Chapter 10

Coincidental or Intentional?

Fortunately (or unfortunately), their next meeting wasn't at a pub or a similar location.

"Remind me again, why am i at his fan meet when i can't get to be the audience? I don't even get to receive a freaking VIP ticket..." Jiyun grumbled, furiously stuffing popcorn into while scrutinising the hairdresser who was styling her hair up. She continued to mumble inaudibly under her breath, "Although i already got the ticket myself."


The hairdresser could only return her question with a forced smile. "But Miss, you've gotten something better than a VIP ticket. You're the special guest after all."


Jiyun pouted, stuffing the last popcorn into before crushing and throwing the bag into a nearby dustbin. "I would prefer to be an audience instead. I get the jitters just by imagining myself standing on the stage."


He laughed. "It's not as bad as you imagined, Yoochun has a bunch of cute and mature fans. You'll fit in right away."


She stopped to think about it. "Which one am i then? The cute or the mature?" She found herself asking.


"Eh? You mean... you're his fan too?" He asked with a curious look on his face.


She nodded. "So which category do i belong to?"


"The special." A husky voice echoed from the door.


"Yoochun!" She called out happily, running towards him. "Where's the poster you promised to get for me?!"

He had only managed to simmer the anger within Jiyun that night when he promised to get a brand new poster of his for her. Topped up with another JYJ poster with all of their signatures.

He frowned. He then looked over her shoulder and signaled for the hairdresser to leave them alone. He then carefully placed his bag on the nearby couch.


"Yah. The first thing you say after two weeks of not seeing me is 'Where is my poster'? Not 'Thanks for inviting me here' or 'I missed you'? Seriously...." He complained, all the while pinching and pulling her cheeks.


"It's not like i wanted to accept the invite either; i got blackmailed by someone. Insincerely via message to top it off." She mumbled, pulling his hands away from her face. "Do i need to remind you who did that?"


"Urm... nice dress!" He looked around, trying to avoid that very topic. He had once again, used his knowledge to coerce Jiyun into agreeing to be his special guest for the fan meet.

He knew that Jiyun hated the idea of being forced into submission, but he had to do that in order to bring her there. His boss had specially requested for him to bring her there at all costs.

At the very last minute.

Apparently, the short movie that they had made together was an instant hit amongst fans and non-fans, bringing him to another level of success. Everyone had also been trying to dig for the real identity of the 'female actress'; she was the number one topic amongst fans alike.

Even though it was nothing bothersome, Jiyun had to get around everywhere in a disguise in order to not get recognised (Although the aunties will usually give her a bigger serving or a big discount when they recognized her). At least that’s what Jiyun had been complaining to him about ever since the MV was released.


"This dress?” She asked, “Proudly sponsored by one of your endorsers." She mumbled, "And chosen by Mr Park himself."


He winced. She was definitely not in her best mood. He was trying to secretly take another peek at her facial expression when he realised something. "Yah! Do i see crumbs on the dress?! Popcorn?!"

Jiyun looked at him with a deadpan face. ‘Is he serious? Complaining about popcorn bits now?’


"Well, i was hungry and there were only bags of popcorn lying around in this room." She shrugged nonchalantly, dusting the crumbs off her dress. "Says the person who was rushed out of her office right before lunchtime."


Yoochun looked up at her and then the clock and back to her once again. "You haven't eaten anything since then?" He asked to reconfirm that he was hearing correctly. It was currently 4.45pm. "Nothing at all?"


"Except for that small bag of caramel popcorn. And I'd like to mention that i overslept this morning, so i wasn't able to eat my breakfast either."


"Yah! Why didn't you tell me about it?" He asked angrily, pulling out his phone at the same time.


"Hyung, can you please come to the makeup studio where Jiyun is at? Need your help. Thanks!" He spoke into the phone with his manager, before turning back to Jiyun with a questionable look.


"Well Mr Park, your manager pulled me right out of my office, chucked me into your boss's office to let me know about this set up of yours, got me transported to this venue and left me all alone while you went around to who knows where... and now you're asking me why i didn't tell you about it?" She challenged, chattering nonstop, "And while we are on this topic, my bag is still in his car."


With that, she stormed to the couch nearby and sat down, her arms crossed and tucked comfortably over her chest.


Yoochun rubbed the side of his temples. ‘Now i know what she wrote on her Twitter was really true. She gets really moody when she is hungry.’


He sighed. "Can't you let my manager know?"


"No i can't! He looks so intimidating, like a sun bear. I’m afraid of angering him.” She whimpered just thinking about it.


"A sun bear? Isn't a sun bear supposed to be cute?" He asked, a small smile forming on his face. Trust Jiyun to turn the mood around in an instant.


"Don't laugh..." She blushed, slightly punching him on his forearms.


"Ouch... not painful. Come on, let's get our dear girl some food before she faints or something." Yoochun said happily, turning her around in the direction of the door. He took her by her wrist and was pulling her towards the door when his manager decided to walk in.

Yoochun started laughing seeing his manager, while Jiyun could only lightly slap on his arms to stop him from laughing. He kept mouthing 'sun bear' at her, while she sent him a string of deathly glares.


"Hyung, actually i wanted to ask you to bring Jiyun out for a quick lunch, but..." He muffled a snicker, mouthing 'sun bear' to her once again. "We are a bit tied up here... so, could you please run over to the nearby store to get some takeaway for Jiyun?"


"It's ok! I can just make my way there on my own..." Jiyun frowned, staring down at the tightened hand on her wrist, "If you could just remove your grip on my hand."


"No way, you look too pretty right now. Some random ert may just kidnap you on the way..."


She rolled her eyes. "Mr Park, you should get new glasses. Besides, the biggest ert is clutching onto my wrist right now."

He narrowed his eyes.


"Hyung, ignore her. Just get her some food. At the same time, help me get her bag from your car. Thanks!"

His manager managed to hold back his laughter by covering his mouth. Giving a nod, he turned to walk out of the room.


Yoochun turned back to look at her and let out a deep, exasperated sigh. Thinking back for a bit, his mood slowly lifted. With a sincere smile, he mentioned, "Miss Kim, thanks for being here" as he slung his arm over her shoulder leisurely.


She shrugged. "Like i have a choice, Mr Park. I just hope that your fans won't skin me alive after this."


"They won't. They love our coupling in the MV. Besides, i won't allow any harm to happen to you." He promised, pulling her nearer to him as he folded his arm around her neck.

Jiyun's heart skipped a beat.

'Too close. I can even hear his breathing!'


"Y..yeah..." She stuttered, looking away.


"Anyway, were you intending to come for my fan meet?" He asked, turning his head towards her direction. Absentmindedly, she turned towards his direction at the same time.

'Too.Close. Way.Too.Close.'


She slightly pushed him away, looking at yet another direction. Her ears, her cheeks... they were all burning red. She let out a slight cough. "Yeah, i even bought a ticket. It's in my bag."

His smile got even brighter.

'I wonder how bright can his smile go until? Bright enough to light up the entire world?'


"Too bad you won't be able to utilize the ticket..."


She sent an evil glare at him. "Good that you know."


"Simmer down. In return for your generosity, i shall give you a special fan service!" He announced happily, pulling his phone out from his pocket.


Her ears perked up. "What?" She asked.

He ignored her question and continued thinking to himself. After careful deliberation, he stuffed his phone back and walked towards the couch where his bag was, digging amongst the random contents within it. Then, he finally produced a camera from within the bag.


"Let's take a picture together!" He said happily, showing her his camera.

She frowned.

‘What? After all the deep thinking, all that he can come up with is a picture? Should i laugh or cry about this? Although he looks so cute when he was thinking so deeply...’


"Why? You don't want? Then forget it." He mumbled, putting his camera back into the camera bag very slowly.


"What?! No! I want!" She whined, clinging onto his arm like her life depended on it.


He chuckled. "Yes my dear fan girl, your wish is my command."

Jiyun giggled.


“On second thought, maybe we shouldn’t.” She thought out loud. ‘I would rather spend more time with him than to have just a picture like a normal fan. Oh no, I'm getting greedy...’



Jiyun’s raised her eyebrows. ‘Eh? Why is he having a big reaction? Don’t tell me...'


“Mr Park, don’t tell me you are anticipating to take a picture with me? Is that right?” She started teasing. ‘This is surprising.’


“! I’m just trying to be nice and to offer some fan service for you.” He denied, walking towards the direction of the mirror to tidy his hair for a bit.

‘Your denial just makes it more obvious. Your actions are too obvious.’


“And you’re tidying your hair up now just so you can get a perfect picture with me, i suppose? You’re too easy to read, Mr Park.”

Yoochun turned around and approached her with a sullen silence.


“Yes, Mr Park? Can i help you?” Jiyun asked, lightly nudging on his shoulder.


“This is not a fan service. Take this as a request from your friend. Let’s take a picture together please?” He pleaded, showing her his never seen before pleading puppy eyes.

‘Park Yoochun, you’re seriously too cute. Can i just keep you in my pocket and bring you with me everywhere?’




A/N: I'm back! You'll be glad to know that i'll be updating every alternate day for this week :D

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It looks similar but chapter 41 has been edited. READ IT if u dun wan to miss out later.


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mikimikimiki #1
Chapter 44: New reader and i love it !!!!!!!! Good jobbb❤️️❤️️❤️️
Really like your story O.M.G. If I'm in jiyun's situation I will also fell in love to yoochun because of his sweet acts, his jealousness, caring, and etc. Gosh Yoochun is really so sweet especially when he able to wait for jiyun for 7 months and how he ask her to be his girlfriend also when he prepare her a small bday party o.m.gee I really fell in love with your story what should I do ?? *fangirling mode* This story Is daebak
anneanne #3
Chapter 44: wow. this fic is really aweLOT. not awesome. AWELOT !! lmao. cant believe that the scene in this fic make its way to my dream. yup. i dreamed it ! thank you so much for sharing this fic !
i think im going to spazz more yoochun just because i read this fic. im at loss of words. just.. THANK YOU ! lalalala~~~~
Chapter 44: So sweet of Yoochun to do that for her birthday & they are just so sweet to each other on this last Chapter! really like this ending & really enjoyed your story! continue on doing good stories as good as this :)
Chapter 43: Jiyun decided to accept his confession so I really like the Chapter because I thought they'll not end up together so will read now the last Chapter ;)
Chapter 42: Jiyun still choose to leave Yoochun even Yoochun tried to make her stay :( will continue reading.
Chapter 41: Jiyun choose to leave Yoochun but looks like the Infinite members had a plan so will continue reading :)
Chapter 39: Jiyun let Shaun to woo her so I'm hoping that Yoochun will confess now or soon before Jiyun may agreed to be Shaun's girlfriend! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 35: Finally their cold war is over & they are back on how they were back then! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 28: Finally know what Mary had done in the past & she's really bad to do that! Jihyun confessed to Yoochun! really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)