Chapter 24

Coincidental or Intentional?

"You guys are late!" An angry looking Jaejoong complained as he looked up from his pot of stew behind the kitchen counter. "I told you dinner will be served at 7.30pm sharp!" He furrowed his brows before throwing an unhappy look at Yoochun.


"Sorry, it was my fault..." Jiyun apologised, peeking out from behind Yoochun as he nodded energetically.


"Ah! Miss female lead! Don't mind it, it's Yoochun's fault for driving so slowly. Don't worry about it!" He grinned. "No rice for you!" He continued, now looking at Yoochun.


"Thanks, i guess? Call me Jiyun, by the way. It embarrassing to be called Miss female lead..." She blushed, hanging on to Yoochun's sleeve for a mental backup. She hadn't noticed back then at the restaurant due to the poor lighting, but Jaejoong is really charismatic in person. Even when he is currently in a frilly apron and had a spatula in his hand...


"It's not my fault! She overslept!" Yoochun retorted. "I swear it's not my fault!" He pouted.


Jiyun stared at Yoochun. "You should have woken me up if time is up!"


"How can i? You were sleeping so soundly!"


"You ert! Were you looking at me sleeping?!"


"No i wasn't! Your face was right smack in front of me, i had no choice ok?"


"See! You were looking at me! Oh my god, you didn't do anything in my sleep, did you?" She replied with a horrified look on her face, covering herself up as much as she could with her hands. "You ual harasser!"


"No i didn't! I told you already, you're not in my hit zone so cool it already!"


"I... i knew that! I'm asking that just in case..." Jiyun stuttered, looking at Jaejoong with hopes that he may miraculously help her out.

'Yeah right, between his buddy and a complete stranger, as if he will help me...'

True enough, he didn't help her out. Although he didn't help Yoochun either.


"You guys... slept together?" He asked, eyes wide open in shock.


"NO!" Jiyun exclaimed defensively, while Yoochun muttered a 'Yeah' coolly, knowing that Jaejoong won't jump into conclusions that easily.


"Mr Park, we DID NOT sleep together." Jiyun repeated, staring right into his eyes and attempting to bore a hole through the back of his head. "Jaejoong, just ignore him. I just fell asleep beside him on the couch." She laughed dryly before trying to change the topic. "Where's Junsu by the way?"


"Junsu? Wasn't he the one who had let you guys in?"


"No, i let us in using the pass code since nobody came to open the door for us..." Yoochun mumbled, before continuing in a barely audible voice, "But we did sleep on the couch together... twice..."


He got a pinch on his forearm before he could finish his sentence. Looking in alarm at Jiyun, he uttered a simple, "We'll go look for him..."


"Ok, I'll bring the dishes out so we have have our dinner then..." Jaejoong shrugged. "Jiyun, can you please help me set the table? Yoochun is a lazy bum when it comes to household chores..."


"But Jaejoong, she's a guest! How can you ask a guest to do things for you!" Yoochun grumbled, obviously not happily that his time with Jiyun had been cut short so quickly.


"Well, would you prefer for her to go find Junsu instead?" He replied nonchalantly with a smirk on his face. “You know, I'd think letting her stay here is a better choice.”

Yoochun took a long glance at both Jaejoong and Jiyun.


"I’ll go find Junsu...” He finally said, gripping tightly on her hand, not wanting to let go.

‘Jaejoong is mature enough to not say anything stupid.’


"Mr Park, just go get Junsu! I'll help Jaejoong out. Come back soon!" She asked, wriggling out of Yoochun's hand before she could get any redder. ‘Can’t he look at the situation? Jaejoong is here and he is still so comfortably doing all those skinship?’

Jaejoong nodded happily, noticing that Yoochun had no other comment.


"Well... ok, i guess..." He pouted before dragging himself out of the living room.


"So..." Jiyun started speaking once Yoochun was out of the room. "Where are the utensils?" She asked, walking into the kitchen.


"At the cabinet beside the fridge." He spoke and pointed to the direction of the cabinet, already stopping whatever he had been doing. "So, any progress since the last time we met?"


"Huh? What progress?" Jiyun asked, genuinely confused by Jaejoong's question. She proceeded towards the cabinet to retrieve the utensils before bringing them out to the dining table.


Jaejoong chuckled, stirring the stew for the last time before turning off the stove. With his usual swift action, he easily carried the pot out to the table, meeting eyes with Jiyun. "Ok, let me rephrase it this way - Has Yoochun finally declared his feelings for you?"


Jiyun turned stiff. "Yeah he did." She said with a fake happy smile before turning back into the kitchen. "He said we're friends!"


"Oh..." He uttered, following closely behind Jiyun.


"Yeah!" She replied, carrying out a tray full of side dishes while Jaejoong carried out another tray with the dishes that he had cooked earlier. "And now that I'm meeting you and Junsu as well, my life is complete!"


"Hehs!" He chuckled, putting down the tray and setting out the dishes on the table. "Is it that big of a deal, meeting us?"


"Of course! You don't know how envious my friends were when they found out that i acted in Yoochun's MV!"


"Hmm, you'd better start getting used to this then. We're going to hang out together even after this right?" He asked.


"R...really? Can we?" She stuttered.


"Yeah, I've already treated you as one of our friends! Considering your relationship with Yoochun..." He indirectly suggested.


"Hmmm... I didn't know being friends with Yoochun has such perks..." She thought out loud, bringing her fingers to her chin to indicate that she was in thinking mode. "Although i haven't gotten my JYJ autographed poster yet..."


"You haven't?" He asked. "But he came over to my house that night with a bunch of posters and made Junsu and me sign on them?" He pondered, "We were almost sure that at least one of them will be for you..."


"It was for my friends when i visited home..." She muttered unhappily, setting the last rice bowl on the table. "By the way, he said he got the autographed posters from the company. What's with the trip to your house?" She asked, walking back to the kitchen to return the tray. Jaejoong followed her in as well.


"Didn't you know? The products at our company comes without signatures. That's why he has to come over and make us sign on them. Special treatment huh...?" He commented, looking at Jiyun with a sly grin. "That good of a friend huh?"


"Drop it, Jaejoong. You should be close enough with him to know that he merely treats me as a friend." She replied, rolling her eyes. "Besides, the more you make me anticipate for this imaginary feelings of his to realise, the more hurt i will feel when it ends up to become nothing." She whispered under her breath, biting her lower lip so that she can keep her feelings in control.

'Oh my god. Did i go too far?’ He thought, glancing at her from the side of his eyes.


"Sorry... i didn't mean to..." Jaejoong mumbled in shock upon seeing how hurt Jiyun looks despite her attempt to hide it. "It was insensitive of me..."


Taking in a deep breath, she smiled. "It's ok! I'm fine, don't worry about it! Although i will appreciate it if you can keep our earlier conversation between us."


"Ok, sure!" He immediately promised, still feeling guilty for making her that upset.


“You know, I've always thought that you have the dependable big brother look on television. Looking at how you take care of the rest...”


"Really?" He asked, a smile appearing on his face instantly. “So what do you think when you see me in person?”


“A naggy mother.”


"Yah! I cooked such a feast for you and you’re saying that I'm a naggy mother?! Not even a charismatic chef or something like that?" He complained, digging his fist into her head as a punishment. “Now, be thankful and say that I'm a good looking chef!”


"Ahhh! You messed up my hair!" She complained, although Jaejoong was still doing it.


"Yah! Kim Jaejoong!" Yoochun's voice inched nearer as he appeared from the corner of a walkway, making the both of them turn back instantly, "Stop your ual harassment!"




"Jaejoong! You really are a good cook!" Jiyun exclaimed happily as she picked up another bowl to wash the soap off.

They had already finished their dinner together and Jiyun was helping to wash the utensils as promised. Jaejoong was also in the kitchen, cutting some fruits as an after meal dessert while Yoochun and Junsu were in the living room, chatting.

"Of course, I've been cooking since young!” Jaejoong beamed proudly as he sunk his knife into another apple.


“Yeah, and we have been coming over to his house for dinner more frequently ever since we got out of that jail house. Our schedules are more flexible right now, so Jaejoong had more time to learn new dishes to cook for us to try.” Junsu explained as he walked into the kitchen, picking up a piece of fruit from the bowl. “Although he seldom cook that much dishes for us when it’s just Yoochun and me...”


Jiyun grinned. “Should i be thankful for that?” She asked, looking over at Jaejoong.


Jaejoong nodded. “Although you don’t have to worry about it. Yoochun has already picked up the bill for this meal.”


“Huh?” She chuckled. “Where’s the cash register?” She asked, looking around. It was then that she realised that Yoochun had been standing by the kitchen door all the while. “Hi Mr Park, do you want to help me wipe the bowls?”


“What? I paid for all the ingredients to the dishes that you’ve eaten tonight, and you’re asking me to help out?” He asked, his eyes widening in disbelief.


“Then get out of the kitchen. You’re not being productive by standing at the door.” She said, turning back to the utensils that had been washed clean.


“Where’s the cloth?” He immediately asked, walking briskly towards her and starting on his chore.


“Good boy!” Jiyun smiled, turning to the direction of the shocked Jaejoong and Junsu. “What’s with your expressions? I’ll go bring the fruits out, if you’re done?”


“Oh ok... we’ll be out in a while then...” Jaejoong replied, handing over the bowl to her.

Once Jiyun was out of their sight, Junsu ran towards Yoochun.


“Wow, our Yoochun is such a helpful guy. I didn’t know that!” Junsu teased, nudging playfully at the irritated guy beside him.


“Shut up.” He snapped. “You don’t help Jaejoong with the washing up either.”


“Oh well.” Junsu shrugged. “We’re just surprised that she can get you to help out that easily. Sure you’re just friends?”


“Can i stuff this dish cloth into your mouth?” Yoochun asked, lifting up the cloth that had used to wipe the utensils dry.

Junsu pouted, running to hide behind Jaejoong.


“I’m curious about that question as well though.” Jaejoong admitted, cleaning up the kitchen island where he had sliced the fruits at. “You know, she has a great personality. The type that i like...” He mumbled, leaving the rest of the sentence unsaid.


“You too, Jaejoong?” Junsu asked with his eyes wide open. “I think so too!” He said happily.


Jaejoong nodded, “Let’s go accompany her at the living room now, it’s not good to leave our guest waiting by herself.”


“Yeah! Who knows, we may be even better friends with her than Yoochun is with her!” Junsu exclaimed, strutting out of the kitchen with a grin on his face, leaving Yoochun all alone in he kitchen.




“Jiyun. I’ve heard that just touched down this morning? Did you get some rest?” Junsu suddenly asked. They were sitting on the floor around the coffee table, relaxing and chatting.


“Yeah.” She nodded, taking another bite of the apple. “I had a long and nice nap.”


Yoochun grinned upon hearing that. ‘Of course you slept well. Whose lap do you think you were sleeping on?’. He happily inched nearer to her and stuffed another fruit into . “Eat more!” He smiled.


“Jiyun ah, what do you think of our Yoochun?” Junsu suddenly asked, making her choke on her fruits.


“What? Junsu, you can’t be any more random than this!”


“Why? It just came to my mind...” He pouted, pulling the nearest cushion towards him to hug. He inched nearer to her and pointed to himself. “How about me then?”


“You’re a random guy, hasn’t Jiyun just said that?” Yoochun interjected, pushing his face away from Jiyun. “Please, give her some private space. She’s a lady after all.”


“Speak for yourself...” Jiyun mumbled, looking to her side where his arm had hung over her shoulder.

The double Js snickered to themselves, while Yoochun withdrew his hand in embarrassment.


“Jiyun ah, I've always been curious about this... do you guys like each other?” Junsu suddenly asked, pointed to the both of them.

This time, instead of just Jiyun choking, it was both Yoochun and her.


“Ya! Kim Junsu, what kind of question is that?! Of course i like her... the way friends do. Just like how i like both Jaejoong and you too!” He tried explaining, although his words were stumbling all the way.

Jiyun merely continued to munch on her fruits as she listened to Yoochun with his fumbling.

‘It’s not my problem, I'm going to just continue to eat my fruits. I don’t care...’ She thought.


“But Yoochun, you are so lovey dovey with her, i don’t believe you don’t feel anything for her...”


“I don’t, you idiot...” He denied furiously, even waving his hands all around to prove this point.


“Jiyun ah, what’s those bags of stuff that you brought over?” Jaejoong interrupted. He had noticed that Jiyun’s facial expression had gotten quite stoic as the two guys were bickering.


“Ah?” She asked absentmindedly. “Ah! I got those for you guys!” She recalled, running over to the side to retrieve the bags before passing them to the respective owners.


“Food stuff?” Jaejoong asked, raising his eyebrows in amusement and curiosity. “Interesting choice.”


“I figured that since you have such a good kitchen, it will be a waste not to fully utilise them.” Jiyun shrugged nonchalantly, looking at the different premix packages that she had bought for Jaejoong together with him.


“Are you indirectly asking me to cook more for you?” He grinned, throwing a wink at her at the same time. “I don’t mind if you ask me to.”


Jiyun threw her head back and started laughing. “Is that an open invitation for me?"

Jaejoong nodded his head.


“Yah, include me too!” Yoochun pouted, stuffing another piece of fruit into Jiyun’s mouth. Jiyun threw a dirty stare at him, shutting him up instantly.


“Oh, how did you know that i need new cushions?” Junsu asked, patting his new cushions happily.


Jiyun shrugged her shoulders before pointing to Yoochun. “Someone told me that he had forgotten to replace the cushions that he had damaged.”


“Oh! You know about that incident?” Junsu’s eyes brightened. “About why the cushion got torn?”


“Yah Kim Junsu! Eat your food!” Yoochun covered his mouth before he could say anything else.


“What?” Jiyun asked, looking at Yoochun with a strange expression. “Is it something i should know?”


“No! It’s nothing!” He replied, removing his hand off Junsu’s mouth. “He was just trying to be funny.”


“Ok then...”


“Hmmph. You’re just jealous that you didn’t get any presents.” Junsu pouted, crossing his arms across his chest unhappily.


“Who says i didn’t?” Yoochun challenged.


“Oh really, did you?”

Jiyun threw a helpless look over to Jaejoong, who replied with a ‘let them be’ expression before sighing deeply.

She shook her head. ‘Kids these days...’


“Yes i did! Look at my shirt! Jiyun bought it especially for me! She even messaged me to make sure that i like it too before buying!” He proudly said, pointing to the white shirt that he was currently wearing. He had changed into them immediately after Jiyun gave it to him while at her house.

‘Is there a need to boast until this extent?’


“Yeah right, nice try Yoochun.” He rolled his eyes. “Why is it on you then? You’ve only met her just now when you picked her up right? Unless... oh my god...”

Jiyun and Yoochun exchanged glances immediately. Yoochun was showing a look of extreme uneasiness.


"No! It's not what you think! We just hung out at her house before coming over here!" He tried to explain.


"Right... and you had to change your clothes in her house..." Junsu said as he looked at him suspiciously from head to toe. "I wonder why..."

'Miss Kim, help me explain!' Yoochun eye signaled to her, 'This idiot is not listening to me at all!'

‘Great, let’s see how you get out of this mess, mister idiot. I’m not going to help.’ She smiled before looking away to Jaejoong once again.

‘Need my help?’ Jaejoong mouthed, throwing a glance towards both Junsu and Yoochun before looking back to her.


‘Ignore them.’ She replied, standing up with the empty fruit bowl. “I’m going to wash the bowl. Have a nice chat with Junsu, Mr Park.”


“Yah Miss Kim! Help me do the explanation!” Yoochun called out with a flustered expression, his hands reaching out for her.


“No-uh, you created this mess. You’ll clean it up yourself!” She grinned, walking away to the kitchen. 'Who asked you to play a prank on me earlier on? On exactly the same topic as well.'


“Jaejoong! Help me! On account of me stocking up your entire house with groceries and necessities yesterday night at the hypermarket!”


“Jaejoong! I need your help at the kitchen, can you please come over right now?” Jiyun’s voice emerged from the kitchen. A muffled laugh echoed following it.


“Oh! Coming!” Jaejoong grinned. “Sorry buddy, your precious friend is calling for me. I need to prioritize my time!” He added before briskly walking towards the direction of the kitchen, not bothering to cover up the fact that he was laughing all the way.


“Aish! Traitors!”




A/N: I have a VERY BAD sore throat. Any remedies? :(

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It looks similar but chapter 41 has been edited. READ IT if u dun wan to miss out later.


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mikimikimiki #1
Chapter 44: New reader and i love it !!!!!!!! Good jobbb❤️️❤️️❤️️
Really like your story O.M.G. If I'm in jiyun's situation I will also fell in love to yoochun because of his sweet acts, his jealousness, caring, and etc. Gosh Yoochun is really so sweet especially when he able to wait for jiyun for 7 months and how he ask her to be his girlfriend also when he prepare her a small bday party o.m.gee I really fell in love with your story what should I do ?? *fangirling mode* This story Is daebak
anneanne #3
Chapter 44: wow. this fic is really aweLOT. not awesome. AWELOT !! lmao. cant believe that the scene in this fic make its way to my dream. yup. i dreamed it ! thank you so much for sharing this fic !
i think im going to spazz more yoochun just because i read this fic. im at loss of words. just.. THANK YOU ! lalalala~~~~
Chapter 44: So sweet of Yoochun to do that for her birthday & they are just so sweet to each other on this last Chapter! really like this ending & really enjoyed your story! continue on doing good stories as good as this :)
Chapter 43: Jiyun decided to accept his confession so I really like the Chapter because I thought they'll not end up together so will read now the last Chapter ;)
Chapter 42: Jiyun still choose to leave Yoochun even Yoochun tried to make her stay :( will continue reading.
Chapter 41: Jiyun choose to leave Yoochun but looks like the Infinite members had a plan so will continue reading :)
Chapter 39: Jiyun let Shaun to woo her so I'm hoping that Yoochun will confess now or soon before Jiyun may agreed to be Shaun's girlfriend! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 35: Finally their cold war is over & they are back on how they were back then! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 28: Finally know what Mary had done in the past & she's really bad to do that! Jihyun confessed to Yoochun! really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)