Chapter 15

Coincidental or Intentional?

"Hey, isn't that Gikwang? Who’s that girl with him?" Junsu's voice squeaked out just as they were walking into the restaurant that they had made a reservation at. It was a restaurant belonging to one of their acquaintances.


Yoochun's head immediately turned towards the direction that Junsu had pointed at. All he saw was a waiter who had stood directly in front of him, blocking his view. He let out a small grunt, partially annoyed by the interference. When he shove the waiter aside, all he saw was an empty table instead. "I don't see anything."


"Oh, maybe i saw wrongly..." Junsu corrected himself after squinting his eyes. "He shouldn't have the time to go on dates anyway. That busy kid."

Yoochun nodded to himself. 'Jiyun said her boss is with them too, so it should be 3 people. Junsu said he only saw (a) Gikwang (lookalike) with a girl.' With that thought deeply implemented in his mind, he strutted happily behind the waiter who led them to their reserved seats.


"Hey, Yoochun. Isn't that your female lead?" Jaejoong suddenly asked along the way. He was pointing towards the same direction that Junsu had originally pointed at.


"Nahs, you must be seeing wrong." He replied casually and sat down on the chair before flipping through the menu. "What are you guys having?"

His question was thoroughly ignored for the other two Js had been staring right at the couple whom they recognised as Gikwang and the female lead.


"Hey i think I'm right. It IS Gikwang! Oh wow, our little boy has finally grown up huh?" Junsu exclaimed happily, throwing a high five towards Jaejoong's direction.


Jaejoong reciprocated with a high five and teased, "A date with the female lead, how sneaky!"


Yoochun merely shrugged and turned around to overthrow their allegations, but got the answer that he didn't want. "Hyung..." He muttered, how many people do you see there?"


"Two, why?"


"Jiyun said her boss will be with them, but he's not there..." He muttered, his mind in a turmoil. He felt sick all of a sudden.


Jaejoong shrugged. "Probably didn't want to come in between them."

Yoochun didn't comment any further. Jaejoong's comment had already been deeply carved into his mindset. He just sat stiffly on his chair and stared at their every movements like a hawk.


"She's laughing! Our Gikwang is such a charmer, huh?" Junsu added.

Unable to control his mood any longer, Yoochun stood up and walked away to where the couple were, with his fist tightly clenched.


"Yoochun...?" Junsu mumbled, confused as his eyes trailed Yoochun's back until he reached his destination.


"Am i interrupting you guys?" Yoochun mumbled once he was in front of them.


"Mr Park!"



The both of them called out together.

'How in sync.'


"What are you doing here? Weren't you having dinner with the guys?" Jiyun asked, smiling happily at him. 'It has been a long while. He still looks as dashing as ever...' She thought.


"Miss Kim, i thought your boss is with you?"

She scrunched her nose. 'Did he just ignore my question?'


"Hyung, her boss is..." Gikwang started speaking but barely made it halfway before he started laughing out loud. Jiyun did the same, seeing him laugh.

Yoochun took a deep breath. He didn't understand why the two people in front of him were laughing so happily while he was about to blow up for some unknown reasons.


"Miss Kim, can i have a word with you?" He asked, pulling her out of her seat even before she could reply.


"Wha... what was that? Is it such an urgent thing that you had to drag me out like this?" Jiyun asked, nursing and blowing air on her wrist. She took a look at it; it was slightly reddish.

He had held on to her wrist too tightly.


"Did you enjoy yourself?" Yoochun asked. He had brought them to the alley behind the restaurant.


"The dinner? It wasn't that bad."


"No, i mean with Gikwang. You were smiling so radiantly when you were conversing with him just now."


"He's an interesting guy." She shrugged. 'An innocent boy who can make you laugh so much when he talks about how he constantly got tricked by s.'


"So you enjoyed your date?" He commented, walking nearer and closer towards Jiyun as the latter moved back until she got stopped by the red brick wall behind her. He had her trapped in between his arms.


Jiyun rolled her eyes. She was starting to understand the reason behind his weird behaviour. Probably.


"This is not a date." She explained, pushing him away for some distance.

He didn't budge.


"The way i see it, it looks like one. You told me your boss is going to be tagging along. You liar."


"But he is here!" Jiyun retorted. 'Liar? Me?'


"Unless he became invisible."


"He's in the washroom doing his business!"


"I only believe what i see."


"Whatever. I don't want to talk to you right now. Not when you're behaving so weirdly." Jiyun sighed as she raised her palm in front him to signal the end of their unreasonable conversation. A slight push on his arms released her from his trap before she turned to walk back into the restaurant.


It didn't take a few steps before she got stopped by Yoochun again. "What now, Mr Park?"


"So you're targeting Gikwang now huh?"


"What?! Yoochun, if this is just another PMS of yours..."


"Do you really like him?"


"What the hell are you talking about now?!" Jiyun finally flared up. "What has having dinner got to do with liking someone?! Why on earth are we talking about this in the first place?!"


"What the hell am i talking about?! I'm telling you, all i see in the restaurant just now is a couple having fun and laughing with each other! Anyone who sees that scene will naturally think that there is something between you two!"


"He's just like a little brother to me! Besides, why does it matter to you?! We're just friends, you have no authority to restrict who i meet or date!"


"I have the authority to! I... i am your idol!"


Jiyun looked stunned for a second before she stifled a bitter laugh. "You're impossible."

With those words, she turned to walk back into the restaurant.




"Nuna, are you ok with this arrangement?" Gikwang asked just as he saw Jiyun walking back to their table. "Jaejoong and Junsu thought that it would be a good idea for us to merge tables, even your boss agreed to it."

Her boss nodded and grinned happily at her. She forced a smile back and sat down beside Gikwang.

Now, if it were to be on any other common days, Jiyun would have been thrilled to be able to have dinner with Jaejoong and Junsu. But it didn't seem appealing to her anymore.

Not when there is a person with the word ‘insane’ as his middle name near her.

'Did he wake up from the wrong side of the bed or what? His reasoning that an idol has the authority to control a fans’, aka MY life is seriously twisted!'


"Nuna, are you alright? You've gone quiet..." Gikwang asked in a concerned tone, noticing that she wasn't as lively as from a while earlier. "Something happened with Yoochun?"

'No I'm not alright! Your nice Yoochun senior has become a completely different person, and i can’t comprehend him!’


"No, it's nothing. It's just that I'm not feeling well right now." She shrugged and pretended to smile so that he will not worry.

That's when her mood turned for the worse.

Yoochun had returned from his trek around the world. Sarcasm intended.

Both of them took a quick glance at each other before looking away. Yoochun had finally caught sight of Mr Invisible.

Not wanting to ruin the mood, Jiyun's attention went entirely onto Gikwang.


"Kwangie, how's your schedule today?"


"Like the usual. I'd rather come to the MV meeting though. At least i have the guys and you guys with me."



Jiyun and Gikwang both turned towards the direction where the sound came from. Yoochun. She rolled her eyes and went back to her conversation with Gikwang, ignoring him completely. Yoochun's face turned even darker.

Her boss was watching at the side, feeling extremely nervous as if he is aware that WWIII is about to start anytime soon.

'Distraction, distraction. We need a distraction for Jiyun.' He thought, with the full impression that Jiyun is just having a bad mood due to one of her shortfused PMS days.


"Jiyun ah, i thought you are a fan of JYJ? Why aren't you talking to them?"

Bad move.

Jiyun looked at her boss with an unreadable expression and then turned towards the two smiling Js. "I don't know, boss", She casually shrugged her shoulders, "Someone may just decide to accuse me of flirting with his own team mates."

Jaejoong and Junsu both looked towards the grumpy looking Yoochun.


"Yah, did you offend your female lead?" Jaejoong asked, although it was obvious that Yoochun had said something to infuriate her.


"I didn't."

'What?! The nerve of him to openly lie like this!' 


"Yeah, he didn't. That's if behaving unreasonably and claiming that an idol has the authority to take control of his fans' lives isn't considered as offending." Jiyun complained.

All heads darted towards Yoochun, who was still in a bad grumpy mood.


"What? I just said what i thought was right. She is supposed to be my fan but now she's running towards someone else." He grumbled, darting a killer look at Gikwang. He continued by muttering under his breath, "I just want to take back what's mine."

She stared at him in disbelieve.


"For the record, i belong to myself. And for the updated record, i will no longer be your fan." She said, equally grumpily.

No longer able to stand being near him, she finally stood up and picked up her bag. "I'm leaving. Guys, I'm sorry to have dampen the mood for your dinner today." She apologised, feeling guilty for pulling them into the mess. They shook their head and showed understanding smiles, indicating that they didn't mind it.


"Kwangie, I'll see you at work soon?" She said, turning to him.


Gikwang grinned and patted her shoulder, as if telling her to cheer up. "Yeah, let's find a day to make up for this failed dinner as well."

Yoochun clenched his jaws and fist.


"Yeah, let's do!" She smiled for the first time within that thirty minutes frame. With that, she walked out of the restaurant, not turning back even once.


“Dude, she just ignored you.”


“Yeah Yoochun. You made her really upset.”


"Hyung, you went overboard."


"Poor female lead."


“Guys, do you really have to rub it in?” Yoochun replied with a grouchy look, not wanting to look at his dinner companions. ‘Who knows what kind of look will they show on their face. Whatever.’


“Go apologise to her!”


"What? No way.” He pouted, turning towards another direction.




“No means no! Aish, this is so annoying. I’m out of here!” He announced, storming out of the restaurant.


“Hyungs?” Gikwang asked with a confused look as he glanced at the departing figure. “What’s the relationship between those two? Idol and fan...? Friends? Or.... something else?”


The three of them merely shrugged their shoulders. “Who knows.”




A/N: Have i mentioned how much i like B2st? :3 I can't help but throw Gikwang inside the story since he's, well, my bias. (although yoseob, dongwoon, doojoon, hyunseung and junhyung are also my bias... OTL). It makes sense too anyway, since B2st members are close with JYJ. Lalalalala (excuses). And by now, i'm pretty sure everyone has seen Yoochun's new look so i don't think i'll need to post his picture anymore, yeah? :P Next update on..... i'm leaving that date open. :P

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It looks similar but chapter 41 has been edited. READ IT if u dun wan to miss out later.


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mikimikimiki #1
Chapter 44: New reader and i love it !!!!!!!! Good jobbb❤️️❤️️❤️️
Really like your story O.M.G. If I'm in jiyun's situation I will also fell in love to yoochun because of his sweet acts, his jealousness, caring, and etc. Gosh Yoochun is really so sweet especially when he able to wait for jiyun for 7 months and how he ask her to be his girlfriend also when he prepare her a small bday party o.m.gee I really fell in love with your story what should I do ?? *fangirling mode* This story Is daebak
anneanne #3
Chapter 44: wow. this fic is really aweLOT. not awesome. AWELOT !! lmao. cant believe that the scene in this fic make its way to my dream. yup. i dreamed it ! thank you so much for sharing this fic !
i think im going to spazz more yoochun just because i read this fic. im at loss of words. just.. THANK YOU ! lalalala~~~~
Chapter 44: So sweet of Yoochun to do that for her birthday & they are just so sweet to each other on this last Chapter! really like this ending & really enjoyed your story! continue on doing good stories as good as this :)
Chapter 43: Jiyun decided to accept his confession so I really like the Chapter because I thought they'll not end up together so will read now the last Chapter ;)
Chapter 42: Jiyun still choose to leave Yoochun even Yoochun tried to make her stay :( will continue reading.
Chapter 41: Jiyun choose to leave Yoochun but looks like the Infinite members had a plan so will continue reading :)
Chapter 39: Jiyun let Shaun to woo her so I'm hoping that Yoochun will confess now or soon before Jiyun may agreed to be Shaun's girlfriend! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 35: Finally their cold war is over & they are back on how they were back then! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 28: Finally know what Mary had done in the past & she's really bad to do that! Jihyun confessed to Yoochun! really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)