Chapter 39

Coincidental or Intentional?


"Oh wow, what brings a busy person like yourself here at the filming site again?" Hye Jin's annoying voice echoed from behind where she was currently sitting at. They were currently on a break while the staff busied themselves with the changing of films and lightings.


"Hye Jin." Jiyun greeted with an expressionless look on her face. "I heard some complaints from MinAe about how the filming kept getting delayed, so i'm here to monitor the shooting. Maybe tweak the script a little here and there to facilitate a smooth filming."


"Oh!" Hye Jin replied excitedly, "While you are at that, change scene 75 back to how it originally was!"


Jiyun raised her eyebrows. "And what scene is that?"


"It's nothing big, just that i feel that the original one is better."

She rolled her eyes. 'So many years passed and she is still a big liar.'


"Hye Jin, i think that scene needs no further alteration. What i do think needs to be altered, are your lines in the story. You have been making a lot of NGs due to your lines, even when i have simplified them..." Jiyun sighed, lightly massaging the bridge of her nose. "And based on what i've seen from your performance today, i'll probably need to stay up late tonight to amend them even further."

'I don't have the time to play house with her already. I need to get the script completed as soon as possible...'


"That's not needed!" Hye Jin exclaimed in a louder voice, attracting attention from the nearby staff. "I know you are just trying to take revenge on me, about what i've done to you previously! Isn't it really childish of you?! Shaun and you didn't work out not because of me, but because both your love wasn't strong enough!"


"Revenge?" Jiyun scoffed. "If i was trying to take revenge, do you think you can still be happily standing here and waiting for your next shooting scene? If i was trying to take revenge, i would have dismissed you the moment i know you are the female lead." She replied in the calmest expression that she could muster, although she was flaring up within herself. "You and i both know that i have the full authority to do that."


"Then... Then you are trying to keep me in the drama so that you can torture me!" She shouted even louder.


"Who is torturing who right now, Hye Jin? I have to keep trying to simplify your lines so that we can wrap up the drama on time. Think of all the time i’ve wasted just because i need to alter your lines. It's all thanks to you that we are officially behind schedule."


"That's because of your incompetence in your writing!"


"Ya! I've had enough of you and your nonsense!" Jiyun shouted, finally losing her calm due to the unreasonable lady in front of her.


"What's wrong?" Yoochun intervened, standing in between them. He had heard the commotion all the way from his waiting room and had ran over to find out what happened.


"Yoochun!" Hye Jin whined as she ran towards him, wrapping her hands around his arm. "She is scolding me because i can't recite my lines properly!"

Jiyun stared at Hye Jin angrily, making her hide behind Yoochun.


Yoochun looked at Jiyun, who was clearly upset at the current situation. "Miss Kim, what happened?"


Jiyun rubbed her temple. "I knew it, i should have continued to avoid the filming site." She muttered, tears threatening to leave her eyes due to her anger. ‘Once a liar, always a liar. How many times does she want to ruin my life?’


"Miss Kim?" Yoochun asked worriedly, reaching his free hand towards her shoulder. "Are you alright?"

She winced, feeling prickly needles poking straight at her heart. 'I thought this nightmare is already over, but i guess it will continue to stay with me as long as she is near me...'


Jiyun took a deep breath before flinging Yoochun's hand off of her. "I'm fine."


Glaring at Hye Jin now, Jiyun spoke. "Do whatever you want, i'm washing my hands off everything related to you. Just do your job well. One last advice for you, reporters are coming in soon so please tidy up your evil acts. You won't want to ruin your reputation in front of them."

She was about to turn around and walk off when she got stopped.


"Miss Kim..." Yoochun held her wrist.

‘My friend is worried about me once again...’ She thought, another stabbing pain appearing in her chest. ‘I am really tired of all this drama...’


"I'm fine, Yoochun. I just need some fresh air."

With that, she dragged her fatigued body out of the set.




"Penny for your thoughts?" A voice appeared from behind her.

Jiyun turned around, half expecting the intruder to be Yoochun, but she was met with Shaun instead.


"Nothing, just trying to think about nothing." She replied truthfully, bringing her arms nearer to herself from the cold weather outside. She was sitting on the stone platform at the rooftop.


"I heard from the staff downstairs. Hye Jin did it again huh?" He asked, putting his coat over her body to keep her warm.


"Like the old days." Jiyun sighed, resting her head on her knees. "I can't believe i have to experience her crap again."


"After running all the way to Korea to escape from her, she continues to follow and haunt you."


"Yes... I mean no." She replied, looking up with a serious expression. "I didn't come here to escape from her. I come here to pursue my interest in production."


Shaun chuckled. "We aren't best friends for nothing you know? I'm pretty sure that she is part of the reason as well. Even if it is a small part."


"Whatever." Jiyun rolled her eyes, pushing his face away from her direction. Another sigh escaped from . "I'm tired. I just want to find a bed to sleep in."


“It’s not that you’re really tired. You’re just mentally fatigued, aren’t you? With Hye Jin... and Yoochun.” He gently spoke, patting her back to help sooth her mind.


“Are you trying to be a Mr Know-It-All?’” Jiyun forced a grin, “Although i have to disappoint you. I went for a late night movie, that’s why i am tired.”


“You don’t have to smile in front of me if you can’t.”


Jiyun hung her head down hearing Shaun’s words. “I really am tired...”


"You know, you can do the escaping thingy all over again. Going by your lingo, you can 'pursue your interest' back home as well.” He advised, moving his hand to her shoulder. “I'm in the midst of setting up a production house back home. You can help me oversee the whole company. You have a pretty good portfolio, if you haven’t realised."


She laughed. "You're going to steal me from my boss? I wonder how will he react if he hears of this."


Shaun shrugged. "All's fair in love and war."


Jiyun leaned back onto Shaun's back, an action that she used to do back in university. "Too bad for you, but i'm loyal to my boss... at least for now."


"But what are you going to do about Hye Jin..?"


She shrugged. "Meeting people like Hye Jin is common in my line. It's just that she brought me more emotional trauma than i expected. I won't be meeting her for the rest of the filming anyway."


“How about Yoochun then?”


Jiyun looked away. “What about him?”


"You know, it hurts me to see you hurting like this..." Shaun admitted, cupping her face in his hand. "Can't you just let me protect you? Can’t i be the one?"


She moved his hand away. "Shaun... but..."


"I don't want to hear those superficial talks. You need someone who can date you openly without restraints. You need someone who isn't afraid to tell the whole world that he loves you. You need someone who can stand up for you in situations like just now. He can't give you all those, but i can."




"At least give me a chance to officially woo you. One week, just give me one week until i return home."


"You're returning in a week?" She asked, not expecting the sudden news.


He nodded. "I've stayed here for long enough. My business needs me. Yun, I will respect whatever your decision is once the limit is up. You can choose to stay here or return home with me. Yoochun doesn't know how to cherish you, but i do."

Jiyun met eyes with Shaun, finding any trace of it being a prank or anything alike. When she saw none except for his sincerity, she sighed.


"Shaun, i need to tell you something..."




Yoochun was looking around the set for Jiyun. Ever since Jiyun left the set earlier on, he was forced to keep Hye Jin company as she kept crying in the ugliest way possible, complaining about how Jiyun had made her acting life for that drama miserable. He was sick and tired of her whining, so when her manager came to check on her, he could've sworn that he saw a halo on top of the manager's head.


"Have you seen Jiyun?" Yoochun asked once again, pulling any random staff in his sight.


"Jiyun..." The staff replied, looking around the set. "Oh, there she is!" He said, pointing to the entrance of the set.

There she was, standing at the door. She was also accompanied by an unwanted sight - Shaun.

He walked up to her slowly, relieved that she was looking slightly better as compared to earlier on. A few staff nearby crowded around her as well. They had been equally worried about the earlier episode; Jiyun had always been a person who could control situations with a clear mind.

Unlike earlier on.


"Miss Kim... Are you alright?" Yoochun asked, ignoring the presence of Shaun. Jiyun smiled back with a nod.


"Jiyun, you had us worried! We believe that you are not the one at fault!" Another staff interrupted.


"Thank you..." Jiyun replied with a thankful look. She felt happy that her fellow co-workers chose to stand by her.

It should have been over and done with, with all of them dispersing and going back to their own work. But another staff had noticed something else.


"Oh... I see Shuan and Jiyun's intertwined hands..." The staff teased.

That brought attention to Yoochun as his eyes darted towards their hands to confirm it himself.

He couldn't speak.


"That is... Jiyun finally gave me permission to woo her..." Shaun said, scratching the back of his head shyly.


“Wow!" The crowd cheered. "Congratulations!"


"Thanks!" He replied happily, turning towards Jiyun. "Yun, see, they approve of us!"


Jiyun looked away with an embarrassed laugh, trying to pull her hand away discretely at the same time. "I only agreed to consider you as a boyfriend candidate. I didn't agree to let you be my boyfriend."


"Oh well, you will, soon." Shaun replied happily, bringing her hand towards his chest. "There's no one else who is a better candidate than me!"


"Is that true?" Yoochun asked once he regained his senses. He had a hurt look on his face.


"Yeah. Shouldn't you congratulate us? She is your good friend after all." Shaun answered in behalf of Jiyun since she didn't seem like she was able to speak.


"I was asking her, not you."

Jiyun flinched. She did not dare to look at Yoochun.



A/N: Jiyun's theme song:

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It looks similar but chapter 41 has been edited. READ IT if u dun wan to miss out later.


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mikimikimiki #1
Chapter 44: New reader and i love it !!!!!!!! Good jobbb❤️️❤️️❤️️
Really like your story O.M.G. If I'm in jiyun's situation I will also fell in love to yoochun because of his sweet acts, his jealousness, caring, and etc. Gosh Yoochun is really so sweet especially when he able to wait for jiyun for 7 months and how he ask her to be his girlfriend also when he prepare her a small bday party o.m.gee I really fell in love with your story what should I do ?? *fangirling mode* This story Is daebak
anneanne #3
Chapter 44: wow. this fic is really aweLOT. not awesome. AWELOT !! lmao. cant believe that the scene in this fic make its way to my dream. yup. i dreamed it ! thank you so much for sharing this fic !
i think im going to spazz more yoochun just because i read this fic. im at loss of words. just.. THANK YOU ! lalalala~~~~
Chapter 44: So sweet of Yoochun to do that for her birthday & they are just so sweet to each other on this last Chapter! really like this ending & really enjoyed your story! continue on doing good stories as good as this :)
Chapter 43: Jiyun decided to accept his confession so I really like the Chapter because I thought they'll not end up together so will read now the last Chapter ;)
Chapter 42: Jiyun still choose to leave Yoochun even Yoochun tried to make her stay :( will continue reading.
Chapter 41: Jiyun choose to leave Yoochun but looks like the Infinite members had a plan so will continue reading :)
Chapter 39: Jiyun let Shaun to woo her so I'm hoping that Yoochun will confess now or soon before Jiyun may agreed to be Shaun's girlfriend! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 35: Finally their cold war is over & they are back on how they were back then! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 28: Finally know what Mary had done in the past & she's really bad to do that! Jihyun confessed to Yoochun! really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)