Chapter 23

Coincidental or Intentional?

“So tiring...” Jiyun complained once she opened the door to her apartment. At long last, after a long flight, she was finally back in her home sweet home.

Without caring about her luggage, she jumped onto her couch and started lazing around.


“Home sweet home!” She exclaimed happily.

After a while of laziness, she decided that she had to put away her clothes from her luggage, if not those clothes will never make it to her wardrobe anytime soon. She dragged herself and her luggage back into her room before getting herself distracted by her phone for the first time since she stepped into her house.


“Have you reached home, Miss Kim?”

That message was sent 10 minutes ago.

Jiyun found herself grinning from ear to ear unconsciously. ‘I should really start getting used to this kind of friend treatment from him, but still...’

She shook her head and brought her phone back up again. ‘No, i can’t think that way already. I’ve already decided that i will see him purely as a friend.’ She thought, before she started typing a reply to him.


“Mr Park, I'm already home! So tired and hungry :(“

Not expecting an immediate reply, she started pulling out the used clothes from her luggage and started separating them. It gradually became a big mess as she got too bored from separating them into the white and coloured pile of clothes.

‘So boring.’

She turned towards her phone, checking if she had received another reply.

She did.


“Didn’t you take any refreshments on the plane? I’m sure they should be serving something considering the timing of your flight. You have a bad stomach, you shouldn’t starve yourself!”

She smiled and laid on her bed, enjoying the concern that the guy in her phone is showering her with. ‘It’s a good distraction from my mundane laundry work.’


“I kind of slept through the whole flight, so i missed it... ^^;;”




“You can’t blame me for that! I was doing a lot of last minute shopping yesterday, so i was very tired!”


“I didn’t have the intention to blame you for that though. Name me the first food that comes into your mind at this moment.”


“What? All the yummy food in the world.”


“Come on, something specific?”


“I don’t know, i can’t think of a specific food right now.”


“Kimbap, porridge, pancakes, sandwich... any one of them on your mind right now?”




“You serious?”


“Maybe not the porridge. Why?”


“Nothing. Don’t run away, I'm reaching in 20 minutes.”



‘What? What does he mean by ‘I’m reaching in 20 minutes?’

She stared at her phone.

Time passes. 5 minutes... 10 minutes.... 15 minutes...

There was no further reply from Yoochun.

Suddenly, she figured out what that previous message meant.

‘Don’t tell me he’s coming here?!’

Realization struck her as felt her cheeks burning up. In fact, her whole head was burning. Literally. She got up from her bed and started running around, trying to tidy her house up a little since it had been left vacant for 2 weeks.

‘Oh no, my laundry is thrown everywhere on the floor!’ She thought, picking up as many clothes as she can from her bedroom floor and running to the kitchen, squeezing all her clothes into her washing machine to hide them.

It doesn’t matter whether the coloured clothes were thrown in with the white ones anymore. Time is more precious.

Just as she turned around and about to run back into her room, the doorbell rang, indicating that someone was at her door.

‘Oh no! He’s here!’


“Coming!” She shouted, sprinting around her house to make sure that everything was neat and tidy (including herself) before she made her way to open the door for her visitor.


"Hi!" Jiyun greeted happily, trying to hide the fact that she was breathless from all the sprinting within her house.


"Hi! You look busy." He replied, looking at her in amusement. He had noticed the fact that she had been running around the house from the heavy panting that she was trying so hard to keep under control.

It was just too obvious.


"Me? No! I was just... lazing around. It hadn't occurred to me that you were really coming over until a while ago. Ha... haha..."

He tried to stifle back a laughter before finally getting closer to observe her from a closer view.

Jiyun took a step back due to the sudden closing up of distance in between them and let out a small cough. It was just too close. She looked away, blushing.


Realising what he has done, Yoochun gave an apologetic smile before commenting, "You look healthier now. Seems like the trip did you good?"


Jiyun grinned. "My mother has been fattening me up for the past two weeks, it's no wonder i got fatter..." She pouted. "I should start to try and lose some weight..."


"No need, you look very pretty the way you are right now. There's no need to make yourself stick thin." He said, turning her around as he pushed her into her house before closing the door behind him. "And my mission now is to make sure that you will stay like this forever!" He added, holding up the bags that he had been carrying the whole duration he was there.


"You bought food?" She questioned, taking the bags over from Yoochun as they made their way towards the dining table together. "Wow, so much? Mr Park, let's eat them together, i can't finish that much!"


“Well, if you insist...” He spoke, dragging his words as if trying to make it seem like he was being forced to eat as well. “I’m on a diet you know.” He said cheekily.

Jiyun threw an expressionless look at him. It became a smile shortly after exchanging a brief glance with him.

Words were not needed for them to understand what the other party was thinking.


"Ok, I'll just pop by the kitchen and get us some coffee. Just make yourself...” She was about to ask her guest to make himself comfortable and at home, but the latter had already done that by plopping himself onto the sofa and laying out the food shortly after. “...Just stay seated on the sofa like a guest please?”


“If you say so...” He grinned, pulling out a kimbap from the box and popping it into his mouth.


“I’m serious, you’re a guest after all!”


“It’s yummy, have one!” He said, stuffing a piece into .


“Just do whatever you want...” She sighed, turning around to make her way into the kitchen.




“Which reminds me, why are you here so early?” Jiyun asked as she looked up from her pancakes in realization. “We’re meeting at 7pm, weren’t we?”

Yoochun nearly choked on his sandwich.


“I...” He uttered immediately, which only aided him further in actually choking himself for real.

She could only shake her head in unsure laughter, having learnt that choking on food is probably one of Park Yoochun’s talents. She had seen him like that for the second time, and she had a feeling that it is not going to end anytime soon.

‘I like how he eats like a hamster, but it is hazardous at the same time...’


“Give me a second, I'll get you some water...” She laughed, running to the kitchen at top speed before returning with a bottle of iced water from her fridge. “Here.”


“I...” He tried again after a while, after gulping down the plain water, proudly sponsored by Kim Jiyun. “I want to spend quality time with my friend whom i haven’t seen for two weeks. Isn’t that a valid enough reason?”


“But aren’t we meeting later?”


“Well, we are. But with those jokers around, yeah like we can even hold a proper conversation.” He muttered sarcastically before turning to look at her intently. “Or am i not welcomed?”


“Of course you are welcomed here!” She replied, a little too quickly. ‘Damn, i should hold back a little.’ She reprimanded herself mentally.


He chuckled a little, looking down on the floor. “You like me that much huh?”


“What?!” Jiyun squeaked, turning at lightning speed to look at Yoochun.


“No?” He asked, bending his head slightly to a side in confusion. “You’re still upset that i haven’t gotten the posters for you?”

‘Oh. THAT type of like.’

Jiyun relaxed a little, although a part of her felt disappointed.


“Erm, not really. It’s alright if you don’t get it for me anymore. You’re right, nothing beats meeting the actual person...”


“Yes, yes. You’re finally thinking straight for once. Nothing beats meeting the actual person...”


“I can’t believe I'm going to meet THE Kim Jaejoong and Kim Junsu!”


“Yes... you’re going to meet THE.... WHAT?!”

She grinned. 

“I’m done with my breakfast!” She announced, stashing the wrappers into the paper bags before standing up. ‘Daily teasing of Mr Park complete.’


“No-uh, Miss Kim, you aren’t going to leave without an explanation.” He muttered, wriggling his index finger from side to side. His other hand was tightly gripped on one of Jiyun’s hands. “You can’t just go swooning over your favourite idol’s group mates right in front of him...”


“Ok Mr Park, I'll do that behind your back next time then.” She casually shrugged him off before trying to walk away.

Without any warning, Yoochun pulled her back and in an instant, she found herself sitting right on his lap, with his arms wrapped tightly around her.


“You do not swoon over other guys both in front and behind my back, ok?” He whispered in a cute voice right beside her ears. “I’ll get jealous if my cute fan gets snatched away...”

She was having mixed feelings in her heart right at that moment. Part of her wanted to shout out in happiness and do a celebratory dance for having such a close moment with Yoochun, but the other part of her just wanted to crawl back into her bed and weep herself to sleep.


“Mr Park...” She found herself mumbling out the most random thing just to put some distance in between them. “You do realise that this is called ual harassment right?”


“Oh...” He snapped back into realisation, releasing her from his arms. “Oops?”

Jiyun immediately inched a seat away from him, tidying her clothes as if she wasn’t very much bothered by the close contact. She kept her glance firmly fixed onto her cup of coffee. ‘I’m not bothered, I'm not bothered. It was...’


“Miss Kim, are you blushing?” He asked.



‘Damn my mouth!’


“I see...?” He replied with a tinge of amusement lingering on his face.

‘He knows I'm lying. He knows.’


“The weather is just hot...” She reasoned, fanning herself with a magazine she had randomly grabbed from the table to justify herself.


“I see... so the temperature of 25 degrees celsius is still considered hot to you...” He said, looking at the air conditioner remote that was also left on the table.


“Yes, it it!” She replied defiantly. “In fact, if you hadn’t come here, i would probably be taking a nap right about now! Perfect weather to sleep in, isn’t it?”


“Erm... yes...?” He replied unsurely, looking at the weather outside. The sun was shinning brightly.

‘Someone please, just shoot me in my head right now.’

“Anyway, i should get these cleared up...” She spoke again, trying to leave the scene as soon as possible.


“Nahs, leave it there.” He mumbled, pulling Jiyun down such that her head was now lying on his lap as though it was a pillow.


“Mr Park?” She asked in confusion, “What are you doing?”


“Shhh...” He shushed, putting a finger over her lips. “I’m trying to follow your schedule. Time for you to sleep, isn’t it?”


“How can i sleep with you here?” She muttered under her breath grudgingly as she closed her eyes as a mean to escape from looking at him. ‘Kim Jiyun, please keep your sanity by looking at anywhere but him.’


“Just sleep. You have dark eye rings under your eyes. You’re really very tired, aren’t you?” He commented, lightly touching the area under her eyes. “How hard have you actually been working?”

The light but subtle touch from his cold fingers sent a shivering feeling down her spine. She was THAT affected by him.


“I don’t know...” She mumbled, feeling her cheeks burning. Although she couldn’t also admit to the part about how she had stayed up nights after nights following Shaun’s confession. She needed time to fully comprehend and reorganize what was happening, and doing it during night time seemed quiet and calming enough. Although she haven’t arrived at an absolute conclusion yet. It was going round and round and round and round...


“You cut your hair?” He suddenly asked, combing through her hair as though it was a natural thing to do. “It’s a little bit shorter than i recall it to be...”

That was the other reason why she hasn’t gotten a conclusion.


“You noticed?” She looked up at him in shock. ‘How did he notice? It is just an inch shorter!’

Wrong move. Their eyes had met.

She was about to turn to her side due to the embarrassment, but Yoochun was quicker in his actions. He had used his hand to cover her eyes.


“Close your eyes to rest even if you do not feel tired.” He stuttered.




“So you did get a haircut?”


“Yeah, just t away the ends...” She mumbled. ‘T away the feelings i have for you. The unwanted feelings that may just bring a burden upon you...’


“Seems like you have seen the interview I've done then?” He asked as he started playing with her hair, twirling them round his fingers.


“What? What do you mean?”


“I mentioned something about how i appreciate and am amazed by females who take the effort to maintain their long hair, didn’t i? It was a response to your question on twitter. About whether you should cut your hair short.”


“It is?”


“Don’t tell me you didn’t see it?” He asked in shock as his fingers stopped playing with her hair.


“No i didn’t. You could just let me know by messaging me, you know?”


“Oh well. Either way, you kept your hair long, didn’t you?”



‘Does that mean that i can continue to like him?’ She thought as she slowly drifted off to sleep.




A/N: Yoochun will be on leave for this round of comments replying :D

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It looks similar but chapter 41 has been edited. READ IT if u dun wan to miss out later.


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mikimikimiki #1
Chapter 44: New reader and i love it !!!!!!!! Good jobbb❤️️❤️️❤️️
Really like your story O.M.G. If I'm in jiyun's situation I will also fell in love to yoochun because of his sweet acts, his jealousness, caring, and etc. Gosh Yoochun is really so sweet especially when he able to wait for jiyun for 7 months and how he ask her to be his girlfriend also when he prepare her a small bday party o.m.gee I really fell in love with your story what should I do ?? *fangirling mode* This story Is daebak
anneanne #3
Chapter 44: wow. this fic is really aweLOT. not awesome. AWELOT !! lmao. cant believe that the scene in this fic make its way to my dream. yup. i dreamed it ! thank you so much for sharing this fic !
i think im going to spazz more yoochun just because i read this fic. im at loss of words. just.. THANK YOU ! lalalala~~~~
Chapter 44: So sweet of Yoochun to do that for her birthday & they are just so sweet to each other on this last Chapter! really like this ending & really enjoyed your story! continue on doing good stories as good as this :)
Chapter 43: Jiyun decided to accept his confession so I really like the Chapter because I thought they'll not end up together so will read now the last Chapter ;)
Chapter 42: Jiyun still choose to leave Yoochun even Yoochun tried to make her stay :( will continue reading.
Chapter 41: Jiyun choose to leave Yoochun but looks like the Infinite members had a plan so will continue reading :)
Chapter 39: Jiyun let Shaun to woo her so I'm hoping that Yoochun will confess now or soon before Jiyun may agreed to be Shaun's girlfriend! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 35: Finally their cold war is over & they are back on how they were back then! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 28: Finally know what Mary had done in the past & she's really bad to do that! Jihyun confessed to Yoochun! really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)