Chapter 44

Coincidental or Intentional?

“Sorry i’m late...” Jaejoong muttered apologetically as he walked into the meeting room where the two Js and Mr Baek, their CEO were waiting at.


“Jaejoong, why are you late? You should know that we are having our first meeting with the producer of the MV of our new album song. You set the meeting, yet you’re late yourself...” A grumpy Yoochun complained, his pen stabbing grudgingly onto the used to be empty notepad. It was already filled with holes from all the stabbing.

Jaejoong threw a confused glance over at Junsu. ‘What has gotten into him?’ He mouthed, asking the pouty youngest member.

‘Jiyun. He was planning on flying over to Japan today to celebrate her birthday. But this so called ‘important meeting’ halted all his plans. You’re really dead....’ Junsu mouthed in reply, glancing back at Yoochun who was still feeling blue.


The oldest member grinned. “Yoochun, don’t be so upset already. You’ll be thankful to me after this.”


Yoochun rolled his eyes. “What could be better than flying over to meet the love of my life. I’ve even planned a surprise for..."


“Yoochun!” Jaejoong exclaimed all of a sudden, looking out of the room nervously. ‘Oh dear, i hope she didn’t hear this.’


“What?!” He replied using the same reaction as Jaejoong. Topped with a tinge of sarcasm and irritation.


“Nothing!” Jaejoong answered. A sly look appeared on his face.


“I hate that look you’re having right now. Makes me feel like i’m going to regret coming here...”


“Oh no,” Jaejoong grinned, looking at Mr Baek and then at Junsu. Both of them gave each other knowing looks.

‘This is definitely going to give him a shock of his life.’


“Well, i was late for a good reason...” Jaejoong started speaking, taking a peek at Yoochun.

The latter had already drifted off into his own lala land, probably skipping happily on a vast piece of grassland with Jiyun.

‘Park Yoochun, happy drifting in your lala land. You’re in for a big surprise.’


“...I was at the airport to pick the producer of our MV up.” He added, noticing that Yoochun was looking at his phone and grinning happily to himself.

‘Well, i couldn’t blame him for his temperamental behaviour. It’s their first birthday together after all, and i had to skillfully them. Kim Jaejoong, you’re a genius.’


“She’s outside right now so...” Jaejoong continued, noticing that both Mr Baek and Junsu were already trying to stifle their laughter at the lovestruck Yoochun, yet not knowing what was to happen soon. “Jiyun, can you please come in right now?”

Yoochun finally snapped out of his lala land. Like immediately.


“Did i hear you say ‘Jiyun’?” He asked, standing up from his seat in surprise.


“Well...” Jaejoong said, purposefully dragging his word so as to prolong Yoochun’s agony. “Jiyun, just come in already!” He complained, walking over to the door and opening it up.


Giggles echoed from behind the door before the person in question appeared in their sight. “Hi guys?”


“Miss Kim!” Yoochun exclaimed in his position. He was too shocked to react any other way, other than to call her name.


“Hi Mr Park!” She grinned. “Been missing me?”


“You... but... you said you were busy with work... i wanted to fly to you... but work...”


“Looks like you got your revenge.” Jaejoong nudged Jiyun, pushing her into the room.


Jiyun nodded. “He got me real good the first time we met. I’ve been wanting to take revenge for a long time. Thanks Jaejoong!” She replied before proceeding to high five all the guys in the room. Except for Yoochun, who was unaware of it until the time she stepped into the room.


“What’s happening?” Yoochun finally said after a while. “You guys know about her return and didn’t tell me?”


“Jiyun didn’t let us tell you!” Junsu shrugged, happy to see the million dollar Chun face once again. “Besides, we’ve heard of how you when you guys met for the first time...”


“Miss Kim...” He pouted.


“Surprised?” Jiyun grinned, holding up a peace sign at him.


“Very.” He smiled, all emotions let loose as he trudged nearer to give her a big bear hug.

It was as though time had rewinded itself right back to the first moment they had met each other. Same room, same situation.


“I missed you alot.” He whispered beside her ear.

He missed her voice (even when they were on the phone almost every single day), he missed her touch, he missed her smiles. How many freaking years were they apart already?

Answer: 7 months.


“Me too.” Jiyun replied. She then pulled themselves apart, feeling the stares from 3 pairs of eyes.

But Mr Park wasn’t going to let that go that easily.


“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming back when we were on the phone yesterday? I was so upset that we couldn’t celebrate your birthday together...” He asked, looking intently at her.


“So that i can give you a surprise?” Jiyun giggled, giving a thumbs up to Jaejoong.


Yoochun groaned. “Bad Miss Kim!” He uttered before throwing an evil glare at Jaejoong, mouthing “You, Dead.”


Jaejoong merely rolled his eyes and looked exaggeratingly shocked before saying, “I helped the love of your life carry all her luggage back home and this is how you reciprocate? To kill me?”


“Miss Kim?” Yoochun asked, his head turning at top speed back towards Jiyun. He had totally ignored Jaejoong’s fake acting. “You’re coming back?”


Jiyun nodded. “For good.”




"Try to delay as much time. Where possible, find a 3 hour long movie to watch. Thanks!"

'This crazy guy...' Jaejoong thought as he took a last look at the message before getting into his car where Junsu and Jiyun had been waiting at.

"Yoochun is not coming to the movies with us." He declared, starting the engine at the same time. "Needs to do some last minute edits to our sample album."


Jiyun pouted. "What a spoilsport... to think i rushed through all my work to return early."


"Well, let's just enjoy our day without him!" Jaejoong grinned.

'Park Yoochun. You owe me another one.' He thought, recalling how he was pulled into another scheme by Yoochun.


"I need to make new arrangements to my plan. Please bring Jiyun to this list of places in sequence." Yoochun said, pulling out a random piece of paper from somewhere and scribbling on it. "I'll let you know where to make Jiyun 'pass by' via message, so please check your phone at all times..."


“What? You're going to leave her alone with us?" Jaejoong exclaimed, "But she was looking forward to spending her birthday with you!"


"I know. But it's only for a couple of hours." He winked, before turning towards the door. "I'll make this a memorable birthday for her."


"Pass by the popcorn counter at the extreme left." Was the message Jaejoong got once the movie had finished screening. The trios were walking out of the theatre.

'What on earth are you doing...' Jaejoong thought.


"Jiyun, let's go grab some more popcorns! Junsu ate almost everything..."


"No i did not!" Junsu defended himself, but whimpered in fear upon seeing the glare from Jaejoong. "Ok, i did."


Jiyun giggled. "Ok, let's go get some more popcorns then!" She said happily before pulling Jaejoong towards the counter, which was luckily the one on the extreme left.


“A large popcorn please!" Jiyun ordered and was about to pay for it when the counter staff stopped her.


"It's on the house." The staff said. "At the same time..." She crouched down behind the counter and pulled out a large bouquet of sunflowers, "Happy Birthday!"

Jaejoong glanced with amusement at the shocked Jiyun beside him. 'So this is what you had in store for her!'


"Oh... thank you! But how did you know..."


"A secret!" The staff winked and walked away into the office.




"Come on Jiyun, maybe it's your guardian angel or something..." Jaejoong grinned and pulled her away from the counter towards where Junsu was waiting.


"You know something, don't you?" Jiyun narrowed her eyes and stared at Jaejoong suspiciously.


"Let's go! I'm hungry already, let's go eat at Bum's!" Jaejoong said, ignoring Jiyun's further interrogation and pulling her arm to walk.

She looked over to Junsu, who merely gave her a slight shrug, indicating that he didn't know anything as well and proceeded with grabbing her other arm to her away from the theatre.

That movie theatre was the very theatre Jiyun and Yoochun went to when they watched 'Werewolf Boy'.




"Jiyun ah! Happy Birthday!" The owner of the shop greeted once they opened the doors to the shop. Confettis were thrown all over the confused girl.


"Erm, thanks?" She asked. "But how..."


"Jaejoong, Junsu ah, just make your way with Jiyun to the VIP room on the second floor. I'll be bringing the food from the kitchen now!"


"But we haven't ordered yet?" Jiyun said, even more confused than ever.


"It's all under control, don't worry!" The owner smiled, turning towards the direction of the kitchen.


"This is so weird..." Jiyun muttered under her breath.

Both Jaejoong and Junsu tried their best to keep the smiles from their faces. Junsu was finally in the loop once Jaejoong sent him a quick message to let him know of Yoochun's plan.


"Erm... it's all spicy food?" Jiyun stated the obvious minutes later seeing the red hot fiery dishes placed in front of her.


"Brings back good memories, right?" The owner grinned.


Jiyun nodded with a small grin on her face. "I can still remember how he struggled with the food by gulping down water at the speed of light."


"Who?" Both Junsu and Jaejoong asked curiously. They were also alarmed at the choice of dishes the 'guardian angel' had chosen.


"Yoochun. This is the first restaurant we went to together for a meal." She replied, the grin on her face gradually growing larger. "Knowing that i love my food spicy, he had ordered the usual dishes Jaejoong did... and suffered."

Everybody laughed heartedly after hearing it.


"Ok, before i leave you guys for your meal... Jiyun, here is something for you." The owner said, pulling out a rolled up poster from behind the doors. "From the guy who can't handle spicy food."

It was a large poster of JYJ. Specially autographed with personalised messages.

Jiyun took a look at Yoochun's message.


'Miss Kim, are you enjoying your birthday today up until now? It's only the beginning. Happy Birthday!'


Jiyun smiled in realisation and turned towards both Jaejoong and Junsu. "So the flowers and this meal were all planned by him?"

The duos didn't reply but grinned in response.


"So, where are we heading to this time?" She asked, catching on to the trend where Jaejoong had brought her to places she had gone to together with Yoochun.


"Let's go for a walk along the Han River." Jaejoong replied after checking on his phone.

Han River. A place where Yoochun and Jiyun went to right after the fancy high class restaurant episode. A place where they found out more about each other at. A memorable place known only by the two of them.

It turned out that Yoochun had arranged for 26 balloons to be handed to her one by one by toddlers at different locations. Each balloon had a piece of dark chocolate attached to the end of the string together with a note.

The last note she received was: 'Wishing you 'Happy Birthday' is not the only thing i can do. Come home, i'll show you.'


"Jaejoong? Junsu?" Jiyun asked once she finished reading the note. "Are we heading home right now?"


Jaejoong and Junsu both nodded their heads. "I guess we are."




"Happy Birthday!" The group cheered once Jiyun and the duos arrived back at her house.

In the short span of a few hours, Yoochun had managed to gather all of the Beast members at Jiyun's house. He had also managed to get the room decorated and filled with party food.


"Huh?!" A flustered Jiyun blurted, as if losing her speech ability. She hadn't expected to receive such a welcoming birthday party, especially not in her house, in this way.


Yoochun grinned, showing his trademark Chunface. "It's a good thing that you haven't changed your password, Miss Kim. I see you're still very much in love with me?"

Her house password had been conveniently set as the date of the concert where she had first seen him in person at. 161010.

Yoochun hadn't realised the meaning behind the password initially, but once he did, he started teasing her day and night.

Talk about who was the older one between the both of them.


"I... i didn't have the chance to change my password!" She retorted, turning towards the living room. "In any case, isn't this called trespassing?"


"Not when i'm visiting my girlfriend's house." He replied, pinching her nose with a cute expression.


"Who is your girlfriend? I don't remember you asking me to be yours." She blushed and smacked him on his chest before running away to the Beast boys.


"Well, soon to be then..." Yoochun mumbled under his breath before following after her to meet up with the rest.




"Jiyun ah! Let me tell you a secret!" Gikwang yelled out suddenly. They were gathered all around to chill out and relax just as the celebration was coming to an end. "Yoochun said he held the celebration here because he didn't get the chance to come the last time you invited us here for a gathering! He's jealous!"


"Ah shut up Kwang!" Yoochun said as he hurried over to him and attempted to cover his mouth. It was a futile attempt. "I am not jealous..." He mumbled, his eyes not daring to meet Jiyun's.


"I know, Gikwang." Jiyun teased, leaning over to slap Yoochun's hand away from the younger boy. "He is always jealous over small things like this."


"But..." Yoochun spoke, a small smirk appearing. He then slung his arm over her shoulder, pulling her nearer to him. "You still like me despite that, isn't it?"


"You're so full of yourself." Jiyun laughed, pulling herself out of his entanglement on purpose. "Haven't i told you i'll find another guy?"


"But you didn't. That's how much you like me, isn't it?" Yoochun grinned once again, his hands snaking across her waist as he leaned on her shoulder. "You can never escape from my charms.”

Jiyun rolled her eyes in annoyance, for he was right.


"Jiyun, don't be bothered by this idiot. He's clearly the one who can't break away from your charms." Jaejoong suddenly interrupted. "You know the MV you starred in together with Yoochun? He was the one who asked the actress to not turn up on purpose!"


"Kim Jaejoong!” Yoochun yelled nervously, “You promised you will help me keep this a secret!"


"I'm on Jiyun's side, hasn't anyone told you?" Jaejoong laughed, sticking out his tongue at Yoochun.


"What do you mean?" Jiyun asked with a confused look. "I thought she..."


"Jaejoong! Don't tell her!" Yoochun tried to rush over to the older boy, but Jiyun had sent him into a headlock. "Jiyun! Please!"


"Jaejoong, just tell me!" She commanded, this time the other members helping out in keeping Yoochun quiet as well.


"Didn't you find it weird that the actress just disappeared without any reasons and wasn't blacklisted after that? Or why his suggestion to let you replace that actress got approved so easily?" Jaejoong asked, wincing at the treatment Yoochun was getting currently. The boys were stacking on top of Yoochun one by one.


Jiyun shrugged. "I thought it was just how Cjes works..."


"Well, Yoochun bribed the actress to not turn up, and assured her that she will not get any penalties to her portfolio. He even used me his chess piece, making me go on a date with her just so that you can replace her." Jaejoong grumbled. "That was why i kept calling you female lead initially. Some sort of brother he is."


"Mr Park?" Jiyun grinned. "So that's how much you love me?"


"Aish." Yoochun pouted, turning away. "I just wanted a reason to have more interactions with you..."


"You did get what you wished for." She chuckled, ruffling his hair much to his annoyance. "At the expense of Jaejoong."


"Guys, get off of me!" He shouted angrily, hoping that by doing so, his embarrassment would be masked away. They willingly obeyed seeing that his secret had been revealed.


"So, that's how much you love me huh?" Jiyun continued teasing.

The tables have turned, and it was currently to Jiyun's favour.

Pouting and crossing his arms to himself, Yoochun started thinking of what to do in order to make the situation in his favour. Almost immediately, an idea appeared once he saw the guitar that he brought over at the side of the TV console. With a grin, he started singing.


(A/N: This is he song he sang in this part of the story -> )


After he was done with the song, he inched nearer to Jiyun and whispered next to her ears. "Having your boyfriend sing a love song for you, isn't that what you have been wishing for? It was in one of your tweets."


Jiyun immediately blushed and looked away. "But you're not my boyfriend."

'Yet.' He thought.


"Jiyun, Yoochun is expressing his feelings so clearly, shouldn't you do that as well? Tell him you love him too!" The boys cheered.


She smiled nervously and turned towards Yoochun. "So this is what you were aiming for when you sang that song, you stalker..."


"I'm innocent?" Yoochun said cheekily as he showed her an innocent expression. "Just say you love me, that will satisfy our audiences here. I have been waiting for you to tell me that as well... since 7 months ago."


It was Jiyun's turn to pout. "You're not playing fair..." She whined. Sighing loudly on purpose, she pulled him nearer to her.


"I love you, Mr Park." She whispered.


"She said it! She said she loves me! I'm the happiest guy in the world right now!" Yoochun shouted loudly, making everyone laugh at his silliness.

Time soon flew by, and before anyone knew it, it was already near midnight.


"We'll meet up again soon!" Yoseob grinned. "You have to tell me more about your trip then!" He said animatedly.


Jiyun smiled. "Ok, we'll do that soon. Get home safely!"


"Yeah, get home safely! We'll send you guys up until here then!" Yoochun told the guys with a wave and a smile as he slung his arm across her shoulder once again. "Take care and goodbye!" He continued before attempting to close the door on them.


"Hey! This is not your house, don't think about staying over once again!" Jaejoong warned as he stopped Yoochun from closing the door with his leg, shaking his index finger in disapproval. He then pulled him out of the door. "Good night Jiyun, we'll bring this idiot along with us!"


"No! I want to stay! It's been so long since i've last seen her, i want to stay with her longer! And the house is in a mess, i should help her clean it up!"


Jiyun chuckled. "Yeah, please bring him along. He's so noisy."


"Miss Kim!"

She laughed as the door closed. Turning around, she proceeded with the cleaning up.

It wasn't long before she realised that Yoochun's guitar was still in her house. Sighing, she took out her phone and was about to send her a message, but had received one from him instead.

A series of message from Yoochun's phone to be exact.

First was a video of Myungsoo and Sunggyu singing their hit song, ‘Be Mine’ while the cutie pie, Hoya, was holding up a sign with the words ‘Imagine Yoochun singing this to you...’ at the side.


"Be mine, i will love you, i will worry about you, i will take responsibility for you till the end. Be mine, you know me, you’ve seen me for all this time, i will protect you till the end."

Then, the three boys started goofing around, shouting ‘Happy Birthday!’ before the video got cut off abruptly.

Jiyun giggled at the childishness of the boys.

Second video was one from her boss and her colleague, MinAe.


"Happy Birthday Jiyun! Your birthday present will be a week off from work... on a vacation with Yoochun!” was what they shouted over the video.

Then, it was Shaun's video message.


"Yun, Happy Birthday! I know it will be a happy one for you cos Yoochun will be celebrating this very day with you! Nothing beats having the one you love by your side on this special day! He's a good guy, treasure him ok?"

Next, is a video message from Beast. They had sang a segment of their song 'Beautiful'.


"So beautiful my girl, oh oh girl, oh oh girl, even if time goes by. Compared to anyone else in the world, i will cherish you my girl, i will give you my all...."

They sang, before Yoseob decided to interrupt


"That's what Yoochun wants to tell you! Enjoy the last bit of your birthday today with him!" He said happily, jumping around excitedly. "He's such a hopeless romantic, i tell you!"

Another familiar voice came into the video, followed by a cushion getting thrown towards them. Yoochun.


"Yah! Just finish this up quickly, she's coming home soon!"


"Jiyun ah! Happy Birthday! We love you!" Gikwang suddenly shouted.


"Yah! Only i can tell her i love her!" Yoochun's voice shouted in the background before the video came to a complete stop.

Jiyun giggled, completely amused at the series of greetings from the people she knows.

Just as she thought it was the last of the messages she has received, another text message came in.

"Dearest Miss Kim,


Today, i got a big shock of my life when you walked into the meeting room. You are a naughty girl, always causing my heart to beat faster every time i see you...


This morning's incident reminded me of how you walked into my life back then. Shocking, yet i don't hate it. You are like a fresh burst of air, freeing me from the invisible chains i was bounded to by the mass public. The first time i saw you in real life, i... i couldn't stop myself from looking at you at every slightest chance i had. I wanted to talk to you more, know about you more...


I changed, definitely. I gradually got greedier, more selfish. But you can't really blame me for that...


My feelings are like the lyrics to the song i sang to you just now. So... you'd better take responsibility!


... And if you're up for this challenge, please look out of your balcony right now!"

Without any second thoughts, Jiyun dashed towards the balcony and tried to look for him from her 3rd floor apartment.

Yoochun was in complete view. He was holding a big board which wrote, ‘Miss Kim, I love you! Please be my girlfriend!’


"Silly Mr Park!" She chided. "How can i not agree when you have already stolen my heart from the beginning?"

Her words immediately softened his nervous looking expression.


"Miss Kim, you look so cute right now. I'm sure you'll look even cuter up close with your blushing face..." He said happily, "Hold on, i'm coming to you right now!"

With that, he ran up without even hesitating a little. It took him barely seconds before he appeared right in front of her. It took him barely milliseconds before he pulled her into his embrace.


"I'm not dreaming, am i?" Yoochun asked, caressing her face and looking intently into her eyes."Because this feels so surreal."


"This is all real, Mr Park." Jiyun grinned, before lowering her voice till it was almost a whisper. "And you're my boyfriend..."

She had hardly completed her sentence before a soft pair of lips met hers.


"Now, this is real." Yoochun grinned, satisfied with his attempt at proving that he was indeed in reality.

It was Jiyun's turn to sink into a dream like mode.


"Second..." She mumbled, her cheeks feeling hotter and hotter.


"Hmmm?" Yoochun asked, detaching the necklace from Jiyun's neck to retrieve the male ring that she had been wearing. He then slipped it onto his ring finger. Next, he pulled out the double ring that had somehow fitted into his pinky over the period of time and slipped it onto her ring finger. "Perfect." He smiled, admiring the rings on their fingers. "What second were you saying?"


"Second time we kissed..." Jiyun replied, slowly regaining her senses.


"Nah... it's the third." Yoochun grinned, pulling her into another hug once again.



A/N: Ok this REALLLYYYYY is the last chapter ^^

PS: It's up to your imagination as to when their 2nd kiss happened :P

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It looks similar but chapter 41 has been edited. READ IT if u dun wan to miss out later.


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mikimikimiki #1
Chapter 44: New reader and i love it !!!!!!!! Good jobbb❤️️❤️️❤️️
Really like your story O.M.G. If I'm in jiyun's situation I will also fell in love to yoochun because of his sweet acts, his jealousness, caring, and etc. Gosh Yoochun is really so sweet especially when he able to wait for jiyun for 7 months and how he ask her to be his girlfriend also when he prepare her a small bday party o.m.gee I really fell in love with your story what should I do ?? *fangirling mode* This story Is daebak
anneanne #3
Chapter 44: wow. this fic is really aweLOT. not awesome. AWELOT !! lmao. cant believe that the scene in this fic make its way to my dream. yup. i dreamed it ! thank you so much for sharing this fic !
i think im going to spazz more yoochun just because i read this fic. im at loss of words. just.. THANK YOU ! lalalala~~~~
Chapter 44: So sweet of Yoochun to do that for her birthday & they are just so sweet to each other on this last Chapter! really like this ending & really enjoyed your story! continue on doing good stories as good as this :)
Chapter 43: Jiyun decided to accept his confession so I really like the Chapter because I thought they'll not end up together so will read now the last Chapter ;)
Chapter 42: Jiyun still choose to leave Yoochun even Yoochun tried to make her stay :( will continue reading.
Chapter 41: Jiyun choose to leave Yoochun but looks like the Infinite members had a plan so will continue reading :)
Chapter 39: Jiyun let Shaun to woo her so I'm hoping that Yoochun will confess now or soon before Jiyun may agreed to be Shaun's girlfriend! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 35: Finally their cold war is over & they are back on how they were back then! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 28: Finally know what Mary had done in the past & she's really bad to do that! Jihyun confessed to Yoochun! really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)