Chapter 16

Coincidental or Intentional?

"Yoochun, how has it been going on with you and your female lead?" Jaejoong asked, looking up from the couch that he was lying on.

The guys were currently hanging around at Junsu's house, seeing that they had a schedule free day. A few days had passed by ever since that fiasco.

Junsu, being himself, was busy texting on the phone with his friends while lying lazily on the other sofa.

Yoochun turned around from the Wii machine that he had been concentrating on. The mere mention of Jiyun made him lose all concentration. Instantly.


"What do you mean? Nothing's changed." He turned back to his game. Within seconds, the screen showed a big fat 'Game Over'. "Aish." He muttered under his breath.


Jaejoong shook his head. "You're just going to let this cold war continue? I don't know what happened between the both of you, but a guy has to make the first move to apologise. Especially if he is in the wrong."

Indeed. Yoochun had been keeping his mouth shut since that incident, even when the guys tried hard to pry into the situation.


"I don't care." He uttered, throwing the control on the floor in frustration. "She can go idolise someone else for all i care."


"My Wii!!!!" Junsu complained. "Yoochun!"




"Forget it. I'm not going to reason with the idiot who had secretly followed his so-called fan after she left that night just to make sure that she reaches home safely. 'She can go idolise someone else for all i care'? What joke." 

Yoochun kept a grim indifferent look on his face.

Realising that Wii was no longer fun to him, he walked towards the nearest single seater and plopped his body into it. He checked his phone. No new message.


"Hey Jaejoong, Beast is currently filming their new MV at the nearby amusement park. Want to check them out?" Junsu suddenly said, sneaking a wink at Jaejoong. The latter caught the sign.


Jaejoong went along with Junsu's topic as he went to sit beside Junsu to read his conversation with the Beast member. "You're texting with Gikwang? Oh! The female lead is with them at the set!"


'What? She is together with them right now?' Yoochun thought, looking at the clock that was showing 1.30pm. 'Has she eaten yet?' He suddenly recalled, fully knowing that the silly girl tend to skip her meals when she is busy. The mere thought of that got him into a worrying frenzy, and he had unconsciously started to fidget around in his seat. He had even forgotten the reason why they were not on talking terms already.

Faking a cough, he stood up to walk towards the kitchen, unaware that two pairs of eyes are following his every movement.

When he reached the kitchen, he scrolled through his phone book and found the person he wanted to call - B2st Doojoon. With a tap on his phone, the call was connected.


"What's up?"


"Doojoon ah, i heard you guys are filming today?"


"Yeah! We're having a lunch break right now!"


He frowned. "So late? Everyone?"


"I don't think all the staff are eating yet. They seem busy."

Yoochun looked down on the floor. Should he ask him for his help?

'Argh whatever. Screw my pride and dignity.'


"Doojoon ah, can you please help me make sure that Ji...."


"Yoochun! Gikwang sent us a photo he took with your female lead! Wanna see?" Junsu interrupted, running to the kitchen to show him his phone.

It was a picture of Gikwang and Jiyun smiling happily as they goofed around. His arms wrapped around Jiyun's shoulder as he hugged her.

‘Hugged her.’

‘He hugged her.’

'He freaking hugged her.'


"Yoochun?" Doojoon asked, temporarily halting the imaginary volcano in his mind from erupting. "What were you saying?"


"Put a leash on Gikwang and make sure that he doesn't run around." Yoochun replied and hung up on the phone.

If he had the phone that Junsu was holding in his hand, it would definitely be flying out of the 10th floor window at that moment.

Fury engulfed him as he tried to calm himself down with the ice cold water from Junsu's fridge. Feeling it slightly working, he walked out of the kitchen and sat down on an empty seat. 




“Don’t start, Jaejoong. I’m not thinking right at this moment.”


“Yoochun you’re about to tear my cushion apart!” Junsu exclaimed as he kept his eyes on the cushion. “It costs me thirty bucks!”


“Ah shut up. I’ll get a new one for you if i do damage it.”


“Sure. At the same time, can you please admit that you’re being greatly affected by that photo? See how you flare up when you saw that photo? You’re still saying that she’s just your fan? Psh.”


“No i am not affected." He denied flatly. "At all.”

At that exact moment, the cushion got torn apart.


“Oops? I can see how you’re not affected by it.” Jaejoong interrupted sarcastically.


“My cushion! Yoochun!”


“I told you i will get a new one...” He pouted, picking up another cushion, hugging it tightly and rolling on the couch.


“Hmmph! While you are here pouting over how your so-called fan is losing interest in you, someone else is closing in on her! I’ll be laughing my head off if Gikwang wins her heart in the end while you are here crying into my cushions!"


“Nahs that will never happen.” Yoochun mumbled into the cushion. “He’s too young for her.”

Both Js exchanged glances at each other with a sly smile on their faces. ‘He’s finally admitting to it? That she is more than just a fan?’


“Age is just a number.” Junsu said.


“No it’s a word.” Yoochun protested.


He rolled his eyes. “I’m being serious here, Yoochun.”


“Me too, Junsu.”


“Jaejoong! Talk some sense in him!” Junsu said, looking over to Jaejoong for some backup.


“Yoochun, people in showbiz mature early. You of all people should understand this the best, Mr Veteran”

Yoochun could only lie there in silence. 'Jaejoong is right.'


“And you know behind that cute face of his, Gikwang is a mature young man. The possibility of them dating each other is pretty high. I mean, a single healthy man and a single healthy woman...”


“Ah shut up, you guys are noisy. I’m going home.” Yoochun said, throwing the cushion away and making his way out. It was evident that Yoochun was extremely affected by what Jaejoong had said once again.


“Remember my cushion.”


“Yaya. Tomorrow.”

After Yoochun walked out of Junsu’s apartment, the two Js sat nearer to each other and started talking.


“Fifty bucks that Yoochun is going to speed down to find the female lead.”


“Hey Junsu! I was going to say that first!”


“Then, fifty bucks that he is going to confess his love for her today!”


Jaejoong gave a cunning smile, “Junsu, it seems like you don’t know Yoochun as much as i do. Fifty bucks he’s not, just because he is a wimp.”




“What are you doing here?” Jiyun asked with a frown on her face, her hands tucked into both sides of her waist. “This is Beast’s waiting tent, and not your private lounge.”

'She is clearly still angry with me...'

He winced at the sarcasm in her words.


“I'm sorry?” He said, unsure.


“Is that a question? You’re asking me if you’re sorry? For being in this tent? If so, then just get out of the tent right now.” She found herself rambling on and on.


“Urm. I was in the wrong. I shouldn’t have said all that the other day.” He said, lowering his head in shame.

He would rather apologize to her than risk having his position in her heart replaced by Gikwang or any other guys, or even worse, getting completely removed from her life.


She looked away. “You shouldn’t have said what?”


“That I have the authority to control your life...” He muttered, walking nearer to her as he said that. “I was just... i don’t know. I just lost it when i realised that you and Gikwang got so close during the weeks that i was away.”


Holding both his hands above his head like a preschooler getting punished, he finally said in a guilty voice, “I'm sorry... forgive me please?”

She briefly glanced at him and realised that Yoochun was indeed feeling guilty for this actions. Taking in a deep breath, she managed to hold back her smile. She couldn’t stay angry at the guy in front of her for long; that’s how important he is to her.

All it takes for her to forgive him is just two words: 'I’m sorry'.


"Can you promise me that you will not interfere with my life again? Whoever i meet or befriend." She asked.


"Yes i promise!" He said, holding one hand up as if to make a pledge.


Jiyun tried hard to stifle the impending giggling fit by biting on her lips. “Under what status are you using when apologising to me?” She asked, “As an idol or a friend?”


He looked down to meet with her smiling eyes. He heaved a sigh of relief. ‘She has forgiven me.’


“Does that really matter?" He asked, his eyes twinkling with affection as his left hand made its way to caress her face. "Jiyun, just know that you’re someone i treasure very much.”

A grin made its way to her face.


“This is the first time you have called me by my name.” She spoke softly, still trying to digest the after effects of him calling out her name.


“If you want, I'll keep calling your name." He grinned. "Jiyun, Jiyun, Jiyun, Jiyun, Jiyun, Jiyun, Jiyun, Jiyun...”


“Ah stop it!” She giggled. “By the way, your hands are freezing cold, how long have you been waiting here?”


“Since 2pm, i suppose...”


She frowned, rubbing his hands in hers, hoping that it will generate some warmth for him. “You have been waiting for 4 hours? In this freezing cold tent?”

He nodded.


“Silly guy.” She smiled, ruffling his already unkempt hair. He had left Junsu's house in such a rush that he had forgotten to make a trip to the washroom to tidy himself up.


“Let’s go home?” He asked, bending his elbow to create a hole so that Jiyun can slip her arm through it.

She did not do so but continued looking at him. Yoochun returned her look with a confused one.


“I’m hungry.” She finally spoke up, looking at him innocently.

The confused look melted into that of a relieved one.


“Ok, lets feed our cute Miss Kim first before going home.” Yoochun suggested, wrapping his arm around her before they started walking towards the exit together.


“Sounds good to me.” She replied happily.


“Yoochun? What are you doing here?” Gikwang suddenly asked. He was just making his way into the tent to retrieve his items before heading home.


“Gikwang, get lo.....” Yoochun started speaking but was given a sharp stab in his waist even before he could finish his sentence. He looked at Jiyun, who was looking less than pleased. “... I mean, Gikwang, i was just waiting for Jiyun here...”


Jiyun smiled. “Kwangie, we were just thinking of getting some dinner together. Do you want to join us?”


“Urm, no thanks...” Gikwang replied. He had caught sight of the fiery stare from Yoochun from the corner of his eyes. “The guys are waiting for me...”


“Ah, don’t keep them waiting. We’ll see you soon, Gikwang!” Yoochun waved happily with his free hand while the other was secured tightly on her shoulder.


“Mr Park, did you just scare him off?” Jiyun asked once Gikwang was out of their view.


“No i didn’t, Miss Kim.”

She stared at him.


“Ok, maybe i did.”


“What an honest boy!” She praised, ruffling his hair happily once more. "Don't do this again, ok?"


“You called him Kwangie.” He stated, biting on his lower lips. “But you call me Mr Park...”


“Uhuh... so?”


“Call me by my name at least...” He mumbled, puffing up his cheeks.


“But i like calling you Mr Park...” Jiyun reasoned, “It’s like a special nickname between us...”


A grin formed on his face as he looked up. “Really?”

Mr Park and Miss Kim. That’s how they called each other during their first meeting. Even though they were already aware of each others' existence way before that...


“Don’t make me repeat myself, Mr Park!” Jiyun replied, a tinge of pink slowly making its way to her cheeks.


“Alright, alright.” He said, his smile never leaving his face. “Let’s go feed our dear Miss Kim now!”


A/N: I was laughing so much today cos of B2st. Oh my gosh XD (and the kakao conv between Yoochun and Junsu... omg i want to join in as well!!! :X)

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It looks similar but chapter 41 has been edited. READ IT if u dun wan to miss out later.


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mikimikimiki #1
Chapter 44: New reader and i love it !!!!!!!! Good jobbb❤️️❤️️❤️️
Really like your story O.M.G. If I'm in jiyun's situation I will also fell in love to yoochun because of his sweet acts, his jealousness, caring, and etc. Gosh Yoochun is really so sweet especially when he able to wait for jiyun for 7 months and how he ask her to be his girlfriend also when he prepare her a small bday party o.m.gee I really fell in love with your story what should I do ?? *fangirling mode* This story Is daebak
anneanne #3
Chapter 44: wow. this fic is really aweLOT. not awesome. AWELOT !! lmao. cant believe that the scene in this fic make its way to my dream. yup. i dreamed it ! thank you so much for sharing this fic !
i think im going to spazz more yoochun just because i read this fic. im at loss of words. just.. THANK YOU ! lalalala~~~~
Chapter 44: So sweet of Yoochun to do that for her birthday & they are just so sweet to each other on this last Chapter! really like this ending & really enjoyed your story! continue on doing good stories as good as this :)
Chapter 43: Jiyun decided to accept his confession so I really like the Chapter because I thought they'll not end up together so will read now the last Chapter ;)
Chapter 42: Jiyun still choose to leave Yoochun even Yoochun tried to make her stay :( will continue reading.
Chapter 41: Jiyun choose to leave Yoochun but looks like the Infinite members had a plan so will continue reading :)
Chapter 39: Jiyun let Shaun to woo her so I'm hoping that Yoochun will confess now or soon before Jiyun may agreed to be Shaun's girlfriend! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 35: Finally their cold war is over & they are back on how they were back then! will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 28: Finally know what Mary had done in the past & she's really bad to do that! Jihyun confessed to Yoochun! really curious on what will happen next so will continue reading :)