermal flask and bowl of stew with rice that had been kept in tupperwares were seen sitting comfortably on the dining table.

Jiyun heard a beep, indicating that she had received a new message in her phone.

It was from Jaejoong.

            "Hey, had a good sleep? Hope your hangover gets better soon!"

Jiyun smiled, pouring a cup of whatever drink was contained in the thermal flask. It was warm citron tea. 'So it was you who had sent me home and had done all these?'

            "Thanks Jaejoong. Appreciate the ride home and everything else that you have done although i can't remember anything from yesterday. I owe you much!"

            "You're awake? By the way, what do you mean? It wasn't me."

            "Eyyy, don't deny. Who else but you would have done such nice things? I must have been pretty heavy to carry, ain't i?"

            "Really, i didn't do it."

            "So you're saying that i was somehow magically teleported back home? Nice try, Jaejoong. By the way, can i come by your house to retrieve my car? I don't see the car keys anywhere at home, so it should be there at your house right?"

            "Yeah it is still with me. Give me a call when you're coming over."

            "Ditto! Let me finish my breakfast first. I'll drop by your house before going for work.”

            "Enjoy your breakfast! See you later!”

Jaejoong stared at the conversation that he just had with Jiyun. It doesn't take a fool to figure out who had been taking care of Jiyun the night before. Anyone except Jiyun, since she had absolutely no recollection of what had happened.

            "Jiyun ah, why didn't it occur to you that Yoochun may have been the person who sent you home yesterday?" He mumbled.

'But then again, thinking back about what had happened between them yesterday... it's no wonder why Yoochun wasn't even considered...'

            "Fools..." He muttered before going back to this treadmill for his daily exercise routine.

            “Kim Jiyun... you’re really late.” Jiyun’s boss exclaimed upon her arrival into the office. He had strategically ‘caught’ her right in front of the reception counter, where he had been ambushing behind the counter for a while.

She cringed and looked up at the clock -

‘Why is boss still in the office anyway? It’s already time for lunch...’

            “Sorry boss. I woke up with a bad headache...” Jiyun muttered before rubbing her forehead a little from the sudden loud noise, not daring enough to look up at her boss.

It wasn’t exactly a lie, since she did have a bad headache from her hangover.

            “Oh. You’re sick?” His voice softened. “Are you alright?”

            Jiyun nodded with a small smile. “My brain is only 60% functional as of now.”

            Her boss knocked his fist on her head. “You should be quite all right judging by the fact that you can still joke.”

            “Yeah, which explains why i came in for work!” She grinned, lifting her hand to form a peace sign with her fingers. “I’m indispensable in this office!”

            “Yes you are, i’ve been waiting for you to come in since morning! MinAe can’t get hold of you on the phone either.”

            “Oh, really?” She grinned with a guilty look. She had received the messages sent by her colleagues but was too lazy to reply to any of them. She had intended to come in to the office anyway, so all messages can wait.

            “Don’t ‘oh really’ me. I’ve been your boss for so long, don’t think i don’t know your antics.”

            “Yes boss! You were looking for me?” She saluted, knowing that her boss would be easily appeased if she gave him some form of respect as a superior, which was hard to come by in a flat hierarchy company like hers.

A hint of amusement was shown on her boss’s face, indicating that the storm was over for Jiyun.

            “Let’s talk in my office, it’s going to take up quite some time.” Her boss spoke, pointing to the direction of his office. “Chinese takeaway for lunch?”

            “Ok.” Jiyun replied, pulling out her phone to search for the nearby chinese restaurant telephone number. “Boss, i’ve got something i want to discuss with you as well...” She muttered, following closely after her boss.

            “Food standard at this restaurant dropped.” Jiyun’s boss commented with an uglified expression on his face. “Let’s not order from this place anymore.”

            Jiyun chuckled. “Maybe we should have called for pizza instead.”

            He rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Let’s get down to business.” He said, pushing the icky food aside while he turned around to face the tall stack of documents in search of something. “Just so you know, i’m not going to increase your salary.”

            “Just say your piece, boss~” Jiyun replied lazily, still munching happily on her noodles.

            "Ok first thing first. You have another request to produce an MV."

            "Yes!" Jiyun cheered, pushing her chair back and spun it around like as if it were a celebratory dance. "Who is it for who is it for?" She asked happily, jumping towards the desk to reach out for the file that was by now in her boss's hand.

            "Yah! Kim Jiyun!" He scolded, although a smile was still plastered on his face. The enthusiasm shown on his employee's face was too amusing for him to get angry with.

            "Hehe, thanks boss!" She grinned and started scanning through the MV request description. "Kim Sung Gyu from Infinite? He's coming out with a solo album? Cool!"

            Her boss shook his head happily, amused at the bubbly girl in front of him. "You're so happy about it? Have you heard of him? Or them?"

            She nodded happily. "I've heard of Infinite and a couple of songs from them, but that's just it!"

            "Ok, i think there's nothing much to say about this assignment since it's pretty self explanatory. Here’s the song guide, they can only send over the actual song later this week.” Her boss added as he passed the CD to her. “First MV meeting at Woollim next Friday at noon. We'll set off from here together."

            "Sure!" Jiyun replied happily. "Anything else?"

            "Ah, next thing. I need your help in bringing your friend Shaun around Seoul. He needs a tour guide, and i think you're the best person for this job."

            Jiyun choked on her food immediately. "Boss, can i reject this request?" She asked, recalling about their meetup the day before which ended on a not so nice note. "We... kind of have a little issue..."

            "I gave you such a nice present as your MV project and you're returning this kindness with a direct rejection? Jiyun, i'm disappointed."

            "But, it's going to end up awkward between us..." She explained, clutching the file in her hand so tightly that the edge of the file is slightly wrinkled. 'Or rather, i am not yet prepared to meet him again this soon.'

            "Jiyun, these two projects come as a package."

            "Boss!" Jiyun started whining, "This is blackmailing!"

            "Do me a favour please?" He pleaded, "I can only count on you..."

            "Ok..." She finally relented. "But you have to accept my request as well.”

            "Oh yeah, you wanted to talk to me earlier on. What is it?" He asked, turning back to the icky half eaten noodles. It had turned hard and cold whilst they were discussing about work. He cringed and forced a mouthful of noodles down his throat.

            "Pull me out of the drama production." Jiyun requested nonchalantly.

He could have sworn that the food went down the wrong pipe.

            "What?! No!" He half shouted once he could find his voice again.

            "Yes!" Jiyun countered, sitting back comfortably on the thickly cushioned chair. She had already expected that he will have a reaction similar to that.

            "No!" He tried once again, this time slightly slamming his palms onto his glass desk. It was a miracle that the table did not crack into pieces.

            "But boss, I have two new assignments, remember?" Jiyun reminded, waving the file right in front of her boss's face. "I’ll have five assignments under me. I can't juggle with everything at the same time."

            "You once juggled with four, and there wasn't even a bit of complain from you."

            "I'm getting old already!" She reasoned. "Look boss, my shoulder is aching so badly right now, and my headache has yet to be dispersed. They are all signs of getting old!"

            "Nice try, but no."

            "It's not like i am needed there anyway. MinAe can do the job just fine..." She pouted. MinAe is the co-writer that had been helping Jiyun out with the script production.

            "MinAe is still not ready to stand on her own, which is why i placed her under your guidance. Honestly speaking, it is not due to the stress, is it?"

Jiyun looked down on the floor in silence.

            "It's Yoochun, isn't it? It was pretty tensed yesterday. You guys haven't made up yet?" He continued, "If it is him, i can arrange for you to go on site when he isn't filming..."

            "It's not because of him, Boss." Jiyun explained. "...Not exactly only him. I can foresee that i cannot work well with the YooJin duo."

            "YooJin? Is there such a person on our team?" He asked, raising his eyebrows as he tried to scan through the list of cast members in his brain.

            "Boss. It means Yoo Chun and Hye Jin. Seriously, please get updated with the fans lingo." She replied, rolling her eyes for added effect.

            "Besides the fact about my lack of knowledge in fans lingo," Her boss coughed awkwardly, "You do know that you have provided me with a very stupid reason, don't you?"

            "And you do know that work comes to a halt when Yoochun and i fight on the set, don't you? I can tell you upfront that my relationship with Hye Jin isn't exactly the best either. I'm just helping you out in lessening the smell of gunpowder, can't you see that?"

            Her boss stopped talking for a moment and was in deep thoughts shortly after. Finally, he looked up and glanced over at Jiyun. "Final offer, i'll arrange the schedule such that MinAe will sit in for filming involving the two of them, and you will do for the rest. You’ll still be the main script writer. You're indispensable, so i'll definitely need you in for this drama."

            "Thanks boss." Jiyun grinned. "You're such a nice guy!"

            "You call me nice only when i help you out..." Her boss grumbled. "But don't forget! Since Yoochun and HyeJin's role takes up a large portion of the drama, it is inevitable that you may need to drop by to monitor once in a while!"

            "Yes sir!" She thanked. "I really appreciate your help!" She wasn’t lying about her earlier sentence, she had indeed received lots of help from him especially when she first came to Korea.

            "Yeah, so you must be grateful to me and work harder!"

            "Yes boss!" She grinned.

            "Faster finish your food and go over to meet with Shaun then!"

            "Oh damn..." She sighed. "Can i take a sick leave right now?"


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It looks similar but chapter 41 has been edited. READ IT if u dun wan to miss out later.


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mikimikimiki #1
Chapter 44: New reader and i love it !!!!!!!! Good jobbb❤️️❤️️❤️️
Really like your story O.M.G. If I'm in jiyun's situation I will also fell in love to yoochun because of his sweet acts, his jealousness, caring, and etc. Gosh Yoochun is really so sweet especially when he able to wait for jiyun for 7 months and how he ask her to be his girlfriend also when he prepare her a small bday party o.m.gee I really fell in love with your story what should I do ?? *fangirling mode* This story Is daebak
anneanne #3
Chapter 44: wow. this fic is really aweLOT. not awesome. AWELOT !! lmao. cant believe that the scene in this fic make its way to my dream. yup. i dreamed it ! thank you so much for sharing this fic !
i think im going to spazz more yoochun just because i read this fic. im at loss of words. just.. THANK YOU ! lalalala~~~~
Chapter 44: So sweet of Yoochun to do that for her birthday & they are just so sweet to each other on this last Chapter! really like this ending & really enjoyed your story! continue on doing good stories as good as this :)
Chapter 43: Jiyun decided to accept his confession so I really like the Chapter because I thought they'll not end up together so will read now the last Chapter ;)
Chapter 42: Jiyun still choose to leave Yoochun even Yoochun tried to make her stay :( will continue reading.
Chapter 41: Jiyun choose to leave Yoochun but looks like the Infinite members had a plan so will continue reading :)
Chapter 39: Jiyun let Shaun to woo her so I'm hoping that Yoochun will confess now or soon before Jiyun may agreed to be Shaun's girlfriend! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 35: Finally their cold war is over & they are back on how they were back then! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 28: Finally know what Mary had done in the past & she's really bad to do that! Jihyun confessed to Yoochun! really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)