Chapter 40

Coincidental or Intentional?

"Park Yoo Chun, i'm warning you. Let go of me right now." Jiyun threatened with a grim expression, looking directly at Yoochun. She tried loosening his grip on her by wriggling her wrist, but it only made his grip on her even stronger.


"I will, after you explain all this rubbish to me." He replied with an equally grim expression. He leaned in nearer to Jiyun, with the latter turning her head away since she had no other way to hide. He had cornered her at the intersection of two walls.

They were currently in one of the waiting rooms after Yoochun had completely lost himself and had dragged her away from Shaun's shocking announcement.

Jiyun was about to flare up and scold Yoochun when she got interrupted by another voice from outside the door.


"Yah! Park Yoo Chun! Let Jiyun go right now!" Shaun shouted frantically, banging the door so hard that it may break into two anytime soon.


"Shut up! This is between Jiyun and me! You have no say in this!" Yoochun shouted back, not caring if the other staff were around. He had obviously forgotten about the reporters that were scheduled to attend the filming anytime soon.


"Yoochun! Are you trying the let the whole world know that you are crazy?!" Jiyun exclaimed with her eyes wide open, her voice getting softer since she realised where they were at. It was true that the waiting room did provide some sort of privacy, but with how they were shouting here and there, even a soundproof room will not help.


"You crazy guy! Let her out this instance!"


"Yoochun..." Jiyun pleaded. Although angry at his sudden uproar, she was still worried about how this fiasco may have a negative impact on his career.

Yoochun growled and ruffled his hair in annoyance before stepping back, seemingly regaining his sanity. It did not take him long before he had his grip on one of her wrist once again.


"We'll talk elsewhere. This time without interference." He said in a deep and annoyed voice. He was trying his best to keep his anger away.

Jiyun nodded as she got led towards the door.


"Jiyun! Are you alright?" Shaun asked frantically just as the door opened.

Yoochun threw a sharp glare at him before dragging Jiyun away from everyone.


"You bastard! Where do you think you are taking her to?!" He shouted, trying to stop Yoochun from bringing her away.


"Shaun! It's ok..." She replied as she lets herself get dragged away by Yoochun. "I'll be fine."




“So?” Yoochun asked once they were at somewhere where they could get some privacy - the rooftop.


“So what?” Jiyun asked defiantly, looking away. “I believe i have nothing to tell you.”


Yoochun clenched his jaws tight. Taking in a deep breath to calm himself down, he continued speaking. “Why did you agree to let him woo you? Haven’t you learnt from your past experience?”


“He did not let me down. It was all Hye Jin’s doings.” Jiyun mumbled under her breath, although she was fully aware that Yoochun could hear every word perfectly. She said that on purpose.


“What?” He whispered, so silently that one could have thought that it was just a fragment of their imagination.


“You heard me right. Hye Jin was the one who caused us to pass by each other.”

Yoochun rubbed his throbbing temples with his eyes closed as he tried to figure out that simple sentence. After a while, he looked up at Jiyun. He tried to reach for her arms, but she took a step back to avoid him. Blatantly.


He frowned. Nevertheless, he continued with what he had to say. “You can’t be with him. Don’t give him even the slightest chance. You don’t even like him at all!”


“I have no reason not to give him a chance. He deserves it.” Jiyun replied sincerely. Shaun had been the one who had stood by her side for the past few weeks, even more so than him. He was also the one who had given her the care and concern when she was down, while the guy in front of her only gave her hurt.


“Now, if you are done with your questioning, i should head down to continue filming.” She calmly said before walking towards the door leading to the lift.

She wasn’t able to even open the door, for Yoochun had stopped her once again.


“Park Yoo Chun! What’s your problem?!” She shouted, annoyed that she had been treated like a rag doll, getting pulled back for so many times that day. “My hand freaking hurts! Stop pulling me!”


“You are the problem!” He shouted. Frustrations and anger were apparently shown on his face.

He was not angry at Jiyun. He was angry at himself.

For being ignorant, for being a wimp, for trying to choose the easy way out by pretending nothing happened.


“Are you crazy?! If you think i am the problem, let me go and i’ll just disappear from your sight immediately!” She yelled, struggling as she tried to pull her hand out of Yoochun’s tight grip. However, the more she struggled, the harder she found it to even move her hand.

‘I don’t want to let go of you...’

Eventually, Yoochun pulled her into his arms as he embraced her tightly.


“Don't disappear from my sight.” He whispered. “Don’t go to him. Stay with me. Please.”


Upon hearing that, Jiyun froze and stopped struggling. “I was always here, Yoochun...” A single tear fell out from her eye. “I am still here... as your friend.”


“I love you.” He finally confessed, his hands on her shoulders as he looked at her with an intense gaze.

Jiyun just stared back with an emotionless expression. She should have been happy, or even ecstatic that the love of her life has finally confessed to her. However, all she could feel at that point of time was a stabbing pain in her heart.

Tears rolled down her face.


“Yoochun. The truth is, you don’t.”


He panicked, seeing how upset and hurt she was. Although seriously confused, he started struggling to explain himself. “No, i really...”


“I’ve asked you on various occasions, even this morning at my carpark, about what i mean to you. You’ve always said that i was a good friend. Why of all times do you choose to confess now? Right after you heard that i was giving Shaun a chance?”


“I...” Yoochun was stunned. He didn’t have an answer to her question.


“The truth is, you just don’t want to lose to Shaun. It's your male ego at work. You feel that you will lose your favourite source of entertainment if i were to date him, am i right?”


“I...” He stuttered, his grip weakening. “You are wrong... i do love you. I just didn’t know...”


“You hesitated just now. That means i am right.” Jiyun stated as she pushed his hands off from her shoulders knowing that Yoochun had no chance of retorting.


“No.” Yoochun insisted. “I really love you! And i know that you love me as well!”


“So what if i do?” Jiyun admitted.

There was no use keeping it in anymore anyway.


“I have been in love with you since a long time ago. My love has grown even more over the past few months as you lead me on... to a hopeless ending. I’ve had enough already.”


“It’s not hopeless! Look, we can make it right this instant!” Yoochun started trying to reason with her, his voice getting more nervous by the second. He felt that Jiyun was slowly drifting away. “Go out with me! Choose me!” He shouted, the grip on both her arms getting tighter as his insecurity grew larger.


Jiyun could only laugh bitterly. She didn't care if her tears were openly flowing down her eyes. “Yoochun, haven’t you heard me just now? Don't kid yourself. We can't, and won't be together. I'm tired of this game already..."

All Yoochun could hear at that moment were the words 'I'm tired...'


He hung his head low and slowly let go of her arms, lowering his hands till they reached her hands. He held them in his. "Can't you give me another chance like how you did to Shaun?"


"I already gave you lots of chances, but you had ruined them yourself."


"That's because i didn't know...."


"We could have continued to be ignorant of my feelings and still hang out like usual... but you blew that away as well with what you are doing right now..."


"Wha... Can't we even remain status quo?"


"Yoochun..." She muttered, wiping the last of her tears away, "At this moment, i can't just tidy up my feelings abruptly and continue to pretend that we are ok. Maybe in the future we can, but definitely not now."

Yoochun hung his head down low. After a while of silence, he finally uttered.


"Is this what you really want?"

Jiyun nodded slowly, biting her inner lips to prevent herself from crying again.

Yoochun on the other hand, had loosen her hands, letting it slip away from his.


"Miss K... Jiyun... Can you please return to the set first? I need to sort out my emotions before returning for filming..."

‘I am no longer qualified to call her Miss Kim anymore...’

She nodded once again, turning her back to face him before walking towards the door.

'Miss Kim, i'm sorry for all the hurt i've given you. And thank you for loving me...'




"Are you ok?" Shaun asked as the elevator doors opened, revealing a red and puffy eyed Jiyun. "You look terrible, did the talk get bad?" He asked, hanging his arm across her as he slowly massaged her shoulder.


"It's finally all over..." Jiyun mumbled between her sobbing. "I'm finally breaking free from this entanglement..."


"You're really silly for doing this..." He sighed, face palming himself at the same time, "Although i am one of the least convincing person to tell you this."


She managed to giggle a bit amidst her tears, "Yeah, you are."


Shaun broke into a smile and ruffled her hair a little before poking both sides of her cheeks, pushing them in an upwards manner. "Smile already, it's not the end of the world."


"Stop it, you're being childish right now..." She said, pushing his hands away and pouting. "Although it's so like you."


Shaun merely shrugged. Then, with a serious expression, he started speaking, "Then, shall we go back to the set and create some troubles for Hye Jin? This is the last chance for us to get back at her for the things she did to you. Together."


Jiyun rolled her eyes. "No thanks. I got to get back to the set and apologise for the earlier commotion before heading to the office to complete my script. Lots to do, little time left."


A/N: Last chapter coming up in... less than 2 hours i guess? BUT don't expect anything good out of it. That's the only warning i can give :3 (DON"T BASH ME OR I'LL CRY!)

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It looks similar but chapter 41 has been edited. READ IT if u dun wan to miss out later.


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mikimikimiki #1
Chapter 44: New reader and i love it !!!!!!!! Good jobbb❤️️❤️️❤️️
Really like your story O.M.G. If I'm in jiyun's situation I will also fell in love to yoochun because of his sweet acts, his jealousness, caring, and etc. Gosh Yoochun is really so sweet especially when he able to wait for jiyun for 7 months and how he ask her to be his girlfriend also when he prepare her a small bday party o.m.gee I really fell in love with your story what should I do ?? *fangirling mode* This story Is daebak
anneanne #3
Chapter 44: wow. this fic is really aweLOT. not awesome. AWELOT !! lmao. cant believe that the scene in this fic make its way to my dream. yup. i dreamed it ! thank you so much for sharing this fic !
i think im going to spazz more yoochun just because i read this fic. im at loss of words. just.. THANK YOU ! lalalala~~~~
Chapter 44: So sweet of Yoochun to do that for her birthday & they are just so sweet to each other on this last Chapter! really like this ending & really enjoyed your story! continue on doing good stories as good as this :)
Chapter 43: Jiyun decided to accept his confession so I really like the Chapter because I thought they'll not end up together so will read now the last Chapter ;)
Chapter 42: Jiyun still choose to leave Yoochun even Yoochun tried to make her stay :( will continue reading.
Chapter 41: Jiyun choose to leave Yoochun but looks like the Infinite members had a plan so will continue reading :)
Chapter 39: Jiyun let Shaun to woo her so I'm hoping that Yoochun will confess now or soon before Jiyun may agreed to be Shaun's girlfriend! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 35: Finally their cold war is over & they are back on how they were back then! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 28: Finally know what Mary had done in the past & she's really bad to do that! Jihyun confessed to Yoochun! really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)