Chapter 5

Coincidental or Intentional?

“You actually look pretty decent after the quick makeover.” Yoochun commented idly while leaning on the wall in front of the dressing room. He observed Jiyun from head to toe; she was wearing a pastel coloured one piece dress. A small smile made its way to his face.


“Gosh! You scared me! What are you doing outside the dressing room?” Jiyun gasped. Her hands automatically went over to her chest, trying to prevent her heart from jumping out.

‘I don’t need another problem to handle with. This acting stuff is already sending my mind on the verge of lunacy. But then again, HE is the source of all the problems that i have on hand now.’

She eyed him, expecting him to answer her.

He merely shrugged and strutted leisurely towards the filming set. When he realised that she wasn’t following him, he stopped and turned around.


“Come on, my on-screen girlfriend. Do i even need a reason to wait for you ?” He replied, eyes lighting up as the ends of his lips curled up into a beaming smile. He stretched out his left hand, awaiting for her to take it.

Jiyun groaned and almost rolled her eyes in annoyance, but decided not to at the very last second. Then, a giggle escaped from .

‘Seriously, i can’t stay angry at him for long. His smile is just too contagious. MUST.NOT.FAINT.’

Yoochun chuckled along, seeing that Jiyun has finally lightened up. She looked extremely nervous just a while ago; even her hands and legs were uncoordinated.


“Let’s go, they are waiting.” He ordered and added, “By the way, I'll be thankful to you if your right hand will do me a favour and make friends with my left. He’s feeling lonely.”

She finally rolled her eyes and placed her right hand on his. They started walking towards the set hand in hand.

‘OH MY GOD. I’m holding on to his hand. I have no other regrets left.’


“Did anyone tell you that you have a nice smile?” He asked.

She got out of her daydreaming session and raised her eyebrow.

‘Is he trying to make me praise him, that he has an extremely nice smile? Cos it’s really obvious that he’s got such a perfect smile that makes me want to...'


"That’s a rhetorical question.”



‘What was i going to say earlier? I’m going to take them all back.’


“Nice legs, by the way.”

'There, there. The non-angelic Mr Park makes a comeback.’


“Mr Park, are you trying to expand your portfolio of the things you do? First, a stalker. Now you want to add ‘ert’ to your list?”


“It’s good to be diverse.”


“I’m having a love-hate relationship with you, Mr Park.”


“Well, you’ll have to cancel out the ‘hate’ part cos i know you don’t mean it.”


"That’s very bold of you to say that. How can you determine a persons’ feelings like that?” She frowned. 'Where did he get all that confidence from?’


“You’re my fan, so i know your feelings the best?”


“Right.” Jiyun can’t help but roll her eyes once again. “I keep forgetting that I'm speaking to Mr Stalker Park. Are we doing a reverse role; an idol stalking his fan? How much do you know about me anyway?”


Yoochun briefly glanced at her with a look full of warmth. He then lifted his right index finger and lightly placed it on her lips, shutting her up. “That’s for me to know and for you to find out.

He beamed and released his hand before walking towards the filming set by himself.


"Seriously, that guy is making it hard for me to not like him." She muttered as she followed him quietly.




"Jiyun, I'm pretty sure that you know this scene better than anyone else here since you're, well, our scriptwriter. But please allow me to give the both of you a quick rundown of this scene. We'll need to get it right in just one, well, maximum two takes." The PD advised carefully while the rest of the crew hurriedly got into their respective positions.

Both of them looked at each other and nodded. They weren't in their childish behavior unlike earlier on as they knew that time is running out.

When the briefing was done, the crew hurriedly got into place while the two of them stood at the side, waiting for their cue.

That is, until Yoochun decided to tease his filming partner a little.


"Miss Kim, please do not screw up the filming; it's your baby fanfic and my reputation that we are talking about."

Jiyun inhaled deeply and tried to calm herself down. It wasn't the time for her to pick up a fight with him. She is clearly an amateur, and the guy in front of her is someone who has received several drama awards.


"Then Mr Park, please show me your first class acting later then. If possible, can you please share some tips with me on how can i act well?"

'I asked him for help. So embarrassing.'

For a split of a second, Yoochun looked like he was slightly flabbergasted that Jiyun, of all people, had let down her pride to ask for some acting advices.

He coughed a little to mask his reaction.


"Yoochun, please get in place right now." The PD requested all of a sudden.


"Coming!" He responded and turned back to look at her once again. He was looking at her so seriously, that she thought she could have misunderstood... something.


"Please don't hit me for what i am about to do to you..." He mumbled.

Jiyun raised her left eyebrow in confusion.


Leaning nearer to her ear, he whispered softly, "I am now going to cast a spell on you, that you are no longer Kim Jiyun." With that, he quickly planted a light kiss on her left cheek. "You are now Park Jiyun, my girlfriend."

Without looking at her, he spun around and sauntered towards his position, holding a medium sized white lock in his hand.

'What was that...?!'


"Annnndd... ACTION!" The director shouted. The entire set fell into deep silence.

Yoochun was beaming like a kid as he carefully examined the white locket in his hands, looking up once in a while as if anticipating for someone's arrival. With a mischievous gleam, he took out a marker pen and started scribbling on the locker.

'Oh my god. He's breathing and living like the Yoochun in my fanfic...'


"Jiyun, it's your turn to get in."

She nodded. 'To live as Park Jiyun from my fanfic, to BE Park Jiyun. That's what he was referring to...'


"Yoochun..." Jiyun slowly walked into the scene. "Sorry i'm late.. " She forced out a smile, one so bitter that she was feeling bad herself as the author. She knew what was about to happen; she couldn't bear to utter out yet another word.


"It's ok, i didn't wait long either." He replied happily, completely unaware of the situation.

'Yoochun... don't smile at me like that, it makes me unable to continue with my lines.’


"Wifey, are you alright?" He asked worriedly, placing his hands on both sides of her shoulder. He had noticed her unusual expressions.


She shook her head and forced out yet another smile. "It's nothing, I'm just lacking of sleep."

'I can't make him worried, his worried expression really clenches my heart tight...'


He quickly brought her face nearer to him and examined her closely. With a deep sigh, he leaned his forehead on hers and whispered, "Please get more rest... it breaks my heart just seeing you like this..."

'Oh damn. I didn't really sleep much yesterday. He's going to notice my eye bags. MUST.TURN.AWAY.’

And that's what she did.

And he chuckled a little, thinking that she was just shy from their close contact.

'Was he really laughing or acting?'


"I'm really ok. Rather than that, i need to tell you something."

'Time for the dreaded truth. Damn, i really don't want to tell him that. See, he looks so innocent right now!'


"Yes? And oh yes, look what I've brought? Our own locket!" He chattered on happily, pulling out the white locket that had been hidden in his back pocket. "Let's put it up together once you have written something on it! I've written mine, do you want to see it?"

Jiyun was exasperated. She was reminded of the times when he ignored her. 'That part of Park Yoochun is indeed similar to reality.'


"Yoochun. Let's break up."

'There. I've said it. Actually, can i take my words back? He looks like he's in shock. Did he just drop that locket? Yoochun, say something! Don't look like as if you are about to cry anytime soon. Oh no, I'm gonna cry soon too. It breaks my heart seeing him look so hurt. Is he really just acting? Is that REALLY acting?'

Jiyun looked slightly flustered but held herself back; she wasn't going to ruin the shoot, not when her partner was putting in his all for the shoot. She bit her lower lips and looked down, for she couldn't bear to look at him any second longer.


"Why..?" He finally muttered, his voice slowly collapsing along with himself.


"I... i don't love you anymore." She muttered, looking down at her heels. She felt guilty for saying what she has just said, even when she was perfectly aware that it was all just acting.


"Are you kidding me? You don't love me? Stop lying!"

'Oh? He's angry? I want to look at his angry expression from up close... but I'm scared. Whatever, let's just take a peek...'

Her heart skipped a beat. She mentally shook her head.

‘Now it’s not the time to be swooning over him. Act, Jiyun. Act!’


"I'm serious..." Her voice croaked weakly.

'This is all so realistic. Look at Yoochun, he's angry yet hurt. I feel like...'

She mentally slapped herself.


"See, you're lying! You're not even looking at me when talking to me. Tell me, look into my eyes when you say it!"

She hesitantly looked straight at him. And got the shock of her life. Those charismatic, yet teasing eyes that she was used to seeing had completely changed. It was lifeless, soulless, yet burning red.

'Yoochun really loves her very much...'

At the sight and thought of that, she felt her heart sink into eternal depths. The edges of her eyes felt prickly.

‘This was not supposed to be like this. They were supposed to be happily in love...’


"I don't love you, not anymore. With me gone, i guess you are free to do anything you want. We are not bound by anything anymore, so... yeah..." Jiyun pluck up all the remaining courage in her to throw the last blow at the half broken man in front of her.

'I can't believe myself. They were so deeply in love with each other, why did i become such a prick and pull them apart? I hate myself.'


"Ok... If this is what you want..." Yoochun's lips quivered a little, "So, this is goodbye...?"

She nodded.

'Damn it just go already! I'm about to cry but i don't want you to see it! You're the last person i would want to cry in front of! And I'm saying it as both Kim and Park Jiyun!'

Yoochun finally walked out of the scene.

Like her soul leaving her body, Jiyun fell onto the ground, looking vulnerably at the direction where Yoochun left. She picked up the white locket and looked at it.

'I want to marry Jiyun and make her my wife! I promise to give her happiness for eternity.'
- 6002

Her eyes widened in recognition, and started crying out loud.

‘So this is what Jiyun really felt...’


“Jiyun... Jiyun!” Yoochun called out gently as he shook her shoulders with worry; she was still crying even when the director called for a ‘okay, cut!’


“Jiyun!” He tried once again.

This time, it worked. Jiyun was starting to come back to reality.



“Are you alright? Did you hurt yourself when you dropped onto the floor earlier on?” He interrogated with a frown, all the while checking every part of visible skin on her body.

‘I see... both Yoochuns are this caring...’


Jiyun shook her head and wiped the remaining tears off her cheeks. “I’m fine... it’s just...”




“I’m such a bad author...” She admitted, speaking in the softest voice that she could muster, such that only the both of them are able to hear what she was saying.

Yoochun looked at her, dumbfounded. And started laughing out loud, causing the crew to look at the both of them in bewilderment.

She lightly slapped his chest, blaming him for bringing everyone’s attention to them. Jiyun flushed red and tried to cover her face with her hands in embarrassment. She could feel that he was still laughing at her.


“You ARE a bad author.” Yoochun complained after finally calming himself down, “You made me look like a bad person in your fanfic!”


“It’s Karma. Now I’m feeling like I’m the bad person.” She pouted, digging her nails into her other palm from the guilt.

He nodded happily, ruffling her hair.

Jiyun let him.


“Now, go get your emotions sorted out at the side. Your on-screen hubby has to finish his part in order to wrap up this scene,” He declared while pulling her up on her feet. “Do you need to lean on your hubby’s broad chest while you find your equilibrium?”


She glared at him. “No thanks, i think I'll prefer Jaejoong’s chest better.”

Yoochun’s eyes creased into two crescent moons. But he felt veins popping up at the side of his forehead.


“First it’s Junsu, now Jaejoong? Are you a player?” He asked, the whole time pretending to keep his smile on his face.


“I still have so much to learn from you, on-screen hubby.” She smiled. Looking pleased with her comeback.


In the next hour or so, Jiyun was caught indulging in Yoochun’s terrific acting.

Yoochun stormed out of the tower and shut himself in his ride. He didn’t start the engine immediately; he just started slapping the steering wheel in order to vent off his anger, his confusion, his sadness. Mixed emotions. It was all shown on his face.

“No, we can’t just end it like this...” He stuttered after a moment of silence.

Then, like a thunderbolt, he dashed out of the car and went back to the location where they were previously at.

Jiyun was gone.

He looked around frantically.

No Jiyun.

He noticed that his white locket was securely locked at the fence that was nearest to where he stood. A scarf had been tightened around it.


He looked at the locket longingly, and turned it over to the other side.

‘I’m sorry, I love you.’
- Jiyun

Yoochun’s tears fell.

Jiyun who was sitting at the side of the set, teared up at the same time.









(Seriously, Yoochun you should be nicer to her instead of always teasing her. tsk.)

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It looks similar but chapter 41 has been edited. READ IT if u dun wan to miss out later.


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mikimikimiki #1
Chapter 44: New reader and i love it !!!!!!!! Good jobbb❤️️❤️️❤️️
Really like your story O.M.G. If I'm in jiyun's situation I will also fell in love to yoochun because of his sweet acts, his jealousness, caring, and etc. Gosh Yoochun is really so sweet especially when he able to wait for jiyun for 7 months and how he ask her to be his girlfriend also when he prepare her a small bday party o.m.gee I really fell in love with your story what should I do ?? *fangirling mode* This story Is daebak
anneanne #3
Chapter 44: wow. this fic is really aweLOT. not awesome. AWELOT !! lmao. cant believe that the scene in this fic make its way to my dream. yup. i dreamed it ! thank you so much for sharing this fic !
i think im going to spazz more yoochun just because i read this fic. im at loss of words. just.. THANK YOU ! lalalala~~~~
Chapter 44: So sweet of Yoochun to do that for her birthday & they are just so sweet to each other on this last Chapter! really like this ending & really enjoyed your story! continue on doing good stories as good as this :)
Chapter 43: Jiyun decided to accept his confession so I really like the Chapter because I thought they'll not end up together so will read now the last Chapter ;)
Chapter 42: Jiyun still choose to leave Yoochun even Yoochun tried to make her stay :( will continue reading.
Chapter 41: Jiyun choose to leave Yoochun but looks like the Infinite members had a plan so will continue reading :)
Chapter 39: Jiyun let Shaun to woo her so I'm hoping that Yoochun will confess now or soon before Jiyun may agreed to be Shaun's girlfriend! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 35: Finally their cold war is over & they are back on how they were back then! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 28: Finally know what Mary had done in the past & she's really bad to do that! Jihyun confessed to Yoochun! really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)