Chapter 18

Coincidental or Intentional?

Adjusting her upper body weight entirely onto her work desk, Jiyun continued staring at the scribbled piece of paper in front of her. She stared at the words written on it: cryptic, questionable, doubtful, inexplicit, puzzling, indefinite, uncertain, vague, unclear.

She sighed.

'It all amounts to one main word.'

Taking a red marker from her pen holder, she scribbled one word right on top of all the other words: Ambiguous.

It explains everything that she had gotten herself into at that moment. Ambiguity.

It wasn't apparent before, but ever since that day, this present state of mind has been clouding over her. Or rather, it had been there all along but she chose to ignore it.

After all, it wasn't an everyday situation that one gets into.

Park Yoochun.

The reason behind her confusion.

'What am i to you? What are you to me?'

The answer for the second part of the question was fairly simple. She had gotten that part figured out the night before. It got herself in a bit of shock upon realization, but yes, he had managed to make himself become a very important person in her life. In other words, unlike the infatuation she initially thought she had towards him, it had developed into something else, something even deeper.

Both him and Gikwang were supposed to be her friends. And idols. But there were apparent differences between the both of them.

She was close to the both of them, no doubt. But there were certain topics that she will never touch on if it wasn't Yoochun. Like the matter about her throwing away her previous life to live in a new country. Or how she always makes a fool out of herself in front of him. He had seen the worst of herself after all.

Then there's the part about him being all touchy. She could never imagine that level of intimacy with Gikwang. It just seems wrong in her opinion. Whereas for Yoochun... what else has she got to say? Did she even have to explain to herself?

And back when they had their big fight. Jiyun had to force every ounce of her determination to not contact him first. She had to admit it: She had missed talking to him. A lot.

'I missed him.' She had found herself saying that night after night.

That's her conclusion.

'But what do i mean to him?'

She thought, but shook her head in confusion.

'Do i really want to know that?'

"No..." She whispered, shaking her head dejectedly.

She didn't want to know.

Just the mere thought of it scares her.

She wasn't ready to face the music. It would have been good, or even great if their feelings were mutual. But what if he just sees her as a friend? It will end up awkward between them.

'Yes, he is always overly friendly and possessive around me, but perhaps that just how how he treats his friends.' She thought, recalling of her one and only near chance at love back at her home country. It was supposed to be a platonic friendship, but she had obviously gotten the wrong signals. She confessed, but it ended up getting shrugged off as a joke. She was aware that he had done that so that they can still continue to be friends without feeling awkward.

She had learnt her lesson.

'It's a blessing that our friendship hadn't been affected by my foolish assumptions...' She recalled, and plopped her head onto her desk once more, her thoughts drifting off to Yoochun again. 'If only there is a checklist to determine stuff like this...'

'And what was that 'you're someone i treasure' supposed to mean?!'


"Argh. This is infuriating." She mumbled, shaking her head. "Don't want to think about it anymore."

'No use thinking about it anyway, since it wouldn't change anything.'


"Think about what?" Her boss's voice echoed from behind her. He had been standing behind her for the past minute, observing her internal struggle within herself. "Ambiguous?" He asked, referring to the written piece of paper on her desk.


"Brainstorming for a new story." Jiyun muttered, lying through her teeth with ease. "It doesn't seem viable though."


He nodded, pulling a chair from a nearby cubicle and sitting down on it. "I don't like stories like this too. It gets all jaw dropping and hair pulling from all the frustrations at times. I mean, why can't people just make their feelings crystal clear? If you're a friend, you're a friend. If you're a lover, you're a lover. Why the in-between?"


"You've said it right, but audiences go for these cliche stories, don't they?"


"I'm not a fan of ambiguity."


"Me neither." She replied, sticking her tongue out to show her displeasure for such cliches. 'Although it seems like I'm stuck in one currently...'


"So, it's a no go?" He asked, pointing towards the paper.


"Yeah, a no go. I'm disposing this idea out of my brain to think of something more simple. Like a simple typical story on platonic friendship." She casually said, crushing the paper into a ball and throwing it into the bin nearby.



Her boss made a gagging action. "Please spare me from those boring plots. A five year old kid can even tell you that platonic friendship doesn't exist."


Jiyun turned her head around to face her boss, all the while in shock. "It doesn't exist?"


"At least not to me."


"Well, it does for me though..." Jiyun muttered.


"What did you just say?"


"Nothing! In any case, i don't have a story to write if what you say is true..."


"Think of something else then." He smiled, standing up and tidying his suit. "But before you start brainstorming and detach yourself from reality once again, there's something you should know..."




"Yoochun has been waiting at the reception area for the period of time that we have been talking."


"What is he doing there?" She asked, raising her eyebrows. 'Weren't we supposed to meet at the basement carpark?'


"Looking for you? He said that he had dropped you a message about coming up to find you. To pick you up for the planned dinner." He replied, shrugging his shoulders. "Since when have you guys made up? Ah no, since when did you guys get that close? How scandalous!"

Jiyun took a look around at her surrounding. Everyone has already gone home, except for the both of them. She muttered a curse under her breath for being such a daydreamer and took a quick glance at her phone. 'This daydreaming has to go. It's going to affect my work sooner or later.'


"Boss, you're welcome to join us for dinner." She asked, hoping by doing so, he will finally get the idea that there is nothing between Yoochun and her.


"Nahs, i don't want to become a light bulb for your date." He shook his head.

'Why do i have such an irritating boss like him?'


"It - is - not - a - date." She said word by word, trying to get her point across the thick headed guy in front of her. 'How many times have i mentioned this already?'


"Doesn't matter, i'm having dinner with my university juniors anyway." He muttered. "You should meet them someday, there's a few great guys amongst them..." He said, twirling a pen in his hand as he continued, "...As a backup if things don't work out between Yoochun and you..."


"BOSS!!!" Jiyun exclaimed, sending sharp dagger stares at him as she stopped packing her bag.


"Alright alright, i'll stop." He shrugged, doing a hand motion of him zipping his mouth. "By the way, have you made the necessary travel arrangements for your trip?" He asked, pointing to the calender where a date was brightly circled with a highlighter.


"Yes it's all done! Two more days and I'm out of this country!" She squealed a little. “I miss my family and friends!”

'I should probably text the guys about my return so we can meet up or something...'


"Remember to take more pictures of the sites you will be visiting. We'll need to evaluate whether the sites will fit into our drama setting or not. And remember to get my alcohol when you return."


"Ditto! Are you leaving now? If not, I'm going ahead." She asked, signaling towards the office doors.


"You can run ahead, I'm still early for my dinner."


"See you tomorrow then!" She said before waving him a goodbye as she brisk walked towards the reception waiting area.


"Hey, have you waited for long?" She asked upon seeing a smartly dressed Yoochun sitting patiently on one of the couches. 'Eh? He’s not sulking about how i took my own sweet time walking here? What a drastic difference from the last time he was here. Where's his flip flops?'


"It's ok, you were busy with work. I don't mind waiting." He said smiling, standing up once he caught sight of Jiyun walking towards him.

In fact, he looked like he was b with excitement.

'Ok this is freaky. Where has the Yoochun that i know of, gone to?'


"Where is Mr Park?" She found herself asking, walking round him to inspect a few times as she pretended to find the real Yoochun. "Where have you kidnapped him to?"


That made Yoochun break into an amused smile, his crescent moon eyes glinting with happiness. "Mr Park is right in front of you, have you got amnesia?"


"You were all grumpy the last time i made you wait. But now..." She explained, all the while staring at his smart attire. She pointed at his suit and raised her eyebrows.

He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.


"I just wanted to be nicer to you for once, can't i?"

'I just want to be a good friend to you...'


"It's freaking me out." She confessed, stepping a few steps back and making a cross sign at him, as though the person in front of her is a supernatural being.

He finally laughed out loud. He was clutching his stomach from trying to keep his laughs under control, which obviously failed.


"You'll get used to it soon." He said, that amused look never leaving his face as he led her out of her office.


"I don't think i will ever get used to that..." Jiyun mumbled under her breath.

He chuckled.

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It looks similar but chapter 41 has been edited. READ IT if u dun wan to miss out later.


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mikimikimiki #1
Chapter 44: New reader and i love it !!!!!!!! Good jobbb❤️️❤️️❤️️
Really like your story O.M.G. If I'm in jiyun's situation I will also fell in love to yoochun because of his sweet acts, his jealousness, caring, and etc. Gosh Yoochun is really so sweet especially when he able to wait for jiyun for 7 months and how he ask her to be his girlfriend also when he prepare her a small bday party o.m.gee I really fell in love with your story what should I do ?? *fangirling mode* This story Is daebak
anneanne #3
Chapter 44: wow. this fic is really aweLOT. not awesome. AWELOT !! lmao. cant believe that the scene in this fic make its way to my dream. yup. i dreamed it ! thank you so much for sharing this fic !
i think im going to spazz more yoochun just because i read this fic. im at loss of words. just.. THANK YOU ! lalalala~~~~
Chapter 44: So sweet of Yoochun to do that for her birthday & they are just so sweet to each other on this last Chapter! really like this ending & really enjoyed your story! continue on doing good stories as good as this :)
Chapter 43: Jiyun decided to accept his confession so I really like the Chapter because I thought they'll not end up together so will read now the last Chapter ;)
Chapter 42: Jiyun still choose to leave Yoochun even Yoochun tried to make her stay :( will continue reading.
Chapter 41: Jiyun choose to leave Yoochun but looks like the Infinite members had a plan so will continue reading :)
Chapter 39: Jiyun let Shaun to woo her so I'm hoping that Yoochun will confess now or soon before Jiyun may agreed to be Shaun's girlfriend! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 35: Finally their cold war is over & they are back on how they were back then! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 28: Finally know what Mary had done in the past & she's really bad to do that! Jihyun confessed to Yoochun! really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)