Chapter 13

Coincidental or Intentional?

A/N: Dear all, i've made a slight edit right at the very end of this chapter. Change is indicated in red.

PS: I just HAD to make this change today, right now, right when i reached home. I was so bothered by that previous sentence that my thoughts were all about it even when i was at the movie theatre watching a thriller. =X Forgive me <3

Five minutes becomes fifty. Fifty minutes became five hours. Before anyone realises it, it was eight thirty in the morning.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!! I'm going to be late!!!!!" Jiyun shouted, holding her phone that had been trying to wake her up since forty-five minutes ago. She was expected in her office at nine. She stood up from the couch and ran into her room, not noticing that the huge mass she had snuggled comfortably with throughout the night was still there.


"Hmmm..." Yoochun groaned, gradually realising that dawn had already came without them noticing. He squinted at the sight of the sunlight that had been shinning into the room from her drop down window.

A crash came from within the room, chasing the last bit of tiredness out from his body.


"Jiyun?" He asked, walking towards the direction of the sound, which he presumed is her bedroom.


"Ahhhhh!!! My hair looks atrocious! I knew i shouldn't have tied it up into a bun yesterday!" She continued screaming to herself. "What should i do?!"


Yoochun chuckled. Today, he had seen another unknown side to her, and he was liking it. "Maybe you should just tie your hair into a high ponytail." He suggested.


"Huh?" She turned to look around. Realising who she was facing early in the morning, she screamed. "Yah! Why are you here?!"


"Shhh... your neighbours, remember?" He gently coaxed, putting his hand over to stop her scream. It may be cute to him, but not to the rest who are living in that apartment block. 


When he was sure that she had calmed herself down, he released his hand. "We fell asleep yesterday on the couch, that's why?"

She could only stop whatever she was doing and keep glancing back at him in shock. ‘Oh yes, i forgot that we had slept side by side on the couch. Can i squeal for a bit?’


"Miss Kim," He grinned once again, leaning in towards her, "You're running late so please stop stoning." He informed, picking up her necklace chain that was holding the rings and helping her put it around her neck. "You won’t be late. I'll send you to your office, so hurry."

Yoochun had made his promise true, for Jiyun had arrived at her office just in time. Barely. The usual twenty five minutes walk to her office had been greatly shortened with the help of Yoochun’s white Ferrari.


“I’m saved.” She muttered to herself as she sees her boss walk out from his office.


“Kim Jiyun you...”


“Boss, I'm on time! See?” She stated, pointing to her phone. ‘8.59AM’


Her boss sighed deeply. “I wasn’t referring to that. Get back to your seat, I’ll talk to you when you have settled down. You look disoriented.”


“Yes boss...” She muttered, turning around with a face full of triumph. The day had barely started and she already felt that it was a good day already. She happily skipped towards her cubicle and started up her laptop.

She was still grinning when she felt her stomach growl. She groaned. ‘What a way to ruin my happy mood.’ She grumbled, opening her drawer to search for something edible. None.


“Anyone has food to spare?” She called out to the rest of her colleagues. They responded with strings of laughter. 


“Jiyun, seriously you should start stocking up some foodstuff in your drawer; you’re always late, and hungry!”


“I did, Adam. I just forgot to restock.” She replied, grumbling at her bad luck for having an empty drawer when her stomach was equally empty. “I binged on the snacks too much, i guess...”

It only drew more laughter amongst the colleagues.


“Laugh after you’ve donated some food, will you guys?” She pouted, punching some numbers on her keyboard to log into her account.

A few of her colleagues slowly stood up and walked towards her with some tidbits in their hand, although they were still laughing along the way.

‘I love them for always supplying me with food, but i hate them for always laughing at me. I still love them however. Gees.’


“Guys, you can keep your food.” The receptionist called out, giggling at the commotion caused by the hungry latecomer. “There’s a food delivery for her.”


“What?” She looked up. “Me?”


“Yes, you. Jiyun. Someone from the cafe is at the reception counter.”


“What? I didn’t order anything. Wait. Is delivery even possible?” She questioned, looking around at her colleagues. They shrugged and happily went back to their work.


With a confused look, Jiyun walked to the main doors where the cafe staff stood. She instantly recognised it as the cafe a road away from their office. “Erm, i’m Kim Jiyun.” She uttered unsurely.


Instantly, the staff gave a cheerful smile and brought up the brown paper package to her face. “Special delivery for Miss Kim!”


“Urm, thanks? How much do i owe you?”


“Don’t worry, it’s already been paid for. By your friend.” She grinned before turning around to leave.

‘My friend?’


“Wait!” Jiyun found herself calling out. “Since when did you guys started doing this delivery... thingy?”


“We don’t do delivery. This is just a special case.” She grinned.


“Weird...” She mumbled to herself, walking back to her cubicle.

Plopping her body down on the chair, she unwrapped the paper bag and found a nicely packed sandwich and a bottle of orange juice. She was about to crush the paper bag and dig into the sandwich when she saw something else in the bag. It was a napkin with some words scribbled on it.


“Miss Kim,


Keep idolising me, cos I'm THIS sweet! Have a great day ahead!


PS: I’m only aware that you cannot take dairy products, but how about coffee? Can your stomach take it? Just in case, orange juice for you! :)”

Jiyun felt butterflies fluttering around in her stomach. It was obvious who the sender was. ‘Park Yoochun, if you keep doing this to me, my stomach may just break down from the sweetness...’

With a grin on her face, she pulled out her phone from her bag to type a message to him.


“Mr Park! You’re the best!”

She was about to tear out the wrapping paper of the sandwich but was interrupted by the message tone.


“I am always the best, Miss Kim. Have you started eating it?”


“Nopes, i was about to but you replied.”


“Go eat.”


“Yes Mr Park :)”

She was happily munching on her sandwich when she realised, ‘Has he eaten yet? He’s been losing too much weight lately...’. Worried that he hasn’t done so, she started typing on her phone once again.


“By the way, have you eaten?”


“You’re worried about me?”


“Isn’t that obvious? You’ve become so thin.”


“Don’t worry, I’m also eating. Same sandwich, different drink. Took espresso. By the way, can you take coffee?”

She looked at her sandwich and smiled. ‘Club Sandwich. Good choice.’


“Not on empty stomach. Mr Park, you’re doing a really great job at keeping this fan of yours. I’m officially certified as your fan for eternity.”


“No more Gikwang then?”


“I can’t be sure about that ;)”


“Tch. By the way, I've kidnapped your rings, if you have yet to realise that.”


‘Wha..?’ She thought and brought her fingers to her chain. There was only one left - the male ring. She let out a small laugh. “That sneaky guy.” She mumbled before resuming to her messaging.


“You’re an evil kidnapper. I’m increasing the dinner treats to two months instead. And, I'm removing my eternal fan certification :P”


“What?! I hate you, Miss Kim :( What can i do to get the certification back?”


“Figure that out yourself!”


“Tsk. Talk to you again. Gotta run, leaving my house for office.”


“Ok :3 Don’t speed like you did earlier on!”


“Yes yes, Miss Naggy Kim :)”

Jiyun chuckled, throwing her phone into the basket meant for her phone before popping the last bit of her sandwich into . A few gulps of her orange juice made her breakfast extra perfect.

It is official, she can never get enough of Park Yoochun.

A phone call on her work telephone hastily broke her away from her day dream.


“Jiyun. If you’re done with your breakfast, which you were, by the way, grinning creepily at all these time, can you please get into my office?” Her boss teased. He had gotten wind of the special breakfast delivery.

‘A bunch of gossip lovers.’ She thought, smiling inwardly to herself. ‘They will probably lose their jaws if they knew who it was from.’

Although, she will never ever reveal the identity of the mystery sender.


“Yes boss, be there in five.” 




“Yoochun, you look happy.” Mr Sun Bear manager commented as he looked at him skipping into the meeting room. Yoochun’s radiating smile spreads all over the room, gradually influencing the rest of the people in it. “Has anything good happened to you?”

Yoochun continued beaming.


“Sneaky, aren’t we?” His manager probed. He gestured for him to come sit beside the empty seat beside him.


“It’s nothing big. I just had a very good night of sleep.”


“You’re serious? No insomnia like you’ve been experiencing for the last two weeks due to the album promotions?” His manager gawked.


“Yes!” He announced proudly.


“So... what have you done such that you are able to sleep so peacefully?” His managed asked once again, only to make Yoochun’s grin even wider.


“Secret!” He replied, happily playing with the double ring that had been immediately slipped on his chain necklace when Jiyun had gotten out from his car outside her office building that morning.


A/N: nar12345, sharp eyes you have! I was like 'omg did she know that i was going to reveal if yc got off the couch that night?!' hahahahaha! ;)

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It looks similar but chapter 41 has been edited. READ IT if u dun wan to miss out later.


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mikimikimiki #1
Chapter 44: New reader and i love it !!!!!!!! Good jobbb❤️️❤️️❤️️
Really like your story O.M.G. If I'm in jiyun's situation I will also fell in love to yoochun because of his sweet acts, his jealousness, caring, and etc. Gosh Yoochun is really so sweet especially when he able to wait for jiyun for 7 months and how he ask her to be his girlfriend also when he prepare her a small bday party o.m.gee I really fell in love with your story what should I do ?? *fangirling mode* This story Is daebak
anneanne #3
Chapter 44: wow. this fic is really aweLOT. not awesome. AWELOT !! lmao. cant believe that the scene in this fic make its way to my dream. yup. i dreamed it ! thank you so much for sharing this fic !
i think im going to spazz more yoochun just because i read this fic. im at loss of words. just.. THANK YOU ! lalalala~~~~
Chapter 44: So sweet of Yoochun to do that for her birthday & they are just so sweet to each other on this last Chapter! really like this ending & really enjoyed your story! continue on doing good stories as good as this :)
Chapter 43: Jiyun decided to accept his confession so I really like the Chapter because I thought they'll not end up together so will read now the last Chapter ;)
Chapter 42: Jiyun still choose to leave Yoochun even Yoochun tried to make her stay :( will continue reading.
Chapter 41: Jiyun choose to leave Yoochun but looks like the Infinite members had a plan so will continue reading :)
Chapter 39: Jiyun let Shaun to woo her so I'm hoping that Yoochun will confess now or soon before Jiyun may agreed to be Shaun's girlfriend! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 35: Finally their cold war is over & they are back on how they were back then! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 28: Finally know what Mary had done in the past & she's really bad to do that! Jihyun confessed to Yoochun! really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)