Chapter 22

Coincidental or Intentional?

"Mr Park, you have five minutes to tell me if you like this or not." Jiyun typed on her Kakao, along with a picture attached. It was of a shirt that she had seen while shopping at a mall. It was also the last day of her stay in the country, and so she thought it would be good to squeeze in some shopping time before her departure.

It was supposedly shopping for herself. Supposed to be.

The moment she saw it, she thought it would fit him perfectly. A simple, white top.

A few moments later, her phone vibrated, indicating an incoming call. She giggled. She had already expected that he will call her back. It had always been the case, at least for the past one week. For her to message him and for him to reply by calling back.

She silently thanked the creation of WiFi and 4G. If not for them, she will probably have to spend a bomb on her upcoming telephone bill. Something that she would probably faint from.

"Love it." Was the first sentence he had said when she picked up the phone. "You do understand my taste for clothes, huh?"


She smiled and nodded happily to the salesperson who had served her earlier, indicating that she can proceed with the purchase of the shirt. "Good, because i was thinking of buying it no matter what you say."

She heard a small laugh over the phone.


"You're lucky that i like it. What if i say i don't?"


"I'll just force it upon you. You have no choice but to accept it" She pondered. 'But it suits him really well...'


"Harsh, aren't we?" He chuckled over the phone.


"Well, at least I've provided something for you to anticipate upon my return home."


"That's true. Now I'm awaiting for your returning. So that I'll get my new top!"


Jiyun frowned and pouted."That's it, I'm not coming back." She declared, signing on the receipt to complete her transaction.




"You're only looking forward to the shirt!" She complained, pulling the paper bag off the table unhappily when she saw the salesperson look at her in shock. She gave a small apologetic smile and hurriedly walked out of the shop.


"That's not true... i think?" He softly spoke, afraid that he will anger her for real. Although he couldn’t help but more, knowing that she will be returning very soon.


"I'm calling my boss to give me a longer break."


"Ok ok, I'm sorry. Please come back soon ok? With or without the shirt. The boys are waiting to meet you too." He apologised using a cute voice, so cute that Jiyun had found herself grinning from ear to ear.


"Oh you've arranged for a meeting already?" She asked, strolling and looking around for the next store to shop in.


"I promised, didn't i?" He muttered grudgingly. "Although I'd rather not do it."


"Oh! I should get them presents too, shouldn't i?" She replied, ignoring what he had said on purpose.


"Don't need to. Don't care about them." He mumbled, unhappy that he will have to share her attention with the two other jokers when she returns.


"Wow, i didn't know Mr Park is such an evil guy..." She teased, walking along the row of shops in search of suitable presents.

Suddenly she had a different mission in her shopping trip. It  was changed to buying for people other than herself.


"You mean you haven't already realised?"


"I did. As a matter of fact, I've known that ever since we met in person."


"So i didn't give you a good first impression?"


"Well.. it was during the subsequent meetings that i found you to be unbearable." She replied as a matter of factly.


"....Really huh?"


"Yeah. You were such a... flirt."


"Really?” He chuckled, “How about now?"


"What can i say? You're the best guy friend that i have next to Shaun?"

Shortly after Jiyun mentioned Shaun, both parties went silent for different reasons. It was obvious why Yoochun went silent. Whereas for Jiyun, she was reminded of something that had happened a few days before.




“Ok, i think I've gotten enough pictures for this location.” Jiyun cheered, running back to the bench where Shaun had been waiting for her with their takeaway dinner.

He had been accompanying her for the whole day as her chauffeur, bringing her to locations where she thought was appropriate for their drama shooting.


“Good. It’s a lot to do within a day. Were you slogging like this over at Korea?” He asked, pulling out a wet tissue for her so that she can wipe her hands with it before handling her food. He continued by bringing out his phone to play some songs so that it wasn’t that quiet.


“Not really.” She replied, digging into the paper bags of food. “Macdees?” She asked, and it was followed by a small giggling fit as she was reminded of her dinner with Yoochun barely a month ago.


“Why are you laughing at the food? Did i order them wrongly?” He asked worriedly. “Fillet O Fish with pickles, that’s your favourite right?”


She nodded. “It’s just that i was reminded of Yoochun. Feels like deja vu. We had Macdees for dinner before at a setting like this as well.”


“I see...” He nodded in understanding, passing a packet of chili sauce to her at the same time. “Fillet O Fish too?”

It had been her habit to squeeze in a whole packet of chili sauce into her burger.


She shook her head. “Both of us had Big Mac.”


Shaun eyebrows raised in confusion. “I thought you can’t eat that much? You didn’t eat the fries in the end, did you? With that small stomach of yours.”


“I did.”




“Mr Park kept stuffing the fries into my mouth so i had no choice but to eat them.” She chuckled, “Although he helped me eat most of them in the end.”

She smiled, just thinking about it. She was looking forward to their next meeting already.


“Yun... do you like him?” He asked, his head lowered such that he was looking on the floor.

Other than the current song that was playing, it was pure awkwardness.

As if she bothered listening to what the current song was.


“I...” She stammered. ‘To deny or to admit?’


“You know, this song is reflecting my exact feelings for you. For us.” He interrupted.

‘What?’ She thought, finally concentrating on what the current song is. It was currently playing ‘Would We Have Changed’ by Younha and John Park.

‘If I held onto you for the last time, would we have been different now?’


“I know you like him, Park Yoochun. It's pretty obvious.” Shaun started speaking, breaking the tensed atmosphere. “I also know that i have ruined my chance back then, but if you could give me another chance to make it right....”


“...Ha... ha... ha ha...” Jiyun interrupted. “You’re trying to make me confess that i like him, right? We are purely friends, just like you and i.” She said, hoping that he will get the message that she didn’t want him to continue his small speech already.

‘Exactly like you and i. Friends that i have liked, but will only remain as friends.’

She could have sworn that she heard him whisper the words ‘I won’t give up...’ before they finally moved on to another topic...




"Between me and him, who gets the first place?" He asked, still slightly bothered by how easily she included Shaun into their conversation.


"Huh?" She asked, looking up from the kitchenware that she was currently staring at. She got out of her trance from recalling about the incident. "What do you mean by that?"




"Mr Park, i don't do ranking.” She replied, feeling slightly irritating for obvious reasons. ‘Both are the guys i have had feelings for. One previously, one currently. How am i supposed to put a ranking between them? Oh and apparently the other ‘friend’ told me something that i would love to hear years back. How nice.’


“Should i get some kitchenware for Jaejoong as a present?" She asked, trying to shrug off the uneasy feelings in her heart.


"....He has too much of those. Our fans have equipped his kitchen with so much things that it can be considered a professional kitchen." He replied. “Anyway, are you alright? Cos you don’t sound well to me...”


"I’m alright. How about Junsu? What should i get him?"


"Don't bother about him... oh wait. He needs a new cushion." He said, finally remembering that he owed Junsu something that he had damaged a while back. "I kinda tore it a little the other day..."


"Mr Park..."


"It's technically your fault!" He pouted, recalling about how he had flared up which resulted in the poor cushion becoming a sacrificial item.


"I've never been to his house." She replied, rolling her eyes. "Don't push the blame on me."


"What time is your flight?"

Jiyun raised an eyebrow. 'He changes topic faster than he changes his flip flops.'


"Tonight, near midnight. I'll reach Korea early in the morning."


"Will you be going into the office tomorrow then?" He asked again, now seemingly multitasking as she had picked up some typing sound in the background.


"Nopes. I'll be taking a few days off work. Will only be back on the day of the first script reading for a new drama. Just in case we need to do some changes to the script."


"Ah that melodrama picked up by MBC? That's written by you?"


"You know about that drama? Yeah, it was co-written with another colleague. Although I'm not involved in the casting cos i was away." She pouted. “I was looking forward to doing the casting myself...”






"Ah nothing. I'll pick you up from your home then. We'll have dinner with the boys after that." He said.


"What? Tomorrow?"


"No? Or shall we reschedule?"


"Urm... it's ok. I'm just worried that they will have something else on...?"


"No worries. I’ve just checked with them, they are free tomorrow evening. So, I'll see you then?"


"Yup, see you tomorrow?" She grinned. Suddenly, the thought that she will get to meet him that soon dispelled her bad mood. ‘I can’t wait to see him...’


"Bye!" He replied happily, and left it hanging without ending the call. It was soon followed by a soft chuckling sound.


"....... Please hang up, Mr Park." She muttered, although she was starting to giggle by herself as well.


"You do that first." He whined in a kid-like manner.


"Are you childish or what?"


"You're not hanging up either."


"Well, that's because it's rude to hang up on someone else." She reasoned. ‘Ok fine, i don’t want to hang up on his call cos i want to hear his voice more...’


"Not like you haven't done that before..."


"What did you say?"




"Ok, i see Shaun coming my way already. I really need to hang up now. Bye!"



Once again, Yoochun found himself facing a ended call on his phone screen.

'And she says it's rude to do that...' He thought. 'So she's meeting Shaun again huh? Doesn't matter. It will be a long while before they will get to see each other again, so i shall be the magnanimous guy here.'

He was about to put his phone away to check out his drama script for the script writers' name, but another message just had to come in at that same time.


"Yoochun, what does your female lead like to eat? Is there anything that she doesn't eat? I'm doing the grocery shopping now." The message wrote.


His facial expression relaxed, as he stood up to dial on the number of the sender. "Jaejoong, where are you? I'm coming to find you."


A/N: For those who have yet to hear the song as mentioned in the chapter before, ('Would we have changed' by Younha and John Park), please visit the following link:

T_T my allergy is acting up. flu is making me all dizzy and feverish. not to mention about my migraine OTL weather ah~ why you have to turn cold?

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It looks similar but chapter 41 has been edited. READ IT if u dun wan to miss out later.


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mikimikimiki #1
Chapter 44: New reader and i love it !!!!!!!! Good jobbb❤️️❤️️❤️️
Really like your story O.M.G. If I'm in jiyun's situation I will also fell in love to yoochun because of his sweet acts, his jealousness, caring, and etc. Gosh Yoochun is really so sweet especially when he able to wait for jiyun for 7 months and how he ask her to be his girlfriend also when he prepare her a small bday party o.m.gee I really fell in love with your story what should I do ?? *fangirling mode* This story Is daebak
anneanne #3
Chapter 44: wow. this fic is really aweLOT. not awesome. AWELOT !! lmao. cant believe that the scene in this fic make its way to my dream. yup. i dreamed it ! thank you so much for sharing this fic !
i think im going to spazz more yoochun just because i read this fic. im at loss of words. just.. THANK YOU ! lalalala~~~~
Chapter 44: So sweet of Yoochun to do that for her birthday & they are just so sweet to each other on this last Chapter! really like this ending & really enjoyed your story! continue on doing good stories as good as this :)
Chapter 43: Jiyun decided to accept his confession so I really like the Chapter because I thought they'll not end up together so will read now the last Chapter ;)
Chapter 42: Jiyun still choose to leave Yoochun even Yoochun tried to make her stay :( will continue reading.
Chapter 41: Jiyun choose to leave Yoochun but looks like the Infinite members had a plan so will continue reading :)
Chapter 39: Jiyun let Shaun to woo her so I'm hoping that Yoochun will confess now or soon before Jiyun may agreed to be Shaun's girlfriend! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 35: Finally their cold war is over & they are back on how they were back then! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 28: Finally know what Mary had done in the past & she's really bad to do that! Jihyun confessed to Yoochun! really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)