Chapter 34

Coincidental or Intentional?

"Eh? Jiyun, why are you here at the set?" MinAe asked as she looked at Jiyun who was walking into the filming set. "It's the witch day today, don't you know?"


"Huh? But it's the mumsy day today, according to my schedule..." Jiyun replied with a confused look, placing her stack of materials onto the nearby table and pulling out her phone to check from her planner. "See? It's mumsy's day..."


"Ah. That's the old schedule. Boss sent out a new one at dawn." MinAe sighed.


"But why the change?" Jiyun asked once again, flexing her aching arms due to carrying so much things from her meeting that had ended just 20 minutes ago at Woollim. "Damn. I should have gone for my lunch instead. What a waste of time coming here."


"The witch. She was making so much minor mistakes that the entire production was delayed." MinAe muttered under breath grudgingly. "I originally thought that by having the script eater called Park Yoochun on the team, it may result in having us complete the entire production at bullet train speed without compromising on the quality. But with that witch on the team..." She let out a deep and heavy sigh. "There goes my holiday plan."


"Surely she isn't that bad." Jiyun chuckled. "She's a professional actress, as quoted by Mr Park himself."


"Hah. Don't make me laugh." She replied, not having even the faintest shadow of a smile. "How can a professional make so many mistakes?"


"At the very least, we are not behind on schedule..." Jiyun said, glancing back at her stack of working materials, "Although i would appreciate it if someone can give me a gentle reminder by phone the next time the schedule is changed..."


"Yeah, i'll remind you next time. You said that you haven't eaten lunch yet?" MinAe asked.


Jiyun nodded. "We were discussing about the MV since morning up until just now..." She explained.


MinAe stared at her watch. It showed 2.45pm. "We still have some leftover pizza from lunch. Do you want to eat them?" She asked, pointing to one of the waiting rooms.


She shrugged. "Why not?"


As MinAe was walking into the room with Jiyun, she continued asking, "Will you be staying to sit in for the shooting first , or will you return home to rest and get ready for the movie premiere later?"


"Hmm, i think i will sit in to monitor for a bit. Let me see how bad of an..." Jiyun didn't managed to complete her sentence, but left her sentence hanging since she saw the most and least person that she wanted to see - Mr Park himself.


"Oh, you're here Yoochun?" MinAe asked nonchalantly.

Yoochun nodded in reply before sneaking a peek at Jiyun. He opened and closed his mouth like a fish, hesitating a little before turning back to concentrate on his script.

Yoochun was obviously palpitating. A tiny grin appeared on his face, a change too minute for anyone to notice. 'She's here! I've finally seen her after all this time! How do i look? Am i in a mess right now?'

He was too overwhelmed to speak up. His mind was in a mess, just seeing Jiyun in person after such a long while.

Due to Yoochun’s indifferent reaction towards her arrival, Jiyun walked over to the box of pizza without saying anything and pulled out two big slices of pizza on a plate.


"Jiyun, are you that hungry?" MinAe laughed, pouring a cup of coffee for her. She was aware that the both of them were still not on talking terms, and did not want to make it worse.


"Yeah, brainstorming took up a whole lot of my energy. I'm just replenishing it."


"I really can't understand how your stomach works..." MinAe continued laughing. "So are we meeting at the movie premiere venue later, or should i pick you up at your house?"


"I've got no ride, so pick me up please! I'm not going to torture myself by wearing heels without having a ride!" Jiyun grinned cheekily as she munched on her pizza, the thick cheese strands appearing at once.


"Alright, let's meet around 6.45pm outside your house. I've give you a call when i'm downstairs."


"Ok! Oh, i just remembered i had something to discuss with the director!"


"Let's get going then. I think he is at the van..." MinAe replied, helping Jiyun carry her cup of water while she continued stuffing her lunch into at lightning speed, at the same time making her way out of the room.

When the two girls finally left the room, Yoochun lowered the script onto his lap. The barely hidden smile finally revealed itself. He was that glad to have seen her, although his verbal behaviour didn't reflect itself. He then pulled out his phone and stared at the message that Junsu had sent to him two hours ago.


"Yoochun ah, are you going to the premiere? Don't keep saying that you are undecided or you don't know if work permits. Do you want to meet up before we head to the show together?"

Typing and retyping his message again and again, Yoochun finally settled on his reply message.


"I'm going. Let's meet at Red Carpet to get ourselves prepared before heading to the venue together."




"Hey, PD Kwon! It's such a surprise, meeting you here!" Jiyun greeted, pulling MinAe towards her. "MinAe, this is PD Kwon. He is in charge of the MV that i'm currently working on."


"Pleasure to meet you!" MinAe greeted politely.

After a while of conversation, the two girls were finally able to take a breather.

Who would have known that there were so much socializing at a movie theatre?

Suddenly, Jiyun heard a familiar voice calling out to her.


"Jiyun ah! I finally found you!" Junsu exclaimed happily, waving his hands towards her as he made his way nearer to her.

With a small muffled laughter, Jiyun waved back. She then noticed the glowing Yoochun following closely behind him, holding a cup from Coffee Cojjee.

'Seriously, is he doing a free round of promotion for Jaejoong's cafe?'

Jiyun was considering whether to greet him when she saw someone coming, no, more like dashing, towards them.

It was revealed to be none other than Hye Jin.


Jiyun cringed in digust, turning her head away from the sight of her and towards everyone else. She started giggling. Apparently, her friends shared the same thought as her.

'Why on earth is she here?' Everyone thought at the same time. And by everyone, it meant Junsu, MinAe, Jiyun and even Yoochun.


"Yoochun! Fancy meeting you here!" Hye Jin cooed, slinging her arm into his.

He replied with a forced smile, pulling his arm away from her. He was about to casually initiate a conversation with Jiyun when he realised that she had already turned her head away and was currently speaking with Junsu. He inched nearer to them in the most inconspicuous manner to listen in to their conversation.


".... So, we're thinking of dropping by the pub later after the movie. Do you want to come? It's a small gathering with our mutual friends."

Jiyun glanced at MinAe, asking if she wants to go as well. MinAe nodded.


"I guess it's ok with me as well..." Jiyun mumbled, sneaking a peek at Yoochun.

Little did she know, Yoochun was aware that she was glancing at him secretly. He smiled inwardly. 'I get to see her for a few times today...'




"Why is she here again?" MinAe asked as she threw dagger stares at Hye Jin, who was seated diagonally across from them. "I thought it is a gathering amongst the mutual friends?"


Junsu shrugged. "She insisted on inviting herself, there's nothing we could do since the guys are more than happy to let her come."


"Plastic." MinAe mumbled under her breath.


"Hi dears, if the both of you want to have a conversation with each other, shall i move? I mean, i'm right smack in the middle of both of you..." Jiyun grumbled, venting her unhappiness by binging on the basket of fried chicken wings. Her eyes travelled towards Yoochun and Hye Jin once again, who were sitting beside each other.


"It's ok, we are all on the same topic." Junsu replied, "Although you have a different way of venting out your unhappiness..." He said, pointing at the newly served basket of french fries.

MinAe agreed, nodding her head in amusement.


"When is Jaejoong coming anyway?" Jiyun asked, trying to divert the topic while stuffing french fries into . "It's getting late."


"I don't know. The last time i checked, he was still speaking with the press."


"I see..." She slowly replied. She took a look at her now half empty basket of french fries. It was starting to look like a burden with the oil oozing out.

She gulped.

The oily feeling from the chicken, the french fries, and even the pizza was starting to engulf her.


She was contemplating on whether to continue with eating her food by poking at them when Yoochun suddenly spoke in a barely audible voice. "Don't eat it anymore."

She threw a glance at him. He was staring right at his glass of wine.

'Oh, he's just talking to himself.' She thought, and unconsciously picked up another french fry.


"I said, don't eat it anymore." Yoochun repeated, this time more firmer in his words. He was now looking directly at Jiyun.

Jiyun caught his stare and turned away by looking down at her food. A simple whiff of the remaining food caused her to feel even more nauseated. She pushed the food away from her and closed her eyes in an attempt to stop herself from puking. She finally felt a little bit better afterwards.

She heard a deep sigh and the sound of movements from across, but she wasn't interested in what was happening other than trying to get rid of the queasy feeling. Almost immediately, a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her up, causing her to gasp and open her eyes in shock.

It was Yoochun.


"What are you doing?" She whispered, glancing around the table. Other than a few curious stares here and there, everyone else were too engrossed in their conversations to have noticed the little commotion.


"I'm bringing you home. You're not feeling well right?" He asked, and without waiting for her to reply, he turned towards Junsu and MinAe and said, "I'm sending her home now, enjoy yourselves."

With that, he started pulling her out of the pub. Jiyun didn't have the chance to retort since she was currently feeling too sick to make a witty comeback.

The ride home was extremely quiet, with Yoochun concentrating on his driving and Jiyun with her eyes closed.


Upon reaching, Jiyun slowly opened the car door and was about to climb out of the car when Yoochun muttered, "Will you be alright going up by yourself?"

Jiyun hesistated a little before nodding her head slowly.


"Ok, take care..." He replied in a careful tone, yet leaving the sentence hanging.

There was silence between the both of them after that.

'Should i invite him up for some drinks? He did send me home after all...' Jiyun thought as she started playing with her fingers.


"I... I'm going..." Jiyun finally decided not to as she stepped out of his car.

After taking a long look at her as if to make sure that she is alright, he finally drove off.


"Thank you, Mr Park..." She mumbled softly under her breath before turning to walk into her apartment building.

Less than 30 minutes later, Jiyun heard the doorbell ring. She wasn't planning to answer the doorbell, but the ringing was persisting, as if the one who rang the doorbell was aware that someone was at home.

Finally giving up, she climbed out of her bed and crawled to the door.

'I swear, if it was for something insignificant...'

It was a small boy who was in front of the door. He seem to be barely 4 years old.


"Yes? Can i help you?" She asked politely.


"Nuna, this for you!" The small boy grinned, stretching his hand out, revealing a plastic bag.


Jiyun returned his smile with hers before holding out both hands to receive the plastic bag. "Really? But my mother has taught me never to receive things from strang... hey, come back!"

The small boy had dashed off after passing her the bag.

Jiyun shook her head and smiled.

'Kids...' She thought and opened the plastic bag.

It contained some medicine for indigestion and a bottle of concentrated ginger tea.

'Mr Park?'



PS: Ok this is going to kill me a little. This is going to be a little special treat for my readers in view of the coming new year. From 1/1/13 onwards, i'll be uploading a new chapter a day for a period of time (after which the uploading will resume to around 1 chapter per week or so). This so called 'period of time' will be determined by all of you! For every comment a reader makes, it will be counted as a new chapter request. Meaning, if 3 comments are received, i will upload a chapter daily for three consecutive days.
1) Qualifying commenting period: From now till 30/12/2012 - 7PM KOREAN TIME.
2) Only 1 username per comment (multiple comments by the same username are welcomed, although i will still count it as one :P)
3) I will not count one word/line comment that goes by "Update soon please!"


It's easy right? :P So start commenting away! (Btw to the dearies who have been commenting regularly: Yoochun is back so... RETURN ME MY GUY OR I'LL CRY! >_<)

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It looks similar but chapter 41 has been edited. READ IT if u dun wan to miss out later.


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mikimikimiki #1
Chapter 44: New reader and i love it !!!!!!!! Good jobbb❤️️❤️️❤️️
Really like your story O.M.G. If I'm in jiyun's situation I will also fell in love to yoochun because of his sweet acts, his jealousness, caring, and etc. Gosh Yoochun is really so sweet especially when he able to wait for jiyun for 7 months and how he ask her to be his girlfriend also when he prepare her a small bday party o.m.gee I really fell in love with your story what should I do ?? *fangirling mode* This story Is daebak
anneanne #3
Chapter 44: wow. this fic is really aweLOT. not awesome. AWELOT !! lmao. cant believe that the scene in this fic make its way to my dream. yup. i dreamed it ! thank you so much for sharing this fic !
i think im going to spazz more yoochun just because i read this fic. im at loss of words. just.. THANK YOU ! lalalala~~~~
Chapter 44: So sweet of Yoochun to do that for her birthday & they are just so sweet to each other on this last Chapter! really like this ending & really enjoyed your story! continue on doing good stories as good as this :)
Chapter 43: Jiyun decided to accept his confession so I really like the Chapter because I thought they'll not end up together so will read now the last Chapter ;)
Chapter 42: Jiyun still choose to leave Yoochun even Yoochun tried to make her stay :( will continue reading.
Chapter 41: Jiyun choose to leave Yoochun but looks like the Infinite members had a plan so will continue reading :)
Chapter 39: Jiyun let Shaun to woo her so I'm hoping that Yoochun will confess now or soon before Jiyun may agreed to be Shaun's girlfriend! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 35: Finally their cold war is over & they are back on how they were back then! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 28: Finally know what Mary had done in the past & she's really bad to do that! Jihyun confessed to Yoochun! really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)